Talk:Atom Age Awakening: A Cold War SD: Difference between revisions

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Secondskink (talk | contribs)
Secondskink (talk | contribs)
Line 112: Line 112:
*Manhattan Project
*Manhattan Project
:::Cascadian scientists cracked the secrets of the atom, to tremendous effects.
::Cascadian scientists cracked the secrets of the atom, to tremendous effects.
*New Imperial Century
*New Imperial Century
:::Cascadia and the Union proper remained remarkably untouched by the war.
::Cascadia and the Union proper remained remarkably untouched by the war.
*Free Haven
*Free Haven
:Atomic Futurism  
*Atomic Futurism  
::Powered by the atom and the indomitable intellect of it's scientists Cascadias future is bright!

:Operation Paperclip
:Operation Paperclip

Revision as of 23:23, 21 July 2021

Second Temple Kingdom of Outremer

Great Power
The Last Remnant of the Pact of Steel.

Power Traits

Big Empty
Hostile Climate: The Great Zeon Desert
War of the Worlds

Optional Traits

Great Patriotic War
Rogue State
Atomic Futurism
Operation Paperclip

United States of Aurelia

Regional Power

Power Traits

Operation Paperclip

Optional Traits

+Special Relationship
+New Imperial Century
+Free Haven
-Brain Drain

The Akira Technocracy

Great Power
Homeland: a Rather large island far off the coast of a nearby continent, it has lush and plentiful food and water on its northern side, where most of the inhabitants live, but there is also a long stretch of southern wasteland, too infertile and hot for any real-life to thrive, which is often used for government black sites and as a rocket testing area.
Government: Technocracy
Ideological Landscape: 100% Technocrats(One Party, One People)


  • 12750 WP
  • 8250 IP
  • 5 Year Military Spending
  • 6 Starting Tech Strikes.
  • 15 Cities (1 Capital)
  • 9 Factories (1 Naval HQ)
  • 7 Natural Resources(H.Metals, L.Metals, Uranium, Oil, Fresh Water, Airiable Land, Coal)

Power Traits

-One Party, One People
-Big Empty
-Black Mark

Optional Traits

+Atomic Futurism
+Ancient Astronomy
+[Space] Mafia
+Manhattan Project
+Island State
-Where Have All The Men Gone
-My Manual Is Full Of Eels
-Rogue State

NP Spending

5*Extra Tech Strike [25 NP]
25 NP worth of extra WP
25 NP worth of extra IP
Natural Resource [25 NP]

Serene Empire of Mizuho

Minor Power
A southern latitudes archipelago state.


  • Island State
So many islands.
  • Fish Monopoly
So many fish.
  • Uranium Monopoly
There's pitchblend in them thar hills.
  • The Woman's War
Mizuho's religion has always been the domain of priestesses and this has led to a culture far more egalitarian than most.
  • Warrior Culture
Train harder!
  • Worthless Yellow Rocks
It is said that the Rabbit in the Moon came from Mizuho.
  • Hostile Climate
While Mizuho's climate itself is quite amenable, the nation's myriad of islands tend to be extremely rugged and flat land suitable for large-scale construction is rather limited and often already built-upon.
  • Pieds Noir
The Collegium has long exerted influence over Mizuho. The reactionary old men in cahoots with them are still kicking.
  • Operation Paperclip
Fleeing Gilder Fortgeschrittenreich scientists built Mizuho a nuclear device in 1945.
  • Black Mark
This nuclear weapon was to be used against the Collegium's Hyundai Island and the massed fleet there. Unfortunately the bomber carrying it was shot down and the weapon exploded over the city of Pyonjeon, killing roughly 80,000 civilians. Oops.


  • 1 Resource (Fish)
  • 2000 Wealth Production
  • 1000 Industrial Production
  • 3 Years in Military Spending Spree
  • 1 Tech Strike
  • 4 Cities, including a Capital
  • 4 Factories, including a Naval HQ

Point Spread

  • 1,000 Wealth Production (20)
  • 100 Industry Production (5)
  • 5 x Tech Strikes (25)
  • 1 x Natural Resource [Fish] (10)
  • 2 x Natural Resource [Oil] (20)
  • 2 x Natural Resource [Uranium] (20)


We have islands! And fish!

Federal Union of Cascadia

Great Power


  • Manhattan Project
Cascadian scientists cracked the secrets of the atom, to tremendous effects.
  • New Imperial Century
Cascadia and the Union proper remained remarkably untouched by the war.
  • Free Haven
  • Atomic Futurism
Powered by the atom and the indomitable intellect of it's scientists Cascadias future is bright!
Operation Paperclip
Cutthroat Politics
Black Mark
War of the Worlds


13500 Wealth Production
8250 Industrial Production
7 Years in Military Spending Spree
6 Tech Strike
18 Cities, including a Capital
12 Factories, including a Naval HQ

100 Nation Points, which can be traded for:

1 for 50 Wealth Production [-30]
1 for 30 Industrial Production [-25]
5 for 1 Bonus Year of Military Spending Spree (Max 5) [-10]
5 Extra Tech Strikes [-25]
5 for 1 City [-5]
5 for 1 Factory [-5]