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[[Ascension Isle: Legacy]]
===Accuracy Challenge (Combat DC)===
===Accuracy Challenge (Combat DC)===

Revision as of 12:50, 1 March 2016

Ascension Isle: Legacy

Accuracy Challenge (Combat DC)

AC = Base 10 + Size Modifier + (Natural Stat) + (Skill)

For ranged combat, the character's Senses Stat is added to their AC unless they are surprised or unaware. Their firearms skill is also added to the AC if they have adopted the "Alert" stance. Other modifiers, such as for range, movement or cover, are applied as edge penalties or bonuses to the hit roll, rather than modifying the AC.

Edge Modifiers (Ranged)


Additional Range Increment: -1 (rifles) -2 (pistols) -3 (shotguns)
Snap Shooting: -2 (maintain cover bonus while firing)
Target Moving: -2
Target Sprinting: -4
Target Speeding (vehicles): -5 to -10
Three Quarter target (limited cover): -2
Half Target (partial cover): -4
Fractional Target (loophole): -6
Full Cover: -10
Limited Visibility (dim light): -2
Low Visibility (dark, smoke): -5


Point Blank Range: +5
High Visibility Target: +1
Aiming: + scope/sight bonus

Combat Maneuvers (Ranged)


Braced: Gain +2 Accuracy Edge, reduce total range and recoil penalties by 1. May not move, lose Senses bonus to ranged AC.
Alert: Gain +2 Initiative Edge, and add weapon skill to ranged AC. May not sprint. May not build Accuracy Advantage. Suffer -2 Snap Shooting edge penalty to accuracy.

Standard Actions

Reload: Standard action. Restore Ammunition in current weapon. Lose all stored Advantage.
Aim: Standard action. Gain accuracy advantage equal to scope/sight bonus. Scope Advantage is lost once aiming character moves, sight Advantage is lost once the aiming character sprints.
Defensive action: Free Interrupt Action, For every +10 AC, grants opponent +2 Initiative Advantage. Expends all Advantage and remaining actions.
Overwatch. Standard action. Hold attack and only attack if target attacks or moves, then may convert overwatch to any standard attack action. Lose one overwatch action every time damaged by a successful attack. All Overwatch actions expire when initiative is rolled. Gain +2 initiative advantage when one or more of your unused Overwatch actions expire.
Suppressing Fire. Standard action. Expend one point of Ammunition from current weapon. Roll standard attack against target AC, ignoring cover. If successful, do no damage but remove Advantage from target equal to 1 Accuracy and Initiative for 1 point of success over AC threshold for fully automatic weapons, or for every 3 points over the threshold for semi-automatic weapons, or for every 5 points over the threshold for single shot weapons.
Rapid Fire. Standard action. Expend one point of Ammunition from current weapon. Add weapon's rate of fire bonus as Accuracy Edge. Can only be used by semi- and full-auto weapons.

Accuracy Advantage Actions

Aimed Shot: As a Free Action, expend 2 points of Accuracy Advantage for 5 points of Accuracy Edge this round.
Critical Shot (I, II, III): As a Free Action, expend 4 / 6 / 8 Accuracy Advantage to gain +1 / +2 / +3 Overwhelming on one attack and +1d6 / +2d6 / +3d6 to the damage roll. Certain weapons such as sniper rifles will increase the Critical Shot damage.
Kill Shot: As a Free Action, expend 10 Accuracy Advantage. If next attack hits, target must roll Physique + Physical Conditioning against DC of shooters Senses + Weapon Skill + 1 per damage die on weapon, or be dropped instantly to Dying State, otherwise deal damage as a Critical Shot I.

Initiative Advantage Actions

Quick Draw: As a Free Interrupt Action, expend 2 points of Initiative Advantage for 5 points of Initiative Edge this round (declared before initiative is rolled).
Double Tap: As a Free Action, expend 4 points of Initiative Advantage to make the next attack as a rapid fire attack that does not expend ammunition, and can only score a maximum of one extra hit.
Improved Snap Shot: As a Free Interrupt Action, expend 6 points of Initiative Advantage to make a snap shot at any point in the current turn.
Trick Shot:
Insane Trick Shot:

Combat Traits

Basic Traits (possessed by all characters)

Adrenaline Surge: Allows a character as a free action to spend one point of Adrenaline for one extra move action during their turn.
Tight Focus: Allows a character as a free action to spend one point of adrenaline for a free standard action during their turn. This standard action cannot be an attack, although it can be made in support of an attack, such as an aim action.

Special Traits

Firearms Basics


All firearms have a recoil number. This number indicates the amount by which a multi-shot attack, such as rapid fire, must beat the target AC to score additional hits. For every multiple of the recoil number over the threshold, the weapon gains an additional damage roll.

Rate of Fire

All weapons have a rate of fire. Single, Semi-Auto, or Full-Auto. Single shot weapons cannot use the Rapid Fire ability. Semi-Auto weapons can expend Ammunition to use Rapid Fire. Full-Auto weapons make all standard attacks as Rapid Fire without expending ammunition, and have access to additional forms of attack.


All weapons have limited ammunition, however rather than track individual shots, the ammunition stat is used only to track the amount of ammunition available for special attacks, such as rapid fire and suppression.