Forbidden Flower: Difference between revisions

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Intimacies: <br>
Intimacies: <br>
Dressing with prettily <br>
Dressing prettily <br>
Ghosts (hates) <br>
Ghosts (hates) <br>
Gods (hates) <br>
Gods (hates) <br>

Revision as of 13:32, 1 May 2010

Name: Forbidden Flower
Caste: Scourge
Motivation: To Silence all those who would harm their betters
Urge: Seek out, pursue, and destroy the crazed god-cults terrorizing and oppressing the weaklings of Creation.

Dressing prettily
Ghosts (hates)
Gods (hates)
Jaundice (lust/friendship)
Ashen Hand of the Sky (care for/reassure)
Jubilant Night (likes)
Pharos (Lust)


Strength: ***
Dexterity: *****
Stamina: ***

Charisma: *
Manipulation: **
Appearance: *****

Perception: ***
Intelligence: ***
Wits: ****


Athletics: ***
Awareness: **
Dodge: ***
Larceny: ****
Stealth: *****

Martial Arts: *****
Thrown: **
Investigation: **
Craft (Water): **
Integrity: *

Resistance: **
Lore: *
Medicine: *


Compassion: *
Conviction: ****
Temperance: ***
Valor: **


(Free dot each in Cult, Backing (Adjoran), and Influence (Hell))

Artifact (Emerald Spider Gauntlets): **
Backing (Adjoran): *
Contacts: *
Coadjucator: *
Cult: *
Influence (Hell): *
Familiar (Peronelle; has +2 to Stamina (to 4) and can enter Creation on its own): ***
Past Life: *
Spies: ***

Other Stuff

Willpower: 7
Essence: 3

Personal: 16
Peripheral: 38
Committed: 6


Mutation: Supernatural Quickness Affliction (+2 effective Dex for movement)


First Adjoran Excellency(1m per)X3: Add dice to any action embodying Adjoran’s purview. Needs to be purchased once per Essence dot.

Wind-Born Stride (Permanent) X3: DV penalty for Dash Actions is 0, no roll for dashing over treacherous terrain, wounds don’t count towards dash value, and add Essence to Dexterity to calculate Dash Speed (three times due to three purchases).

Unimpeded Perfection of Exertion (Permanent): When dashing, maintains perfect balance and exerts no weight on solid objects, adds the lower of Dexterity or Athletics to the difficulty of others tracking her, and adds a temporary specialty to stealth of Move Silently +3

Foam-Dancing Haste (Permanent): Can run across liquid surfaces while dashing, or swim as running dash speed. The Infernal ignores environmental damage and penalties associated with the surface she’s passing across or through.

Gravity-Rebuking Grace (Permanent): Can Dash along walls and ceilings. Don’t slow down, though.

Faster than Sight (5m, Reflexive): Invisible when Dashing; -2 external penalty on all rolls to notice or attack the infernal, as well as two successes added to all stealth rolls (these do not stack). In addition, ranged attacks on her fail automatically without a stunt or Charm. She is impossible to track; against perfect tracking abilities, the Infernal adds Essence in automatic successes to her opposed roll.

Running to Forever (Permanent): No fatigue penalties apply when the Infernal is dashing. This exertion must involve significant non-stationary movement.

Thousandfold Typhoon Hand (1m, 1wp): Makes any one attack unexpected unless the enemy spends a willpower point.

Who Strikes the Wind? (3m): Perfect Defense against any attack that is expected, even those that can't be dodged. Flaw is that you must be dashing to use this.

Kalmanka's Grace (Permanent) : Reduced the cost of 'Who Strikes the Wind?' by one against ranged attacks. Reduces it by one further against extras, and one more if the Infernal is Essence 4+.

Annoying Derived Values

Dash Speed (oh dear god): 22 (-0 DV penalty)

DDV: 6
PDV: 6
MDV: 5

Natural Soak: 3B/2L
Familiar Soak: 14B/7L, 5B/5L Hardness(4B/2L Natural, 10B/5L and 5B/5B Hardness from Charm)
Total: 17B/9L


Emerald Spider Gauntlets (Strike): Speed 5; Accuracy +0; Damage 3L+Poison; Defense +2; Rate 2; Martial Arts and Piercing Tags
Emerald Spider Gauntlets (Clinch): Speed 6; Accuracy +0; Damage 4L+Poison; Defense +0; Rate 1; Clinch, Martial Arts and Piercing Tags

Poison: 5L, Toxicity 3, Tolerance none, -3 penalty

BP and XP

BP: 15

Essence to 3 (7)
Familiar (Peronelle) to 3 (3)
Artifact (Emerald Spider Gauntlets) to 2 (2)
Stealth to 2 (2)
Larceny to 1 (1)
More intimacies (1)

Trait XP: 30

Manipulation to 2 (4)
Intelligence to 3 (8)
Martial Arts to 4 (5)
Compassion to 2 (3)
Martial arts 5 (9)

Charm XP: 20

Running to Forever (Permanent) (8)
Thousandfold Typhoon Hand (1m, 1wp) (8)
Supernatural Quickness Mutation (4)

Gained XP: 20

Who Strikes the Wind? (3m)
Kalamanka' Grace (Permanent)