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(Created page with "==Commanders== ===ZOCU=== '''Admiral Lee Dorington '''<br> One of the few classroom-trained ZOCU officers, Dorington had served as an officer in the EU fleet in the two decades b...")
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'''Navid Mirza '''<br>
Commander of the Azadistan Aerospace Force's 12th Tactical Fighter Wing during the start of Azadi campaign, and served as the CAG of the Azadi Naval Vessel ''Taharid'' for the remainder of the campaign. Was transferred to the ASV ''Khatami'', and served as its captain during the battle of Finnegan's Folly.
'''The Ghost Marshal '''<br>
'''The Ghost Marshal '''<br>
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'''Eskandar Babak '''<br>
Recorded as the #1 homegrown Mobile Suit ace of the Azadestani Air Force, and the top scoring ace of the entire League. Served as a Peltast-L pilot for the entirety of the Eid Al-Adha War, and served to train new MS pilots following the stalemate. Was given command of a MS squadron during The Battle of Finnegan's Folly, and was instrumental in developing homegrown Mobile Suits during the 80's
'''Asher Dovid''' <br>
Piloted an LF/A-01 Lanner throughout the Azadi Campaign.
'''Thom Samson'''<br>
'''Thom Samson'''<br>

Revision as of 09:05, 22 September 2011



Admiral Lee Dorington
One of the few classroom-trained ZOCU officers, Dorington had served as an officer in the EU fleet in the two decades before the Breakdown, eventually being the CO of a local monitor assigned to Londenium. Consequently he became the nucleus of the Londenium star fleet and was tapped to be the commander of the Nidaros relief force of 2165.


Rakesh Zhang

The Ghost Marshal

It's ironic that Sarreva's most brilliant and best known wartime leader has neither a face nor a name. Known only to the League General Council and the highest echilons of the Sarrevan military, he is the strategist and logistical mastermind responsible for keeping the besieged world's war machine grinding forward through fifteen long years. Too important to the war effort to risk assassination, his identity was withheld from the world at large and his location a jealously guarded secret. Unwilling, or perhaps unable to lead from obscurity, the Ghost Marshal manifested as a voice on the radio during the darkest moments of the war. Well-spoken and passionate, his words were a source of confidence and inspiration to a beleaguered people. In the absence of a name, the Marshal's image and reputation have become legend, maybe too much for any real man to ever live up to. Some suggest that's why in the years since the Solomon treaties that the Sarrevan general has never come out to receive his due. Most believe though that he never wanted to be famous, and once his nation no longer needed him he simply faded away.

Commodore Jasny Kocinski

Silesian-born Jasny Kocinski was one of a number of EU officers who felt the isolated worlds which had long depended on the deep range patrols for security would be left too vulnerable as they withdrew to the Core worlds at the onset of the Breakdown. Feeling obligated to ensure their continued security in the absence of the deep range patrols, he was one of the few volunteers to remain behind when the last ships departed the Rim to train the local militias so they could stand on their own through whatever troubles lay ahead. With the onset of the Magnate Wars he became something more than an advisor to Sarreva's nascent military. Then-Captain Kocinski was best known for commanding the Canopus class battleship Invincible during its near mythical exploits during the Second Battle of Sarreva. Among a long list of honors and decorations, the rarest of his titles remains being the captain of the only known vessel to have survived an encounter with the legendary Magnate 'mothership'.

General Annika "Death Wish" Matus

Annika Matus earned a reputation for being a fearless leader that fully lived up to the mantra of Lead From the Front. She earned her nickname for her near suicidal tendency of commanding from the front lines in a time where any easily accessible high-profile Sarrevan officer or offical was assassinated within a scant few months. Surviving a record number of attempts on her life over the course of the war has surrounded her with an aura of invulnerability, inspiring those under her command to feats of relentless tenacity and stubborn, spiteful resistance. Whatever divine favor that spared Death Wish Matus during the war didn't extent to her subordinates though, and she is more darkly known as the widow maker for the numerous officers that have died in the attempts on her life and from the dangers at the front. Sarrevan fatalism suggests that every such officer took the bullet for her, and every man or woman who has fallen due to enemy action in the immediate presence of General Matus has been given a hero's funeral.


Exarch Castar
An Eternal Dawn ground forces commander, Exarch Castar was responsible for many of the early victories of the Eternal Dawn. A veteran of the Adharan Schism and the brutal urban fighting there, Castar quickly became one of the primary ground forces commanders of the entire Continuum's overall invasion plans. Although both tactically and strategically talented, his brutal style of combat did much to exacerbate civilian casualties and cement the stereotypical view of Magnate invaders as butchers, a League propaganda coup. Sarrevan and Vimelan headhunting teams attempted unsuccessfully to eliminate him throughout the conflict, partially due to the heroic efforts of his personal guard and partially due to Castar himself being an extensive adopter of combat cybernetics and cutting-edge augmentation. An Advancer, Castar looks mostly human, although virtually his entire body save for vital organs have been entirely replaced by cutting edge combat cybernetics, and every bit of him that has not been replaced has been overhauled repeatedly for optimal performance.

Aces and other Important Soldiers

Unlike in the ZOCU war, where ZOCU held a monopoly on Mobile suit technology until the closing days of the war, the Magnate War saw the use of Peltasts and Peltast variants on all sides of the conflict.


Sharyoh Nanasy Drugon
The youngest Kanonian deployed with the Nidaros relief force. Became much more famous fifteen years later as a top ranking ace of the ZOCU War.


Thom Samson
A Nefertan Mobile Armour pilot, White flew with distinction throughout the war, serving primarily in a first strike role. Towards the end of the war he piloted the incredibly expensive and still classified 'Super Mobile Armour', Testament Dawn. Unfortunately, the Testament Dawn was destroyed in the battle of Canaan's Breach, a major engagement between PYRAMID's 56th Layer, and the Magnate Forces under Admiral Daedalus Canaan.


Heinously expensive prototype (therefore better). A cute girl because that's the rule.

Acolyte Morgan Levant
Acolyte Levant served as a member of the Magnate combined military unit, ECHELON, fighting in the war as a member of Psychological Warfare as one of its "Headhunter" squadrons. Using Aleph technology, Dawn biotech, and Syntha aerospace assets, the Curate and his squadron killed many a Bilad aerospace ace in their time. Although by raw kill count he does not rank anywhere near the top, his "trademark" of putting craft-scale weaponry into and through the cockpit of the enemy (as well as the pilot) made him one of the more infamous aces of the war. Aleph instabilities gave him a split personality when in normal and combat reflex response modes, ironically making him far calmer, more likable, and controlled in combat rather than not. Despite his prodigious skill and veterancy he has continually been passed up for any recognition or promotion, and is still an Acolyte attached to ECHELON, quite possibly to keep him as far away as possible from the rest of the Eternal Dawn military, where he has few friends.

Replica 0625
One of the prototype Series VI Combat Replicas, 0625's career is distinguished by participation in having fought in both significant ground campaigns on Sarreva and Finnegan's Folly as both pilot and commando, in both cases primarily in sabotage and psychological warfare missions with the rest of his team of VIs. When the VI program was cancelled, 0625 was reassigned, with the other Series VIs, to the Lux Dei, with which he served in until the end of the war. Heavily wounded several times in the combat and preferring to replace missing components rather than regrow them to hasten his arrival back into the field, 0625 ended the war almost entirely machine, with the only remaining biological components being the portion of his brain that was modified from human tissue and 15% of his spinal cord. 0625's post-war career was unusual, as he became an artist and painter under the alias "Arnold Harmon", creating works representing the Magnate War that caused extensive displeasure in the League, the Magnate Continuum, and ZOCU. 0625 sought political asylum and fled to the CIS, where he now resides.