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'''Espionage - Rank 2 (2 point):'''  Run of the mill intelligence apparatus.  
'''Espionage - Rank 2 (2 point):'''  Run of the mill intelligence apparatus.  

''(Insert info on intelligence services here. Focus is on SIGINT and keeping track of the chaotic environment of Saturn, and projecting that into capabilities and intentions. HUMINT operations are a mess because each tribe runs its own HUMINT and intrigue departments with varying degrees of success.)''
''The primary focus of the Ice Clade's intelligence service, the Listening Wind, is maintaining up to the instant plots and projections of everything in Saturn space, and a damned good idea of everything approaching Saturn. They have extensive help from the Spin Clade for this, for modelling and projecting the path of every known object and being alert to any changes. It is they who tap into the feeds of every satellite and sensor put up by the Clade, and provide high commanders and the strategic council instant access and updates to their situation. This is one of the few clanless positions, and is closer in nature to a holy order than a military organization. All tribes are provided the best information available; to do anything less would irrevocably damage the ability of the Ice Clade to operate.''
''If the Listening Wind is one of the best examples of the Ice Clade united, then the transhuman intelligence services is the worst. Each tribe has its own spymaster and agents, and each runs independent operations - sometimes at the discretion and with the endorsement of the strategic council, sometimes not. While this freedom of action and direct ties to Clade politics has some advantages in acquiring allies, there are significant downsides. Redundant work is done, signs are missed, and intelligence services occasionally work at cross-purposes and threaten to drag what should be external matters into internal disputes, and vice versa.''

==General Advancement==
==General Advancement==

Revision as of 17:30, 1 September 2014

Prior to Nemisis, Saturn was the energy hub of the solar system, dominated by corporate interests. Now those corporations are dead, and those that have survived have splintered into warring tribes. The great cities of Titan at Nyhavn and Aarhus are gone, reduced to ruin in the orbital bombardment. Gone is the great fleet base in the captured retrograde moonlets in orbit. What remains are a mix of extremophile survivalists backland miners, suddenly thrust into a position of power and responsibility beyond anything they were prepared for.

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Ice Warrior



Population: Major Polis (26 points to spend)
National Advantages: Rank 4 (6 points)
National Disadvantages: Rank 2 (+2 points)
Economy: Rank 4 (4 points)
Infrastructure: Rank 2 (2 points)
Growth Potential: Rank 0 (0 points)
Military Size: Rank 3 (3 points)
Military Support: Rank 2 (2 points)
Military Quality: Rank 4 (8 points)
Superweapons: Rank 0 (0 points)
Espionage: Rank 2 (2 point)
General Advancement: Rank 0 (0 points)


Population - Major Polis (26 points to spend): Adds an additional 250 Military Points, 300 Military Support, 25 Wealth and 25 Construction Rate but suffers -1 to Growth Potential.

The Ice Clade rules over a diverse number of tribes and emergent polities on Titan. It is one of the larger players in the struggle for Saturn's resources, and eagerly accepts new members under its wing, taxing the energy trade in exchange for security. Its client states can be accepted into the clade by adoptation in the various tribes and dynasties internal to the clade.

National Advantages

National Advantages - Rank 4 (6 points): Your nation has four National Advantages. Transhumanoid, Superior Armored Systems, Burden of the Polis, Barbarian Allies

The body type preferred by full members of the Ice Clade is the Hulder, a hulking humanoid with a profile that looks almost avian. Thick insulation and robust cybernetics allow them to survive the freezing environments of Titan and other cold iceballs throughout the Outer Rim.

While their fleets are powerful, and can rely on excessive stocks of fuel, the true secret that has enabled the Ice Clade to rise to prominence in the Saturn system is their combat prowress. A full Ice Warrior is deadly, invulnerable blur in combat, and battalions of Ice Clade shock troops are experts at warfare across low gravity iceballs and in dense asteroid warrens alike - and by all accounts, the environs of Earth or Mars would be a cakewalk compared to their normal environment. Their orbital craft tend to strip out unnecessary life support to layer on more armor, frequently making used of advanced salvaged materials and pieces of infrastructure.

One might not have expected a group of backwater extremeophiles to emerge from feuding survivalist clans into a growing superstate. In many ways the key to their success as been adopting rituals, traditions and policies that enable the other clans and even outsiders to the Saturnian system to join them, and a willingness to accomodate differences - so long as the other party was willing to meet them halfway. As outsiders assimilate, they frequently find themselves increasingly adopting the Ice Clade's signature cybernetics as both symbols of status and practical concerns. Those that don't assimilate form deep connections of trade and diplomacy, forming their own Clade but remaining connected to the Ice Clade.

While the Ice Clade refers to the collective survivalist tribes and the economic and political system, they are not without other allies apart from and yet tied to their own forces. The Monolith Corporation is as much a cult as a business, but their fortunes are tied to the energy trade and they've thrown their lot in with the Ice Clade. They lend ships and infrastructure more than soldiers to the alliance. The Ash Clade is another branch of transhumanity with its own, seperate system of governance - a republic with votes based on the size of your bunker - that contributes to the cause with planetary improvements and facilities. The Spin Clade are descendents of neuroaugmented scientists from the (destroyed) antimatter flux tube facility, who practice a form of cryptodemocracy and provide badly needed scientific support.

National Disadvantage

National Disadvantages - Rank 2 (+2 points): Your nation has two National Disadvantages. (Ascended Barbarians, Barbarian Backyard)

The Ice Clade is not descended from a proper Polis, but is rather an alliance of survivalists, extremophiles, smaller bunkerists and other dedicated survivors who have evolved and banded together. They are arguably just another helium miner clan; if a powerful, organized one with a sense of destiny and vastly superior organizational and strategic skills than the majority of their fellow clans. They lack the data stores and infrastructure of a proper Polis, and instead rely on looted ruins and hastily rebuilt infrastructure.

Living in the Saturn system means living among a wealth of destroyed habitats and survivalist bunkers, all willing to shoot first and ask questions later - out of paranoia, to get a quick claim on a valuable wreck, or simply because they know no other way. Reavers are a constant threat. More than that, the Helium miner clans are a fractious, warring lot and the rise of the Ice Clade has not gone unnoticed. The logic of expansion and taxation has made the Ice Clade enemies on their own doorstep.


Economy - Rank 4 (4 points): Wealth Rating 110 (+25).

The energy economy of the system died with Nemesis, but not for long. That is not dead which can enternal lie, and the cold economics of the outer system haven't changed. What can be traded can be taxed, and as a result the Ice Clades have encouraged the development of trade and let the incentives of capitalism work for them.


Infrastructure - Rank 2 (2 points): Construction Rating 70 (+25).

Even the massive devastation of Nemesis and war allowed significant infrastructure to remain. Helium miner clans salvaged and made use of much of it, who were in turn conquered or willingly joined for safety.

Growth Potential

Growth Potential - Rank 0 (0 points): Overcrowding and resource shortages are chronic; you need relief and now! x6 Infrastructure cost.

Titan's resources have been largely depleted for centuries. The hydrocarbon seas have been refined and used in vast megaprojects, the local metals depleted - by the pre-Nemesis era, almost all metals in the region needed to be imported. While they can salvage, many existing systems are depending on now nonexistent infrastructure and can't be adapted to present needs. Restablishing the old energy trade routes may be the Ice Clade's only real chance to grow as a civilization.

Military Stats

Military Size - Rank 3 (3 points): 490 (+250) military points.

Military Support - Rank 2 (2 points): 500 (+300) military support.

Military Quality - Rank 4 (8 points): Best of the best, your military is well trained.


Superweapons - Rank 0 (0 points): Your nation sees no real value in superweapons and may never have more than a single superweapon, period.


Espionage - Rank 2 (2 point): Run of the mill intelligence apparatus.

The primary focus of the Ice Clade's intelligence service, the Listening Wind, is maintaining up to the instant plots and projections of everything in Saturn space, and a damned good idea of everything approaching Saturn. They have extensive help from the Spin Clade for this, for modelling and projecting the path of every known object and being alert to any changes. It is they who tap into the feeds of every satellite and sensor put up by the Clade, and provide high commanders and the strategic council instant access and updates to their situation. This is one of the few clanless positions, and is closer in nature to a holy order than a military organization. All tribes are provided the best information available; to do anything less would irrevocably damage the ability of the Ice Clade to operate.

If the Listening Wind is one of the best examples of the Ice Clade united, then the transhuman intelligence services is the worst. Each tribe has its own spymaster and agents, and each runs independent operations - sometimes at the discretion and with the endorsement of the strategic council, sometimes not. While this freedom of action and direct ties to Clade politics has some advantages in acquiring allies, there are significant downsides. Redundant work is done, signs are missed, and intelligence services occasionally work at cross-purposes and threaten to drag what should be external matters into internal disputes, and vice versa.

General Advancement

General Advancement - Rank 0 (0 points): Your nation’s overall advancement level in fundamental fields such as energy generation, metallurgy, etc has undoutedly slid in the dark ages, perhaps due to improperly recovered data. The norm for groups without access to the vast data-repositories of the Polis.

Unit Types

Light Killsat Constellation (6 Points)

   Firepower 1
      Sensor Equipment 4
      Jamming 1

Heavy Killsat Constellation (9 Points)

   Firepower 5
     Sensor Equipment 1
     Jamming 3

Hunter Killsat Constellation (8 Points)

   Firepower 4
   Stealth 4

Killsats are a key component of all operations of a military force that seeks to control a system like Saturn. The amount of debris left over from Nemesis is staggering, and the numbers of drive signatures from even the slowly recovering economy and numerous neobarbs is a daunting task. Solidifying control of system requires constant vigilance. Smaller, less well armed satellites provide eyes and omnipresent jamming, while heavier weapons platforms provide direct firepower and threat-specific ECM. Supplementing those are Hunter-Killer satellites seeded on likely approach paths and key orbits, ready to inflict massive damage on their targets.

Ice Strider Division (10)

Ice Strider Assault Division (14)

(Insert Ice Strider Info)

Ice Warrior Division (9 Points)

Ice Warriors are the backbone of the Ice Clade. Each full warrior is a cybernetically augmented death machine who has undergone rigorous trials and training, and is comfortable in open vacuum or freezing atmosphere. For suborbital combat and support of larger vessels, they make use of manned manuevering frames with railguns. Most vessels include at least a small warrior complement that is expected to take part in open space combat as much as they are in ground assault.

Stormfox Squadron (10 Points)

   Firepower (Anti-Air) 4
   Speed 4
   Defenses (Jammer) 2

Hailbird Squadron (12 Points)

   Firepower (Torpedoes) 8
   Speed 3
   Defenses 1

Frostbite Squadron (10 Points)

   Firepower 0
   Speed 3
       Jammer 2
       Sensor Equipment 5

(Insert Fighter Info)

Warroc Squadron (10 Points)

   Firepower 4
   Speed 3 
   Defenses (Armor) 2
   Warrior Complement 1

The war rocket is the most basic building block of an Ice Clade force; a self-contained fighting vehicle capable of banding together to subjegate habitats through mass, speed, and power. Each tribe and clan has its own variations, traditions, and equipement, but in general each warroc has a crew of ten and up to six additional warriors, a mix of particle beams and railguns, and tough layered shielding. They are feared in both orbital and suborbital warfare.

Torch (21 Points)

   Firepower - 
       Air Defense 1
       Torpedoes/Kinetic Mines 8
   Defenses 1
       Stealth - 
   Speed 7 (-4) 
       Warrior Complement 2
       Jamming 2

A fast moving carrier of deployable killsats, mines or massive torpedeo barrages. Emphasizes asynchronous attacks, eschewing stealth for speed and unpredictability.

Skimship (26)

   Firepower  6
       Air Defense 4
       Torpedoes - 
   Defenses 1 
       Stealth  4
   Speed 3 (-7) 
      Aero Complement 4
       Jamming 1
       Sensor Equipment 3

This fairly unique type of vessel is a hybrid air breathing flying wing, designed for operations deep within Saturn's atmosphere but fully capable of vacuum combat. The tribes that operate these vessels and attendant aerospace skimmers can trace their lineage back to some of the first Helium clans to be incorporated into the ice clade.

Killstar (25)

   Firepower (Particle Lance) 12
   Defenses 4 
       Stealth 6
   Speed  1 (-8)
       Tactical Networking 2

The final word in long-range offensive firepower, these barely mobile particle cannons are used as much for intimidating habitats as they are for actually wiping out large hostiles or wrecking surface installations. The Clade likes to keep them close to home or in long eccentric orbits keep everyone else in the system guessing.

Military Forces

(740 Points)

Tribe $NAME1

Tribe $NAME2

Tribe $NAME3

Tribe $NAME4

Miscellaneous Forces