Complex Student Sanae: Difference between revisions

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'''Concept''': Peppy Magitech scientist/past-life magitech supervillain<br>
'''Concept''': Peppy Magitech scientist/past-life magitech supervillain<br>
'''Motivation''': Construct a Magitech weapon with enough power to conquer the Realm<br>
'''Motivation''': Construct a Magitech weapon with enough power to conquer the Realm<br>
'''Intimacies''': First Age technology (Reverence), her Family (Love), Literature (adoration), Her Home (Safety), Van (Trust), AKB (Fascination), Iron-Crowned Creator's work (nostalgia)<br>
'''Intimacies''': First Age technology (Reverence), Superweapons (Obsession), Inventing (Love), her Family (Love), Literature (adoration), Her Home (Safety), Van (Trust), AKB (Fascination), Iron-Crowned Creator's work (nostalgia), Distant Heavens (Fascination)<br>
'''Anima Icon''': A massive technological dragon, roaring and belching steam<br>
'''Anima Icon''': A massive technological dragon, roaring and belching steam<br>
'''Caste''': Twilight<br>
'''Caste''': Twilight<br>

Revision as of 21:11, 9 August 2013

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Concept: Peppy Magitech scientist/past-life magitech supervillain
Motivation: Construct a Magitech weapon with enough power to conquer the Realm
Intimacies: First Age technology (Reverence), Superweapons (Obsession), Inventing (Love), her Family (Love), Literature (adoration), Her Home (Safety), Van (Trust), AKB (Fascination), Iron-Crowned Creator's work (nostalgia), Distant Heavens (Fascination)
Anima Icon: A massive technological dragon, roaring and belching steam
Caste: Twilight


  • Age: 20

Appearance: A tall girl with a thin, slender build, green, inquisitive eyes and short, red hair. She wears spectacles, and a many-pocketed research tunic with a shoulder-shawl and a satchel containing tools, as well as a small, round scholarly hat.

Concept: The daughter of a Dragonblooded house, Sanae was sent off to school to study, in the hope she would exalt as a Dragonblood. She took to her studies well, reading books and learning, but her birthright didn't come, and her family became disillusioned. She, of course, knew little of this, as she was engrossed in the great lore of the Blessed Isle.

Until, of course, she discovered a strange schematic in the college library – a blueprint for a complicated machine. Intrigued, she started looking into it – the best she could discover was that it was probably from the First Age. Frustrated at the lack of knowledge, she decided to build it and see what it did.

It was not easy – essence batteries and other materials were hard to come by – but she improvised the best she could, using materials she could scavenge and even managed to get her hands on some Jadeborn devices to fill them out. When it was time to come home, she took the device with her – her family ignored it, however, grown bitter over her mortality.

It was a few days later, while taking a break, that she overheard her brothers and sisters talking with her mother in garden. They had grown tired of her, blaming her for her inability to Exalt and the money put into her, and demanded the others kill her. There were no disagreements.

Sanae went into a frenzy of activity – not to flee, but rather to finish her machine, before she died. She broke apart a clock, and several old toys, to make the device, as her brothers broke in the door. She flipped the switch as they raised their weapons to strike.

And with that action, she erupted into a bright sunlight burst, that darkened into shadow, revealing the Twilight Caste mark on her forehead. Immediately filled with a touch of clarity. She pulled a tube from the machine she'd made even as it chugged, flipped two switches, and dove behind a couch as the device exploded.

She escaped in the confusion, leaving the Blessed Isle – driven by memories that suddenly filled her. Memories of great machines and devices and wondrous cities. She stopped onto to find the Jadeborn cavern she'd passed with the expedition, and emerged with a new device – an orichcalcum crossbow. So armed, she set out to look for old technology to restore.


  • Twilight Caste
  • Essence 4
Personal: 22/22
Peripheral: 38/47



  • Strength 2
  • Dexterity 3
  • Stamina 2


  • Perception 3
  • Intelligence 5
  • Wits 3


  • Charisma 3
  • Manipulation 1
  • Appearance 5



  • Archery 5 (Favoured)
  • Martial Arts 1


  • Integrity 3 (Favoured)
  • Performance 1


  • Craft (Air, Fire, Earth, Wood, Water) 5
  • Craft (Magitech) 5 Superweapons +2
  • Investigation 2
  • Lore 5 - First Age +1, Enchanted Devices +1
  • Medicine 3
  • Occult 5


  • Awareness 4 (Favoured)
  • Dodge 1 (Favoured)


  • Bureaucracy 1
  • Linguistics 3 (High Realm, Low Realm, Old Realm, Guild Cant, Riverspeak) (Favoured)
  • Socialize 1


  • Willpower 10
  • Compassion 2
  • Conviction 3
  • Temperance 2
  • Valour 2
  • Virtue Flaw: Conviction

Merits and Flaws

Past Lives 5 (+5 die to use First Age technology, lore and society, perfect memory of First Age Incarnations)

Throwback -3 – Iron-crowned Creator

Motivation: Control all mortals and Exalted with magitech and Charm technology, and rule a Creation of dominated slaves
Intimacies: Automatons (Affection), Lunar mate (Possessiveness), Rulership (Duty), His Kingdom (Duty), Lawmaking (Desire), Slavery (Desire)

Enemy -3 (Her Dragonblood brother and sisters and his soldiers, looking for her to kill an Anathema and redeem the family name)



  • Twilight: Add Essence (4) Intelligence + Occult roll (10) to identify or analyse Charm, and to Perception + Awareness (7), to notice magic or Charms. +3 Dodge MDV against unnatural Illusions. (5 motes, automatic at 11+ anima banner)


  • First Archery Excellency (1m)
  • Trance of Unhesitating Speed - Number of extra actions equal to essence + 1 (4)(2m or 3m per shot)


  • Second Integrity Excellency (2m)
  • Integrity-Protecting Prana - Immune to Shaping effects for one day (5m, 1wp)
  • Temptation Resisting Stance (6m)


  • First Craft Excellency (1m)
  • Second Craft Excellency (2m)
  • Peerless Paragon of Air - +Essence/2 (2) sux on Air craft rolls(Permanent)
  • Peerless Paragon of Magitech - +Essence/2 (2) sux on Magitech craft rolls(Permanent)
  • Crack-mending Technique - Complete EssenceX3 (12) hours of repair work per hour, without need for raw materials (10m, 1wp)


  • First Occult Excellency (1m)
  • Spirit Detecting Glance - detect spirits(3m)
  • All-encompassing Sorcerer's Sight - detect essence and magic (6m)
  • Terrestrial Circle Sorcery (Permanent)
  • Celestial Circle Sorcery (Permanent)


  • First Lore Excellency (1m)
  • Third Lore Excellency (4m)
  • Chaos-Repelling Pattern - force area (Wyld, Malfeas) to adhere to laws of Creation for an hour (8m)
  • Wyld-Shaping Technique - Roll Int + Lore (10) in the Wyld to shape it into stuff, see book for details (20m, 1wp)


  • Death of Obsidian Butterflies
  • Emerald Countermagic
  • First Circle Demon
  • Sapphire Countermagic
  • Threefold Binding of the Heart
  • God-forged Champion of War



Artefact 2
Artefact 2
Influence 2
Resources 3


Linthua Money (Resources 2)


Orichcalcum Assault Crossbow: Speed 5, Accuracy +4, Damage 9L, Rate 1, Range 300, Attune 5, Artifact ••, Tags:2, B
Transformative Armour: Soak +6L/+4B, Hardness 2L/2B, Mobility -0, Fatigue 0, Attune 4, Can shapeshift

Other Notable Possessions

Crossbow Bolts
Iron-Crowned Creator's Notebook 1
Sword Grace (Mysterious Super-villain Raksha)
Sword Grace (Fabulous Ice Traveler Roberta)

XP Record

Prelude: 0 XP, 2 Resources (temp), Iron-crowned Creator's Notebook 1
Session 1: 9 xp
Session 2: 10 xp
Session 3: 8 xp
Session 4: 8 xp
Session 5: 4 xp
Session 6: 8 xp
Session 7: 8 xp
Session 8: 8 xp
Session 9: 10 xp
Session 10: 8 xp
Session 11: 8 xp
Session 12: 9 xp
Session 13: 8 xp
Session 14: 8 xp
Session 15: 8 xp
Session 16: 8 xp
Session 17: 8 xp
Session 18: 17 xp
Session 19: 10 xp
Session 20: 10 xp

Essence to 3 (16)
Magitech to 3 (3)
Integrity Protecting Prana (8)
Terrestrial Circle Sorcery (4)
Death of Obsidian Butterflies (4)
Emerald Countermagic (4)
Craft Water Field (3)
First Circle Demon (4)
Medicine to 2 (1)
Medicine to 3 (3)
Craft (Magitech) to 4 (5)
Investigation to 2 (1)
Magitech to 5 (7)
Crack-mending Technique (8)
Chaos-Repelling Pattern (8)
Wyld-Shaping Technique (8)
Essence to 4 (24)
Past Lives to 5 (3)
Peerless Paragon of Magitech (8)
Celestial Circle Sorcery (4)
Threefold Binding of the Heart (4)
God-forged Champion of War (4)
Sapphire Countermagic (4)
2nd Integrity Excellency (8)
Temptation Resisting Stance (8)
Total: 167
Spent: 154
Reserve: 13