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=Air Units=
=Air Units=
==Medium Bomber==
==Heavy Bomber==
==Heavy Bomber==

Revision as of 09:33, 6 June 2013

Infinite Sky

General Rules

  • Everything takes exactly one year to build.
  • Budget, building and unit completion happen at the start of every quarter. Units can be used immediately.
  • Any upkeep is paid at the beginning of the quarter, including for units that finished that month.
  • Any unit that isn't given upkeep loses the capabilities that require them.
  • Units that need Luftum can only defend.

Naval Units


The battleship is the traditional arm of decision in naval battles – a matter settled by robustness of armour and weight of broadside. They are the most powerful and expensive ships a country can build. Modern dreadnought battleships, owe their existence to the original Dreadnought, a famous warship finished in 11904, just before the start of the Continental War. Although best known for her unified battery of high caliber guns, the dreadnought had numerous other advances such as the "tunnel drive" protecting once exposed propeller assemblies and a since standard system of gyroscopic gimbals that allows its torus assemblies to correct for some degree of listing.


(+1) Superheavy Shells

(+X) Armour Piercing

(+X) Firepower

(+X) Armour

(+X) Engine


The decades following the widespread introduction of the Luftum Torus were heady times in the field of naval innovation. Nobody had any idea what they were doing or where ship design would end up next. The proliferation of explosive shells had made war both on land and in the sky a deadly serious business and military shipwrights responded with rapid escalation in size and protection. After half a century of experimentation, counter-experimentation and outright lunacy, the most advanced continental navies reached a consensus of design. These ships were the main fleet combat unit of the first half of the Continental War and some survive in service today, decades after they were first commissioned.

While even the oldest pre-dreadnought share critical systems – redundant and compartmentalized toruses, electrical power, face-hardened armour and armour piercing naval artillery - they are not modern by any means. Aside from having only four main battery guns, both the design of their artillery and the sophistication of their fire direction systems fall behind that of modern ships. Their protection is also seriously challenged by weapons like airplanes or torpedoes.

Pre-dreadnoughts cannot be constructed but can be purchased at game start, costing 0.25x normal. Compared to normal battleships, their speed and armour is somewhat reduced and their heavy firepower is greatly reduced. They take triple damage from bombs and torpedoes. Limited scaling.

A battlecruiser has greatly reduced armour protection but a speed equal to a battleship with (+2) Speed. A battlecruiser with (+2) Armour likewise matches the toughness of a normal battleship.

Submarine ships trade firepower for the ability to survive the Sea of Storms.

Hybrid Conversion
Converts half of heavy firepower into carrier aircraft.

Carrier Conversion
Converts all heavy firepower into carrier aircraft.



Protected and armoured cruisers?

High Altitude
Increased fuel consumption at normal altitude. Superior upkeep in the Tropics and option to reach the Desert at great cost.


Carrier Conversion
Not as good as fleet carriers.


The original Destroyer was secretly built in Sarland, a colony of the Kingdom of Jigash, by rebel forces. She came in the wake of two critical technologies – the Kleinssen Torus design that allowed unprecedented miniaturization of lift units for ships and the gradual development of useful rocket-propelled torpedoes. When completed in 11888, she weighed 2715 tons – almost all of it in its single lift unit and propeller arrays – and sank the battleship Gilgamesh as it held station off the coast. Although it would take many years for torpedoes to become fast and sophisticated enough to strike a moving ship and for torus engineering to be further refined, the sensational sinking of a capital ship to a cobbled-together contraption a fraction her size put every major navy on notice. The Kingdom of Jigash itself became the first to commission a series of its own "destroyers".


Torpedo Attack
Trades away gun firepower for speed.


Military Transport


High Altitude
Increased fuel consumption at normal altitude. Superior upkeep in the Tropics and option to reach the Desert at great cost.


Carrier Conversion
Not as good as fleet carriers.

Army Units

Infantry Brigade

Armour Brigade

Tactical Armour Brigade

Air Units





Medium Bomber

Heavy Bomber