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Line 142: Line 142:
:'''Durability''': 0 (external component)
:'''Durability''': 0 (external component)
:'''Power''': -1
:'''Power''': -1
:: Note that pods are attacked as Avatars (in essence, they are treated as autonomous mini-Avatars). A small pod is exceedingly agile and hard to hit, adding +3 to Agility. Pods are difficult to manage, costing +1 strain.  
:'''Cost''': 2 MBP
:'''Base Criticals''': Thrusters (2), Internal Structure (2)
:: Note that pods are attacked as Avatars (in essence, they are treated as autonomous mini-Avatars). A small pod is exceedingly agile and hard to hit, adding +3 to Agility. Pods are difficult to manage, costing +1 strain. Pods lose -2 accuracy per weapon and -1 agility for every thruster critical hit they take.
'''Large Pod''': A larger weapons pod.
'''Large Pod''': A larger weapons pod.
Line 148: Line 150:
:'''Durability''': 0 (external component)
:'''Durability''': 0 (external component)
:'''Power''': -2
:'''Power''': -2
:: Note that pods are attacked as Avatars (in essence, they are treated as autonomous mini-Avatars). A large pod is agile and hard to hit, adding +1 to Agility. Pods are difficult to manage, costing +1 strain.
:'''Cost''': 2 MBP
:'''Base Criticals''': Thrusters (3), Internal Structure (3)
:: Note that pods are attacked as Avatars (in essence, they are treated as autonomous mini-Avatars). A large pod is agile and hard to hit, adding +1 to Agility. Pods are difficult to manage, costing +1 strain. Pods lose -2 accuracy per weapon and -1 agility for every thruster critical hit they take, but Large Pods ignore the first thruster critical.
[[Avatar Design | Back]]
[[Avatar Design | Back]]

Revision as of 16:58, 1 June 2011



Passive Sensor: A standard passive sensor array. Common use.

Size: 1
Durability: 1
Power: 0
Cost: 1 MBP
+1 Electronics

Active Probe: A standard sensor suite combining a half-dozen various active sensor systems.

Size: 1
Durability: 1
Power: -1
Cost: 2 MBP
+3 Electronics, -2 Stealth

Anti-Cloak Scanner: A suite of sensors dedicated explicitly to measuring refraction indices and other indications of a stealthed foe. In a pinch, can also double as a very good astronomy observatory. Unfortunately all those shiny astronomical instruments with incredible sensitivity are both massive and fragile.

Size: 3
Durability: 1
Power: -1
Cost: 3 MBP
+1 Electronics, halve enemy stealth modifiers (round down), -1 Stealth

C3 Node: A command and control system, C3 nodes reduce the stealthiness of the carrying machine but provide sensor and targeting bonuses to all friendlies on the battlefield.

Size: 5
Durability: 1
Power: -5
Cost: 5 MBP
+2 Electronics, +1 Electronics to all allied units, -2 Stealth


Machines may only mount 1 targeting computer.

Targeting Computer (Standard): A basic targeting computer. Provides a boost to the accuracy of all handheld or integrated weapons.

Size: 1
Durability: 1
Power: 0
Cost: 1 MBP + 0.5 MBP per hand/hardpoint + 0.5 MBP per affected weapon (round fractions up)
+1 accuracy to all non-melee weapons.

Targeting Computer (Sniper): Optimized for long range engagements, the sniper TC improves long range targeting but has poor short range characteristics.

Size: 1
Durability: 1
Power: 0
Cost: 1 MBP + 0.5 MBP per medium ranged weapon + 1 MBP per long range weapon
+2 accuracy at long range, +1 accuracy at medium range.

Targeting Computer (Drone Controller): A targeting computer optimized for controlling multivector attackers (i.e. bits and drones) rather than direct fire weapons.

Size: 1
Durability: 1
Power: 0
Cost: 1 MBP + 0.5 MBP per pod-mounted weapon + 1 MBP per bit
+2 accuracy to AI weapons, +1 accuracy to pod-mount weapons.

Targeting Computer (Guided Weapons): Optimized for guiding weapons into targets.

Size: 1
Durability: 1
Power: 0
Cost: 1 MBP + 1 MBP per guided weapon
+2 accuracy to Guided weapons.

Oracle System: An Omega Dust targeting system, the oracle uses hypercomputation to target the enemy. Infinite computing power has its perks, but unfortunately, infinite computing power costs a lot of energy. Half of the power consumption of an oracle involves giving it the necessary power for hypercomputation, the other half involves active cooling so it doesn't catch on fire and explode.

Size: 1
Durability: 1
Power: -4
Cost: Omega Dust System
+2 accuracy to all weapons, roll an additional 1d10 (take highest result) when making attacks.


ECM Suite: A combination of electronic countermeasures and active stealth, an ECM suite provides additional sensors support while reducing effective emissions.

Size: 2
Durability: 1
Power: -3
Cost: 2 MBP
+1 Electronics, +1 Stealth

Cloaking Field: A low-power electromagnetic deflection field, a cloaking field uses the same technology as deflector shields, but requires a lot more power due to being constantly active (rather than generally in a low-power waiting state) and minimizing emissions of its own. Cloaking fields are powerful but interfere with a machine's own electronics.

Size: 8
Durability: 1
Power: -10 (+1 per additional external component besides the core)
Cost: 5 MBP
-2 Electronics, +6 Stealth

Remote Weapons

Remote Weapons allow for additional tactical options. There are two types of remote weapons: bits, which are small beamed-power remote attackers, and pods, which are larger weapons of sufficient size to mount full scale Avatar systems (although they still use beamed power). Although versatile, these weapons are extremely difficult to manage and exact a significant psyche cost.


Drone Controller: The basic remote control system for bits or pods, using a quantum entanglement link to provide instantaneous, untraceable, unjammable communications. Although the controller itself requires little power, its pods often require more.

Size: 1
Durability: 1
Power: 0
+2 strain. Each drone controller can control 2 bit systems or 1 pod. Pods also require relays, below.

Pod Relay: A basic beamed power system for pods (bits use much less power and have their power relays integrated).

Size: 2
Durability: 1
Power: -2
Beams power to a remote weapons pod. Each one of these can support 1 pod. Without these controllers, pods cannot use the mecha's power source (and must use batteries or aux generators).


Slug Bits: A basic bit, each of these mounts a kinetic lance. Although each of them is much slower firing than a mecha SMG, the aggregate amount of fire is roughly equivalent, and their higher maneuverability grants them greater precision.

Size: 4
Durability: 2
Power: -4
Accuracy: +0 (AI Weapon)
Penetration: 0 (Scatter:4)
Range: AI Weapon
Cost: 6 MBP ([0 (min 1) penetration * scatter 4 * 1.5 * 0.5] + 1 Long Range + 1 AI Weapon)

Energy Bits: Roughly equivalent to a energy SMG, energy bits use numbers to make up for relatively low rate of fire.

Size: 4
Durability: 2
Power: -6
Accuracy: +1 (AI Weapon)
Penetration: 2 (Scatter:3)
Range: AI Weapon
Cost: 8 MBP ([2 penetration * scatter 3 * 1.5 * 0.5] + 0.5 Accuracy + 1 Long Range + 1 AI Weapon)

Beam Bits: Using larger individual bits, beam bits manage to achieve the aggregate firepower of a beam rifle at the cost of the large bits being vulnerable to counterfire and relatively easy to knock out of the sky.

Size: 8
Durability: 1
Power: -12
Accuracy: +1 (AI Weapon)
Penetration: 7
Range: AI Weapon
Cost: 6 MBP ([7 penetration * 0.5] + 0.5 Accuracy + 1 Long Range + 1 AI Weapon)

Knife Missiles: Bits with fucking beam knives on them. Large numbers of these can flense vulnerable external components from an Avatar like a swarm of killer space-bees.

Size: 3
Durability: 1
Power: -2
Accuracy: +1 (AI Weapon)
Penetration: 2 (Scatter:2)
Range: AI Weapon
Cost: 7 MBP ([2 penetration * scatter 2 * 1.5 * 0.5] + 0.5 Accuracy +1 Long Range + 1 AI Weapon)


Note that all weapons mounted in pods are considered AI Weapons.

Small Pod: A small weapons pod. Fill it with goodies (like guns and power generators!)

Capacity: 8
Durability: 0 (external component)
Power: -1
Cost: 2 MBP
Base Criticals: Thrusters (2), Internal Structure (2)
Note that pods are attacked as Avatars (in essence, they are treated as autonomous mini-Avatars). A small pod is exceedingly agile and hard to hit, adding +3 to Agility. Pods are difficult to manage, costing +1 strain. Pods lose -2 accuracy per weapon and -1 agility for every thruster critical hit they take.

Large Pod: A larger weapons pod.

Capacity: 16
Durability: 0 (external component)
Power: -2
Cost: 2 MBP
Base Criticals: Thrusters (3), Internal Structure (3)
Note that pods are attacked as Avatars (in essence, they are treated as autonomous mini-Avatars). A large pod is agile and hard to hit, adding +1 to Agility. Pods are difficult to manage, costing +1 strain. Pods lose -2 accuracy per weapon and -1 agility for every thruster critical hit they take, but Large Pods ignore the first thruster critical.
