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New page: The following Expanse units have been made available for export. Expanse powers are independent enclaves unaligned with the major power blocs of the First Space War. == Ground Vehicles a...
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== Warships and Support Vessels ==
== Warships and Support Vessels ==
=== Type 073-C ''Hainan'' Corvette ===
Type: Frigate<br>
Tech Level: 3<br>
Cost: 32 IP, 4 Delta Dust<br>
Upkeep: 2 Supply, 7 He3<br>
+1 Extended range<br>
+1 Sensors<br>
+1 Aerospace<br>
-1 AA<br>
-1 Cramped Design<br>
+0 Gravity Drive<br>
+0 Civilian Delta-Dust Jumpdrive<br>
Base Purchase price:  30 Wealth<br>
Availability:  Open<br>
Special: Expanse states pay 12 supply for unmodified Type 073-C Hainan Corvettes. Treated as Civilian ships for FTL travel time calculation.<br>
Not all buyers for the Type-73 were on the Rim; the Hainan fills the important local patrol role for many Expanse states.<br>
=== ''Fireball'' Torpedo Frigate===
Type: Frigate<br>
Tech Level: 3<br>
Cost: 32 IP, 8 Delta Dust<br>
Upkeep: 2 Supply, 7 He3<br>
+1 Torpedo Complement<br>
+1 Aerospace<br>
+1 High-output Nozzled Thrust Manifold<br>
-1 Reduced Gun Armament<br>
-1 Simple Design<br>
+0 Delta-Dust Jumpdrive (Optional)<br>
Base Purchase price: 40 Wealth (With Drive)  32 Wealth (Without)<br>
Availability: Open<br>
An echo of oceanic naval warfare, this small, nimble and lightning fast craft was exclusively designed to threaten carriers and heavy lineships with its limited arsenal of heavy missiles.  Packing a tremendous punch at short range, the Fireball has found a niche amongst many Expanse militaries who desire a credible strike asset that does not require a significant investment in carrier-based aerospace forces.  Content with the reception the design has recieved, Pliss Shipyards of Excis have outsourced production and created a second system defence variant that does not have a dedicated jump drive.<br>
=== ''Orfey'' Class Destroyer===
Type: Destroyer<br>
Tech Level: 3<br>
Cost: 64 IP, 16 Delta Dust<br>
Upkeep: 4 Supplies, 8 He3<br>
+1 Railgun Turrets<br>
+1 Armor<br>
+0 Rocket Drive<br>
+0 Delta-Dust Jumpdrive<br>
Base Purchase price: 80 Wealth<br>
Availability:  Open<br>
Many older Orfey destroyers were decommissioned en masse in the late 2180s; with a decade or more of well-maintained service life in their hulls they found friendly homes in many Expanse navies.<br>
=== AKK-85 Class Escort ===
Type: Destroyer<br>
Tech Level: 3<br>
Cost: 80 IP, 16 Delta Dust<br>
Upkeep: 4 Supplies, 8 He3<br>
+1 CAM-X Spatial Ordnance Tracking System<br>
+1 Multi-Gun Turrets<br>
+1 Anti-Aerospace Targeting<br>
Base Purchase price: 96 Wealth (115 for nations with Treaty of Sirius)<br>
Availability: Open<br>
Nicknamed 'Ack-Acks' for their plethora of fast-cycle dual gun turrets, the Asprey, Kensler & Kolm 2185 variant destroyer-escort was originally designed and marketed to fill the escort gap in the fleets of the Core worlds.  While its innovative tracking systems and fast-swivel turrets were a marvel at the time, it was considered lacking in electronic systems capability by most of its potential buyers and few, if any, AKK-85's found their way to their way into the fleets of the major Old World powers.  With the local warship markets already glutted with war-era surplus and unable to otherwise fill its small-slip orbital yards with military orders, AKK's main yards in Columbia grudingly began selling escorts to unaligned independent worlds.  In the wake of the war the sale of these ships was strictly regulated and former antagonists have been forced to pay a number of additional fees.<br>
=== ''Proton'' light cruiser ===
Type: Destroyer<br>
Tech Level: 3 Hangarized<br>
Cost: 32 IP, 16 Sakuradite, 16 Delta Dust<br>
Upkeep: 4 Supply, 8 He3<br>
DP: 8<br>
+1 Super Hangar<br>
-1 AA Weapons<br>
+0 Mega Particle Cannons<br>
+0 Rocket Drive<br>
+0 Delta-Dust Jumpdrive<br>
-2 ZOCU Design<br>
Base Purchase price:  75 Wealth (60 for nations with Treaty of Sirius)<br>
Availability:  Open<br>
Mass-produced Protons were sold or provided to ZOCU-friendly powers both during and after the war; they have even turned up in fleets that were hostile to ZOCU.<br>
=== ''Lepanto'' Class Cruiser===
Type: Cruiser<br>
Tech Level: 3<br>
Cost: 120, 40 Delta Dust<br>
Upkeep: 10 Supply, 20 He3<br>
DP: 2<br>
+1 Railgun Turrets<br>
+0 Rocket Drive<br>
+0 Delta-Dust Jumpdrive<br>
-2 EU Design<br>
Base Purchase price:  140 Wealth<br>
Availability:  Open<br>
Special: Expanse states pay 12 supply for unmodified Lepanto cruisers.<br>
While Lepantos are considered out of date in the modern EU fleet, they are common across the Expanse due to their rugged reliability.<br>
=== ''Ionia'' heavy cruiser (export model) ===
Type:  Cruiser<br>
Tech Level: 3 Hangarized<br>
Cost: 200 IP, 40 Delta Dust<br>
Upkeep: 10 Supply, 20 He3<br>
DP: 28<br>
+1 Particle Cannons<br>
+1 Armor<br>
+1 Super Hangar<br>
+0 Rocket Drive<br>
+0 Delta-Dust Jumpdrive<br>
-2 ZOCU Design<br>
Base Purchase price: 280 Wealth (240 for nations with Treaty of Sirius)<br>
Availability:  Limited<br>
A number of Ionia heavy cruisers were built for friendly powers during the First Space War; while indistinguishable from standard-mark Ionias they were never fitted with the powerful mega particle beam guns that domestic Ionias featured.  Even after the war, the large hangars on these ships ensured their continued longevity.<br>
=== ''Typhoon'' Strike Cruiser ===
Type:  Cruiser<br>
Tech Level: 4<br>
Cost: 280 IP, 40 Theta Dust, 40 Condensates, 40 Rhenium<br>
Upkeep: 10 Supply, 20 He3<br>
DP: 2<br>
Latchpoints: 2<br>
Transit Speed: 7 TW<br>
+1 Type-R Particle Accelerators<br>
+1 Beam Shields<br>
+1 Armor<br>
+1 Docking Collars<br>
+1 Automation<br>
+0 Condensate Drive<br>
+0 Theta Dust Jumpdrive<br>
-1 Complex Design<br>
Base Purchase price: 525 Wealth<br>
Availability:  Exclusive<br>
A recent design from Tensor Industries, the Typhoon Strike Cruiser was surrounded by secrecy until its quiet unveiling in mid-2193.  Equipped with a plethora of high-tech systems it is a showcase of Tensor's technological know-how, though rumors remain that Tensor traded significant resources to an undisclosed Expanse power to properly integrate the Theta drive.  Indeed, it is not even certain where the Theta dust originated from.<br>
Enigmas aside, the Typhoon is a highly effective warship on paper and capable of fighting almost any heavy cruiser in the galaxy on equal terms.  Its ability to carry up to two HLVs or mobile armors only helps.  However, unlike the newer Bullhead prototype it lacks any organic hangar space, a continuing point of criticism.  The exact number of Typhoons sold by Tensor has not been publically released and so far, Tensor has resisted all inquiries into the matter.<br>
=== ''Avalanche'' Multi-Role===
Type: Light Carrier<br>
Tech Level: 3X DeRegulated<br>
Cost: 240 IP, 40 Hepatizon, 40 Delta Dust<br>
Upkeep: 10 Supply, 20 He3<br>
DP: 40<br>
+1 Naval Railgun Battery<br>
+1 Extended Range Tracking<br>
+1 Pin-Point Hepatizon-Enhanced Barrier System<br>
+1 Ablative Hull Plating<br>
+0 Rocket Drive<br>
+0 Delta-Dust Jumpdrive<br>
+0 Strategically placed Say No to ZOCU placards.<br>
Base Purchase price: 400 Wealth<br>
Availability: Exclusive<br>
Suspiciously similar in configuration to CIS ''Murmansk'' Aviation Cruiser, the ''Avalanche'' is a recent apparition in the Expanse.  Unlike the CIS design, though, the ''Avalanche'' features a Pac-Am style pin-point barrier system and marginalizes missiles for turreted guns.  A few conspiracy theorists argue that the CIS has deliberately leaked a dumbed-down ''Murmansk'' to hinder propagation of ''Ionia'' heavy cruisers from Zodiac worlds. However more conservative opinions suggest that the design departs too much from the ''Murmansk'' to even be a derivative.  At present only a handful are known to exist and are being sold for premium dollar on loosely controlled markets near the edge of developed space.  <br>
===Modernized ''MacArthur'' Class Battleship===
Type: Battleship<br>
Tech Level: 3<br>
Cost: 300 IP, 100 Delta Dust<br>
Upkeep: 50 Supply, 80 He3<br>
DP: 5<br>
+1 Armor<br>
+1 Microparticle Cannons<br>
-1 High Maint<br>
+0 Gravity-Resist Drive<br>
+0 Delta Dust Jumpdrive<br>
-1 Design has no more growth room<br>
Base Purchase price:  400 Wealth<br>
Availability:  Limited<br>
Entire fleets of MacArthur Class Battleships were built by Earth and Terranova's shipyards over the course of several decades, and many of these old ships and even foreign built copies persists in the service of distant and scarcely known Rim Worlds. While the original configuration MacArthur remains a serviceable warship in those distant places, they were considered to be throughly obsolete by the standards of the Core Colonies and the Expanse even before outbreak of the First Space War. Planetary governments in those regions still in the possession of old MacArthurs were left with few options to replace the old ships, and in many cases looked to reequip them to more modern standards.<br>
The final answer to the question of extending the service life of the MacArthur class came from General Dynamics, which through several of its shipyards began to offer a complete modernization package for the old warships. The rebuilt warships feature a much more stable grav drive system that replaces their older plasma drive, as well as a main battery of modern microparticle cannons in the place of their original dated railguns and a whole host of other minor improvements. While the rebuilt ships go through an increased amount of parts to remain functional, they are once again the frontline warships they were when they were originally built.<br>
=== ''Liberator'' Battleship===
Type: Battleship<br>
Tech Level: 3<br>
Cost: 500 IP, 100 Delta Dust<br>
Upkeep: 25 Supply, 80 He3<br>
DP: 5<br>
+1 Naval Plasma Rifle<br>
+1 Extended Range<br>
+1 Ferro-Titanium Hull Plating<br>
+0 Rocket Drive<br>
+0 Delta-Dust Jumpdrive<br>
Base Purchase price: 600 Wealth<br>
Availability: Exclusive<br>
Prior to the war, escalating tensions between the Zodiac Outworlds Colony Union and the Core world powers put the unaligned worlds caught between them under enormous political pressure.  Facing the risk of becoming pawns of the larger powers with escalating militarization, independent worlds began to look inwards to build up their own forces.  Inspired by the Zodiac Pallada project, a coalition of several independents concieved of a flagship that would represent unity amongst the non-aligned worlds and push forward a notion that they would not be so easily dragged into separatist and loyalist politics.  Despite the intentions of its builders, several Liberators served amid Zodiac Pallada's during the war.  Most of those that trade hands in the present are the result of Treaty of Sirius limitations imposed on those who are still able to build them.<br>
=== ''No Quarter'' Attack Ship===
Type: Battleship<br>
Tech Level: 4 Hangarized<br>
Cost: 700 IP, 100 Delta Dust, 100 Iotimoline<br>
Upkeep: 25 Supply, 80 He3<br>
DP: 70<br>
+1 Positron Cannon<br>
+1 AA Turrets<br>
+1 (Character) Shields<br>
+1 Super Hangar<br>
+1 Heavily Automated<br>
+0 Rocket Drive<br>
+0 Delta-Dust Jumpdrive<br>
Base Purchase price: 1200 Wealth<br>
Availability: Exclusive<br>
The flagship (in more way than one) of the General Galaxy lineup, the ''No Quarter'' 'attack ship' is a technological tour-de-force.  Originally designed at the request of a government-backed private military contractor, the untimely bankruptcy of said corporation resulted in the ship being repossessed by the shipyard.  Despite its inauspicious beginning, the ''No Quarter'' has proven to be a lucky ship in trials.  Sadly for General Galaxy, despite the plethora of sophisticated technologies crammed into the ''No Quarter'''s hull and its excellent design for a command ship, the high price tag has deterred several would-be buyers.<br>


Revision as of 15:55, 2 September 2008

The following Expanse units have been made available for export. Expanse powers are independent enclaves unaligned with the major power blocs of the First Space War.

Ground Vehicles and Infantry

Aerospace Craft and Mecha

Warships and Support Vessels

Type 073-C Hainan Corvette

Type: Frigate
Tech Level: 3
Cost: 32 IP, 4 Delta Dust
Upkeep: 2 Supply, 7 He3
+1 Extended range
+1 Sensors
+1 Aerospace
-1 AA
-1 Cramped Design
+0 Gravity Drive
+0 Civilian Delta-Dust Jumpdrive
Base Purchase price: 30 Wealth
Availability: Open
Special: Expanse states pay 12 supply for unmodified Type 073-C Hainan Corvettes. Treated as Civilian ships for FTL travel time calculation.
Not all buyers for the Type-73 were on the Rim; the Hainan fills the important local patrol role for many Expanse states.

Fireball Torpedo Frigate

Type: Frigate
Tech Level: 3
Cost: 32 IP, 8 Delta Dust
Upkeep: 2 Supply, 7 He3
+1 Torpedo Complement
+1 Aerospace
+1 High-output Nozzled Thrust Manifold
-1 Reduced Gun Armament
-1 Simple Design
+0 Delta-Dust Jumpdrive (Optional)
Base Purchase price: 40 Wealth (With Drive) 32 Wealth (Without)
Availability: Open
An echo of oceanic naval warfare, this small, nimble and lightning fast craft was exclusively designed to threaten carriers and heavy lineships with its limited arsenal of heavy missiles. Packing a tremendous punch at short range, the Fireball has found a niche amongst many Expanse militaries who desire a credible strike asset that does not require a significant investment in carrier-based aerospace forces. Content with the reception the design has recieved, Pliss Shipyards of Excis have outsourced production and created a second system defence variant that does not have a dedicated jump drive.

Orfey Class Destroyer

Type: Destroyer
Tech Level: 3
Cost: 64 IP, 16 Delta Dust
Upkeep: 4 Supplies, 8 He3
+1 Railgun Turrets
+1 Armor
+0 Rocket Drive
+0 Delta-Dust Jumpdrive
Base Purchase price: 80 Wealth
Availability: Open
Many older Orfey destroyers were decommissioned en masse in the late 2180s; with a decade or more of well-maintained service life in their hulls they found friendly homes in many Expanse navies.

AKK-85 Class Escort

Type: Destroyer
Tech Level: 3
Cost: 80 IP, 16 Delta Dust
Upkeep: 4 Supplies, 8 He3
+1 CAM-X Spatial Ordnance Tracking System
+1 Multi-Gun Turrets
+1 Anti-Aerospace Targeting
Base Purchase price: 96 Wealth (115 for nations with Treaty of Sirius)
Availability: Open
Nicknamed 'Ack-Acks' for their plethora of fast-cycle dual gun turrets, the Asprey, Kensler & Kolm 2185 variant destroyer-escort was originally designed and marketed to fill the escort gap in the fleets of the Core worlds. While its innovative tracking systems and fast-swivel turrets were a marvel at the time, it was considered lacking in electronic systems capability by most of its potential buyers and few, if any, AKK-85's found their way to their way into the fleets of the major Old World powers. With the local warship markets already glutted with war-era surplus and unable to otherwise fill its small-slip orbital yards with military orders, AKK's main yards in Columbia grudingly began selling escorts to unaligned independent worlds. In the wake of the war the sale of these ships was strictly regulated and former antagonists have been forced to pay a number of additional fees.

Proton light cruiser

Type: Destroyer
Tech Level: 3 Hangarized
Cost: 32 IP, 16 Sakuradite, 16 Delta Dust
Upkeep: 4 Supply, 8 He3
DP: 8
+1 Super Hangar
-1 AA Weapons
+0 Mega Particle Cannons
+0 Rocket Drive
+0 Delta-Dust Jumpdrive
-2 ZOCU Design
Base Purchase price: 75 Wealth (60 for nations with Treaty of Sirius)
Availability: Open
Mass-produced Protons were sold or provided to ZOCU-friendly powers both during and after the war; they have even turned up in fleets that were hostile to ZOCU.

Lepanto Class Cruiser

Type: Cruiser
Tech Level: 3
Cost: 120, 40 Delta Dust
Upkeep: 10 Supply, 20 He3
DP: 2
+1 Railgun Turrets
+0 Rocket Drive
+0 Delta-Dust Jumpdrive
-2 EU Design
Base Purchase price: 140 Wealth
Availability: Open
Special: Expanse states pay 12 supply for unmodified Lepanto cruisers.
While Lepantos are considered out of date in the modern EU fleet, they are common across the Expanse due to their rugged reliability.

Ionia heavy cruiser (export model)

Type: Cruiser
Tech Level: 3 Hangarized
Cost: 200 IP, 40 Delta Dust
Upkeep: 10 Supply, 20 He3
DP: 28
+1 Particle Cannons
+1 Armor
+1 Super Hangar
+0 Rocket Drive
+0 Delta-Dust Jumpdrive
-2 ZOCU Design
Base Purchase price: 280 Wealth (240 for nations with Treaty of Sirius)
Availability: Limited
A number of Ionia heavy cruisers were built for friendly powers during the First Space War; while indistinguishable from standard-mark Ionias they were never fitted with the powerful mega particle beam guns that domestic Ionias featured. Even after the war, the large hangars on these ships ensured their continued longevity.

Typhoon Strike Cruiser

Type: Cruiser
Tech Level: 4
Cost: 280 IP, 40 Theta Dust, 40 Condensates, 40 Rhenium
Upkeep: 10 Supply, 20 He3
DP: 2
Latchpoints: 2
Transit Speed: 7 TW
+1 Type-R Particle Accelerators
+1 Beam Shields
+1 Armor
+1 Docking Collars
+1 Automation
+0 Condensate Drive
+0 Theta Dust Jumpdrive
-1 Complex Design
Base Purchase price: 525 Wealth
Availability: Exclusive
A recent design from Tensor Industries, the Typhoon Strike Cruiser was surrounded by secrecy until its quiet unveiling in mid-2193. Equipped with a plethora of high-tech systems it is a showcase of Tensor's technological know-how, though rumors remain that Tensor traded significant resources to an undisclosed Expanse power to properly integrate the Theta drive. Indeed, it is not even certain where the Theta dust originated from.

Enigmas aside, the Typhoon is a highly effective warship on paper and capable of fighting almost any heavy cruiser in the galaxy on equal terms. Its ability to carry up to two HLVs or mobile armors only helps. However, unlike the newer Bullhead prototype it lacks any organic hangar space, a continuing point of criticism. The exact number of Typhoons sold by Tensor has not been publically released and so far, Tensor has resisted all inquiries into the matter.

Avalanche Multi-Role

Type: Light Carrier
Tech Level: 3X DeRegulated
Cost: 240 IP, 40 Hepatizon, 40 Delta Dust
Upkeep: 10 Supply, 20 He3
DP: 40
+1 Naval Railgun Battery
+1 Extended Range Tracking
+1 Pin-Point Hepatizon-Enhanced Barrier System
+1 Ablative Hull Plating
+0 Rocket Drive
+0 Delta-Dust Jumpdrive
+0 Strategically placed Say No to ZOCU placards.
Base Purchase price: 400 Wealth
Availability: Exclusive
Suspiciously similar in configuration to CIS Murmansk Aviation Cruiser, the Avalanche is a recent apparition in the Expanse. Unlike the CIS design, though, the Avalanche features a Pac-Am style pin-point barrier system and marginalizes missiles for turreted guns. A few conspiracy theorists argue that the CIS has deliberately leaked a dumbed-down Murmansk to hinder propagation of Ionia heavy cruisers from Zodiac worlds. However more conservative opinions suggest that the design departs too much from the Murmansk to even be a derivative. At present only a handful are known to exist and are being sold for premium dollar on loosely controlled markets near the edge of developed space.

Modernized MacArthur Class Battleship

Type: Battleship
Tech Level: 3
Cost: 300 IP, 100 Delta Dust
Upkeep: 50 Supply, 80 He3
DP: 5
+1 Armor
+1 Microparticle Cannons
-1 High Maint
+0 Gravity-Resist Drive
+0 Delta Dust Jumpdrive
-1 Design has no more growth room
Base Purchase price: 400 Wealth
Availability: Limited
Entire fleets of MacArthur Class Battleships were built by Earth and Terranova's shipyards over the course of several decades, and many of these old ships and even foreign built copies persists in the service of distant and scarcely known Rim Worlds. While the original configuration MacArthur remains a serviceable warship in those distant places, they were considered to be throughly obsolete by the standards of the Core Colonies and the Expanse even before outbreak of the First Space War. Planetary governments in those regions still in the possession of old MacArthurs were left with few options to replace the old ships, and in many cases looked to reequip them to more modern standards.

The final answer to the question of extending the service life of the MacArthur class came from General Dynamics, which through several of its shipyards began to offer a complete modernization package for the old warships. The rebuilt warships feature a much more stable grav drive system that replaces their older plasma drive, as well as a main battery of modern microparticle cannons in the place of their original dated railguns and a whole host of other minor improvements. While the rebuilt ships go through an increased amount of parts to remain functional, they are once again the frontline warships they were when they were originally built.

Liberator Battleship

Type: Battleship
Tech Level: 3
Cost: 500 IP, 100 Delta Dust
Upkeep: 25 Supply, 80 He3
DP: 5
+1 Naval Plasma Rifle
+1 Extended Range
+1 Ferro-Titanium Hull Plating
+0 Rocket Drive
+0 Delta-Dust Jumpdrive
Base Purchase price: 600 Wealth
Availability: Exclusive
Prior to the war, escalating tensions between the Zodiac Outworlds Colony Union and the Core world powers put the unaligned worlds caught between them under enormous political pressure. Facing the risk of becoming pawns of the larger powers with escalating militarization, independent worlds began to look inwards to build up their own forces. Inspired by the Zodiac Pallada project, a coalition of several independents concieved of a flagship that would represent unity amongst the non-aligned worlds and push forward a notion that they would not be so easily dragged into separatist and loyalist politics. Despite the intentions of its builders, several Liberators served amid Zodiac Pallada's during the war. Most of those that trade hands in the present are the result of Treaty of Sirius limitations imposed on those who are still able to build them.

No Quarter Attack Ship

Type: Battleship
Tech Level: 4 Hangarized
Cost: 700 IP, 100 Delta Dust, 100 Iotimoline
Upkeep: 25 Supply, 80 He3
DP: 70
+1 Positron Cannon
+1 AA Turrets
+1 (Character) Shields
+1 Super Hangar
+1 Heavily Automated
+0 Rocket Drive
+0 Delta-Dust Jumpdrive
Base Purchase price: 1200 Wealth
Availability: Exclusive
The flagship (in more way than one) of the General Galaxy lineup, the No Quarter 'attack ship' is a technological tour-de-force. Originally designed at the request of a government-backed private military contractor, the untimely bankruptcy of said corporation resulted in the ship being repossessed by the shipyard. Despite its inauspicious beginning, the No Quarter has proven to be a lucky ship in trials. Sadly for General Galaxy, despite the plethora of sophisticated technologies crammed into the No Quarter's hull and its excellent design for a command ship, the high price tag has deterred several would-be buyers.

Jane's Weapons of the CPTO (Cooperative Pacific Treaty Organization)
Jane's Weapons of the EU
Jane's Weapons of the Sino-Russian Arm
Jane's Weapons of ZOCU
Jane's Weapons of the Expanse
Jane's Weapons of the Rim
Jane's Civilian Equipment