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:The Key of Zero possesses all the capabilities of a Null Key, but is considerably more powerful- letting one fight armored war machines on a personal level, duel starships, and transit the starways in of itself. However, while Azer has begun to unlock the true potential of his Null Key, he has not nearly reached the full level. He believes it would take his death to do so, or very nearly.
:The Key of Zero possesses all the capabilities of a Null Key, but is considerably more powerful- letting one fight armored war machines on a personal level, duel starships, and transit the starways in of itself. However, while Azer has begun to unlock the true potential of his Null Key, he has not nearly reached the full level. He believes it would take his death to do so, or very nearly.
Race: Tigrid<br>
Concept: Cyber-catgirl wandering mercenary<br>
Cashew is big, with brown skin and white & black striped hair. The actress who plays her is Indian. Since escaping from her backwards fantasy world, she has used High Technology to augment her natural skills and found a living as a wandering swordswoman. She hates magic due to how every mage on her homeworld was a horrible nasty man. She is in fact A Dispossessed Princess and wants to go seize her throne back someday.
Her primary skills are Combat (specialisation swords) and Athletics. Her secondary skills are Bargaining, Maintenance and Finding Lucrative Trouble.
*Nanosuit with glowing lines and limited armour plates
*Hard light greatsword
*Collapsible anti-armour guided plasma cannon
*Collapsible anti-infantry automatic railcannon
*Maintenance kit

Revision as of 12:35, 12 September 2010

Placeholder page for FBH's oneshot running Sunday September 12th. Mostly so I can get my character concept up before everyone else in case I'm not back until late. --Bossmuff 04:18, 12 September 2010 (UTC)

Set in the Magia Ex Machina universe, on a trade-station in the asteroid belt of Falum's Drift.


Magia Ex Machina

The game begins on Farum's Drift A giant space platform inside a massive asteroid field in a system that is practically all asteroid fields. Farum's Drift is a major port along one of the few routes of intersystem travel that stayed open during the Horror. It lies on the boarder between the area controlled by Hilensborough, a British ethnic technological empire which is ruled almost entirely ruled by its corporations and Linthar, an Elfin Empire of great magical strength, and acts as a way point for traders, spies and other things between the two hostile sides.

This situation is complicated by the fact that with the end of the Horror, the routes between Farum's Drift and other systems are beginning to open up, allowing travel too (and from) numerous other locations.


Your character can be just about anything, though power is limited. You're not an exalted or the like, it is possible for normal humans (in enough numbers) to take you on, you must also have a reason to be on Farum's Drift, and the possibility of doing stuff there without having to answer too much to authorities.


Race: Astro-Seneschal - Kuronim (Combat and Physical Guard) specialization
Concept: Angelic defender of Eden-world


Astro-Seneschals are the angelic guardians of Neverland, a paradise-world of endless, perfect nature monitored by magitech systems. From their station-city of Aircastle, the Astro-sen maintain the perfect world and watch over the humans who live amongst the perfect landscape, living a life of blissful simplicity while their defenders hold back the tide of unspeakable astral horrors above. With their disappearance, the Astro-Sen have a new challenge: With no horrors to fight, how will they deal with the thousands of new civilizations that can now walk right to their doorstep.

The Thrones decided to send several diplomatic liaisons to the other worlds; one of these was the trade-station of Farum's drift. Zeruel was sent as bodyguard and escort for the Chasmallim (Sociological and Psychological Mediator specialization) diplomat, as well as several Enlightened human traders. She joined the Kuronim order about a half-century before the spaceways cleared, educated and augmented for offensive and defensive combat; she finds she prefers actively pursuing enemies to guardian duty, but assures herself that this mission will be over soon enough. She is an avid lover of music, and has since discovered the joys of rum at the station cantina.

As per her station, Zeruel is always found in the Kuronim battlesuit - a large suit of powered armour composed of white metal, designed with ornate angular designs, A large shoulder-mantle, and a tall, full-head bird-like mask. White feathered wings fold at her back, spreading three feet either way at full extension (they use antigravity to generate flight). The armour conceals features entirely; only when the mask is pulled back can her alabaster-white, statuesque face and opal-black eyes be seen, and the barest bangs of ink-black hair.


Physical enhancements: Zeruel is stronger, nimbler, healthier, and more quick-witted and perceptive than most, her body engineered and tweaked like all Astro-Sens. She also has magitech implants that allow her to interface with her weapons and powered armour (which will not function for any but her - all her equipment is mind-triggered with an emergency gene-coded manual). She has cybernetically implanted wings, which can be removed or reattached through her dorsal links.

Plasma Lance: A long, thin weapon, a combination of a rifle, a sword, and a medieval lance, which can generate a field of magnetically-contained plasma. It can be used in melee, or fired in bolts or in a short-ranged stream of plasma flame.

Powered armour: Increased strength and speed; minor force-field-assisted defense. Also contains computer systems for analysis and data processing/communication

Wings: Generate antigravity for hovering and flight. Can increase output to create fields capable of repelling attacks.

Cherub: A small, winged spherical drone, capable of generating magical effects, used as a focus for Astro-Seneschal magic and as a bit system. Chasmallim and other magically-inclined units have multiples; Zeruel has only one. Zeruel knows boosting magic, and is of generating enhancement effects and minor disruption abilities through her Cherub.

Baron Minor Plenipotent of the Second Circle of the Paradisium Court, Order of Widdershins, Knight of Underhill, Acherontia ap Charaxes Fin van Hawkmoth

Player: Shrike
Race: Fae
Common Name: Charaxes
Wing Pattern

Baron Minor Plenipotent of the Second Circle of the Paradisium Court, Order of Widdershins, Knight of Underhill, Acherontia ap Charaxes Fin van Hawkmoth (Charaxes to his friends) is one of Farum's Drift's aether prospectors, a group of individuals who comb through the asteroidal sargassos to find valuable aether crystals and other objects of value.

As minor pixie nobility, Charaxes can fly and breathe in vaccum and has the unnering ability to avoid getting dirty no matter what sort of situation he may be in. He also has a small ship to transport his findings.

Azer Grey

Player: Kerrus
Race: Trans-Alumian
Concept: Seeker of the Keys

Description: The Seekers are the descendents of the shattered Space Empire of Trans-Alumia. Cast into the black, they spent much of the Thousand Years of Sleep traveling in search of the lost Keys of Trans-Alumia, relics that would allow access to the vast network of interstellar doorways that nation had constructed, and in turn allow them to bring the shattered remnants of Trans-Alumia back together.

Azer Grey often considers himself the last Seeker of Keys- he is the seventh individual to take up the name, all from different backgrounds, places, and times, who only share in common their faith in a renewed Trans-Alumia. However, in all his years, he has not encountered another Seeker, nor heard their tales. As far as he knows, they have all died, or lost faith in the cause. His intention remains relatively unchanged- he still seeks the lost keys, but he also intends to find out what has happened to the other seekers. Always traveling, always searching, Azer Grey is more an icon than a man, a figure of ancient knowledge and culture, seeking objects of myth and legend for a cause that has spanned a thousand years.


Null-Key: A copy of a copy, the null key is what provides the seekers with their power. Enhanced reaction times, improved health- the Null Key operates primarily through the application of microscale forcefields. While much less powerful than the Key of Zero, from which it is derived, the null key still allows one who knows how to unlock it's full potential a tremendous amount of personal capability. Azer himself appears but a man, but wielding the Null Key, he is more.
The Null Keys are genetically locked to their bearers.
The Null Key has the appearance of a small archaic door key in its inert form. When it is not needed, Azer bears the key as a charm wrapped around his left wrist. When active, the key forms into a blade reminiscent of a Cross of Judea, and higher forms exist but are, generally speaking, kept locked up tight.
The Null Key can be used in its activated form to fire bolts of nullification force, as a blade to match any other, or in a higher level of activation, as an magitech suit of power armour.
Other capabilities: Azer has mastered a limited number of spells which enable him to fly, and perform effortlessly different atmospheric conditions (or no atmospheric conditions, as the case may be). He also knows a limited amount of healing magic, but generally reserves it for personal use.

The Key of Zero: The true form of the Null Key, the Key of Zero is the prototype ancestor from which all the keys were based on. During the fall it was separated and used as the basis for the forging of the null keys, each of which posesses the potential to evolve into a new Key of Zero. Azer's null key is farther along than most, but there's still a long way to go.
The Key of Zero possesses all the capabilities of a Null Key, but is considerably more powerful- letting one fight armored war machines on a personal level, duel starships, and transit the starways in of itself. However, while Azer has begun to unlock the true potential of his Null Key, he has not nearly reached the full level. He believes it would take his death to do so, or very nearly.


Race: Tigrid
Concept: Cyber-catgirl wandering mercenary


Cashew is big, with brown skin and white & black striped hair. The actress who plays her is Indian. Since escaping from her backwards fantasy world, she has used High Technology to augment her natural skills and found a living as a wandering swordswoman. She hates magic due to how every mage on her homeworld was a horrible nasty man. She is in fact A Dispossessed Princess and wants to go seize her throne back someday.

Her primary skills are Combat (specialisation swords) and Athletics. Her secondary skills are Bargaining, Maintenance and Finding Lucrative Trouble.


  • Nanosuit with glowing lines and limited armour plates
  • Hard light greatsword
  • Collapsible anti-armour guided plasma cannon
  • Collapsible anti-infantry automatic railcannon
  • Maintenance kit