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'''Badass:''' You are personally extremely skilled at fighting.  
'''Badass:''' You are personally extremely skilled at fighting.  

'''Charismatic:''' You are excellent at making friends. NPCs tend to react well to you.  
'''A genius at people:''' You are equally skilled at people as to war, and have obtained one or more of the favour of the court, the loyalty of your troops or the patronage of a powerful individual.  

'''Charmed Life:''' Somehow, no matter how many risks you take, you never seem to personally die, even if you lose.  
'''Charmed Life:''' Somehow, no matter how many risks you take, you never seem to personally die, even if you lose.  
'''Court Favourite:''' You are extremely well connected and have much access to resources and promotion.

'''Machiavellian:''' You are a master of personal schemes and intrigues.  
'''Machiavellian:''' You are a master of personal schemes and intrigues.  
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'''Lady of Chaos:''' You have a reputation as terrifying to your enemies. Only the strongest fleet moral survives your assault.  
'''Lady of Chaos:''' You have a reputation as terrifying to your enemies. Only the strongest fleet moral survives your assault.  

'''Load Bearing Friend:''' You have a special subordinate (PC or NPC) who always keeps you on the straight and narrow and who is completely loyal. In game terms this gives you a loyal ally and partly negates one of your flaws.
'''Load Bearing Friend:''' You have a special subordinate (PC or NPC) who always keeps you on the straight and narrow and who is completely loyal. In game terms this gives you a loyal ally and partly negates one of your flaws.
'''Patron:''' You have someone of higher rank looking out for you.  

'''Reinhard Effect:''' At vital points, enemy NPCs and some PCs are inclined to do what you want them to do, even if they realize what you're doing.  
'''Reinhard Effect:''' At vital points, enemy NPCs and some PCs are inclined to do what you want them to do, even if they realize what you're doing.  

Revision as of 12:30, 16 September 2012

In the far future the black seas of space are not at peace. For almost a thousand years the vast Empire of the Grand Stars has stood astride space, uniting it with a complex web of loyalty oaths and feudal territories. An aristocracy, united by the genetic enhancements of the old blood rules among the stars, all owing nominal loyalty the Emperor, an increasingly uneasy title.

Now however new challenges present themselves: the constant expansion of the empire to give land to younger sons of the nobility has expanded their space too far. Now the imperial border abuts the Freehold of Silnar, a nation formed by ethnic minorities, dispossessed nobles and escaping serfs who escaped the brutality of the Imperial system centuries ago.

As if this wasn't enough the Terran Marches rise in rebellion. United by transhumanist ethics and a desire to recapture the secrets of the old blood the Terran Rebels have enacted all manner of experiments, including the wholesale experimentation against captive noblemen.

With little wish to transform humanity instead of freeing it, the Freehold is reluctant in the extreme to ally with the rebels, even in the face of the mounting imperial threat. Meantime the Terrans wish to gain the knowledge and science that the Freeholders have developed in isolation by any means necessary.

As the three corned war begins to intensify, a new class of military commanders must emerge, heroes who's decisions will lead whole fleets to victory - or defeat.


Each Admiral has 1 faction trait (from their faction) 1 personal trait, 2 command traits, 1 fleet trait and 1 flaw.

Additional flaws maybe used to buy additional traits up to a maximum of 2 additional flaws.

National Traits

Imperial Traits

High Noble: An aristocrat of the old blood you are longer lived, smarter and stronger than the common man. As a High Noble you have access to many resources and favours at court.

A Noble Name: You are a gentile pauper, from a ruined family with nothing left but it's name. You have no land or title and few connections, but your experiences in life have changed you for the better.

Common Born: You have none of the old blood in your veins and have risen to high rank only through merit. Some respect that, others resent it. Obviously though you have some quality to rise so high.

Freeholder Traits

Political Admiral: You rose to your place in the military by guile and politics. There's no shame in that. You know you have what it takes to fight against all enemies, foreign and domestic. And with your connections you've got the resources to do it.

Exiled Noble: The old blood flows through your veins. Disliked by many of your peers you never the less strive to show your loyalty to the Freehold and its ideals: that anyone, no matter their birth may rise to high rank.

Graduate Officer: A product of the vast training schools on Silnar, you are military through and threw. You don't have many connections in the government but you have a firm education and a lot of friends among the graduates.

Terran Traits

Experiment: You are an enfant terrible. A young person subjected to massive augmentation in secret before the revolution, perhaps even before you were born. Your body and mind are Terra's instruments. . . it's a pity that they haven't quite worked the bugs out yet.

Nationalist: You are a patriot of old earth, never content with its relegation to merely secondary status. Hailing from the revolution's capital your fleet always seems to acquire the best equipment and assignments.

Ideologue: You are an ideological supporter of the revolution, and a masterful proponent of it. Known as one of the original heroes of the rebellion, any of its soldiers would willingly serve, and die under your command. (Incompatible with the bad morale or insubordinate flaws)

Personal Traits

Badass: You are personally extremely skilled at fighting.

A genius at people: You are equally skilled at people as to war, and have obtained one or more of the favour of the court, the loyalty of your troops or the patronage of a powerful individual.

Charmed Life: Somehow, no matter how many risks you take, you never seem to personally die, even if you lose.

Machiavellian: You are a master of personal schemes and intrigues.

Energetic: You are personally incredibly energetic, seeming to be everywhere on the battlefield at once.

Lady of Chaos: You have a reputation as terrifying to your enemies. Only the strongest fleet moral survives your assault.

Load Bearing Friend: You have a special subordinate (PC or NPC) who always keeps you on the straight and narrow and who is completely loyal. In game terms this gives you a loyal ally and partly negates one of your flaws.

Reinhard Effect: At vital points, enemy NPCs and some PCs are inclined to do what you want them to do, even if they realize what you're doing.

Willful: No matter how insubordinate you are, due to connections, guile or some other means you somehow manage to escape serious consequences for your actions.

Yang the Magician: You have a reputation for doing impossible things. Rather than falling over themselves to go along with your plans as happens in the Reinhard effect, your enemies are at such pains not to go along with your plans that they lock up and fail to do anything.

Command Traits

Battleship Admiral: You are particularly good in employing battleships Also available in Destroyer Leader and Carrier Commander

Best Fleet: You have one additional fleet trait

Diligent: You are diligent in your duties, always conducting proper reconnaissance and having reserves and the like squirreled away in textbook fashion.

Electronic Attack: You're an expert in the use of jamming and cybernetic attack.

Fleet Micro: You can organize whatever fleet formation you want, no matter how unlikely.

Great Man: You have an additional personal trait

Ironshield: You are outstanding on the defence.

Lelouch: You are adept at killing foes with terrain, luring them into asteroid swarms, solar flares, moons you've rigged with explosives or pockets of sea floor gas.

Maskirovka: With you nothing is what it seems.

Magic Intercept: You have spies or really good code breakers and can determine the enemies moves with them.

Organized: You're very good at organizing your fleet and replacing losses.

Over the Alps: You are able to do things others think impossible, cross the Alps, appear where you shouldn't, or charge down the Phezzan corridor.

Pursuit Battle: Your favourite kind of battle is one where you get to smash through the enemy and bully all the weak ones.

Salvagers You're an expert at seizing or salvaging enemy vessels and putting them back into your service.

Set Piece: If you can create the conditions of a battle you'll be all but undefeated

Space Trenchline: You are well adapted at the use of fortresses, minefields and other fixed defences.

Storm Warrior: You are outstanding on the attack, smashing straight through enemy ranks like a gale.

Strategist: While others may seek to win the battle on the day, you won it last week.

Swift: You're very good at moving around fast, both in and out of combat.

Wolf Pack: You are excellent hiding and sticking daggers in people's backs. Like a ninja space pirate.

Fleet Traits

Awesome Flagship: Your Flagship is really awesome and has its own model, even more so than most flagships.

Awesome Subordinates: Pick an additional Personal trait, representing the amazing command staff you've collected.

Big: Your fleet is bigger than normal

Battleships! Your fleet has a lot of Battleships! (Also available in Carriers and Destroyers)

Gubins: You have all the specialist non-combat ships you need.

High Technology: Your fleets has access to the latest technology, designed to fit it's fighting style.

Important Station: You're stationed somewhere strategically vital.

Immortals: Your fleet just won't lie down and die, rapidly replacing any losses.

Initiative: Your troops are good at showing personal initiative and tend to act well even when out of communication.

Not One Step Back: Your fleet has vastly high morale.

Plucky: Your fleet is made up of the dregs of other fleets, washouts and orphans. Obviously this destines you for great things.

Space Axes: Your fleet's ground component is really good

Space Patrol: Your fleet is unusually well equipped with reconnaissance assets

Wunder Waffen: Your fleet has access to some kind of super weapons.

Well trained: Your fleet's normal troops and pilots are the best of the best.

Personal Flaws

Adventurous: You are ambitious, even when you've outrun your logistics. You especially love to attack.

All Flash: You absolutely cannot enter the field of battle until your ships are repainted, your glowy lines are all lit, and the mirror sheen on your exhaust tubes is bright enough to bounce lasers off of. You also take vandalism very, very poorly.

Berserk Button: There's something that sets you off. While you might be normal at other times, when faced with this issue you explode with no thought for yourself or your mission.

Bad Friend: You have a friend, subordinate or patron who you owe who is an awful person and thoroughly bad for you and you are very loyal too for some reason.

Bad Judge of Character: You have a bad habit of putting the wrong person in the wrong position.

Cruel: You're a merciless, cruel, war criminal. You bastard.

Demonized in the Press: Mass media hates you for some reason, and wastes no chance to humiliate you on the news reels and sheets. Don't count on public support for your actions- and expect to be brought to task for any screwups, however minor.

Easily Tricked: You always fall for it.

Hoarder: You insist on keeping your best resources in reserve 'because we might need them later'

Honourable: You are overly concerned about civilians, especially civilians near you.

Lack of Moral Courage: You are for some reason completely unable to disobey the orders of your superiors, no matter how stupid. If you come up against someone with the Reinhard effect you're affected like an NPC. Counts as two flaws.

Lazy: You are at least 0.8 Fans on the Hyulick can't be assed scale.

Massive Psychological issues: You have a massive psychological flaw, like being obsessed with warfare and conquest, which trips you up all the time.

Monty: You're a shameless self publicist and don't get along with other Admirals

Napoleon: While you're a genius at politics and war, you're terrible at diplomacy.

Nelson: You have a terrible habit of putting yourself in front of gunfire.

Politically Unreliable: You are hated in the halls of government. Don't expect many resources.

Unreliable Politics: For some reason, be it love, conscience or friendship, you're linked to the other side of the war.

Romantic: You glory in the grand battle and can be easily drawn into it.

Secretly Crazy: You are secretly, or not so secretly, completely batshit. Unlike massive psychological issues, where you're basically sane but flawed, secretly crazy people are actually loopy, and prone to occasional fits of outright insanity and self destruction.

Temper: You have a nasty Temper and subordinates fear to deliver you bad news.

They're all my men: You care for the men and women under your command, not under your command, and even the ones fighting to kill you. You have to rescue every escape pod, care for every refugee, and absolutely refuse to kill when an enemy can be taken alive.

Worse than My [Keyword]: You're particularly bad at one particular type of warfare.

Zhukov: When it comes down to it you're extremely willing to spend your troops lives in order to gain success, even on relatively minor battles.

Fleet Flaws

Bad Morale: Your subordinates do not trust you at all.

Light: Your fleet has few proper capital ships. In extreme cases your flagship may be the only one!

Reservist: Your fleet is made up mostly of generationally older, less capable ships.

Small: Your fleet is about half the usual size.

Unbalanced: Your fleet has a shocking lack of screening and scouting elements.

Insubordinate: Your Fleet had a habit of dashing off and doing stuff you wish it wouldn't.

Poor Logistics: your fleet always has difficulty restocking on resources for repair or resupply between (and sometimes during!) battles. Hope you like running out of ammunition

Telephone game: Orders from the the top (either from you or to you) rarely make it to the bottom in the same form they're issued.