Mecha and equipment: Difference between revisions

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FBH (talk | contribs)
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:Reaction System (Smarts): How responsive the units controls are
:Reaction System (Smarts): How responsive the units controls are
:Melee (Power): How good at hitting and smashing up close the unit is
:Melee (Power): How good at hitting and smashing up close the unit is
:Persona (Charisma:) how cool your mecha looks

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==Devas and Asuras weapons==
==Devas and Asuras weapons==
Devas and Asuras scale versions of all normal weapons exist. They have similar stats but do Asuras or Devas level damage (or in the case of anti-armour weapons Devas or Starship level damage). However, due to the additional size and power built into a Asuras or Devas, they can also carry various other devices not available to infantry.  
Devas and Asuras scale versions of all normal weapons exist. They have similar stats but do Asuras or Devas level damage (or in the case of anti-armour weapons Devas or Starship level damage). However, due to the additional size and power built into a Asuras or Devas, they can also carry various other devices not available to infantry. Most can carry up to two weapons, one melee and one ranged.  

'''WISP system'''<br>
'''WISP system'''<br>
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==Devas and Asuras Traits==
==Devas and Asuras Traits==
Most Devas and Asuras only have one to two traits, but some (such as those bought with exotic equipment) have up to four. No unit may have more than one type however.
'''Additional hard point''' <br>
Your suit can carry an additional weapon
'''Anti-aircraft tracking'''<br>
You can track aircraft and helicopters better, negating any penalties to attack them.
'''Antimissile System''' <br>
Your mecha is fitted with an experimental antimissile device. When you come under a missile or rocket based attack, roll Wits + reactions and reduce the successes by that number.
'''Awesome Looking'''<br>
Your mecha is awesome looking can reroll any failed Persona checks.
'''Close Combat Type''' <br>
You gain an additional melee weapon hard point and may act three times per round in melee combat.
'''Command Type'''<br>
Gain +1 Armour, +1 Persona and +2 electronics
Gain +2 Mecha build points
'''Engineering Type''' <br>
Gain +2 armour, and all the tools you need to efficently use the Combat engineering skill in your mecha
'''Explosive Reactive Armour <br>
Gain +4 armour on the first 4 hits to your suit.
'''Heavy Weapons Type'''<br>
You have two additional ranged weapons hard points, double ammo and may fire up to 2 weapons per turn. However your suit is heavier than usual, -1 to move
'''Improved Jump Jets''' <br>
Gain a reroll to any maneuver that uses them.
'''Improved Sensors''' <br>
you have extremely good sensors. gaining a reroll on any attempt to use them.
'''Improved Force Field''' <br>
Most mecha have a force field. Yours is double the usual strength.
'''Land Spinners''' <br>
Your Mecha is much faster than usual, gaining a reroll on any roll to move quickly or cross distance.
'''Low Maintenance''' <br>
Anyone working on your mecha gains +2 to their intelligence for the purpose of maintaining or fixing it.
'''Marine Type''' <br>
Allows free movement in water without penalty, and a reroll on any action while underwater.
'''Stealth Coating''' <br>
All enemies are at minus 2 to locate you.
'''Sniper Type'''<br>
Removes all penalties for range and gains +2 on coordination/grace rolls for shooting.
'''Surveillance Type''' <br>
Your unit is designed as a scout. Gain the effects of improved sensors and stealth and +1 to Move.


Revision as of 12:46, 2 January 2012


You can have most things from a standard SF RPG equipment table. Ask the GM if you have a question.


Melee weapons

Melee weapons come in a general series of classes. Each adds damage to an melee attack at the cost of slower initiative. Melee classes are general due to the number of different designs that exist in the galaxy.

Short Sword
-1 Init/+1 Damage

Long Sword
-2 Init/+3 Damage

Two Handed Sword
-4 Init/+5 damage

-3 Init/+4 damage

-3 Init/+3 damage
+1 effective strength
Long Reach

-4 Init/+4 damage -1 to armour

Giant Mace
-6 Init/+6 Damage -2 Armour

-3 Init/+4 Damage +1 Effective Strength

Ranged Weapons

Kinetic Pistol
Basic pistols, still in wide use by people who don't want to lug around long arms. Guns tend to work on a variety of principles, some use chemicals, some use electromagnetic propulsion.

Damage +4
Easy to Conceal
One Handed
Explosive rounds x2 damage
AP Rounds -2 armour
Guided Rounds +2 to hit
Poision Rounds 1 additional damage per turn
Anti shield rounds x2 damage to shields.

Kinetic Sub Machine Gun
A bigger, faster firing pistol

Damage +5
-1 Init
Easy to Conceal
Explosive rounds x2 damage
AP Rounds -2 armour
Guided Rounds +2 to hit
Poision Rounds 1 additional damage per turn
Anti shield rounds x2 damage to shields.

Kinetic Rifle
A basic Rifle, including an electro-optic scope, internal guidance system and so on. Most work on a combination of electromagnetic and chemical force.

Damage +6
-2 Init
Explosive rounds x2 damage
AP Rounds -3 armour
Guided Rounds +2 to hit
Poision Rounds 1 additional damage per turn
Anti shield rounds x2 damage to shields.

Ship Gun
A big hefty shotgun type weapon, used in close spaces like ships and stuff..

Damage +8
-1 Init
Short ranged
Explosive rounds x2 damage
AP Rounds -3 armour
Guided Rounds +2 to hit
Poision Rounds 1 additional damage per turn
Sleep Gas Rounds: Non Lethal
Anti shield rounds x2 damage to shields.

Light Machine Gun
A faster firing kinetic weapon. Often multibarrelled

Damage +6
attacks 2 targets per round
-4 Init
Explosive rounds x2 damage
AP Rounds -3 armour
Guided Rounds +2 to hit
Poision Rounds 1 additional damage per turn
Anti shield rounds x2 damage to shields.

Precision Rifle
A highly accurate rifle, used for sniping and hunting

Damage +8
Long Range
+2 Accuracy
-3 Init
Explosive rounds x2 damage
AP Rounds -3 armour
Guided Rounds +2 to hit
Poision Rounds 1 additional damage per turn
Anti shield rounds x2 damage to shields.

Anti-Material Rifle
A really big Precision Rifle.

Damage +12
Long Range
Move or Fire
-5 Init
Accuracy +2
Very Bulky
Explosive rounds x2 damage
AP Rounds -6 armour
Guided Rounds +2 to hit
Poision Rounds 1 additional damage per turn
Anti shield rounds x2 damage to shields.

Seeker Launcher
A modern version of a grenade launcher, used mostly for room to room combat or to flush enemy from their positions

Damage +10
Guided +6
-2 Init
Armour Piercing Explosive -2 Armour x2 damage
Thermobaric Rounds Ignore Cover
Fragmentation Rounds x3 Damage
Gas Rounds: nonlethal boarding rounds
Anti shield rounds x2 damage to shields.

Particle Beam
Used by elite troops such as Unity Rapid Intervention Group soldiers, Particle Beams are expensive and somewhat fragile but offer excellent stopping power for their size and are highly accurate. They are often used as sniper weapons as the particle bolt does not require a the target to be lead.

Damage +9
-2 Init
Accuracy +2
Long Ranged
No Options
Double Damage to shields

Plasma Gun
A specialist short ranged weapon used primarily by RIG intervention troops. The Plasma Gun is short ranged but incredibly powerful at those ranges.

Damage +13
-1 Init
Short Range
No Options
Double Damage to Shields.

A very bulky heavy mulch-barrelled cannon. Often used by special forces dolls or power armour troops who cannot call on heavier firepower. Miniguns require large ammo packs, and do comparatively little damage but offer an unparalleled rate of fire

+4 Damage
-5 Int
Attacks up to 6 targets per round
Explosive rounds x2 damage
AP Rounds -3 armour
Guided Rounds +2 to hit
Poision Rounds 1 additional damage per turn
Anti shield rounds x2 damage to shields.

Arm Multi gun
A huge heavy short ranged slug thrower like a grenade launcher mounted on a subjects forearm. Fires several ammo types.

+8 damage
Short Range

Anti-Armour Weapons

Human scale anti-armour weapons are also available. Using one allows a human to make normal attacks against a Devas or Asuras. However, it doesn't make them any more capable of surviving the counter fire.

General Purpose Launcher
General Purpose launchers are one of the main weapons of the Unity's army, especially mechanized troops or those in powered armour who do not mind the weapons heavy weight. The GP Launcher can be used to engage multiple different types of target including low flying aircraft and helicopters, enemy tanks and Devas, and lighter Asuras.

Damage by Round
-5 Init
Very Bulky
+2 Acuracy
Long Range
Round Types
Anti-Infantry Submunition: Burst, +10 damage
Anti-Aircraft: +6 accuracy +6 Asuras Scale damage, Cannot hit infantry.
Anti-Asuras: +3 accuracy +10 Asuras scale damage. Cannot hit infantry
Anti-Tank/Anti-Devas: +5 Devas scale damage. Cannot hit lighter targets

APEX Seeker
A specialist seeker designed to harm enemy Asuras Does +5 Asuras scale damage with normal Seeker stats. It cannot hit infantry.


Shock Layer
An easily concealed layer, won't even show up on a scan or a when frisked.

Armour Value 2
Completely concealable

Concealed Armour
Armour that looks like normal clothing

Armour Value 3
Completely concealable

Light Combat Armour
Light combat armour, normal duty wear for most troops

Armour Value 4

Heavy Combat Armour
Front Line Infantry dress

Armour Value 6
-1 on all grace rolls except shooting

Assault Armour
Powered Smart Armour, used by vanguard units.

Armour Value 8
-2 on all grace rolls except shooting

Boarding Shell
A giant suit of powered combat armour

Armour Value 10
-3 on all grace rolls except shooting

Armour Options

Various different options can be built into armour, enhancing its abilities. They are often used by elite troops or in special situations. All armour options are Expensive.

Armour Lightening
Armour Lightening reduce the armour's bulk via use of improved materials, and by reducing the thickness of armour in some facings. It's often used by combat androids and special operatives

removes one point of grace roll penality for the armour
-1 armour on one side (usually the front) -2 on the other.

Anti-Beam Armour
Anti-Beam armour is made of a super conductive material which rapidly disperses beams used against it. For some reason it appears to be Latex

-1 armour value
x2 armour against beam weapons

Mobility assist
A set of small jets is mounted in the armour, allowing for incredible feats of agility. Modern versions are often reactionless, employing similar technology to force shields.

+2 specialization on all athletic rolls

Force Shields

Light Force Shield Standard Force Shield

Armour Value 1
Shield points 10
Regeneration 2 per round

Heavy Force Shield
Large force shield mounted on Assault Armour or Boarding Shell

Armour Value 3
Shield points 20
Regeneration 4 per round


Rather than mount a weapon in the hands of a human, it is popular to mount them on expendable machines and let them do the fighting. Drones are commanded with Smarts. Roll smarts rather than grace for their attacks.

Recon Drones
You can buy small recon drones capable of autonomous action, but unarmed.

Mosquito Gun
A floating gun platform with space for one weapon

10 HP
Armour Value 4
Shield Armour 1
Shield points 10
Regeneration 2

Spider Drone
A large spider platform with space for three weapons, generally used as a squad's heavy weapons specialist

20 HP
Armour Value 8
Shield Armour 1
Shield points 10
Regeneration 2

Tactical Doll
A humanoid combat platform, designed to completely replace human infantry.

15 HP
Armour Value 6
Shield Armour 1
Shield points 10
Regeneration 2

Bit Systems

Weapon Bits

Shield Bits

Flight Bits

Devas and Asuras

Humanoid combat systems are an extensive part of the modern battlefield. One reason for this is that they are very simple to control, requiring only basic orientation to use.

All mecha have stats like a human, which add to the stats of their pilots as indicated.


Movement (Grace): How good a moving, speed and agility the unit is
Gunnery (Perception): How accurate the unit's weapons are
ECM (Knowledge): The units electronic battle qualities
Reaction System (Smarts): How responsive the units controls are
Melee (Power): How good at hitting and smashing up close the unit is
Persona (Charisma:) how cool your mecha looks


Asuras are small armours ranging from half a ton to four tons in weight. They are often used by rapid response teams, SWAT units and in ship to ship boarding actions. While not as powerful as a Devas, they are extremely agile, and small enough to fit into most areas.


Devas are larger devices weighing up to one hundred tons. They are heavily shielded and armoured, capable of absorbing large amounts of punishment, they are fast and very agile for their size, though not compared to the smaller Asuras. Devas often make up the first wave of an orbital drop, or clash around the edges of a capital ship duel, before closing to deliver overwhelming fire to enemy battleships and carriers.

Devas and Asuras weapons

Devas and Asuras scale versions of all normal weapons exist. They have similar stats but do Asuras or Devas level damage (or in the case of anti-armour weapons Devas or Starship level damage). However, due to the additional size and power built into a Asuras or Devas, they can also carry various other devices not available to infantry. Most can carry up to two weapons, one melee and one ranged.

WISP system

Vector Beams

Shear Beams

Super Beam Rifle

Cluster Missiles

Devas and Asuras Traits

Most Devas and Asuras only have one to two traits, but some (such as those bought with exotic equipment) have up to four. No unit may have more than one type however.

Additional hard point
Your suit can carry an additional weapon

Anti-aircraft tracking
You can track aircraft and helicopters better, negating any penalties to attack them.

Antimissile System
Your mecha is fitted with an experimental antimissile device. When you come under a missile or rocket based attack, roll Wits + reactions and reduce the successes by that number.

Awesome Looking
Your mecha is awesome looking can reroll any failed Persona checks.

Close Combat Type
You gain an additional melee weapon hard point and may act three times per round in melee combat.

Command Type
Gain +1 Armour, +1 Persona and +2 electronics

Gain +2 Mecha build points

Engineering Type
Gain +2 armour, and all the tools you need to efficently use the Combat engineering skill in your mecha

Explosive Reactive Armour
Gain +4 armour on the first 4 hits to your suit.

Heavy Weapons Type
You have two additional ranged weapons hard points, double ammo and may fire up to 2 weapons per turn. However your suit is heavier than usual, -1 to move

Improved Jump Jets
Gain a reroll to any maneuver that uses them.

Improved Sensors
you have extremely good sensors. gaining a reroll on any attempt to use them.

Improved Force Field
Most mecha have a force field. Yours is double the usual strength.

Land Spinners
Your Mecha is much faster than usual, gaining a reroll on any roll to move quickly or cross distance.

Low Maintenance
Anyone working on your mecha gains +2 to their intelligence for the purpose of maintaining or fixing it.

Marine Type
Allows free movement in water without penalty, and a reroll on any action while underwater.

Stealth Coating
All enemies are at minus 2 to locate you.

Sniper Type
Removes all penalties for range and gains +2 on coordination/grace rolls for shooting.

Surveillance Type
Your unit is designed as a scout. Gain the effects of improved sensors and stealth and +1 to Move.


Prayer Drive
Prayer Drive Character Creation