Harawayan Slang

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Harawayian Slang

Alt an object that exists only in augmented reality
Black A baseline/A baseline living on Haraway
Brit New Mercian or Londenium
Bumpkin (derog.) A violet
Clone An Orange, any bioroid
Face Augmented reality cosmetics or clothing
Floater (derog.) someone who refuses to work/someone who refuses to pull their weight
Franco (derog.) A Spaniard
Lace An augmented reality system
Lander (derog.) an arrogant city dweller
Misan Someone completely over the top in how much they hate foreigners
Meshed an area with a lot of augmented reality
Nabi (derog.) Natural Birth, a baseline.
Opium Any recreational drug
P.C. (derog.) Pocket Calculator: A Yellow advisor to a Green. Also 'Laptop'
C.P (derog.) A Green working for a Yellow or Blue professional
Pink A Valeran
Princess A Kanonian
Rico Someone from PACT
Spare (derog.) a male.
Specs Tourists, referring to the AR glasses they usually wear
Shark Any large marine predator
The World Haraway's World
Viper A violet only recently back from the wilderness
Viking A Nidorian
White a non-colour transgene
Tommy (derog.) Someone from Britain on Earth, a Royal Marine
Yurp (derog.) A European, sometimes used by Harawayian military units to indicate any enemy.

Harawayian Military Slang

Bravo The limited artifical intelligent computer most Harawayian combat troops carry
Brick ZOCU Combined Militia
Breaker An orbital weapon, an orbital strike
Browns Genetically boosted New Mercian troops
Calliopes An AA weapon.
Chess Set Any army with aristocratic officers, Also Chess Piece as in "Do not show us up in front of some damn Chess Piece"
Dopp A Doppelsoldner mobile suit, any advanced Core Mobile suit
Drone Any military robot
Drake An EU warship
Frosty Someone assigned to Harawayian Army New Mercia or Harawayian Aerospace Force New Mercia
Go-Go Doll A magnate replica, any foreign bioroid built specifically for combat.
Icebox New Mercia
Lam An easy target in air combat, from Lambert
Militia Spirit Combat Drugs and or motivational bullshit
Mini-Map any augmented reality used in combat
Melon A Green serving in a combat arm
Mecha A mobile suit
Shade Terrain that can be used as shelter from an air or orbital strike
Shy To avoid work
Sugar A mega particle beam
Squids in Space (Aerospace force) Any space force that refers to its self as a navy
Stealth A stealth Aerospace vehicle
Voodoo Patrol Any mission into the infected Sunside Zone on New Mercia
Zombie Someone infected with Agent Black