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MJ12 Commando (talk | contribs)
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Revision as of 23:56, 31 May 2011

Weapons may be either hardmounted or carried. Each hand generally can carry a weapon of up to size 4 or a mecha can use two hands to use a weapon of up to size 10 (with the caveat that damage to either hand renders it unusable), while large hands can carry a weapon of up to size 8 (or two-hand one of up to size 20). Handheld weapons use a variety of hookups with the machine in question (or can add their own batteries) to power themselves.

Missile Launchers are typically accurate, but extremely large and bulky systems which require little power.

Similar but different are Missile Pods, which are single-shot weapons that are small and cheap but only get one shot. They typically have no power requirements either, integrating single-use capacitors to launch their guided projectiles.

Standard Weapons use various methods of shooting holes in things whether bullet or energy based. They typically have balanced power requirements for their size.

Plasma Weapons can come in unguided (glowy bolt) or guided (Covenant plasma torpedo) variants.

Beam Weapons use glowy sci-fi non lightspeed beams (versus less cinematic lightspeed beams) and provide additional hitting power for a very small size but are power hungry.

Coherent-Gravity Weapons are extremely large and power hungry but have devastating effect.



Knife: It's an alpha edge knife. You stab things with it. Basically used only as an absolute last resort backup weapon.

Size: 2
Durability: 2
Power: 0
Accuracy: +2
Penetration: 0
Range: Melee

Sword: An alpha edge vibrosword with a low-power disruption field. Trades lower accuracy and penetration for lowered power draw. This stat block is used by a whole bunch of similar weapons, including axes, swords, and even power fists.

Size: 4
Durability: 1
Power: -1
Accuracy: +0
Penetration: 3
Range: Melee

Two-Handed Sword: A giant sword, easily 15-20 meters in length. Roughly equivalent to the 2h beam sword.

Size: 8
Durability: 2
Power: -2
Accuracy: -2
Penetration: 6 (Devastating:2)
Range: Melee


Beam Knife: It's a knife that uses power. Higher penetration at the cost of requiring power input and being a lot more fragile.

Size: 2
Durability: 1
Power: -1
Accuracy: +2
Penetration: 2
Range: Melee

Beam Sword: The most common standard melee weapon, beam swords can lop off limbs in a single blow. Again, these stats are broadly representative of a lot of weapons, like beam-axes, beam-swords, beam-whips, and beam-claws.

Size: 4
Durability: 1
Power: -3
Accuracy: +2
Penetration: 4
Range: Melee

Two-Handed Beam Sword: A giant beam sword. Double the size, triple the power draw, double the penetration.

Size: 8
Durability: 2
Power: -9
Accuracy: -1
Penetration: 8 (Devastating:2)
Range: Melee

Anti-Warship Beam Sword: An even larger beam sword, with a blade often double or triple the height of the machine wielding it and can cleave just about anything in half with one blow. Only frames with reinforced musculature or super robots can even attempt to wield one.

Size: 14
Durability: 2
Power: -20
Accuracy: -4
Penetration: 12 (Devastating:3)
Range: Melee


Plasma Ejector: A hypertech flamethrower, plasma ejectors can melt through shields and armor, but their real power is against lightly armored targets, which essentially melt against them in an instant. Unfortunately they're fragile and power-hungry.

Size: 10
Durability: 1
Power: -12
Accuracy: +4
Penetration: 3 (Devastating:2, Scatter:4)
Range: Melee
A Plasma Ejector is not a muscle powered melee weapon and therefore does not benefit from any enhancements which increase the power of melee weapons.

Short Range


Short Range Missiles: Standard short range missiles, designed for high agility dogfighting. The gravitic launcher and ammunition feed for the weapons require a slight amount of power, as does fueling the missiles' plasma drives, but SRMs are power efficient weapons. Missile launchers are assumed to have sufficient ammunition for a protracted engagement and therefore do not track ammo.

Size: 4
Durability: 1
Power: -1
Accuracy: +5 (Guided)
Penetration: 2
Range: Short

Plasma Swarmer: Plasma swarmers use dozens of miniature plasma torpedoes to engage targets. Nearly impossible to evade, they (fortunately) lack hitting power.

Size: 6
Durability: 1
Power: -6
Accuracy: +10 (Guided)
Penetration: 1 (Scatter:3)
Range: Short


Submachine Gun (Slug): The bad news is that SMGs are inaccurate short-range only weapons. The good news is that its inaccuracy means you cover an entire machine with fire, damaging structural weakpoints such as heads and wearing away at armor. Intended for elimination of lightly armored machines.

Size: 4
Durability: 1
Power: -3
Accuracy: -2
Penetration: 0 (Scatter:4)
Range: Short

Shotgun (Slug): Mecha shotguns. Larger than SMGs, they provide greater accuracy and penetration (due to saturating a much larger area with deadly submunitions) but require more power and space. Slug versions use mass driver tech, giving them high rates of fire and low power draw but significant bulk.

Size: 10
Durability: 2
Power: -4
Accuracy: +0
Penetration: 3 (Scatter 4)
Range: Short


Submachine Gun (Energy): Energy SMGs consume more power and provide superior accuracy and per-shot firepower but require significantly more power.

Size: 4
Durability: 1
Power: -5
Accuracy: -1
Penetration: 2 (Scatter:3)
Range: Short

Shotgun (Energy): Plasma shotguns are exceedingly powerful two-handed weapons that can achieve widespread damage. Compared to the slug variant, they are less accurate (due to the use of plasma instead of semi-guided submunitions), more fragile, and drain far more power, but much more powerful.

Size: 10
Durability: 1
Power: -10
Accuracy: -3
Penetration: 5 (Scatter:4)
Range: Short

Medium Range


Plasma Torpedo: Plasma torpedoes are guided standoff weapons using metastable plasmoids. They have excellent target tracking ability and incredible power but are power-intensive and large.

Size: 10
Durability: 2
Power: -10
Accuracy: +5 (Guided)
Penetration: 5 (Devastating:2)
Range: Medium


Assault Rifle (Slug): Higher penetration, but much larger and more power hungry compared to the SMG. This is a slug variant, trading larger size for lower power drain and greater durability.

Size: 10
Durability: 2
Power: -4
Accuracy: +1
Penetration: 3 (Scatter 2)
Range: Medium

Lance Driver: A large rapid-firing tank mass driver firing high-velocity projectiles in (typically) 2-5 round bursts. These projectiles are approximately 40-60mm in caliber.

Size: 16
Durability: 2
Power: -6
Accuracy: +1
Penetration: 9
Range: Medium


Assault Rifle (Energy): Higher penetration, but much larger and more power hungry compared to the SMG. This is an energy weapon variant. Compared to the mass driver, it has a lower fire rate and draws more power but is more accurate and better penetrating.

Size: 8
Durability: 1
Power: -8
Accuracy: +3
Penetration: 4 (Scatter 2)
Range: Medium

Beam Rifle: A more powerful, slower firing equivalent to the assault rifle.

Size: 8
Durability: 2
Power: -10
Accuracy: +1
Penetration: 7
Range: Medium

Heavy Beam Rifle: A larger and heavier beam rifle with more firepower.

Size: 10
Durability: 2
Power: -12
Accuracy: +0
Penetration: 8
Range: Medium

Long Range


Long Range Missiles: LRMs use larger launchers with powerful grav-catapults to achieve long range engagement capability. On the other hand, they are relatively weak harassment weapons.

Size: 6
Durability: 1
Power: -2
Accuracy: +5 (Guided)
Penetration: 2
Range: Long


Sniper Rifle (Slug): A heavy mecha-scaled sniper rifle. Accurate and deadly.

Size: 10
Durability: 2
Power: -6
Accuracy: +3 (Precision:2)
Penetration: 6
Range: Long

Artillery Cannon: Whichever insane person gave your giant robot a plasma cannon, heavy laser, or mass driver approximately the size of a battleship gun should either be rewarded or shot. Designed for anti-ship use, in the event that you manage to point it at an Avatar and successfully hit, there probably isn't going to be much left of it.

Size: 20
Durability: 1
Power: -20
Accuracy: -5
Penetration: 10 (Devastating:3, Scatter:3)
Range: Long


Sniper Rifle (Energy): Even more accurate than the slug variant, but more fragile and with greater power draw.

Size: 10
Durability: 1
Power: -9
Accuracy: +4 (Precision:3)
Penetration: 6
Range: Long

Precision Beam Rifle: A beam rifle modified for greater accuracy and longer engagement ranges.

Size: 10
Durability: 2
Power: -12
Accuracy: +3
Penetration: 8
Range: Long

Beam Cannon: A very large beam rifle intended for tank use.

Size: 16
Durability: 2
Power: -16
Accuracy: +2
Penetration: 10
Range: Long
