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When there is a conflict between a trait or quirk listed on this page, and a trait or quirk listed elsewhere, assume that the trait on this page takes priority and is the most current version.<br>
When there is a conflict between a trait or quirk listed on this page, and a trait or quirk listed elsewhere, assume that the trait on this page takes priority and is the most current version.<br>
Please discuss the relative worth of the various traits on the discussion page.<br>

Revision as of 20:54, 9 August 2015

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When there is a conflict between a trait or quirk listed on this page, and a trait or quirk listed elsewhere, assume that the trait on this page takes priority and is the most current version.

Please discuss the relative worth of the various traits on the discussion page.


Traits are special abilities that allow characters to break or bend other established rules of the game. The most powerful Traits often are powered by Exploits.

General Traits

Adept (Skill) (X): Once per minute, this character can choose to take an automatic 10 on one dice of any roll for the indicated skill. If this option is chosen any remaining dice rolled cannot critically succeed.

Allies (Social Group) (X): Once per session the character can roll Intellect+Circle to summon an allied NPC. The DC for this roll starts at 10, and increases due to circumstances such as isolation or limited means to summon help. The character must roll at least a 20 to summon a character rather than a mook. This NPC will help the character in the performance of one task, before departing.

Competent (Skill) (X): Once per minute, this character can choose to take an automatic 6 on one dice of any roll for the indicated skill. If this option is chosen any remaining dice rolled cannot critically succeed.

Fairest of Them All (X): This character is extremely beautiful, and scores criticals on Graces rolls of 9 or 10.

Natural Armour (X): The character has 5 DR at 90% coverage (my one weakspot!).

Solinarch (X): The character is implanted with Archenium circuitry, making them a living Thaumatech device. This trait allows the purchase of Solo Praxis. Solinarchs gain all their Core Aether as ready Ether.

Physique Traits

Adrenal Surge - Second Wind (X): As a Free Action, the character can spend two adrenaline to reduce Physical Stress to max so long as Physical Stress Level is no higher than twice maximum value.

Combat Reflexes (X): This character can automatically dodge a close combat attack as a free interrupt action by spending Adrenaline. Every Adrenaline spent adds +10 to the character's AC.

Fleet Footed (X): Gain 5m extra movement each Move action.

Follow Through (X): This character can spend 1 Adrenaline to take another move action immediately after killing or disabling an opponent in close combat. This ability can only be used once per round.

Good Arm (X): Add 50% to throwing distance, and reduce scatter by one step.

Guard Stance (X): This character is trained to defend themselves in close combat, and can always spend a point of adrenaline to take a defensive close combat action.

Physical Training (X): Gain +5 maximum Physical Stress level. This trait can be stacked multiple times.

Shake it Off (X): Cancel a Light Wound by spending 1 Adrenaline.

The Rush (X): Gain 2 Adrenaline every time you roll initiative.

Vital Strikes (X): The physical factor for all melee weapons used by this character is reduced by 1 to a minimum of 2.

Senses Traits

Combat Senses (X): This character can automatically dodge a ranged attack as a free interrupt action by spending Focus. Every Focus spent adds +10 to the character's AC.

Combat Veteran (X): This character has been in a few firefights in their day, and knows how to make the most of available cover. Improve all cover against ranged attacks or ranged detection by one step.

Cool Hands (X): Reduce Recoil of all firearms by 1 to a minimum of 1.

Extended Overwatch (X): Gain a free Shoot action while in Overwatch.

Fallback (X): As an interrupt action, this character Can spend one Focus to retreat from an advancing enemy over whom they hold initiative so long as they have actions remaining and are in Overwatch.

Guns Akimbo (X): The Character may fire two pistols at once as a single action, for a -5 to hit with both weapons, and with all recoil penalties doubled.

Gunslinger (X): If you beat your target AC by 10 or more, inflict one automatic light wound, 15 one serious wound, and 20 one traumatic Wound. Alternately, you can inflict a status effect instead.

Laser Artiste (X): The Energy Factor of all energy weapons used by this character is reduced by 1 to a minimum of 2.

Marksman (X): Double the range increments for sense-based weapons. This also increases maximum range. This ability does not work on pistols or submachineguns.

One Shot, One Kill (X): Spend 1 Focus to add an extra damage die to an attack. The character can only take one shot this round when using this ability.

Weakpoint (X): As a Free Action, spend 1 focus to reduce the Armour coverage of your target by 5 for your next action.

Intellect Traits

Combat Foresight (X): Spend 1 Willpower to activate a defensive system as an free interrupt action.

Combat Re-assessment (X): This character can spend one Willpower to force a reroll of all initiative for the current combat at the start of the combat round. This ability can only be used once per round, but can be used in any round, including the first round of combat.

Combat Tactics (X): This character can automatically improve the value of any cover they are behind for one round ad a free interrupt action by spending Willpower. Every Willpower spent adds +5 to the character's cover AC bonus against all attacks.

Convincing (X): On a successful Conversation or Interrogation social combat the character can immediately spend 1 willpower to inflict a major Vibe rather than a minor one.

Don’t Die on Me! (X): Can spend one Willpower to roll an Intellect+Medical Practice skill check against DC of 10 + PS in Dying state. If successful the character will stabilize at twice maximum PS.

Geas (Social Group) (X): On a successful social attack (specified by character), this character can spend 1 WP to add the goal “Obey (character’s name)” to the targeted character. This ability can only be used once per day.

Go with the Flow (X): This character can spend an extra action preparing an etheric effect to disguise it with the natural ether flows and add +10 to the DC to detect it. This action can be stacked, however due to diminishing returns each additional action spent halves the DC increase (+5, +2, and finally +1).

Just as Planned (X): When combat is declared, but before the first round begins, this character can spend one Willpower to conduct a Tactics roll to influence the current combat. If the character has already made a Combat tactics roll prior to combat, this ability can be used to re roll the result.

Just as Planned, Speed Chess Edition (X): After the first round of combat has concluded, before the beginning of any subsequent round this character can spend two Willpower to conduct a Tactics roll to influence the current combat. This roll suffers from a +5 DC, on top of any other difficulties.

Mental Training (X): Gain +5 maximum Mental Stress level. This trait can be stacked multiple times.

Natural Pilot (Trait) (X): This character can apply the selected trait to vehicles with a maneuverability rating of X or greater.

Nerves of Steel (X): This character does not suffer from the “Distracted” Bad Vibe effect.

Powerful Orator (X): When rolling a Social action against a group of 10 or more people, this character critically succeeds on a 9 or a 10.

Thaumatech, Inducted (X): This character has permissions for the use of Thaumatechnology. This is also called "Tech Alpha."

Thaumatech, Enlightened (X): This character has permissions for advanced Praxis circuits and functions, including code composition for creating their own circuits. This is also called "Tech Beta."

Thaumatech, Ascended (X): This character has the highest access permissions for secret Praxis functions, granted only to the most trusted servants of the Chosen. This is also called "Tech Gamma."

Thaumatech, Chosen (X): Access to all Thaumatech options - only known to the Chosen themselves.

Word of Command (Social Group) (X): On a successful social attack (select), this character can spend 1 WP to inflict the Deep Vibe “Unswerving Loyalty” on the specific pre-designated group. This Vibe can affect one character or up to 10 mooks. The Vibe lasts until the target sleeps, after which point they will rationalize any actions taken, so long as they did not conflict with any Convictions or Goals.

Aether Traits

Aether Leech (X): As a free action, after inflicting any damage in close combat, drain one Ether from the target’s Core Aether, or leech their entire pool of naturally readied Ether. This second ability cannot target mechanically readied Ether due to geodes or other devices.

Ether Receptive (X): This character is particularly receptive to Ether and gains +5 Core Ather. This Trait can be stacked multiple times.

Logitike (X): This character is trained for wild magic in the Jibrilite fashion.

Magi (X): This character is trained for wild magic in the Zenith fashion.

Magi Mystes (X): This character is trained for wild magic using the secret Zenith Martial Arts, and has access to Mystes spells.

Natural Channel (X): The Channel factor for all Ether Channel rolls by this character is reduced by 1.


Quirks are special traits that give a player rewards for playing their character in some fashion. These rewards can vary from extra Character Points to Power or even Fate Points.

Dangerous Obsession (X): The character is obsessed about a particular person, and will go out of their way to seek approval. If the character endangers themselves in some way to assist or impress the object of their obsession gain 1 extra CP per session. If the character undertakes some act specifically to aid the object of their Obsession but which actually horrifies that person (by going against their goals or convictions), both characters gain appropriate negative Vibes regarding each other, and the character loses this trait and gains a Fate point.

Maniacal Laughter (X): The character is prone to occasionally succumbing to fits of maniacal laughter. Gain 1 CP per session for pausing to laugh maniacally for at least a round before defeating someone in combat. Gain one Power for pausing to do so before executing some scheme vital to your character’s goals, if doing so puts that scheme in jeopardy.

Spacey (X): The character is prone to occasionally freezing and spacing out, perhaps seeing flashbacks or just admiring the scenery. Gain 1 CP per session for spacing out for a round during an important event (such as combat!). Gain one Power point if a space out directly prevents the defeat of a major enemy (it’s traditional to do this in response to the boss’ surprising revelation!).

Fanatic (X): This character gains 2 CP is they can explain or justify a violent action - no matter how extreme - by citing one of their greater Convictions.