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*My roommate Madison is also our remote operations specialist. We're friends, I guess?
*My roommate Madison is also our remote operations specialist. We're friends, I guess?
6: Do you have any important relations with unenlightened people?
6: Do you have any important relations with unenlightened people?
*My foster family were and continue to be unenlightened agents working for the Union. I try to visit them in Pasadena every other weekend.
*My foster family are unenlightened agents working for the Union. I try to visit them in Pasadena every other weekend.
7: Do you have any strong political opinions? What are they?
7: Do you have any strong political opinions? What are they?
*I'm fairly liberal... on all accounts. Pro-gay marriage, pro-civil liberties, pro-genetic research, and against a drug war which is only managing to create contempt of the law and righteous governance among the sleepers.
*I'm fairly liberal... on all accounts. Pro-gay marriage, pro-civil liberties, pro-genetic research, and against a drug war which is only managing to create contempt of the law and righteous governance among the sleepers.

Revision as of 18:46, 6 July 2013

Vital Statistics

Name// Livna Ingram
Convention// NWO (Watchers; Correspondance)
Concept// Social Media Idol
Image Song// Yoko Kanno - Know Your Enemy
Nature// Misfit - "Don't you understand? I inherited the recessive genes, I was leftovers from the program! A failure!"
Demeanor// Devil's Advocate - "Never before social media has there been a more effective means for sleepers to impotently express their opinions. And I think I like it."
Essence// Questing
Construct// GPT 4582

Things to Track

Willpower// 7
Temporary Willpower// 7
Health Levels// -0 x 1, -1 x 2, -2 x 2, -5 x 1, Incapacitated
Current Damage// 0
Arete// 4
Quintessence// 0/0
Paradox// 0


Strength// 2
Dexterity// 3
Stamina// 2
Perception// 2
Intelligence// 4 (Informed)
Wits// 4 (Artistic)
Charisma// 4 +1 (Popular)
Manipulation// 4 +1 (Troll)
Appearance// 4 +1 (Telegenic)



Expression 4// (Quotability)
Leadership 1//
Streetwise 3//
Subterfuge 3//


Art (Graphic Design) 2//
Drive 1//
Etiquette 2//
Networking 4// (Social Media)
Performance 4// (Music)
Photography 1//


Academics (Psychology) 4// (Market Psychology)
Computer 2//
Media 4// (Backstage Access)
Linguistics 1// (English; Japanese)


Foci and Spheres

Correspondence 3//
Entropy 3//
Mind 3//
Time 2//



Backup 3//
Enhancements 3//
Fame 2//
Genius 3//
Requisition 1//
Resources 5//






Merits and Flaws


Media Ties// Thanks to a complicated network of talent agencies and sponsorships, Livna is in authoritative contact with a very large number of media personalities and can easily call in favors to get into touch with people one or two degrees of separation away.


Construct// Designed to be a mass-marketted, larger-than-life figure, Livna has a precisely defined physique and facial features set to exact standards considered to be the baseline of physical beauty. Even disheveled and unhealthy, her features would be perfectly symmetrical, skin smooth and lacking blemishes. Her back and shoulders are adorned with indentations in the skin from the life support cables that sustained her in the vats during her creation, and left arm tattooed with an indelible marker that labels her as a member of the Les Idoles Terribles project.
Uncanny 2// In addition to merely being faintly implausible at a glance, Livna is especially recognizable and memorable. Her eyes are a bright, saturated brown that edges into a red and seems to catch the light even at night, and lustrous black hair inexplicably reflecting in shades of green.

Genetic Flaws:

Diet// Designed to remain slim and fit in spite of potentially indulgent celebrity lifestyles, agents produced in the Les Idoles Terribles line have hyperactive metabolisms that triple their effective caloric requirements.
Allergies// Due to a lack of oversight in the selection of donor sequences from Les Idoles Terribles several late-production models inherited dust and pollen allergies from the ovum donor, limiting their peak operating environments to clean, interior environments.
Verbal Tic// While normally well-spoken, Livna has a habit of appending statements with or exclaiming herself with the sound 'nya' when stressed or overly excited.




Attribute Points 64/54/24

Charisma 4 (24)
Appearance 4 (24)
Manipulation 3 (12)
Wits 4 (24)
Intelligence 4 (24)
Perception 2 (4)
Dexterity 3 (12)
Strength 2 (4)
Stamina 2 (4)


Ability Points 80/80 +2

5 Ability 3 (45)
4 Ability 2 (20)
6 Ability 1 (18)


Background Points 21/21

Resources 3 (9)
Backup 3 (9)
Genius 1 (3)


Sphere Points 59/65

Mind 3 (31)
Entropy 2 (18)
Correspondence 1 (10)

Freebie Points

Freebie Points 122/112 +10

Uncanny 2 (+6)
Manipulation 4 (12)
Media 4 (10)
Performance 4 (6)
Expression 4 (6)
Networking 4 (6)
Academics (Psychology) 4 (10)
Fame 2 (6)
Resources 4 (3)
Media Ties (6)
Correspondence 3 (24)
Entropy 3 (16)
Enhancement 3 (9)
Drive 2 (2)
Genius 3 (6)


Experience Gains

Experience Total/Spent/Unspent (50/35/15)

Starting XP (50)

Experience Spending

Experience Total/Spent/Unspent (50/35/15)

Requisition 1 (3)
Resources 5 (3)
Willpower 7 (11)
Time 2 (18)



1: Why did you join the Technocracy?

  • The Technocracy made me, gave me a family, gave me gainful employment even when the project I was created for was ended and gave me a place to prosper in spite of it all.

2: What direction do you believe the world should be steered?

  • A world connected by vast social networks that bridge all strata of society, all races and creeds, gathering the information needed for the best people for the job to make ours the best of all worlds.

3: Are you patriotic towards any unenlightened nation?

  • Never.

4: What do you do when not on duty?

  • Parties, eating out, clubbing- a bit of amateur photography and web design for my personal pages.

5: Do you have any important relations with other members of the Technocracy beyond GPT 4582?

  • My roommate Madison is also our remote operations specialist. We're friends, I guess?

6: Do you have any important relations with unenlightened people?

  • My foster family are unenlightened agents working for the Union. I try to visit them in Pasadena every other weekend.

7: Do you have any strong political opinions? What are they?

  • I'm fairly liberal... on all accounts. Pro-gay marriage, pro-civil liberties, pro-genetic research, and against a drug war which is only managing to create contempt of the law and righteous governance among the sleepers.

8: What is your greatest ambition?

  • Retire from field operations and become a famous media personality. I'm eager to move on from just rubbing shoulders with big figures in entertainment and news media.

9: Are you happy with your present position?

  • I am. I think I could do better, but I am.

10: If you could change one thing about your life what would it be?

  • I wish my hair color was more natural-looking.