Talk:Lost Ground Forces: Difference between revisions

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Line 274: Line 274:
5 x '''Marduk (x1) Shield Scales''' (40pp/5m)
5 x '''Marduk (x1) Shield Scales''' (40pp/5m)

'''Concealed the Conclusion (*1) MN Drive ϰ''' (0.1 Korite)<br>
'''Concealed the Conclusion (*2) Twin MN Drive ϰ''' (0.2 Korite)<br>

'''Kriemhild Gretchen (*2) Twin MN Drive ϰ''' (0.2 Korite)<br>
'''Kriemhild Gretchen (*2) Twin MN Drive ϰ''' (0.2 Korite)<br>

4 x '''Red Beryl Kai (+1) Regeneration (*1) MN Drive ϰ''' (4pp+0.4 Korite/2m)<br>
4 x '''Red Beryl Kai (*1) MN Drive ϰ''' (0.4 Korite/2m)<br>

4 x '''Amethyst Armour (+1) Regeneration (*1) MN Drive ϰ''' (10pp+1.0 Korite/5m)<br>
4 x '''Amethyst Armour (*1) MN Drive ϰ''' (1.0 Korite/5m)<br>

8 x '''Alter Landing Castle (+1) AA Danmaku''' (80pp/5m)<br>
8 x '''Alter Landing Castle (+1) AA Danmaku''' (80pp/5m)<br>
Line 290: Line 290:
20 x '''Turquoise Armour (+1) Regeneration''' (10pp/5m)
20 x '''Turquoise Armour (+1) Regeneration''' (10pp/5m)

25 x '''Emerald Armour (+1) Regeneration''' (25pp/5m)
3 x '''DRAGOON Fortress (+6) completion''' (60pp/30m OR 120pp/15m)

3 x '''DRAGOON Fortress (+1) Regeneration''' (30pp/5m)<br>
3 x '''DRAGOON Fortress (x2) Megacannon''' (60pp/10m)<br>
3 x '''DRAGOON Fortress (x2) Megacannon''' (60pp/10m)<br>

3 x '''DRAGOON Fortress (+7) Completion (+1) X''' (80pp/40m OR 160pp/20m)
'''Chaika (+1) Regeneration (speed clear Feb07)''' (52pp 12/07)

'''Chaika (+1) Regeneration (+1) Armour (speed clear Feb)''' (72pp 2/08)
12 x '''Garfresia (+1) Armour''' (60pp/5m)<br>
12 x '''Garfresia (+1) Regeneration''' (60pp/5m)
12 x '''Garfresia (+1) Regeneration''' (60pp/5m)

Revision as of 23:18, 7 March 2015

Keyway Campaign

Ether Expenditures

Turn 1: 5

Close Quarters Battle Armour Saber Lily (TM11 Hyperadvanced Armour: 17.4pp -500CP)
(+1) Whispers
(+3) Agility
(+1) Extra Arms (Defensive)
(+2) Lily Fangs
(+2) Lily Fang Aethyr Fields
(+2) Lily Fang Azirite Weapons
(^1) Energist Core
(^3) Core Flame
(x2) Azirite Blades (Defensive)

Anti-Air: 2*
Attack: 3*
Defense: 8*
Mobility: 7*
Hits: 1*
Save: 6
AI Support, Critical Mass (10), Energist Core, Lily Fangs, Mecha
Lily Fangs are the main weapon feature of the Saber Lily. They can be attached to the unit in either attack mode or defense mode (+2 Shields/+2 Attack Weapons OR +2 Flight Boosters/+2 Defensive Weapons) or released as remote weapons (+4 AA (or maybe +2 AA and +2 Extended Range/Fast Tracking?)) in which case they strike even if the main unit executes a Mobility based action.

Long Range Support Armour Archer Iris (TM11 Hyperadvanced Armour: 17.4pp -500CP)
(+1) Whispers
(+1) Osiri Sensors
(+2) Shapeshifting (Shift main gun between Attack and Defense? Turn into VHA? Supergun?)
(+6) Gerra Gun (Attack OR Defense?)
(+1) Aeris Gate
(^1) Energist Core
(^3) Core Flame
(x2) Osiri Disks (Extended Range)

Indirect Fire: 11?
Anti-Air: 2
Attack: 3
Defense: 5
Mobility: 4
Hits: 1
Save: 6
Aeris Gate, AI Support, Critical Mass (10), Energist Core, Gerra Gun, Mecha, Sensors, Shapeshifting II
Archer Iris can open portals via Osiri disks through space or possibly even up into other dimensions and shoot targets through them. The unit shapeshifts starting with its Trigun-like gun arm and has an ultimate form that is basically a ginormous artillery piece. If it did transform into a VHA, it would have Indirect Fire of around 11. If a Supergun, likely some kind of gigantic special attack that can hit ajacent hexes.

Heavy Assault Armour Berserker Bluebell (TM11 Hyperadvanced Armour: 17.4pp -500CP)
(+1) Whispers
(+3) Liquid Armour
(+3) Liquid Regeneration
(+1) Aethyr Fields
(+3) Liquid Beam Cannons
(^1) Energist Core
(^3) Core Flame
(x2) Flare Claws (Defensive)

Anti-Air: 2
Attack: 6
Defense: 7
Mobility: 5
Hits: 2
Save: 0
AI Support, Critical Mass (10), Energist Core, Liquidy, Mecha
Has a Save of 0 and may need a fix. Is supposed to be liquidy, able to form clusters of beam cannons anywhere on its large body and fire at any angle before switching back to armour. Can flow to face different directions without physically turning.

Alter Keyway Force-1

200 x MAKO Veterans (TM10 Special Forces: 13pp/10/20u -200CP)
(+2) Resonant MAKO Armour
(+1) Crima Claws
(^1) Multifusion
(^3) Section Level Magic

Attack: 2
Defense: 2
Mobility: 4
Hits: 3
Save: 2
Alter Magitech Weapons, Elite II, Infantry, Morale, Reinforced, Resonant Morphic Armour

4000 x Heavy Armour Trooper (TM10 Skilled Infantry: 18pp/1000/1.6u -4000CP)
(+4) Resonant Morphic Plate
(+2) Magitech Weapons
(^2) Mage Support
(^1) Multifusion

Attack: 4
Defense: 4
Mobility: 4
Hits: 3
Save: 3
Alter Magitech Weapons, Infantry, Reinforced, Resonant Morphic Armour

2000 x Golem Infantry (ML5 Simple Skilled Infantry: 1.25pp/1000/0.2u -4000CP)
(+1) Pattern Mind
(+1) Armour
(+1) Weapons (Defensive)
(^1) Glowy Lines

Attack: 2
Defense: 5
Mobility: 1
Hits: 1
Save: 5
Dumb, Infantry, Reinforced

Wave 1 (Lost Ground --> Keyway)

Murian (TM10 Super Airlift: 45pp/5u +10000CP)
(+1) Amphibious
(+1) Morphic Armour
(^3) Glowy Lines

Close Quarters Battle Armour Saber Lily (TM11 Hyperadvanced Armour: 17.4pp -500CP)

Long Range Support Armour Archer Iris (TM11 Hyperadvanced Armour: 17.4pp -500CP)

Heavy Assault Armour Berserker Bluebell (TM11 Hyperadvanced Armour: 17.4pp -500CP)

200 x MAKO Veterans (TM10 Special Forces: 13pp/10/20u -200CP)
2000 x Heavy Armour Trooper (TM10 Skilled Infantry: 18pp/1000/1.6u -4000CP)
4000 x Golem Infantry (ML5 Simple Skilled Infantry: 1.25pp/1000/0.2u -4000CP)

Wave 2 (Lost Ground --> Keyway)

Wave X (Potential Reinforcements)

8000 x Heavy Armour Trooper (TM10 Skilled Infantry)

156000 x Golem Infantry (ML5 Simple Skilled Infantry)

1200 x Amber Armour -early production type- (TM7 Self-Propelled Artillery: 270pp)
(+1) Mechaframe
(+1) Resonant Morphic Armour
(+1) MN Linear Cannon
(^1) Multifusion
(^2) Mage Pilots

625 x Opal Shards (TM11 Super Infantry: 918.75pp)
(+1) Whispers
(+2) Aeris Shields
(+2) Opal Shard Armour
(+1) Regeneration
(+1) Agility
(+2) Wings
(+2) Violet Energy Weapons
(^3) Core Flame
(+0) Fanservice

Attack: 6
Defense: 4
Mobility: 6
Hits: 4
Save: 4
AI Support, Atlantean Regeneration, Infantry

320000 x Battlepikes (TL4 Skilled Infantry)
(+1) Armour
(+1) Weapons
Lostland Mutants (Class I)
(+1) Tough

Attack: 3
Defense: 4
Mobility: 1
Hits: 2
Save: 5


Prospective Units

Frankish Frames

Armoured Frame -base type- (TL7 Super Infantry: 23pp/8m)
(+2) Resonant Morphic Armour
(+1) Magitech Weapons
(^1) Multifusion

Sky Frame -base type- (TL10 Aviation Scout: 48pp/12m)
(+1) Liquid Metal Form
(+2) Resonant Morphic Armour
(+1) Magitech Weapons
(^1) Multifusion

Peridot Armour (TL7 Hyperadvanced Armour: 23pp/8m)
(+2) Resonant Morphic Armour
(+1) Magitech Weapons
(^1) Multifusion

Kiga Kai (TL7 Light Aviation Transport: 16pp/4m)
(+2) Resonant Morphic Armour
(^1) Multifusion

Soraneko Kai (TL7 Fighter: 30pp/12m)
(+2) Resonant Morphic Armour
(+1) Agility
(+1) Magitech Weapons
(^1) Multifusion

Jet Armour (TL7 Self-Propelled Artillery: 34pp/16m)
(+1) Mechaform
(+2) Resonant Morphic Armour
(+1) Extended Range
(^1) Multifusion

60 x Hime class mobile star fortress (TL3 Ship of the Line)
(+1) Extended Range
(^2) Magic Circles

Altrusia Fleet Units

Mobile Carrier Walpurgisnacht Kai (TL7 Fleet Carrier: 39pp/12m)
(+2) Active Stealth
(+2) Resonant Armour
(+1) Fusion Turbine
(+1) Mecha Bays (200 Mecha DP)
(^1) Multifusion

2 x Reinforce IIb class assault ship (TL7 Escort Carrier: 36pp/12m)
(+2) Active Stealth
(+2) Resonant Armour
(+1) Fusion Turbine
(+1) Cargo Capacity (11250 CP)
(^1) Multifusion

30 x ZMS.176 Hexe Custom (TL7 Hyperadvanced Armour: 87pp/12m)
(+1) Stealth
(+2) Resonant Morphic Armour
(+1) MN Gauss Rifle
(+1) Fast Tracking
(^1) Multifusion
RAVN-10 Pack (TL49X HAA Rocket Booster Pack)
(+1) Rocket Boosters

TL7 Hyperadvanced Armour Externals (27pp)
30 x (x1) Magitech Anti-Infantry Munitions
30 x (x1) Magitech AA Missile Pods
30 x (x1) Magitech AS Bazooka

2000 x ZKM Marines (TL7 Elite Infantry: 60pp/12m)
(+1) Jetpacks
(+2) Resonant Morphic Armour
(+1) Magitech Weapons
(^1) Multifusion

50 x ZL.118 Möwe (TL7 Light Aviation Transport: 30pp/12m)
(+1) Stealth
(+2) Resonant Morphic Armour
(+1) Magitech Weapons
(^1) Multifusion

New Units

New Model Marionette (TM10 Elite Infantry: 135pp/60m)
(+2) Intelligence
(+2) Resonant Morphic Armour
(+2) Agile Maneuvering Gear
(+2) Regeneration
(+2) Magitech Weapons
(^1) Multifusion
(^3) Burst Mode

Infantry Carrier (TM7 Infantry Carrier: 40pp/25m)
(+2) Resonant Morphic Armour
(+1) MN Drive
(+1) Capacity
(^1) Multifusion

Type 221 Transport (TM5 Complex Freighter: 30pp/9m)
(+2) Cargo Capacity
(^3) Glowy Lines


4 (total) x Sapphire Armour (TM10 Gunship: 18.5pp/6m)
(+1) Liquid Metal Form
(+2) Resonant Morphic Armour
(+1) AMBAC Agility
(+2) Regeneration
(+1) MN Drive
(+3) Magitech Weapons
(^1) Multifusion
(^3) Mage Pilots
(x1) Cargo Capacity
(x1) AA Gap-Cooled Beam Machinegun

Emerald Armour (10.5pp-5m/unit)

Mako Veteran (+2) Agile Maneuvering Gear (+1) Magitech Weapons (6pp/element)

400 x Marionette (+1) Regeneration (40pp/5m)

5 x Marduk (x1) Shield Scales (40pp/5m)

Concealed the Conclusion (*2) Twin MN Drive ϰ (0.2 Korite)

Kriemhild Gretchen (*2) Twin MN Drive ϰ (0.2 Korite)

4 x Red Beryl Kai (*1) MN Drive ϰ (0.4 Korite/2m)

4 x Amethyst Armour (*1) MN Drive ϰ (1.0 Korite/5m)

8 x Alter Landing Castle (+1) AA Danmaku (80pp/5m)

3 x SAO Platoon Special Equipment Wings of Light (TM10 HAA Booster: 9pp+0.3 Korite/5m)
(+1/*1) MN Drive ϰ (Korite)
(^1) Multifusion

20 x Turquoise Armour (+1) Regeneration (10pp/5m)

3 x DRAGOON Fortress (+6) completion (60pp/30m OR 120pp/15m)

3 x DRAGOON Fortress (x2) Megacannon (60pp/10m)
3 x DRAGOON Fortress (x2) Megacannon (60pp/10m)

Chaika (+1) Regeneration (speed clear Feb07) (52pp 12/07)

12 x Garfresia (+1) Regeneration (60pp/5m)

20 x Nao (+1) Armour (^1) Multifusion (200pp/10m)

1200 x Amber Armour (+1) Armour (42pp/4m)
1200 x Amber Armour (+1) Agility (42pp/4m)

200 x Quartz Armour (+1) Armour (^1) Multifusion (gun mount) (280pp/12m)

320000 x Battlepike (+1) Armour (^1) Multifusion (736pp/8m)

5 x Murian (TM10 Super Airlift: 150pp/15m)
(+1) Amphibious
(+2) Resonant Morphic Armour
(+1) MN Drive Array
(^3) Glowy Lines
(^1) Multifusion

Fortification Caps (TM5: 5pp/3m)

Type 214 Transport (+2) Cargo Capacity (20pp/10m)

Build Queue

Weapons: 415pp
Armour: 400pp
Mind: 130pp

Korite: 6
Marshroot: 11
Irrinium: 10

Production: 121


10 x Garfresia Kai-ni

443 - 119 + 59 = 383WU




2 x Garfish Kai-ni
10 x Naostar


4 x Naostar


5 x Naostar


1 x Naostar







Operation October


792 x Armoured Frame -base type- (TL425 Battlesuit) 39600
(+1) Armour
(+1) Weapons
(-1) Export
408 x 7/08

241 x Sky Frame -base type- (TL425 Aviation Scout) 6025
(+1) Armour
(+1) Weapons
(-1) Export
159 x 7/08

190 x Peridot frame (TL425 Hyperadvanced Armour) 95000
(+1) Armour
(+1) Weapons
(-1) Export
110 x 5/08

62 x Kiga (TL425 Light Aviation Transport) 6200
(+2) Armour
(-1) Export
38 x 7/08

136 x Soraneko (TL425 Fighter) 13600
(+1) Agility
(+1) Weapons
(-1) Export
64 x 7/08

4800 x Jet frame (TL425 SP Artillery) 960000
(+1) Extended Range
(-1) Export

60 x Hime class mobile star fortress (TL349 Ship of the Line)
(+1) Extended Range
(-1) Export
(^3) Magic Circles
(x1) Sail Plan