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MJ12 Commando (talk | contribs)
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MJ12 Commando (talk | contribs)
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'''Name:''' Politically Expedient Rapier<br>
'''Anima:''' A giant bust of Henry Kissinger (seriously change this)<br>
'''Anima Effect:''' Essence/2 to all attack, damage, and join battle rolls<br>
'''Motivation:''' Fight Communism! (yeah this too)<br>

Caste: Dexterity, Manipulation, Intelligence (9)<br>
Favored: Appearance, Charisma, Wits (7)<br>
Miscellaneous: Strength, Stamina, Perception (6+2)
:Strength 4
:Dexterity 5+2 (7)
:Stamina 3+1 (4)
:Perception 4
:Intelligence 4
:Wits 5+2 (7)
:Charisma 4+1 (5)
:Manipulation 4+1 (5)
:Appearance 5
40 Ability Dots, 10 Specialties
:Martial Arts 5
:: (Beam Weapons + 3)
:Melee 2
:Archery 1
:: (Integrated Weapons + 3)
:Awareness 1
:Athletics 1
:Integrity 5
:Resistance 1
:: (Long Speeches + 1)
:Bureaucracy 5
:Presence 5
:: (Political Advisory + 1)
:Performance 3
:Socialize 2
:: (High Society + 1)
:Investigation 4
:Lore 2
:Linguistics 3 (Autocthonian, Old Realm, Riverspeak, High Realm)
25 + 9 Excellencies (34)
9 charms
:'''1st Dexterity Augmentation''' (+1m/die for Dexterity)
:'''4th Dexterity Augmentation''' x 2 (+2 Dexterity)
:'''4th Manipulation Augmentation''' (+1 Manipulation)
:'''4th Charisma Augmentation''' (+1 Charisma)
:'''4th Wits Augmentation''' x 2 (+2 Wits)
:'''Transpuissant Dexterity Upgrade''' (specialty dice are successes when paired with Dexterity, convert damage dice into levels against Creatures of the Void)
:'''Transpuissant Manipulation Upgrade''' (specialty dice are successes when paired with Manipulation, double against Creatures of the Void)
4 charms
:'''Aim-Calibrating Sensors''' (3m, eliminates all external penalties to an attack)
:'''Recursive Fractal Targeting Calculations''' (7m 1wp, creates a flurry of [Wits or Dexterity, choose lower] attacks which cumulatively gain 1 accuracy per every attack that fails to hit, hitting resets this to 0)
:'''Accelerated Response System''' (2m to reduce Parry DV penalties by [Dexterity])
:'''Impenetrable Repulsor Field''' (6m applicability-trumping perfect Parry)
:: Flaw: Alchemical Valor (cannot move away from target after use)
4 charms
:'''Dynamic Reaction Enhancement System''' (2m, reduces action speed by -1)
:: Cluster Action Hyperprocessor (costs 0m if an action was already enhanced)
:'''Transhuman Efficiency Relays''' (2m per additional action, 1wp, up to [Wits] Extra Actions)
:'''Magnetic Joint Bearings''' x 2 (Ambidextrous, -2 to all multiple action penalties)
6 charms
:'''Patriotism-Provoking Display''' (6m, enhances a social attack to convince targets to take action supporting a social group he or the Alchemical belongs to, costs 2 WP to resist, Conviction channels become successes rather than dice)
:: Many Is One Node (+3m 1wp to target groups versus single people)
:'''Perfected Union Patterning''' (5m, enhances a social attack to convince members of two separate groups to favorably regard each other, costs 3wp to resist [1wp if other group has taken actions to directly damage their reputation])
:'''Rogue Cell Isolation Protocols''' (4m 1wp, supplements social attacks to remove Intimacies, automatically removes an Intimacy if successful)
:: Emotional Irrelevance Systems (an intimacy removed in this way requires the other character to spend 1 WP to have a scene count as rebuilding it)
:'''Pattern Facilitation Module''' (6m 1wp, roll Charisma/Manipulation + Socialize vs group Magnitude/2, if successful the group adopts a new course of action which does not conflict with the current Policy)
:'''Conceptual Entropy Module''' (6m 1wp, roll Charisma/Manipulation + Socialize vs group Magnitude/2, if successful the group rejects an intimacy in the group's current Policy)
:'''Agenda Recalibration Protocols''' (5m 1wp, roll Charisma/Manipulation + Socialize vs group Magnitude/2, if successful the group alters one of its goals to a similar but different goal-any goal is valid as long as it is not a direct inversion and possess at least 1 common element)
1 charm
:'''Integrated Artifact Transmogrifier''' (2m Indefinite to disguise Charms as Internal, or pretend to be human)
:: Deep Cover Mode (costs 2m instead of 5m)
:: Essence-Muting Baffles (disguises Charms against Essence Sight and supernatural detection unless active and Obvious)
1 charm
:'''4th Stamina Augmentation''' x 1 (+1 Stamina)
1 charm
:'''Perfected Lotus Matrix''' (Learn Martial Arts)
:: Lotus Filament Conduction (Half cost TMA)
1 charm
:'''Essence Shield Projector''' (4m Indefinite, 20B/15L/10A hardness, attacks that penetrate hardness have all damage negated)
:: Motic Field Stabilizers (cost is 4m, duration is Indefinite, only visible when it stops damage)
3 charms
:'''Personal Gravity Manipulation Apparatus''' (4m scenelong, either alter direction of gravity or double movement speed and jump height by reducing gravity)
:'''Parabolic Leap Overcharger Device''' (3m scenelong, double jump distance)
:'''Momentum Redirection Pulse Injector''' (3m, allows for a reflexive jump even after jumping, for flurry-breaking or movement)
4 charms
:'''Industrial Survival Frame''' (6m Indefinite, immunity to certain environmental hazards)
::Crystal (protects against Shaping as Integrity-Protecting Prana, protects against natural/mineral environmental hazards)
:'''Transcendant Multimodal Artifact Matrix''' (deploys artifacts, costs the artifact's attunement in motes to deploy)
:: Starmetal Short Powerbow(Spd 6, Acc +3, Dmg +4L, Rate 2, Range 250, 4m cost)
:: Beam Daiklaive (-4) [Spd 5, Accuracy +4, Dmg 9L, Def + 2, Rate 3, Attune 3, 5m activation, Halves Parry DV, destroys all mundane weapons which parry it, raw damage reduces soak of mundane armor]
:'''Protosynthetic Ammunition Replicator''' (1m to create any normal arrow, 2m to create projectiles and thrown weapons up to resources 2)
:'''Manifold Transhuman Implants''' (8 mutation points)
==Martial Arts==
21 Charms (TMA charms count as half)
===Violet Bier of Sorrows===
12 Charms
:Secrets of Future Strife (double Join Battle dice pool)
:Flight of Mercury (1m to reduce a single attack's speed by 1 to a minimum of 3, maximum [Martial Arts] motes can be spent)
:Blade of the Battle Maiden (2m/dice, 2 wp scenelong, does lethal damage with MA attacks, each 2m adds 1 die for MA attacks OR defenses up to [Dex + MA])
:Joy In Adversity Stance (5m scenelong, roll [Essence] when an attack fails to overcome DV, each success returns 2m)
:Violet Bier of Sorrows Form (minimum damage is [Martial Arts] if that exceeds Essence, each successful attack strips 1 virtue dot)
:Death-Parrying Stroke (pay 2m to prevent 1 HL of damage against character)
:Unobstructed Blow (5m, attack is undodgeable, ignores armor)
:Horrific Wreath (2m 1wp, does aggravated damage to Creatures of Darkness)
:Metal Storm (3m/attack, up to [Martial Arts] attacks)
:Crimson Palm Counterstrike (5m, roll Dex + MA, successes cancel out enemy successes after PDV, leftover successes are applied to a MA counterattack)
:Life-Severing Blow (pay 2m to add 1 HL of damage to an opponent successfully hit)
:Conclusion Pursuing Approach (10m 1wp 1 lethal HL scenelong, regain 1wp for each successful hit on an opponent, opponents triple their wound penalties against character)
===Even Blade===
11 (6) Charms
:Death Between Heartbeats (2m, attack is resolved first rather than simultaneously on a tick)
:Breath And Essence Control (3m, replace Join Battle roll with successes equal to Martial Arts)
:Close Your Eyes And Look (4m, doubles DV penalties target is suffering from, may get an answer to any one question about the opponent)
:Even Blade Form (5m Scenelong, cannot be confused or distracted, DV refreshes 1 tick earlier)
:Fiery Garda Force Attack (4m, attack becomes piercing, may pay 1wp if the attack is parried to break the parrying weapon, if weapon is broken attack loses 3 successes but is resolved as if the target had a PDV of 0)
:Flashing Zeyphr Speed Stance (4m action-long, decrease Speed by 1 (min 3), increase Rate by 1, Accuracy +1)
:Floating Nymph Grace Evasion (4m action-long, subtract Essence from DV penalties, may use full DV against all opponents even if surrounded)
:Gruesome Wood King Revelry Technique (1m reflexive, barehanded attacks do Lethal, each HL dealt returns 1m)
:Stubborn Jokun Defense Procedure (4m action-long, suffers no wound penalties, adds Martial Arts to bashing, Martial Arts/2 to lethal soak, may act even if Incapacitated or Dying)
:Loving Heart Stance (5m 1wp scenelong, may counterattack a successfully parried attack once per enemy action, may use sword sheath to parry at full PDV)
:Loyal Dancing Lovers Technique (7m 1wp scenelong, may either choose to gain 1 to PDV and counter all coordinated attack and onslaught penalty, or get 1 reflexive attack each action)
===Five Dragon Style===
7 (3) Charms
:Five-Dragon Claw (1m, attack ignores Hardness and inflicts lethal damage)
:Five-Dragon Force Blow (2m, double base damage of an attack, knocks down opponent at difficulty [attacker's Strength] if raw damage exceeds opponent's [Stamina + Resistance])
:Five-Dragon Fortitude (1m adds 2B or 1L soak against an attack)
:Five-Dragon Blocking Technique (4m 1wp, adds Essence/2 to PDV for a scene)
:Five-Dragon Form (can soak lethal damage with bashing soak, +1 accuracy to form weapons, +Essence to strength and dexterity for movement)
:Five-Dragon Fist (6m 1wp 1hl, attack inflicts aggravated damage)
:Five-Dragon Invulnerability (5m 1wp, ignores all damage from a non-magical attack, adds +Essence to soak and hardness against magical attacks)
Permanent Essence 4
: Personal Essence: 22
: Peripheral Essence: 60 (37)
:: Artifact Attunement: (3 [Beamklaive] + 3 [Discreet Essence Armor] + 1 [Silken Armor] + 4 [Hearthstone Bracers] + 2 [Trinket]) = 13m
:: Charms: (4 [Essence Shield] + 6 [Industrial Survival]) = 10m
=Attacks and Defenses=
:Starmetal Beamklaive: Spd 5, Accuracy 17 [3], Damage 13L, PDV 11, Rate 3
:Punch: Spd 5, Accuracy 14, Damage 4B, PDV 8, Rate 3, Natural
:Kick: Spd 5, Accuracy 13, Damage 5B, PDV 6, Rate 2, Natural
:Clinch: Spd 6, Accuracy 13, Damage 4B (P), Rate 1
:Starmetal Powerbow: Spd 6, Accuracy 14 [1], Dmg 8L (base), Range 250, Rate 2
::Frog-Crotch Arrows: Dmg 12L (double armor soak)
::Target Arrows: Dmg 8L (P)
::Broadhead Arrows: Dmg 10L
::Fowling: Dmg 10B
:Dodge DV: Dex 7 + Ess 4 = 11/2 = 6
:Soak: 4B/2L + 2B/2L + 3B/5L + 5B/5L = 14B/14L (armored soak is 8B/10L)
:Hardness: 20B/15L/10A (shield), 3B/3L (armor)
:Health Levels: -0 x 1/-1 x 2/-2 x 6/-4 x 1/Incapacitated/Dying x 4
:Mental Dodge DV: WP 10 + Integrity 5 + Essence 4 = 19/2 = 10 + 1 = 11 MDDV
:Mental Parry DV: Manipulation 5 + Presence 5 = 10/2 = 5 MPDV (6 for politics)
=Virtues and WP=
Willpower 10<br>
Clarity 1
:Compassion 2 (max 12 intimacies)
:: Intimacy:
:Conviction 5
:Temperance 1
:Valor 3
12 BG + Class 3
:Class 4
:Artifact 3 (9 artifact pts)
:: Silken Armor (-2) [+3B/5L soak, stacks with, does not count as armor, Attune 2]
:: Starmetal Discreet Essence Armor (-2) [+5B/5L soak, 3B/3L hardness, -1 extnernal penalty to attacks, Attune 5, Activation Cost 3m/6m]
:: Aegis-Inset Amulets (-1) [-2 to Armor Attunement requirements, min 1]
:: Hearthstone Bracers (-2) [+1 Accuracy, +1 Defense, +3 Dodge, Attune 4]
:: Starmetal Trinket of Dignified Conduct (-2) [+1 Dodge MDV, +2d to Investigation social attacks/defenses]
:Eidolon 2
:Backing (Honorary Plutarch [governmental planner]) 2
:4 BG Pts exchanged for Charms
=Merits and Flaws=
8 Mutation Points
:Inexhaustible (-2) [Doesn't suffer from fatigue]
:Thick Skin (-2) [+2B/2L soak]
:Night Eyes (-1) [no penalties for low-light environments]
:Acute Senses: Sight & Hearing (-2) [+2 for sight/hearing awareness rolls]
:Supernatural Quickness (-1) [+1 to Dexterity for movement]
Vice (-3): Roll Temperance at difficulty 3 to avoid surrendering to chosen Vice. Spend 1 WP to resist for a scene.
Ward (-3): Charged with the welfare of another person.
:: Hey Exhack you wanted your token heroic mortal. Probably the kid of a Senior Tripartite member whose bravery way outstrips his competence.
=Bonus Points=
40 BP
:-5 for WP 10
:-3 for Manipulation 4
:-12 for Wits 5
:-17 for Charms
:-7 for Submodules
:-2 for Virtue Dots
:+6 for Flaws

Revision as of 21:17, 15 December 2010