Vajeyan Invasion

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Vajeyan invasion notes by MJ12 Commando 06:53, 13 October 2008 (UTC)
Discussion page is now active. -Ezekiel

Current obstacles

Highest Priority

-2. Listen to this song repeatedly until someone gets a brilliant idea. [1]
-1. And this one for that matter. [[2]]
0. Avoid 'pulling a Rumsfeld'. Research OIF and the aftermath of the invasion thoroughly.

High Priority

1. Lack of intelligence data-very little known, spies are currently in a "deep shit situation".
2. Military force-interm data shows Vajeya has ~10 BBs, ~12 cruisers, ~20-30 smaller craft, + fighter support. As of Jan 2196, available assets to the coalition are 2 superbattleships (low-cap), 6 battleships (low-cap), 2 battleships (high-cap), 1 battlecruiser (high cap), 6 escort cruisers, 2 heavy cruisers, and 2 stealth attack cruisers (very high cap), as well as 1 super mobile armor (high-cap, Sakuradite armed). Although force dispositions seem to tentatively imply superiority in combat power it is unknown how superior this will be, as well as unknown how much firepower the Vajeyans have that they can call upon at a moment's notice.
3. It is currently unknown how hard the military will fight against a foreign invader. It is also unknown what the disposition, morale, and training of Vajeyan soldiers is like. Obviously if the military has high morale losses will be far greater.

Medium Priority

4. Logistical distance-it will take several months for reinforcements to get to Vajeya proper in case of need. However, poorly surveyed systems near Vajeya are excellent positions to emplace forward operations centers, which can greatly reduce the distance needed. The caveat is, of course, that the combined force is looking at requiring thousands of supply and helium-3 upkeep, and the fabricators emplaced there will perhaps be able to supply 10-15% of the supply needs, and none of the He-3.
5. Securing the planet and the area will take hundreds of thousands of infantry and many vessels. Best case is to take as many of the Vajeyan vessels intact as possible, as that would allow us to press those into service for anti-piracy duties and securing the planet itself.
6. Ground force assault-although it is almost certain that Adharan infantry (the brunt of the ground force) will be far superior to Vajeyan counterparts, Adhara is currently light on armored units. Marshall's potential contribution of 1 Landship is useful but cannot be in more than one place at one time. Furthermore, landing poses a potential risk.

Low Priority

7. Civilian resistance may be a factor. However, as Vajeya is a facist world with authoritarian tendencies, it is unlikely to have a large amount of freely available arms, as well as a large populace familiar with weapons, explosives, or other tools of armed resistance.
8. Post-war occupation problems-Vajeya is a strong contributor to law and order, if toppled the coalition must step in to stabilize that area of the Rim.
9. PR backlash?
10. Blue Balls

Current operation plan

Setting Up Logistics Depot

1. (tentatively starting 11/2195 or 12/2195) DFS-007 is tentatively designated "Firebase Rumsfeld" for this operation. All coalition participants are to transport portable (i.e. fabricator) industry to DFS-007 to shorten supply lines. We will set up a defended field base there to ensure that there will be easy access to war materiel. All powers will attempt to acquire additional fabricators for this purpose.
2. (tentative start: 03-04/2196?) Firebase Rumsfeld will be used to operate recon and sigint missions (stealthed recon units) into Vajeyan territory, as well as potentially infiltrating additional covert operations teams in to gather HUMINT if the situation is prime for this.

Preparing for Invasion

1. (tentative start: 03-04/2196?) All fabricators stationed at Firebase Rumsfeld will first be tasked with constructing local defenses (orbital defense systems, infantry drones, sensors systems) to ensure that our local outpost can be held. Failure to hold the outpost will mean failure of this entire operation. Meanwhile, convoys carrying helium-3 as well as reinforcements will be sent to DFS-007 for additional combat power during the assault.
2. (tentative start: 04-05/2196?) Firebase Rumsfeld's fabricator systems will switch to producing necessary supplies in preparation for the invasion proper.
3. (tentative start: 03-04/2196?) Special operations deployment to Vajeya to train dissidents into an armed insurgency. The distraction value, if nothing else, is likely to outweigh the risks of this procedure. If the miners can be marshalled into providing assistance during the occupation, they could be invaluable.
4. (tentative start: 03-04/2196?) Recon flights to Vajeya must continue to update ourselves on the situation.

Invasion (will be filled out more later)

1. (tentative start: 06-07/2196?) Combat assets will attack Vajeya in force. All transport assets will remain at Firebase Rumsfeld until the fleet can ensure that all orbital assets belonging to Vajeya are neutralized.
2. (tentative start: 06-07/2196?) If Vajeyan fleet is neutralized, landing operations will proceed.

Ground Assault

If successful, the end goal is to take the Vajeyan planet by force of arms. It is unlikely that the government will surrender, and therefore we must plan for a ground campaign.

Priorities for the ground campaign are:
1. Seizing Vajeyan fabricator systems for use. If captured, Vajeyan fabricators will allow in-system resupply. If seized, it is debatable whether they should be kept on Vajeya (advantages: closer to fleet, easier access) or moved to Firebase Rumsfeld (advantages: safer). Possessing these fabricators will not eliminate our supply problems, but greatly mitigate them unless constant combat is expected. Even then, being able to make our supplies last far longer greatly increases the success potential of this plan. After seizure, resources should be diverted to upgrading their firmware and software to TL4 standards.
2. Capturing the seat of government. The capitol is most likely a symbol of the government. Capturing it successfully and capturing the leaders will very likely be a blow to morale that will make all further operations much easier to accomplish. However, if this is botched and severe losses are taken, the entire operation may backfire.
3. Seizing military stockpiles. As tentatively known, Vajeya's miners are not enamored of the Vajeyan government. If we capture Vajeyan weaponry and train the miners in their use, we could use them militarily. Due to the risk of atrocities, such a step must be taken carefully. Furthermore, having Vajeyan arms and equipment will allow us to reduce the need to constantly feed military supplies to Firebase Rumsfeld and the fleet.
4. Capturing critical cities with industrial infrastructure. An army marches on its stomach, but even if they're well fed their guns won't shoot without bullets, last I checked. If we can possess and use Vajeyan infrastructure it may essentially allow the cessation of supply convoys to FB Rumsfeld.
5. Capturing all other civilian targets.


This will be vague since there are more important things to worry about. These are in no particular order.

1. Suppress piracy with cruisers and battleships.
2. Upgrade Vajeya to TL4.
3. Deal with the other two systems it controls.
4. Make its people happy about being occupied.
5. ???
6. Profit!
7. Decide between firing squad, lethal injection, or guillotine for execution of dissidents.

Suggestions Box

Non-participant/interested party suggestions go below.

SR-71 Recon

The Silverbird is a TL4 fast inter-system reconnaissance plane. It is only 48 IP. You might want to add external boosters as well. It doesn't use any uncommon SRs, and another negative cap would make it mass producible.

+1 Sensors
+1 Boosters (Condensates work here, but are not necessary)
+1 ECM
-2 Unarmed

Lurking Ostrich

The Lurking Ostrich is a cheap frigate that can perform LATA-TAE (Looking At Things Activities To Aid Explosions) to aid without exposure to enemy CLATA-WWDLBTMUE (Counter Looking-At-Things Activities Which We Don't Like Because They Make Us Explode).

+1 sensors
+2 stealth
+0 rokkits
-2 unarmed
-1 armour or shields

Current Members

Current members of the Coalition Of The Willing (a "?" indicates potential interest but no commitment):

1. Adhara
2. Marshall
3. Hauss?
4. New Roswell?