Radiant Eagle Soaring Over the Desolate Battlefield

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Name: Radiant Eagle Soaring Over the Desolate Battlefield

Caste: Slayer
Favored Yozi: She Who Lives in Her Name

Motivation: To see the rule of the Dragon-Blooded obliterated utterly - along with the Dragon-Blooded. Urge (Cecylean): Subvert Lookshy's army to his own control

Essence: 4
Personal Essence: 22
Peripheral Essence: 54
(Dedicated Essence: 18)
Essence Recovery:
Willpower: 10
Health: 0/0/-1/-1/-2/-2/-2/-2/-2/-2/-2/-2/-2/-4/-4/-4/Incapacitated

Anima Power: (5 motes to activate, automatically activates at 11+ display for free)

  • -1 external penalty to enemy attack rolls (fear Emotion effect, 5WP to resist for a scene)
  • +2 DV
  • immune to fear effects



  • Dodge MDV: 10
  • Parry MDV: 5 (Presence), 4 (Performance)
  • Dodge DV: 5 (7 with anima up)
  • Parry DV: 6 (with fists; 8 with anima up); 7 (with laser spear; 9 with anima up)


  • Lethal: 14 (+15 CBA, + 10 VLE = 39)
  • Bashing: 14 (+15 CBA, +10 VLE = 39)


  • Lethal: 14 (11 CBA)
  • Bashing: 14 (11 CBA)


Punch (CBA): Speed 5, Accuracy +1 (16), Damage +5B (17B), Defence +2 (PDV: 6), Rate 3, Tags: N

Kick (CBA): Speed 5, Accuracy +0 (15), Damage +6B (18B), Defence -2 (PDV: 4), Rate 2, Tags: N

Clinch (CBA): Speed 6, Accuracy +0 (15), Damage +0 (12B) Rate 1, Tags: C, N, P

Laser Spear: Speed 5, Accuracy +2 (18), Damage +8L/12L (20L/24L), Defence 7, Rate Infinite, Tags: 2, L, R

Punch: Speed 5, Accuracy +1 (16), Damage +0 (10B), Defence +2 (PDV: 6), Rate 3, Tags: N

Kick: Speed 5, Accuracy +0 (15), Damage +3B (13B), Defence -2 (PDV: 4), Rate 2, Tags: N

Clinch: Speed 6, Accuracy +0 (15), Damage +0 (10B) Rate 1, Tags: C, N, P



Compassion: ●+● (-●) [1]
Conviction: ●+●●● (+●) [5]
Temperance: ●+●●●● [5]
Valor: ●+●●● [4]


Backing (Malfeas): ●● [2]
Influence (Malfeas): ●● [2]
Cult: ●● [2]
Manse: ●●●●● [5] (Hearthstone 3)

Maintenance 4

As a Geomantic Nexus (1 CP + Network Node 1 CP) linked to thousands of other Malfeas-aspected manses throughout Hell, it has an effectively limitless Creation Point total, for the Essence-based Manse powers.

Factory-Cathedral (5 CP)
(a)Bound Servant Force (3 CP)
(a)Integrated Essence Artillery (4 CP)
(a)Fortress (2 CP)
(a)Mobile (4 CP)
Essence Vents (1 CP)
Extended Zone of Influence (4 CP)
Consecrated (4 CP)
Indestructible (5 CP)
Mela’s Sweet Whisper (2 CP)
Pasiap’s Buried Whiskers (2 CP)
Sentient (4 CP)

Savant: ● [1]
Tainted Starmetal Celestial Battle Armour (●●●●●) [5]

(Soak: 12L/12B+3L/3B, Hardness: 8L/8B+2L/2B+1L/1B, Mobility: -0, Fatigue: 1, Attune: 10)

Green Iron Heart (●●●●) [4]

(+●●●● Stamina, +●●●● Strenght, +●● Integrity, +● Convinction, -● Compassion, Attune: 8)


Brutal Attack (4 BP)
Can use Strenght instead of Dexterity when calculating Melee or Martial Arts attacks.


Intolerance (Dragon-Blooded of the Realm, the Guild higher-ups) (+3 BP)
When the character encounters the trigger, his player must successfully roll Compassion against a difficulty of 3 lest the character become immediately hostile to the hated person. While active, an intolerance inflicts a three-die penalty on all social actions taken by the character against the other person except for intimidation. The player may spend one Willpower to ignore the effects of a failed Compassion roll for the scene.

Dimnished Sense (Taste) (+1 BP)
The character has no sense of taste and automatically fails all Perception rolls to identify a substance by taste.


Large (Pox; 1 BP)

+1 Strength, +1 Stamina, +1 -0 HL

Hungry (Deficiency; +1BP)

Must consume more food than normal, gets hungry more easily, -1 penalty to Survival checks to find food


Physical: (9+3BP)

  • Strenght:●+●●●● (+●●●●) (+●●) (+●) [12]
  • Dexterity:●+●●●● [5]
  • Stamina:●+●●●● (+●●●●) (+●) [10]

Social: (6)

  • Charisma:●+●● [3]
  • Manipulation:●+●●● [4]
  • Appearance:●+● [2]

Mental: (7)

  • Perception:●+●● [3]
  • Wits:●+●● [3]
  • Intelligence:●+●●● [4]


Slayer: (50)

  • Archery:●●●● [4]
+1 Beams
  • Martial Arts:●●●●+● [4] [+1 Advancement]
  • Melee:●●●●● [5]
+2 Daiklaves, +1 Spears
  • Thrown:● [1]
  • War:●+●●●● [5]
+1 Strategy


  • Integrity:●●●●● (+●● Green Iron Heart) [7]
  • Performance:●●● [3]
+1 Public Speeches, +1 Mocking Enemies
  • Presence:●●●●● [5]
+1 Intimidation, +1 Interrogation
  • Resistance:●+●●●● [5]
  • Survival: [0]


  • Craft: [0]
  • Investigation:● [1]
  • Lore:●●●● [4]
  • Medicine: [0]
  • Occult:●● [2]


  • Athletics:●+●●●● [5]
  • Awareness:● [1]
  • Dodge:● [1]
  • Lacerny: [0]
  • Stealth: [0]


  • Bureaucracy:●●
+1 Rule of Law
  • Linguistics:●●● (Native: Riverspeak; Old Realm, High Realm, Low Realm)
  • Ride:
  • Sail:●●
  • Socialize:●●



First Malfeas Excellency (free)

Second Malfeas Excellency (free)

Effortless Malfeas Dominance (free)

Reduces Excellency cost by 1 for each use during the scene

Malfeas Mythos Exultant (free)

Double mote reward for successful Malfeas-appropriate stunts

Malfeas Inevitability Technique (free)

So Speaks Malfeas (free)

Hardened Devil Body x2
Cost: —; Mins: Essence 1; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Stackable
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: None

Though the Yozis are beyond awareness of most damage, let alone threatened by it, their servants can only manage to embody a fraction of this durability. This Charm may be purchased a maximum number of times equal to the lesser of (Stamina or Resistance). Each purchase gives the Inferna

By Pain Reforged
Cost: 1hl; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: None

Pain puts life in perspective, pushing aside all other distractions. This is the simplest truth Malfeas has learned from his imprisonment within himself. Use of this Charm allows an Infernal to ignore all negative effects associated with bashing damage she has suffered. Such injuries do not cause wound penalties or slow her down in any way. If reduced to Incapacitated by bashing wounds, she does not fall unconscious, but remains fully aware as further bashing trauma converts to lethal. Aggravated and lethal injuries penalize characters protected by this Charm normally. When this Charm ends, all suspended penalties resume immediately.

Purity of Madness Defence
Cost: — (1 Limit); Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: By Pain Reforged

The Demon City is his own architect and does not abide the designs of other artists marring the blueprints of his will. Whenever the Infernal would be altered by a Shaping effect that qualifies as an attack (see Exalted, p. 179), that effect becomes Obvious to his senses so he can make an informed decision before permitting or rejecting the change. Resistance perfectly negates the changes at the cost of gaining one point of Limit from the strain of asserting inviolability. Infernals with Essence 3+ may also use this Charm to stop Shaping effects from altering any owned inanimate object within three yards, though each change to each separate object requires another point of Limit to stop.

Scar-Writ Saga Shield x3
Cost: —; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: By Pain Reforged

Malfeas does not quietly accept his tortured inversion, but builds up calloused layers and folds them in a vain attempt to seal his wounds and inoculate against future injury. Such efforts cannot achieve their goal, but incidentally toughen the Demon City further. The first purchase of this Charm raises the character’s natural lethal soak to her Stamina rating (rather than half) and gives her bashing Hardness equal to her Stamina. The second purchase of Scar-Writ Saga Shield requires Essence 3+ and adds the character’s Essence rating to her natural bashing and lethal soak. Her Hardness remains unaffected. An Infernal needs Essence 4+ to buy this Charm a third time, at which point her natural bashing and lethal Hardness increase to match her natural soak. Additionally, attackers with a permanent Essence at least four dots less than the Infernal can no longer inflict minimum damage to her with their attacks if they fail to penetrate her soak.

Viridian Legend Exoskeleton x2
Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple (Speed 7)
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Scar-Writ Saga Shield (x1)

A fine patina of blue-green tarnish rapidly spreads like mold over the character’s body, flaking away to reveal a more durable layer of shining brass etched with maddening spiral patterns and Old Realm characters that tell the stories of Malfeas and foretell the punishments he would inflict upon his enemies. Players of observers literate in Old Realm receive a three-die bonus on all Occult rolls to know such facts while they can see the Infernal. These characters glow pale green, impairing their bearer’s stealth as per a four- to seven-mote anima banner display. Viridian Legend Exoskeleton is not studied for its luminous history lessons, however. The exoskeleton of living brass provides powerful armor with the following statistics: Soak +10L/+10B, with no mobility or fatigue penalty. This organic alloy has Hardness equal to its soak against attacks made without help of a Charm or artifact weapon. By default, this Charm is incompatible with other armor. Infernals with Essence 4+ may purchase this Charm a second time, allowing the exoskeleton to grow around and reinforce existing armor. This hybrid armor can’t be removed while the Charm is active and has the combined soak of the two armors, the best Hardness values between the armors, no fatigue or movement penalties and all other powers either armor possessed (such as Hardness equaling soak against nonmagical attacks). This purchase also increases the Charm’s duration to Indefinite.

Pathetic Distraction Rebuke
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: By Pain Reforged

Having been humbled once, Malfeas is not keen to repeat the experience. This Charm enhances any attempt to parry an incoming attack, allowing the Infernal to ignore all penalties that apply to her Parry DV (regardless of which Ability or weapon she uses to block). If the Exalt has By Pain Reforged active, she also adds the greatest wound penalty she should suffer as a bonus to her Parry DV and can block lethal or ranged attacks with an unarmed parry. Infernals may purchase this Charm a second time, in which case, each use of Pathetic Distraction Rebuke cumulatively reduces the cost to do so again by one mote until the Exalt’s next action. For example, the cost to defend against a flurry with four attacks would be six motes (3m + 2m + 1m + 0m).

Invulnerable Wounding Futility
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Pathetic Distraction Rebuke (x1)

The foolish and the mad sometimes beat their fists against the impregnable walls of the Demon City as though they might crack anything but their own hands. The meaningless rhythms of their blows soothe the Yozi’s raging heart to laughter. Invulnerable Wounding Futility momentarily hardens the Infernal’s body into a passive weapon upon which attackers crash and break.

Ablation of Brass and Fire
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Invulnerable Wounding Futility

In his torment, Malfeas sheds constant layers in a vain effort to expand past his oaths. The wholesale destruction of a single layer and its inhabitants to push out unwanted injury is as inconsequential as the natural shedding of dead skin. By use of this Charm, an Infernal confidently steps into the path of an attack and chooses for it to hit him full on. The deliberateness of his interposed self perfectly parries the attack regardless of whether it is normally blockable. This Charm can also defend against any environmental hazards (including falling), though it must be activated at each interval at which the hazard inflicts damage. This Charm is a form of parry, not a soak, so the attack doesn’t count as having hit when it uselessly impacts the Infernal’s body with a spray of sparks and brass shavings. This Charm suffers the Imperfection of the Demon City.

Nightmare Fugue Vigilance
Cost: —; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: By Pain Reforged

The Infernal exists at the cusp between sleeping and waking, unable to shake the nagging suspicion that everything she experiences is merely a dream. She truly slumbers only to commune with her subconscious and then only to refresh her psyche in contemplation of terrible things. This Charm permanently improves the character so that she ignores all penalties from sleep deprivation and can always stay awake without a roll. However, when she does choose to sleep, she suffers an internal penalty of -1 on all rolls to regain Willpower upon awakening from the disturbing content of her dreams.

By Agony Empowered
Cost: —; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Nightmare Fugue Vigilance

This Charm permanently improves By Pain Reforged, allowing that Charm to ignore deleterious effects from lethal damage. In addition, if lethal damage would reduce the Infernal below Incapacitated while he is using By Pain Reforged, the damage does not continue into his Dying levels, instead upgrading existing lethal wounds into aggravated damage. Once the Infernal has aggravated wounds in all health levels, further damage can mortally wound or kill him normally. When purchased, By Agony Empowered does not mitigate penalties imposed by aggravated damage. Infernals with Essence 5+ may ignore even these penalties, fighting to the last breath without any sign of slowing or acknowledging their wounds.

Insignificant Embers Intuition
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None

The heart of Malfeas burns jealously, invisible tongues grasping like talons at the lesser flames smoldering in other souls. This Charm enhances any standard (Perception + Awareness) roll to notice sensory details about a targeted being. In addition to whatever other information the character notices with any threshold of success, the Infernal also discerns the strength and aspect of the target’s Essence relative to his own. The Storyteller should communicate this information numerically, even though the experience is more abstract and typically involves some form of personalized synesthesia. Anyone observing this Charm in use may notice a momentary green glint that flashes in the Infernal’s eye with a reflexive (Perception + Awareness) roll at difficulty 4. This telltale sign does not make the Charm Obvious, so astute observers will have to draw their own conclusions. This Charm is not a means of bypassing stealth and costs no motes when activated by Infernals with Essence 4+, though it still requires a Charm activation.

Green Sun Nimbus Flare
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Insignificant Embers Intuition

The Infernal’s blows spark and seethe with the acid-green radiance of Malfeas’s heart, burning opponents. Green Sun Nimbus Flare may enhance any physical attack whose target is (Essence) yards or less away. If the attack inflicts any levels of damage, this Charm then inflicts two additional levels of unsoakable lethal damage from fiery tongues of Primordial Essence erupting from the wound. This damage is applied after the damage for the wound transmitting

Cold Fire Desolation Brand
Cost: —; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Sickness
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Green Sun Nimbus Flare

When Malfeas strikes down the impudent, only the most fortunate die quickly. This Charm permanently improves Green Sun Nimbus Flare, causing all burns that Charm inflicts to automatically infect their victims with Green Sun Wasting (see p. 110). Infernals with Essence 4+ inflict a disease with penalties that start at full strength rather than building over the course of hours, though this does not accelerate other symptoms. With Essence 5+, Cold Fire Desolation Brand infects victims with Final Viridescence. At Essence 6+, the type of Final Viridescence is so extreme that only magical treatment can remove it; all Morbidity checks automatically fail absent such magic.

Gifts of Invisible Flame
Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Sickness, Sorcerous, Touch
Duration: Special
Prerequisite Charms: Cold Fire Desolation Brand

The Infernal touches an object (see Exalted p. 213) and bathes it in the Essence of Malfeas. Although the item does not appear any different to normal senses, all forms of Essence perception can automatically sense the terrible power radiating from it. Any being that isn’t native to Malfeas must check for exposure to Green Sun Wasting (see p. 110) every full hour that they spend within one yard of the tainted object. If the object is consumed, infection is automatic. The Virulence of this infection starts at 6 and drops by 1 per week. If a tainted object is scattered among non-tainted goods (such as when poisoning a well or a grain silo), the Storyteller should assign a reduced Virulence proportional to the level of contaminant present. Once there is more non-tainted material than tainted in an object, the effect is too dilute to do more than induce mild queasiness. Infernals with Essence 4+ may target themselves with this Charm as if they were objects. At Essence 6+, the speed of infection increases so that potential victims must make an exposure check as soon as they enter into range of a cursed object (and after every full hour of exposure thereafter).

Sun-Salted Fields
Cost: 15m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Sickness, Sorcerous
Duration: (Essence rating) days
Prerequisite Charms: Gifts of Invisible Flame

Though the Green Sun of the primeval epoch once nourished the land and life, the heart of Malfeas is mad and terrible, poisoned against all he once ruled. Upon activating this Charm, the Infernal’s anima radiates a burst of Malfean Essence that fills a radius of 50 yards. Normal senses can’t detect this burst, though Essence users feel a characteristic, nauseating tingle as long as they remain among the lingering energies. Essence-based perception instantly recognizes the burst as if the Charm were Obvious. In its passage, the burst poisons the air, the land and even space itself. The healthy green of foliage sickens unnaturally over the span of a week with a fine patina of tarnish on every leaf. Any being that isn’t native to Malfeas must check for exposure to Green Sun Wasting (see p. 110) every full hour that they spend within the blight at a Virulence of the Exalt’s Essence rating. Each day that passes reduces the disease’s Virulence by 1 until it fades completely and the area becomes healthy again. Whenever an Infernal who knows this Charm dies, she may reflexively bathe her surroundings in blight

Rebuking Impudent Arms
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Sorcerous
Duration: Instant/one minute
Prerequisite Charms: Cold Fire Desolation Brand

In the time before time, weapons knew their place, and even the sharpest blades dulled lest they scratch the King of the Primordials where he tread. The passing of Ages has diminished the world, but arsenals may yet be reminded of their place. This Charm can enhance any disarm attempt within the range limit of Green Sun Nimbus Flare. If the attack hits, the weapon superheats and glows brilliant green as if Ligier held it. Mortal weapons melt into slag or crumble to ash on the spot. Artifact weapons and those formed entirely of Essence are unharmed but remain superheated for a minute afterward, increasing the difficulty of the wielder’s roll to resist the disarm attempt by 2. Anyone holding a superheated weapon suffers one level of unsoakable lethal damage per action of contact (or fraction thereof). If the wielder forgoes the roll to maintain control and drops the superheated weapon immediately or that weapon is vaporized, he suffers no damage. Because the fire ignited by Rebuking Impudent Arms burns through Yozi power rather than heat alone, flame-resistant adversaries have as much to fear from this Charm as anyone else. Appropriate countermagic can cool a heated artifact back to normal temperature.

Vitriolic Corona Endowment x2
Cost: 6m, 1lhl; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Touch
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Rebuking Impudent Arms

The Infernal brandishes her weapon and salutes the sky with it, drawing and readying that weapon for use as part of activating this Charm. Green light falls upon the weapon from distant skies, superheating it as per Rebuking Impudent Arms for the rest of the scene. The Infernal becomes immune to the heat of her enchanted weapon once it chars one lethal level of damage from her hand. While this enchantment lasts, the Exalt may activate Green Sun Nimbus Flare to enhance any of the glowing weapon’s attacks as an innate power rather than a Charm activation, though this still costs the usual motes. With a second purchase of this Charm, she can summon a spear of radiant green light in lieu of enchanting an existing weapon. The spear has all the statistics of an attuned dire lance with no magical material bonus and the following improvements: infinite Rate, aggravated damage to gods and the usual enhancements provided by a single purchase of this Charm. Like all infinite rate weapons, this spear can’t attack in the absence of any dice pool to do so, even with additional successes supplied by Excellencies or other Charms.

Wrath-Stoked Bonfire Soul
Cost: —; Mins: Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Green Sun Nimbus Flare

The Infernal feeds the cosmic fires that rage within her. She inflicts up to (Essence) lethal levels of damage with Green Sun Nimbus Flare rather than a flat 2L. This damage is aggravated against gods. If she has Essence 6+, her surges inflict aggravated damage to all targets, though she may still vary the number of levels inflicted with each use. The bodies of victims killed by an augmented flare twist inside out as they burn, leaving jagged bone fragments penetrating like haphazard quills from between ropy masses of viscera and slabs of folded meat hot with boiled gore. The cadavers mummify over time but do not naturally decay. Natural animals will starve to death before they scavenge such remains, and even erymanthoi won’t lick the marrow from the refuse. Curiously, starving humans seldom have such qualms and can eat the preserved corpses centuries later if they stumble upon them, but humans were always filthy creatures.

Triumph of the Will
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Nightmare Fugue Vigilance

Malfeas will tolerate nothing which stands between him and the execution of his will. Those who attempt to do so rarely survive to make the effort again. This Charm may enhance any attack directed at a character being protected by a Defend Other action. If the Infernal successfully strikes his original target, all of the attack roll's remaining successes are counted twice for the purpose of determining damage. If the warlock aborts to strike his target's defender instead, then he counts his Strength and remaining successes twice for the purpose of determining damage. At Essence 5+, attacks redirected against a defender count Strength and remaining successes three times rather than twice. At Essence 7+ this becomes a fourfold increase. A second purchase of this Charm grants the Infernal the option to pay a two mote surcharge in step 7 to knock the character he hits back on a successful strike. In addition to the Charm’s usual effects, the unfortunate is hurled ([Charisma + Presence] x 5) yards, and if he strikes any unyielding surface, he takes dice of bashing damage equal to the number of remaining yards he did not travel (or lethal damage at the Storyteller’s discretion, depending on the surface in question).

Star-Piercing Spear of Glory
Cost: —; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Vitriolic Corona
Endowment (x2)

This Charm upgrades the spear conjured by repurchasing Vitriolic Corona Endowment. The summoned spear may fire blasts of cosmic energy as an alternative to close combat use. These blasts may be fired with a range increment of (Essence x 5) yards using Archery or Melee and require no ammunition or additional cost. Ranged attacks with the spear otherwise follow the same rules as attacking in close combat. With Essence 4+ the Infernal can hurl bolts with identical statistics from any part of his body, even without summoning the spear.

She Who Lives in Her Name:

First She Who Lives in Her Name Excellency (free)

Second She Who Lives in Her Name Excellency (free)

Effortless She Who Lives in Her Name Dominance (free)

Reduces Excellency cost by 1 for each use during the scene

She Who Lives in Her Name Mythos Exultant (free)

Double mote reward for successful She Who Lives in Her Name-appropriate stunts

She Who Lives in Her Name Inevitability Technique (free)

So Speaks She Who Lives in Her Name (free)

Factual Determination Analysis (Advancement)
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None

The Principle of Hierarchy recognizes the totality of truth. This Charm may be used to test any statement the Exalt reads or overhears and provides the Infernal with certain knowledge of whether the statement was presented as a complete truth. Any intentional deception or meaningful omission of relevant data in any part of the tested statement returns the same negative response, so it is best to test a long statement frequently to isolate where the truth breaks down. If this Charm contests another, add the Infernal’s Essence rating in bonus successes to the roll-off. Truth is measured from the perspective of the speaker rather than based on objective truth. Factual Determination Analysis does not supply the truth along with its binary measure.

Essence-Dissecting Stare (Advancement)
Cost: Special (see below); Mins: Essence 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: One hour
Prerequisite Charms: Factual Determination Analysis

She Who Lives In Her Name sees all that matters. This Charm duplicates the benefits of All-Encompassing Sorcerer’s Sight (see Exalted, p. 222) apart from its type and duration. The cost to activate this Charm is (8 - [lower of Perception or Occult]) motes normally or zero motes if the Infernal has Essence 6+.

Counter-Conceptual Interposition (Advancement)
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Shaping
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Essence-Dissecting Stare

Faced with any physical attack, the Principle of Hierarchy may reshape reality to produce a phenomenon or event capable of neutralizing the attack. This Charm is a perfect parry against any attack the Infernal can perceive, even unblockable attacks. The default manifestation is an orb of crystalline fire that appears in the path of the attack, shattering to stop the blow or projectile just before it hits the Exalt. Where the sphere shatters, a ripple of bent space flows out like a stone dropped into a pond. It is possible to manifest any instant duration effect that could provide a parry, however, such as a spray of water to snuff out a firewand’s torrent or a concussive thunderclap that knocks aside an incoming arrow. Such variations are stunts, so creative use can reduce the cost of the Charm to match the perfect defenses of other Yozis. Counter-Conceptual Interposition is vulnerable to the Imperfection of the Principle of Hierarchy.



Total: 40 XP

Session 1: +20 XP Session 2: +20 XP

10 days of training

-7: Martial Arts 5 (Immediate) -8: Triumph of the Will (2 days) -8: Factual Determination Analysis (2 Days) -8: Essence-Dissecting Stare (2 Days) -8: Counter-Conceptual Interposition (2 Days)

1/40 XP left.