Aki Ono: Difference between revisions

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=== Gains ===
=== Gains ===
Total/Spent/Unspent (25/0/25)
Total/Spent/Unspent (25/25/0)
* Chargen Karma (25)
* Chargen Karma (25)
* Session 1 (?)
* Session 1 (?)

Revision as of 13:59, 19 March 2014




Combat Information

  • Initiative:
  • Matrix Initiative:
  • Astral Initiative:

  • Primary Armor: , Rating:
    • Accessories:
  • Primary Ranged Weapon:
    • Dam: , Acc: , AP: , Mode: , RC: , Ammo:
    • Accessories:
    • Primary Ammo:
    • Other Ammo:
  • Primary Melee Weapon:
    • Reach: , Dam: , Mode: , RC: , AP:

Condition Monitor

    • Physical Damage Tracker:
    • Stun Damage Tracker:

General Information


  • Body: 4 + 3 (damage resistance only)
  • Agility: 6 + 2
  • Reaction: 5 + 2
  • Strength: 3 + 2
  • Willpower: 2 (5 Karma)
  • Intuition: 5
  • Logic: 2 (5 Karma)
  • Charisma: 4

Special Attributes

  • Edge: 3
  • Essence: 2.575
  • Magic/Resonance: Nope!

Derived Attributes

  • Composure:
  • Judge Intentions:
  • Memory:
  • Lift/Carry:
  • Movement:


  • Physical Limit: 5
  • Mental Limit: 4
  • Social Limit: 5


Skill Groups

  • Skill Group Name (Skills Included): Rating
  • Athletics (Gymnastics, Running, Swimming) 2

Active Skills

  • Skill Name (Attribute): Rating [Specialty]
  • Automatics (Agility) 3 [Assault Rifle 1]
  • Pistols (Agility) 1 (2 Karma)
  • Unarmed Combat (Agility) 2
  • Blades (Agility) 1
  • Navigation (Intuition) 1
  • Free Fall (Body) 2
  • Intimidation (Charisma) 1
  • Sneaking (Agility) 3
  • Perception (Intuition) 3
  • First Aid (Logic) 1
  • Heavy Weapons (Agility) 2
  • Thrown Weapons (Agility) 2
  • Demolitions (Logic) 1
  • Etiquette (Charisma) 1
  • Performance 3 (Charisma) [Singing 2] (2 Karma)
  • Pilot Ground Craft (Reaction) 1 [Bikes 1] (4 Karma)


  • Knowledge Name (Attribute): Rating [Specialty]
  • Tactics (Logic): 2 [Small Unit 1]
  • Singing (Intuition): 1
  • Japanese pop culture (Intuition): 2
  • Militaries (Logic): 2 [Japanese Military 1]
  • Thai Language: 2 (2 Karma)
  • Chinese Language 1
  • Russian Language 1
  • Japanese N


  • Quality (Cost/Rating): Effects
  • Type-O Body (25 points): Renders all bioware deltaware
  • Genecrafted (4 points): Renders genetech 20% cheaper
  • Japanese Military SIN (equivalent to Corporate Limited (15 Karma)
  • Moderate Addiction hedonism (2/9 Karma)


  • Primary Lifestyle: Type (Months Paid)
  • Nuyen:
  • Licenses: License (Rating)
  • Fake IDs/Related Lifestyles/Funds/Licenses
    • Fake ID (Rating)


  • Sunan: Her manager
    • Loyalty: 2 , Connection: 2
  • Tsukino Kaori Old War Buddy and gun runner
    • Loyalty: 5, Connections: 3



  • Name (Total Cost), Rating:
    • Accessories:
  • Moonsilver Cocktail Dress (5000), Ballistic 4, Impact 1 Protection
  • Chameleon Suit (1700), Armor Rating 9
    • Fire Resistance Level 2 (500)
    • Thermal Damping Level 2 (500)
    • Helmet (100)
  • Full-Body formfitting armour Suit 1600, Ballistic 6, Impact 2
  • 400 worth of leather catsuit
  • 1250 Nyuen of assorted clothing

Ranged Weapons

  • Ares Light Fire 75 (1250)
    • Dam: 6P, Acc: 7, AP: _, Mode: SA, RC: _, Ammo: 16(c)
    • Accessories: Smart Link
    • Primary Ammo: Regular (100)
    • Other Ammo: Gel (200)
  • Ares Predator V (1450) (Level 2 fake license)
    • Dam: 8P, Acc: 7, AP: -1 Mode: SA, RC _, Ammo: 15(c)
    • Accessories: Smart Link
    • Primary Ammo: Regular (100)
  • Steyr TMP (Level 2 fake license)
    • Dam: 7P, Acc: 4, AP: _, Mode: SA/BF/FA, RC _ , Ammo: 30(c)
    • Primary Ammo: Regular (100)
    • Other Ammo: Gel (100)
  • Ingram Smartgun X
    • Dam: 8P, Acc: 6, AP: _, Mode: BF/FA, RC 2, Ammo: 32 (c)
    • Accessories: Smart Link
    • Primary Ammo: Regular (200)
  • FN HAR (Level 2 fake license)
    • Dam: 10P, Acc: 7, AP: -2, Mode: SA/BF/FA, RC 2, Ammo: 35 (c)
    • Imaging Scope
    • Smart Link
    • Primary Ammo: Regular (400)
    • Other Ammo Gel (100)
    • Other Ammo Tracer (100)

Frag Grenades (Aerodynamic, Wirelessly detonated) 18 P (f) damage AP +5 -1/m blast
Flashbangs Aerodynamic 10 S damage AP -4 10mm blast

Melee Weapons

  • Combat Knife (300)
    • Accuracy 6, Reach: _, Dam: 5P, AP: -3
  • Katana (1000)
    • Accuracy 7, Reach 1, Dam: 6P, AP: -3



  • Hyper-Glucagon 20,000 0.1
    • Double Fatigue Times
  • Neo-EPO 25,000 0.2
    • Receive a +1 dice pool modifier for all tests made with skills from the Athletics skill group and Fatigue Tests
  • PuSHeD 15,000 0.1
    • +1 to Logic-linked skill tests
  • Reakt: 30,000 0.4
    • +2 Dice on Reaction Tests to defend yourself
  • Synch: 30,000 0.3
    • +1 dice on all Perception Tests

Total 1.1 Essence

120,000 * 0.8 = 96,000


  • Synaptic Booster 2 (190,000) 1
    • +2 Reaction, +2d6 Initiative
  • Bone density augmentation 3 (15,000) 0.9
    • +3 Body for damage resistance, unarmed damage (Str + 2)P
  • Damage Compensators 4 (8000) 0.4
    • Ignore 4 damage boxes before determining injury modifiers
  • Toxin Extractor 4 (19,200) 0.8
    • +4 Toxin resistance

Total: 3.1/2 = 1.55 Essence



  • Cybereyes 3 (10,000) 0.4
    • 12 Capacity
    • Smartlink (4,000) 3 Cap: +2 Accuracy when using weapon w/smartlink, +2d if wireless
    • Thermographic Vision (1,500) 2 Cap: See Infrared
    • Low-Light Vision (1,500) 2 Cap: Night vision
    • Flare Compensation (1,000) 1 Cap: Flash compensation
    • Vision Enhancement 3 (12,000) 3 Cap: +3 Limit to visual perception rolls, +3d to visual perception rolls if wireless
  • Muscle Replacement 2 (50,000) 2
    • +2 Strength, Agility

Total: 2.4 Essence


Total: 2.65 (Bioware) + 2.4/2 (Cyberware) = 3.85 Essence
Total: 408,200 Nyuen


  • Model: , Rating:
    • Attack: , Sleaze: , Data Processing: , Firewall:
  • Programs:
  • Matrix Condition Monitor:


  • Vehicle: Suzuki Mirage
    • Handling: 5/3 , Speed: 6, Acceleration: 3,
    • Pilot: 1, Body: 5, Armor: 6, Sensor: 2, Seats: 1


Other Gear

  • Name (Total Cost), Rating:
    • Accessories:
  • Renraku Sensei Comlink (1000), Rating: 3
  • Medikit (750), Rating 3
  • 2 Months Squat Housing (1000)

Special Abilities

Spells/Preparations/Rituals/Complex Forms

  • Power Name
    • Type/Target: , Range: , Duration: , Drain:
    • Notes/Explanation

Adept Powers or Other Abilities

  • Power Name, Rating
    • Notes/Explanation

Other Gear



  • A: Money
  • B: Attributes
  • C: Skills
  • D: Metatype
  • E: Magic



Total/Spent/Unspent (25/25/0)

  • Chargen Karma (25)
  • Session 1 (?)


Total/Spent/Unspent (25/0/25)