Frederick Shepherd

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Frederick Shepherd
I've had enough of your disingenuous assertions. [Right Hook]
Over sixty years old, Shepherd has seen it all and done it all as a member of an elite special forces group. After his eruption restored him to the prime of youth (in fact, better than new!) he has a new purpose, and it might put him at odds with the party. Although charismatic as all hell, he has an undercurrent of vengefulness that is barely kept suppressed by a will that's honed to an edge finer than any blade. Now he works as a freelance mercenary or troubleshooter, although there are rumors that he's hooked up with... less savory types.
Nature: Bravo


7/5/3+12 Attributes
23+30 (53) Ability Points, 12 Specialties


Physical 7+4
Strength 5 ([Right Hook])

Mega Strength 2 (Pack Mule)
Might 3

Dexterity 5 (Ninja)

Mega Dexterity 2 (Enhanced Movement)
Athletics 5
Drive 2
Humvees + 1
Firearms 5
Heavy Weapons +3
Martial Arts 5
Face Punching + 2
Melee 5
Stealth 5

Stamina 4 (Hurting Me Only Pisses Me Off)

Mega Stamina 2 (Resiliency x 2, Hardbody, Robust, Regeneration)
Endurance 3
Resistance 3


Mental 5+3

Perception 5 (Steely-Eyed Veteran)
Mega-Perception 2 (Quantum Attunement)
Awareness 4
Detecting Ambushes +1

Intelligence 4 (Well-Read)

Mega-Intelligence 1 (Tactical Prodigy)
Academics 3
Military History + 1
Linguistics 4 (Arabic, English, Chinese, German, Pashtun)
Intrusion 2
Medicine 2
Survival 2

Wits 5 (Combat Reflex)

Mega-Wits 1 (Enhanced Initiative, Quickness)
Rapport 5
Detecting Lies + 1
Tactics 3
Small-Unit + 1


Social 3+5

Charisma 5 (Commanding)
Mega-Charisma 1 (Commanding Presence)
Command 3
Military + 2
Manipulation 3
Interrogation 3
Appearance 4 (Grizzled Veteran)
Intimidation 2



Followers 5
His former squad will follow him into hell.
Backing 3
(Cerberus) No you aren't cleared for that.
Cipher 2
You're not cleared for that information either.
Resources 3

Bonus Points

40 BP (is a badass)

13 BP for merits (Iron Will, High Pain Tolerance, Combat Veteran, Acute Sight, Natural Leader)
14 BP for +7 Willpower
15 BP for +3 Attributes
1 BP for +1 Background
+2 BP for Vengeful
+1 BP for "Costume Fetish" (must always be armed at all times)


Acute Sight: +1d to all sight awareness rolls.
Combat Veteran: Rolls 2 dice for Initiative, always takes higher of 2 results.
High Pain Tolerance: -1 to all wound penalties.
Iron Will: Pay only 1 wp to shrug off any mental influence.
Natural Leader: +1d for leadership rolls, +2d if leading from the fornt.


Vengeful: Is a dick whenever slighted.
Costume Fetish: Always must be armed.

Nova Points


-1 for 5 Backgrounds
-1 for Psychic Shield 1
-33 for 11 Mega-Attributes (Mega-Int 1, Mega-Wits 1, Mega-Strength 2, Mega-Stamina 2, Mega-Dexterity 2, Mega-Perception 2, Mega-Charisma 1)
-15 for 5 Enhancements
-5 for 12 Attribute Dots
-6 for 30 Ability Dots, 12 Specialties

Quantum Stuff

Quantum 1

Quantum Pool 22

Taint 0

Temporary Taint 0/10


Psychic Shield 1 (+2 successes against mental powers)


Advanced Body Armor
Knives x Many
Grenades x Many
Multishot Grenade Launcher
Assault Rifle or Small Railgun
Ultra Machine Gun or Portable Laser in serious situations


Initiative 18 + 2d10 (choose higher)

Soak 10B/4L/4A + 4B/2L/2A (M-Sta) + 6B/6L (Advanced Body Armor) = 20B/12L/6A

-2 dice penalty to dodging and other athletics actions

Dodge is (8d + 2)

Willpower 10

Temporary Willpower 10

Health Levels:

[ ] -0 x 4
[ ] -0 x 3
[ ] -0 x 3
[ ] -0 x 3
[ ] -0 x 3
[ ] -1 x 3
[ ] Incapacitated


Strike: 10d + 2, Damage 7B + [10]
Kick: 10d + 1, Damage 9B + [10]
Knife: 10d + 2, Damage 7L
Throwing Knives: 10d + 2, Damage 7L + [10], Range 400m
Thrown Grenades: 10d + 2, Damage [Grenade], Range 400m
Grenade Launcher: 11d + 2, Damage [Grenade], RoF 2, Magazine 6, Range 400m
HEAP: Damage 10L + [8]
Frag: Accuracy +2 (13d + 2) Damage 10L, blast radius 3m (full)/6m (half)
Flash: Damage 2B, blinds targets as Strobe 2
WP: Damage 8L, Continuous (halved every turn after first)
Assault Rifle: Accuracy 10d + 2, Damage 7L, RoF 45, Magazine 50, Range 50m
Small Railgun: Accuracy 12d/16d + 2, Damage 11L/9L, RoF 6, Magazine 20, Range 750m
Portable Laser: Accuracy 15d + 2, Damage 15L + [12], RoF 1, Magazine 10, Range 1000m, mass 100 kg
Ultra Machine Gun: Accuracy 13d + 2, Damage 15L + [12], RoF 450, Magazine 500, Range 200m, mass 500 kg + 500 kg for 500 rds
Damage is given per 25-rd burst, a 25-rd burst is the equivalent of a single "shot"


Take enemies out quietly whenever possible. Dodge and take cover if forced into direct combat, wait for a good shot, and then go loud. Always bring buddies to provide sniper support with rifles or small railguns.


0 XP