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<b>Occupation:</b> Elite<br>
<b>Occupation:</b> Elite<br>
<b>Powers:</b> Esker Eaves has the standard set of physical powers: Strength, dexterity, and resilience. However there is dexterity and then there's dexterity. Esker Eaves is in a class of his own, capable of jumping over large enemies while spinning in the air and shooting at them with great precision. At the same time he moves at a speed far greater than human, or even that of most other Novas, though he is not in the speedster category.<br>
<b>Powers:</b> Esker Eaves has the standard set of physical powers: Strength, dexterity, and resilience. However there is dexterity and then there's dexterity. Esker Eaves is in a class of his own, capable of jumping over large enemies while spinning in the air and shooting at them with great precision. At the same time he moves at a speed far greater than human, or even that of most other Novas, though he is not in the speedster category.<br>
<b>Background:</b> Esker Eaves is one of the few Novas working for Whitefire who had a military background <i>before</i> erupting. Though he was only a member of the California Army National Guard it still gave him a head start in the Elite business after he erupted.<br>
<b>Background:</b> Esker Eaves is one of the few Novas working for Whitefire who had a military background <i>before</i> erupting. Originally a member of the California Army National Guard he transferred to the US Army Elite program, but quit after his aberrations began to turn extreme. This gave him a head start in the Elite business.<br>
Surprisingly enough, given that he is a giant squirrel, it is somewhat difficult to track his early career. However he did the usual tour of Africa and South America, where he gained a reputation for professionalism and a fondness for weapons bigger than he was.<br>
Surprisingly enough, given that he is a giant squirrel, it is somewhat difficult to track his early career. However he did the usual tour of Africa and South America, where he gained a reputation for professionalism and a fondness for weapons bigger than he was.<br>
After returning briefly to the states Esker Eaves did temporary work for Whitefire Security Solutions. Where he helped mop up after their Moroccan debacle and participated in the battle against Geryon.<br>
After returning briefly to the states Esker Eaves did temporary work for Whitefire Security Solutions. Where he helped mop up after their Moroccan debacle and participated in the battle against Geryon.<br>
<b>Assessment:</b> Esker Eaves is a squirrel in sunglasses and a PMC outfit. That is not a bizarre insult; it is an accurate description of what he looks like. Despite rumours to the contrary he has not signed up fulltime with Whitefire Security Solutions, but they'd better get their finger out if they want to nab him! In short this is what Elites are all about, deadly, fast, efficient, photogenic, and always ready with a fast quip. Definitely a Nova to look out for.
<b>Assessment:</b> Given his appearance there has already been some talk about turning him into a plushie. Despite rumours to the contrary he has not signed up fulltime with Whitefire Security Solutions, so toymakers, other PMCs, better get moving if you want to nab him! In short this is what Elites are all about, deadly, fast, efficient, photogenic, and always ready with a fast quip. Definitely a Nova to look out for.
===Fire Shadow===
===Fire Shadow===

Revision as of 10:23, 26 May 2009

This page basically holds whatever public relations fluff that's generated for our campaign. I have some more ideas in mind and hope you like it.

Battle with Geryon

The New Team in Town! - Newspaper Article

Yesterday the people of New York turned on their televisions, only to see live footage of a nine foot tall walking weapon of mass destruction rampaging through the city. Geryon had come again. Shattered glass, burning gasoline, and broken bodies lined the streets as he advanced, barely slowed down by the brave efforts of the NYPD officers. High above the scene helicopter camera crews could only watch the carnage.

At roughly 11:40 AM Freedom Man engaged Geryon for the first time. Along with the NYPD he forced Geryon to stand and fight, thus allowing the civilians to flee to safety. Eighteen of the police officers died in the minutes that followed, from thrown cars or debris falling down from damaged buildings. Moments later the press suffered their first fatalities that day, as Geryon threw a car up at the news helicopter, destroying it and cutting off the live feed. From then on the testimonies are conflicting, backed only by snatches of video taken by civilian cellulars.

Shortly afterwards the Novas from Whitefire Security Solutions arrived at the scene. Their heavy hitters Galatea and Esker Eaves engaged the Geryon after a brief distraction by Fire Shadow, who struck Geryon from behind, but was forced to retreat moments later due to an injury to the leg. Like a group of picadors wearing down a great bull Carter Luso, Melissa Flint, and Zach McAllister launched repeated attacks on Geryon distracting him from Galatea and Esker Eaves.

This distraction would prove dangerous to Geryon, as Galatea closed in and let loose a formidable eye beam attack, cratering Geryon's armour. That very armour had earlier proven impenetrable to anti-tank weaponry. Despite his injury however Geryon remained a formidable opponent, and struck Freedom Man hard enough to punch him through a tall rise building. Though this knocked him out of the fight Freedom Man is made of sterner stuff than most Novas, and survived the blow. At the same time Easker Eaves danced around Geryon, who flailed around failing to get hold of the brilliantly fast Nova who quipped nonchalantly while raining down grenades on the Teragen terrorist. Despite that Geryon kept on fighting, apparently confident that despite the hole in his armour this previously unknown team of Novas could never defeat him.

Moments later the fight came to an end, as Esker Eaves improvised a satchel charge, leapt around Geryon, and threw the satchel charge into the gaping hole that Galatea had made in Geryon's armour. Apparently aware of his impending death the Teragen terrorist entered an amuck state, where he threw cars in every direction, killing even more innocent bystanders. During this same amuck state the second Nova of the day was injured, Fire Shadow had his arm torn off by a thrown car. A few seconds later the satchel charge exploded, killing Geryon, and leaving New York City safe again.

Fortunately for the injured a team of US Army Nova's warped in moments later, providing medical care for Fire Shadow and Freedom Man, while at the same time helping to secure the situation. The only comment we got from them was, "Excellent job! The country could use them."

Shortly the press approached Esker Eaves, who commented that "I think [Geryon] went down like a chump." When asked if he thought it was a hard fight he added, "Nope. We just beat on him until he died." And "My only surprise was that he chose not to kill Fire Shadow." But he modestly refused to take full credit, stating, "[Galatea] put a chink in his armour. I just finished it off."

The stunningly beautiful Galatea modestly announced that, "Everybody worked together." While helping to clear up the debris and finding injured civilians. However Carter Luso, the team sniper, was quick to confirm, "[The wound that Galatea inflicted] is what won us the battle."

None of the team seemed particularly willing to discuss their team mates, generally citing that the team was too new for them to have made up any particular opinion. The only thing we got was a passing remark from Carter Luso, "[Fire Shadow is] a merc. That means a disposable life."

Zach McAllister, the team's leader and the CEO of Whitefire Security Solutions, was quick to comment, "No one [on my team] is disposable if I have anything to say about it."

After recovering enough to make a statement Freedom Man congratulated Whitefire Security Solutions on taking down Geryon, before adding, "[The officers of the NYPD] are the bravest men and women I have ever met. I am honoured to have fought beside them." He has already donated a substantial amount of money to the family and dependents of crippled or slain officers. Doctors expect that he will make a full recovery in a few days. The same is also assumed for Fire Shadow, who is recuperating in the Whitefire compound.

The final death toll is stated at 22 police officers and 30 civilians, though only 28 civilian bodies have been positively identified. Property damages go into the tens of millions.

Charitable donations may be made at www.FreedomManCharity.com.

4chan /n/ Comments

Anonymous File: 585175.avi

Took it with my cellphone camera! New York this morning! That's Geryon!


There's Novas around killing each other and you... stand still to film it? Do you want to an hero?


More like trying to be FAEL GUY you could sell this video tape you moron!


FUCK! This is frigging awesome! Geryon is chucking around cars like crazy and the cops are getting smeared onto the pavement! Wow! Fucking awesome!


People are getting killed!


Screw you moral fag!


Galatea is fantastic, she just blew a big hole in Geryon's armour! Did you see that? Big crater and its still glowing red from the force. Why is she even hanging with the rest of the losers?


Squirrelman is Furry Yoda! Did you see that? Like half pint suddenly started spinning around shooting guns in every possible direction!


Furry Yoda!


I hear that Galatea thinks she comes from another planet.


Galatea and Squirrelman could kill Geryon without anyone else! Why are they hanging with these lusers?

Anonymous File: 896585.avi

Check this out! It's a compilation from OpNet like half a dozen recordings. I'm telling you Geryon is nasty, he's really chucking around the cars. I wouldn't stick around to film something like that, especially not when the friendlies come smashing in through the windows.

BTW I hear that Galatea thinks she's an alien too, like supergirl you know. I wish she'd do nood pictures though.






Esker Eaves is awesome, he jumped over Geryon spinning around in the air firing both his pistols! Then he threw a bomb into Geryon's body! This guy is absolutely awesome!


Furries will think about him when they touch themselves at night!


Does anyone have noods of Galatea?


I agree with Carter Luso, they're not superheroes or "elites" they're a bunch of mercenaries! Screw them!



Fuck you!



An Analysis of Whitefire Security Solutions


Birth Name: Unknown, but goes by the name Caran Steele
Date of Birth: Unknown
Place of Birth: Unknown
Occupation: Elite
Powers: Galatea has the standard set of physical powers: Strength, dexterity, and resilience. Additionally she has the ability to fly and shoot out deadly eye-beams. Indeed her eye-beams are powerful enough to cause permanent damage to Geryon's armour. In close combat she's shown herself to be capable of punching through steel plate. Finally her appearance is simply too good to be human, at least when you see her in person.
Background: Very little is known of Galatea's background, apparently she appeared next to some satellite wreckage several years ago. Ever since then she has claimed to be from a distant planet that exploded long ago. If this sounds like Superman's origin story then it's because it is.

She initially signed up for a Rashoud facility seeking to join Project Utopia. However their attempts to cure her delusion resulted in Galatea leaving in a huff, apparently she has been very sceptical of Project Utopia ever since. One of the doctors at the facility has gotten into trouble with the ethics board for repeatedly denouncing Galatea as insane and unstable.

After leaving Project Utopia she set out to prove herself as a mercenary. Due to her photogenic nature and her general skill she soon gained quite a bit of fame, though she never got to the major leagues. Her delusion also made it hard for her to be hired by regular Elite agencies, until she joined Whitefire Security Solutions.

Assessment: What limits her marketability (and Team Tommorrow prospects) is her delusional / schizophrenic idea that she's from outer space. Despite that she is in fact quite rational in all other areas and as the fight with Geryon revealed very deadly as well. Other Elites who worked with her had a favourable impression of her abilities. With her good looks to back her abilities this is definitely a Nova to look out for.

Esker Eaves

Birth Name: Esker Eaves
Date of Birth:6 May, 1996
Place of Birth: San Francisco, California
Occupation: Elite
Powers: Esker Eaves has the standard set of physical powers: Strength, dexterity, and resilience. However there is dexterity and then there's dexterity. Esker Eaves is in a class of his own, capable of jumping over large enemies while spinning in the air and shooting at them with great precision. At the same time he moves at a speed far greater than human, or even that of most other Novas, though he is not in the speedster category.
Background: Esker Eaves is one of the few Novas working for Whitefire who had a military background before erupting. Originally a member of the California Army National Guard he transferred to the US Army Elite program, but quit after his aberrations began to turn extreme. This gave him a head start in the Elite business.

Surprisingly enough, given that he is a giant squirrel, it is somewhat difficult to track his early career. However he did the usual tour of Africa and South America, where he gained a reputation for professionalism and a fondness for weapons bigger than he was.

After returning briefly to the states Esker Eaves did temporary work for Whitefire Security Solutions. Where he helped mop up after their Moroccan debacle and participated in the battle against Geryon.
Assessment: Given his appearance there has already been some talk about turning him into a plushie. Despite rumours to the contrary he has not signed up fulltime with Whitefire Security Solutions, so toymakers, other PMCs, better get moving if you want to nab him! In short this is what Elites are all about, deadly, fast, efficient, photogenic, and always ready with a fast quip. Definitely a Nova to look out for.

Fire Shadow

Birth Name: Michael Boddy
Date of Birth: 10 June 1993
Place of Birth: Los Angeles, California
Occupation: "Elite"
Powers: Fire Shadow has super human strength and agility, as well as super-human resilience, and the ability to turn invisible. Though he has never submitted to formal testing, analysis of his public feats suggest that his powers are in the lower part of the Nova spectrum. His strength, speed and invisibility make him formidable when facing baselines, but have repeatedly proven inadequate for dealing with other Novas.
Background: Michael Boddy was born into a middle class Californian family. For most of his childhood there were no signs to distinguish him from any other young man with a strong interest in computers, anime, and martial arts movies. During high school his interest in Japanese culture and his self-discipline was sufficient to let him learn Japanese. During high school and college he visited Japan twice, spending a total of three months there.

It is believed that his eruption occurred in 2015, during a bar brawl after a heated argument. The exact circumstances are unclear, however the result was substantial property damage, and four men sent to an intensive care unit.

Shortly after erupting he quit his job and began travelling, earning money in various ways wherever he went. During this period he is known to have learned martial arts and various combat skills, however the details are hazy. For reasons unknown he gave material support to the resistance movements in Burma, killing dozens of Burmese soldiers, and destroying military encampment. A year or so afterwards he left Burma for reasons unknown, and went to Dharmasala where he tried to meet the Dalai Lama. After meeting with a handful of high ranking Lamas he did some minor favours for the exiled Tibetan government. The Chinese government has since declared these actions terrorism, but have not pressed the United States for his extradition.

After leaving Dharmasala and India Fire Shadow visited Japan again, but it is very hard to track his actions during this period. Surprisingly enough for a foreign Nova in Japan he was only briefly mentioned in a few local newspapers. After six months he was legally obliged to leave, and returned to the United States. Once more there is a three month period where there is only limited information, before he signed up with Whitefire Security Solutions.

Assessment: From my contacts in the Elite business I've found that Fire Shadow is generally considered a laughingstock. The average government sees him as unsuitable for stealth missions, mentally unstable, and a very limited threat overall. He is squarely in the lower 25th percentile of combat Novas. This of course explains why he signed up with a newly started mercenary bureau, in other words one desperate enough to allow anyone to sign up.