Technocrat Shu

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Revision as of 02:08, 4 November 2010 by Kerrus (talk | contribs)
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Name: Ran Kurenai
Concept: cyberswordsman from Outpost Alpha
Tagline: "Why doesn't everyone have a jetpack?"
Signature Skill: Jetpack
Convention: Iterator

Arete: 4 (8 fp) (24 xp)
Willpower: 8 (3 fp)
Quint: 2
Paradox: 3
Armour: 2
Countermagick: d1

Merits (8 points):

Daredevil (3 points)
Self-Confident (5 points)


Bizarre Hunger (Gasoline) (3 points)
Achronism (2 point) (From outpost Alpha, unfamiliar with 'backtime' stuff. Like 'cars')
Rose Coloured Mirrorshades (2 points)
Echoes - Terminator (Inexplicable Australian Accent) (2 points)
Distorted Image - Ran inexplicably looks like the Governor of California in all visual media. (1 point)

Physical (7)

Strength: 1 +2 = 3 (+3 Exomuscle = 5)
Dexterity: 1 +3 = 4 (+2 Exomuscle = 5)
Stamina: 1 +2 = 3 (+3 Exomuscle = 5)

Social (3)

Charisma: 1 +2 = 3
Manipulation: 1 +1 =2
Appearance: 1

Mental (5)

Perception: 1 +1 = 2
Intelligence: 1 +3 = 4
Wits: 1 +1 = 2

Talents (9)

Awarenes: 2
Alertness: 2
Athletics: 3
Dodge: 2

Skills (13)

Melee: 3 + 1 (6xp)

Knowledges (5)

Technology: 2
Hypertech: 3

Backgrounds (7)

Avatar 2 (2)
ADEI (5)
Exomuscle (6) (6 fp)


Forces 3+1=4 (21 xp) [Electricity]
Prime 3


1. How much does a Primium Buster Sword cost?
2. Is 'Cutting' a good forces specialty?