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:Archery 6
:Archery 6
:Bardic Poetry 6
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:Blacksmith 5
:Blacksmith 5
:Music 5
:Athleticism 5
:Riding 5
:Riding 5
:Human Surface Lore 5
:Human Surface Lore 5

Revision as of 18:20, 14 October 2013


Concept: Surface-dwelling survivor/survivalist
Role: Local Guide


There were storms when the sky fell. They rained down beasts of maddening physiology, turning the trees and creatures of the world against themselves and scorching the very air itself. Vitale, through bitter fortune, survived this madness.

She continues to wander the natural world she once watched over and studied, even as it was changed. She continues to learn from it, even as she is thrust into the struggle of natural survival more than any elf could have expected.


Vitale has a lean, wolfish cast to her features. Her hair, usually concealed by her cloak, is her strangest feature – it still changes with the seasons, but all of the colours have been changes to an irregular mix of indigo, with the shade generally changing depending on the current season. This is a direct side effect to the altered surface climate. Her eyes remain the same deep green they were before the sky fell.


Druid Magic 8
Abomination Lore 6
Stealth 6
Archery 5
Healing 5
Tracking 5
Lost Surface Lore 5


Cloak of the Wood (blends in with whatever environment the wearer is in, protects them from natural weather)
Venomseed Staff (can be used as a blow-gun to fire needle-like darts coated with a paralytic poison)


Concept: Sorcercess/Shrine Maiden
Role: Ancient/Historical Scholar, Magical Support


Born the illegitimate daughter of a fairly major noble, Minth had the luck to be taken in by her noble father and sent to a shrine run school. She displayed a distinct talent for arcane magic and also studied the path of the shrine maiden, in honor of her mother who was a priestess. She is known to be a talented and powerful mage but has had a rather sheltered upbringing, having grown up within the bounds of a fairly prestigious boarding school.


Minth has an intelligent cast to her face and is conventionally pretty, but has dressed practically in simple sorceress's robes since graduating from her school. She has sharp blue-green eyes and keeps her hair either tied back or cut short depending upon her mood.


Arcane Magic 8
Arcane Lore 6
Divine Magic 6
Divine Lore 5
Ancient and Non-Elven Languages 5
Ancient/Historical Lore 5
Staff Fighting 5


Sorceress's Staff (Masterpiece) - A high quality gift from her father with several protective enchantments on it. A good focus for her magic and also an effective weapon when someone manages to get up close.
Priestly Goods: A portable altar and everything else a journeying priest(ess) would need to worship the elvish deities.


Concept: Clockwork cyborg
Role: Fighter


Tam experimented with many ways for the races of mortals to survive the cataclysm and the possible disasters to follow. Among them was to link fallible flesh more closely to machines and magic. Mitz was one of the lowborn children chosen for the honour of experiment, for which her parents recieved a year's extra food ration. Her body was altered for superior respiration and circulation, enabling her to use the pneumatic and hydraulic interfaces the artisans of Caer Lonesis were developing for direct integration with machina. However, she pays a price for this power in persistently elevated blood pressure and the unbalancing of her humours.

Mitz was raised by the servants of the sorceress and shaped by her magic. She is devoted to Tam and her presence as such on the exploration squad is not a coincidence.


Mitz is a dark elf with a hunched stance and a strange humped back under her cloak. Her blue-black skin is oddly blotched with grey and pink. One eye is purple, the other is white.


Close Combat 8
Intimidation 6
Weaving 6
Omnidexterity 5
Machinery 5
Stealth 5
Acrobatics 5


Arachnid Harness: What looks like a bulky backpack under Mitz's cloak unfolds into a set of eight long clawed limbs she can move independently. Any one is strong enough to lift both her and the machinery. The core is attached tightly to Mitz and hooked into her respiratory and circulatory systems at several points. It takes several minutes to remove safely and like all flesh-linked machina, places a certain amount of physiological stress on the user. Nevertheless one as experienced as Mitz can use it for days without major issue.
Spider Queen's Loom: Attached to the base of the arachnid harness is a smaller module with a long prehensile tail. In the tip a hundred alchemically-altered spinnerettes are preserved in undeath, and Mitz can use them to spin both conventional silk and a more rigid type that sets hard in minutes.


Concept: Dark Elven Cadet Princess
Role: Social/Physical Heavy Hitter


Dolwen is the cadet daughter among Tam's many children, and least likely to attain power by her birth alone. In spite of this she was given the same educational opportunities as her older siblings, particularly groomed in the arts of diplomacy and warfare as she was groomed to be an adviser and protector to her elders. Developing a complex over her perceived inferiority in status and pushing to excel in her lessons, she developed a rare talent for manipulating others through words alone, enhanced to supernatural puissance through the qualities of a carefully-bred bloodline.

When it was announced that there would be an expedition beyond the valley, she took it upon herself to go with them, reasoning that the ravaged lands might offer her an opportunity for a kingdom of her own. Whether through marriage to some warlord or by striking it out in the wastes herself... it matters little.



Dolwen is fair-skinned and pale-haired by the standards of other dark elves, her skin an ashen porcelain and wavy hair a brilliant snow-white. Her appearance is lithe and youthful and often clad in regal dresses of dark elven style, concealing tremendous physical prowess. She fights with a long-chained flail, but is equally adept with the whip-sword, cat of nine tails, rope dart and even lasso.


Voice of Command 8
Flexible Weapons 6
Superior Royal Bloodline 6
Ancient and Non-Elven Languages 5
Diplomatic Strategy 5
Alchemy 5
Elegant Style 5


Shooting Star (Long Flail): A flail with an extra-long chain that must be wielded with two hands. The spiked head flickers with little dancing sparks, allowing it to dazzle the weak-willed when whirled in the air, while those it strikes are set ablaze and launched by the force of the impact.
Esgalwath (Familiar): A shapechanging creature of an inky-black liquid that Dolwen created over the course of many years as her alchemical magnum opus, hoping to gain the approval of her mother. It is a symbiotic creature generated within her body through the ingestion of processed toxins, hiding itself in her blood and shadow that laces itself into her clothes and allows her to reshape and protect garments, absorbs poisons and reknits her body together when it is injured.

Renald d'Villers

Concept: Surface Guardian
Role: Bodyguard to Vitale


The surface world after the event was a harsh place, those settlements that survived or were created after the sky fell were fragile places and easily lost to the madness and violence of the wasteland. As far as anybody could tell, Renald is a survivor from such a place.


A taciturn quiet man in late thirties, short black hair with grey fringes and goatee, with a scar across his right side of the face, and dull grey eyes. Wears heavy armor with a sun motif well faded.


Swordplay 8
Archery 6
Bardic Poetry/Music 6
Blacksmith 5
Athleticism 5
Riding 5
Human Surface Lore 5


Armor of Karsland: Heavy armor that is quiet and feels lightweight to the wearer
Sword of Karsland: A magic sword from an order of paladins nearly vanished.