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'''Fumi Saiga''' - A comparatively genki girl who is 2-2 Mitoma's font of gossip. She seems to be on a first name basis with everyone, even the steady trickle of reinforcements from outside of the original class that have joined the unit.<br>
'''Fumi Saiga''' - A comparatively genki girl who is 2-2 Mitoma's font of gossip. She seems to be on a first name basis with everyone, even the steady trickle of reinforcements from outside of the original class that have joined the unit.<br>
'''Kaede Shirakawa''' - A shy, oft-flustered girl who avoids oil like the plague but is nevertheless wire thin and poor at physical activities. She is an excellent artist however. Being withdrawn, she is almost always seen with Fumi to the extent of being a plug-in of her's. On friday and saturday nights, she can sometimes be seen looking wistfully at the static-filled television when one is available.<br>
'''Kaede Shirakawa''' - A shy, oft-flustered girl who avoids oil like the plague but is nevertheless wire thin and poor at physical activities. She is an excellent artist however. Being withdrawn, she is almost always seen with Fumi to the extent of being a plug-in of her's. On friday and saturday nights, she can sometimes be seen looking wistfully at the static-filled television when one is available.<br>
'''Yuna Izayoi''' - ???
'''Yuna Izayoi''' - ???<br>
'''Sana Mami''' - A girl originally from 1-5 Shoni whose unit was decimated during the attack on the motel. According to Fumi, her presence indicates the presence of Yuna even though Yuna herself "has so little presence, just like Keiichi's sister."
'''Sana Mami''' - A girl originally from 1-5 Shoni whose unit was decimated during the attack on the motel. According to Fumi, her presence indicates the presence of Yuna even though Yuna herself "has so little presence, just like Keiichi's sister."

Latest revision as of 12:24, 16 October 2011


Miyazawa Kasumi

Miyazawa Kasumi is a somewhat tall, unusually dark haired girl who is regarded by most as one of the three beauties Mitoma High. As class rep, she's in charge of doing various things for the class, organizing them for events, liasing with the student council... and that thing she never expected to do, lead them in battle.

In truth Kasumi can barely believe this is happening. She signed up for class rep because it's a good way onto the student council not to lead people in combat! Isn't the navy supposed to protect Amahara from invasion? She never expected to have to fight, not to mention she never expected to have to lead.

In truth Kasumi is scared out of her mind, and wonders if this is all just a bad dream. If she can ever shake off her sense of horror and unreality she'll be an excellent tactician, but if she can't, it'll probably kill her.

Kuroki Kageri

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Kuroki Kageri with a Midori Type 88 assault rifle. Ears retracted

Token elegant gothic lolita. Is very gloomy.

Kuroki Keiichi

Kageri's street racing delinquent twin brother. His motorbike was requisitioned.

Kanzaki Daisuke

Daisuke was a hardworking, well behaved student who made up for his lack of smarts by trying his best, one who excelled at physical sports like Karate, Judo, and other forms of martial arts. Spent his afternoons being shuttled around on Keiichi's bike, punching the shit out of assholes from rival schools for even daring to talk about their school. Time between classes was spent flirting with the Class Rep and Keiichi's sister, or fighting Keiichi over flirting with his twin sister.

In war, though, Daisuke seems to have found his true calling at life, being more than just good at soldiery. Has devoted himself to, when not storming trenches, keeping Kasumi alive. Survived being shot in the gut, kicking a grenade, and shielding Kasumi from a claymore.

Nakayama Itsuko

Nakayama Itsuko taking a break at home

Ordinary student, youngest of three daughters. Family runs a shrine on the outskirts of town. She mainly works during festivals and wants to be a doctor.


Saizo Prefecture Civil Defence 032 Battalion

Lt. Col Yazane - The aging, long-suffering commander of the battalion who is not particularly close with most of his platoon leaders or officers due to his discomfort in age difference and sending adolescents into battle. Convinced he is surrounded by fools as a result and leans on outside help whenever he can. Nevertheless he recognises Kasumi is not the average high school girl and is slightly more open around her than usual since she isn't an endless source of stupid.

2-2 Mitoma High

2-2 Mitoma High was a 2nd year class of the eponymous school and now a platoon of the Saizo Prefecture Civil Defence. It is the players' home unit or the unit they were transferred to over the course of the war. Compared to other Civil Defence units that have seen combat, it is in good condition and organisation but has taken significant casualties as well.

Jun Kanzai - An academically accomplished and well-mannered boy currently speculated by the female contingent as having a crush on Kasumi. Was seriously injured during the general aerial bombardment of Genmunokojima leading up to the naval bombardment and amphibious landing.
Fumi Saiga - A comparatively genki girl who is 2-2 Mitoma's font of gossip. She seems to be on a first name basis with everyone, even the steady trickle of reinforcements from outside of the original class that have joined the unit.
Kaede Shirakawa - A shy, oft-flustered girl who avoids oil like the plague but is nevertheless wire thin and poor at physical activities. She is an excellent artist however. Being withdrawn, she is almost always seen with Fumi to the extent of being a plug-in of her's. On friday and saturday nights, she can sometimes be seen looking wistfully at the static-filled television when one is available.
Yuna Izayoi - ???
Sana Mami - A girl originally from 1-5 Shoni whose unit was decimated during the attack on the motel. According to Fumi, her presence indicates the presence of Yuna even though Yuna herself "has so little presence, just like Keiichi's sister."

Cashew - A tortoiseshell kitten found by Kageri. She was declared the Official Platoon Cat by Fumi but in practice follows only Kageri. Much like Sana for Yuna, Fumi believes that "the presence Cashew indicates the presence of Keiichi-no-imouto" as Cashew tends to be noticed more often.

1Lt. Anzio (KIA) - The warm and personable 1Lt. that had been responsible for the training of 2-2 Mitoma High. He saw a lot of potential in Kasumi from early on and apparently wrote recommendations of her. He was killed early in the unit's first mission by a Lian airstrike.
MSgt. Ishida (KIA) - Ishida was a grizzled and graying sergeant second of Anzio who was, unlike the officer, rather unpersonable. Took part in various Amaharan military actions years ago as part of the territorial army. Died with Anzio in the airstrike.
Maya Sonohara (KIA) – A shy glasses girl who didn't speak much except to correctly answer any mathematics question posed to her back when everyone was just a normal high school student. Killed in the first day of action by the same airstrike that killed Anzio and Ishida. Her cracked glasses are kept amongst the platoon's boxes of kit without comment.
Ryousuke Mori (KIA) - The son of a civil official in prefectural government. He was also killed in the airstrike. His personal effects were all mailed to his parents on request.

2-1 Daishingi Shrine School

An all female unit from a shrine school that was also in the Saizo Prefecture Civil Defence. They occupied a position east of 2-2 Mitoma's on the first defensive line set up by the battalion in neighbouring Koromo Prefecture and suffered such significant casualties against the Steel Oni that the unit was disbanded with survivors lumped into 2-2 Mitoma.

Kameko Nozomiya - The statuesque and courageous leader of 2-1 Daishingi. Suffered severe injury during the battle but survived, though she is no longer fit for action. Speculated girl crush of Kasumi's. According to Daisuke anyway. Evacuated from Genmunokojima prior to the battle there.

3 Company, Yomasa First Boys'

A third year class/platoon from Yomasa First Boys' School. Many of them have flamboyant delinquent styles. Probably more crazy than they are sensible.

Unza - Unza-san is the ace/boss of 3-1 Yomasa and the leader of Squad 7 due to his iron fists but actually much more enjoys his newfound motoring hobby. He was easily defeated in a jeep race by Keiichi, which earned the latter his respect. Sakon, Muragi and Kin - Unza-san's closest underlings. They are always seen near him and always drink whatever their boss drinks, though they never have their pompadours are never as long.