Lucinda McRae

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Revision as of 19:29, 5 September 2010 by Aeon (talk | contribs)
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Concept - Changeling Survivor


Tall, willowy and pale, with green eyes and long, straight, pale blond hair. Her ears, normally hidden beneath her hair, appear slightly pointed - moreso when she uses her magic. She tends to dress in long, simple dresses of dark fabric, with high collars and long sleeves.


A changeling left by the Fey to replace a stolen human child. Against all odds, Lucinda survived, maturing into a magically gifted, if somewhat sickly young woman. A daydreamer with her head perpetually in the clouds, she is quiet and bookish for the most part, though she exhibits a quirky playfulness in social situations. Her motives for coming to the Clock Tower are ambiguous, but seem to revolve around her quest to understand her own fey nature, and uncover the whereabouts of her 'biological' parents.


Natural Mana Regain - Dream Eating (4 CP)
Cloaked - Rank 1 (2 CP)


Supernatural - Fey-Blood (2 CP something)


Physical: 2 (3 CP)
Endurance: 1 (1 CP)
Intelligence: 4 (10 CP)
Integrity: 2 (3 CP)
Charisma: 4 (10 CP)
Perception: 2 (3 CP)


1 (free)


Magic Circuit - 3 (24 CP)
Spiritualism - 2 (9 CP)
Puppetry - 1 (3 CP)