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[[Lily Emeraldine]]<br>
[[Lily Emeraldine]]<br>
[[Aster Emererald-Archangeli]]<br>
[[Aster Emererald-Archangeli]]<br>
==Military Forces in CZ Central==
CZ Central is a large city of nearly 10 million people (although half the population it contained as Prion City) split into four occupation districts.  One district for each of the occupying Chosen Dominions, and then a central Unity District.  The City has many armed military forces, including the three Dominion Crusade armies, the city Constabulary, Noble House Cadets, as well as various gangs, and the resistance forces.


[[Prologue I]]: "A bold young man, and a worthy enemy."
[[Prologue I]]: "A bold young man, and a worthy enemy."

Revision as of 11:34, 18 July 2015

Next Session: Friday 17 July, sometime in the afternoon (Central Time): Players needed, Ent, FBH.


This is a character based RPG set in the fantasy world of Arth, as part of Ascension Isle (prime). This is a modified version of the AI world discussed for the proposed Nation Game, and differs in a several key ways. The most important is that in this world magical development fed technological development and vice versa, leading to a world with technology that in many ways exceeds our own - as WELL as being a world with magical creatures, non-human races, and supernatural powers.

The old kingdoms of the demigod Chosen who have ruled the world for centuries are collapsing, and the Characters are caught in these times of revolution. Can they build a new order, or will they just burn the old to ashes?


AI:L Background

The Chosen

Zadkiel: Chosen of Auraden, who created the Eluetherian Republic from his old Auraden Protectorate. Zadkiel vanished before the Republic's destruction, and it is suspected he may have met his end at the hands of one or all of the "Correcting" Chosen.

Liah: Chosen of Coreven, and one of the Chosen who invaded the Republic with her Crusade armies. Beleived by many to be the ring-leader of the Correction.

Leliel: Chosen of Endruscare, and one of the Chosen who invaded the Republic with her Crusade armies. Known to have a particular hatred of the "lesser races."

Auriel: Chosen of Telloren, and one of the Chosen who invaded the Republic with his Crusade armies. A reclusive Chosen, but who runs a stern domain, and is known to be a longtime ally of Liah.

CZ Central Political Scene

The Noble Houses

Heiro House Archangeli
House Archangeli was re-admitted into the ranks of the Heirophant Houses of Arth following its surrender at the end of the Auraden Interdivinum. It "rules" over the Unity District at the center of CZ Central, however it is common knowledge among the people of the city that Governor Armiger Archangeli, once the Praetor and greatest hero of the Republic, is now nothing more than a mind controlled Chosen puppet.

Heiro House Aikenrand
House Aikenrand is one of the old Auraden noble houses that refused to swear loyalty to the Republic. With the return of the Chosen they were rewarded for this loyalty and granted title over Alpha Ward, in the Coreven Occupation District.

House Lyris
House Lyris swore loyalty to the Republic, and was one of its leading Patrician families. The family's noble line suffered heavily during the War, and survives only due to its close relationship with its surviving cadet branch, Lyrey-Makkali. It has title over Beta Ward in the Tellaren Occupation District

House Arhyna
House Arhyna swore loyalty to the Republic, but was narrowly rejected from entry into the Patrician families by a close vote of the Senate. The House has a scandal plagued history, and it is rumoured that fey blood may even run through the veins of some of its scions. The House survived the war largely intact, and was too powerful for the Chosen to easily disenfranchise, despite its reputation, and the feirce resistance it put up during the War. It has title over Gamma Ward, in the Tellaren Occupation District.

House Megus
House Megus is known for the potency of its blood, and has birthed some of the most notable Thaumaturges in the history of the Zones. It is rumoured this opportunistic noble house only supported the Republic so as to gain access to its wondrous electronic "ZENTek." House Megus is allied to the cadet branches of Taiani, Malkaritus, and Malkal, and has title over Delta Ward in the Tellaren Occupation District.

House Sentonus
House Sentonius survived the war, but was nearly annihilated in the aftermath for the humiliations it inflicted upon the armies of the Chosen Leliel. The other two Chosen, Liah and Auriel ultimately talked down their fellow, and in her mercy (or the other Chosen's warped senses of humour) Leliel allowed Sentonius to survive in her service. House Sentonius is known for being given all the most humiliating tasks within the Endruscare Occupation Zone, and along with its surviving cadet family of Var-Vistus, has title over Epsilon Ward in the Endruscare Occupation District.

House Samelrand
House Samelrand was one of Patrician families of the Republic, but has fallen far since then. Most of its leadership was killed in the War, and its young Matriarch, Ingria Samelrand, is known to be insane. Samelrand now performs some of the most heinous acts in the Correctional Zone, and its jumped up cadet family, Venamus, operates Enlightenment Camps of Zeta Ward in the Endruscare Occupation District, where hundreds of thousands have since met their end.

Heiro House Lentithe
House Lentithe was a minor house of suspect loyalty that was never admitted into the ranks of the Patricians. Following the War it was restored by the Chosen Leliel and given title over Eta Ward in the Endruscare Occupation District. Paradoxically, House Lentithe is now one of the most ardent, if secret, supporters of a republican revival, a sentiment likely driven by its utter loathing for House Samelrand.

Heiro House Clementine
House Clementine remained true to the Chosen Zadkiel, and was one of the initial Patrician families, but voluntarily rescinded its title following independence. It is one of the most respected Noble Houses in the Correctional Zone, and its members are known for their moral "uprightness," giving its words weight far beyond the house's modest wealth and power. Clementine holds title over Theta Ward in the Coreven Occupation District, which is a hotbed of rebellion due to the house's perhaps ill-advised soft touch. The spirited Clementine cadet house Emeraldine is tied by marriage to House Archangeli, and the fate of the Lady Aster Emerald-Archangeli has driven a wedge between the house and the Chosen.

The Pleb Street

25th Libra
25th Libra is a fast growing global revolutionary movement. It traces its genesis back three hundred years, to a series of books by Mikaelan Librarian Lara Sullivan called "The Bridge of Time." The books presented an alternate past, present and future for Arth, each without the Chosen, and indirectly showed their malignant influence through the comparison, although the Chosen are never mentioned directly in the novels. The books were immediately suppressed, but gave rise to a number of underground movements which stubbornly resisted the efforts of the Chosen to completely stamp them out. Finally, with the Silent War and the fall of the Chosen the various movements have started to coalesce under the banner of the "25th Libra movement" - the day the Ascended Isles Fell. 25th Libra calls for the people of the world to throw off the shackles of the Chosen and unite to build a better future. In CZ Central, 25th Libra generally preaches peaceful change, and the creation of a new, stronger and fairer Republic.

The Red Brigades
Named after the Red Hand, a violent pleb movement which murdered several Nobles in the Auraden Protectorate Zone two hundreds years ago, the Red Brigades demand violent revolution. From a platform of equality, they preach that the plebs will only be free when all those with unequal advantages - the Nobles and the Constructed Races among them - are overthrown. Many low ranking citizens and pleb soldiers from the days of the Republic, believing themselves betrayed by the nobility, have joined the ranks of the Brigades, making them a formidable military force.

The Drummers
The Drummers are the radical arm of the Red Brigades, responsible for various acts of terrorism across CZ Central, and the Correctional Zone at large. They preach a particularly apocalyptic version of the Red Brigades' ideology of violent change, including not just the overthrow but the complete extermination of all those of Noble blood.

The Street Gangs

The West Side Monsters
Lunar Crew
Legio XIII
Burnt Cannibals

The Republic

Prion in Exile - The General Staff

The Library



The Lord General's Staff

Lord General Marianne Saint-Just
Captain Caspar Saint-Just
CZ Chief Thaumatech Giannina "Nina" Megus
Cardinal of Liah, High Priestess Joanna Alisandre

Those on the Street

Artemis Frost
Chey Hexum

Heiro House Clementine and Allies

Cordelia Clementine
Moira Clementine
Loran Clementine
Hazel Emeraldine
Lily Emeraldine
Aster Emererald-Archangeli

Military Forces in CZ Central

CZ Central is a large city of nearly 10 million people (although half the population it contained as Prion City) split into four occupation districts. One district for each of the occupying Chosen Dominions, and then a central Unity District. The City has many armed military forces, including the three Dominion Crusade armies, the city Constabulary, Noble House Cadets, as well as various gangs, and the resistance forces.


Prologue I: "A bold young man, and a worthy enemy."