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===The Battle of Rapture===
April 19, 2189
All times in Zulu / Expanse Standard Time
*0000 - PACT's First Fleet, comprised of Joint Task Forces 11, 12, 14, and 15, arrives in the Rapture system from Horizon via Widowmaker (ed note: placeholder name) and sets course for the Choson catapult station with JTF 14 in the van and all other task forces in line astern.
*0300 - First Fleet picket destroyers detect a ZOCU task force approaching from the Choson catapult and report this to the fleet commander (Admiral Michael Konde, USN) aboard the supercarrier ''Ronald Reagan'' as 'Group Alpha'.
*0700 - Group Alpha engages First Fleet's leading elements slightly more than halfway between Jump Zone Widowmaker and JZ Choson; losses are estimated at approximately five vessels destroyed (each side) and ten damaged (each side). Group Alpha then commences a tactical withdrawal toward the concentration of cosmic debris designated Asteroid Field 1, approximately equidistant from the Choson, Kanon, and Erebus catapult stations. Admiral Konde detaches JTF 14 to secure JZ Choson and the catapult there and orders pursuit of Group Alpha.
*1200 - JTF 14 arrives at and secures JZ Choson, and commences boarding operations to secure the catapult there.
*1400 - First Fleet pickets detect large concentrations of ZOCU vessels and a large, unknown signature approximately equidistant from the Kanon and Erebus catapults. The pickets are engaged and destroyed by mobile suit forces before they can relay their report to Admiral Konde.
*1500 - First Fleet catches up to Group Alpha near AF1 and re-engages. Enemy ships continue to fight, but withdraw toward JZ Kanon at the first opportunity once damage is sustained. Konde chooses to order First Fleet to remain in place and secure spatial dominance within the sensor shadow afforded by the asteroid field. Combat continues, abating slowly.
*1600 - Group Alpha has by this time either withdrawn to JZ Kanon or been destroyed. First Fleet has established itself along the starward edge of the asteroid field and begun temporary repairs. The ZOCU forces and unknown energy signature remain undetected as Konde temporarily abandons his pursuit of the enemy and focuses on reordering his formation.
*1607 - A massive energy signature is detected midway between JZ Kanon and JZ Erebus.
*1610 - An enormous beam strikes out toward First Fleet from the location of the signature and narrowly misses, instead superheating and detonating many of the asteroids First Fleet has hidden itself behind and sending kiloton-weight asteroid remnants into the midst of Konde's formation. Konde immediately orders the fleet to open fire on the incoming asteroids, but a number of escorts are damaged or lost outright to impacts.
*1611 -

Revision as of 19:58, 26 April 2010


The Battle of Anchorage

November 2186
Result: PACT forces pyhrrically defended the Anchorage Project mobile suit development center


ZOCU Combined Militia
Commanding Officer: Admiral Byon Chuk-Bae, Choson

2 Concord-class Cruisers Sejong the Great and Ulsan
6 Proton-class Light Cruisers
Mixed mobile suits and aerospace

Japanese Space Defense Force
Commanding Officer: Commodore Ichijo Fujita, Horizon

1 Ryuho(Melbourne)-class light carrier Ryuho
1 Hokkaido(Antietam)-class Heavy Cruiser Hokkaido
3 Okinawa(Truxton)-class destroyers
1 XM-9 Rickenbacker Combat Frame
Mixed aerospace


ZOCU Combined Militia

Concord-class Cruiser Sejong the Great
Mixed mobile suits and aerospace

Japanese Space Defense Force

1 Hokkaido(Antietam)-class Heavy Cruiser Hokkaido
2 Okinawa(Truxton)-class destroyers
1 XM-9 Rickenbacker Combat Frame
Mixed aerospace



The Battle of Rapture

UNSO-1701 April 19, 2189 All times in Zulu / Expanse Standard Time

  • 0000 - PACT's First Fleet, comprised of Joint Task Forces 11, 12, 14, and 15, arrives in the Rapture system from Horizon via Widowmaker (ed note: placeholder name) and sets course for the Choson catapult station with JTF 14 in the van and all other task forces in line astern.
  • 0300 - First Fleet picket destroyers detect a ZOCU task force approaching from the Choson catapult and report this to the fleet commander (Admiral Michael Konde, USN) aboard the supercarrier Ronald Reagan as 'Group Alpha'.
  • 0700 - Group Alpha engages First Fleet's leading elements slightly more than halfway between Jump Zone Widowmaker and JZ Choson; losses are estimated at approximately five vessels destroyed (each side) and ten damaged (each side). Group Alpha then commences a tactical withdrawal toward the concentration of cosmic debris designated Asteroid Field 1, approximately equidistant from the Choson, Kanon, and Erebus catapult stations. Admiral Konde detaches JTF 14 to secure JZ Choson and the catapult there and orders pursuit of Group Alpha.
  • 1200 - JTF 14 arrives at and secures JZ Choson, and commences boarding operations to secure the catapult there.
  • 1400 - First Fleet pickets detect large concentrations of ZOCU vessels and a large, unknown signature approximately equidistant from the Kanon and Erebus catapults. The pickets are engaged and destroyed by mobile suit forces before they can relay their report to Admiral Konde.
  • 1500 - First Fleet catches up to Group Alpha near AF1 and re-engages. Enemy ships continue to fight, but withdraw toward JZ Kanon at the first opportunity once damage is sustained. Konde chooses to order First Fleet to remain in place and secure spatial dominance within the sensor shadow afforded by the asteroid field. Combat continues, abating slowly.
  • 1600 - Group Alpha has by this time either withdrawn to JZ Kanon or been destroyed. First Fleet has established itself along the starward edge of the asteroid field and begun temporary repairs. The ZOCU forces and unknown energy signature remain undetected as Konde temporarily abandons his pursuit of the enemy and focuses on reordering his formation.
  • 1607 - A massive energy signature is detected midway between JZ Kanon and JZ Erebus.
  • 1610 - An enormous beam strikes out toward First Fleet from the location of the signature and narrowly misses, instead superheating and detonating many of the asteroids First Fleet has hidden itself behind and sending kiloton-weight asteroid remnants into the midst of Konde's formation. Konde immediately orders the fleet to open fire on the incoming asteroids, but a number of escorts are damaged or lost outright to impacts.
  • 1611 -


Algiers-class Deep Space Cutter (6x Cruiser)

Mobility: 4
Evasion: 3.5
Armor: 16
Structure: 11
Hits: 52
Space: 160
Power: 180
P. Consumption: 152
  • Combat Fittings (41 spaces)
4x Burst-modal DP cannon
(-16 spaces, -8 power)
2x Dual-mode Medium Beam Cannon
(-16 spaces, -32 power)
2x Scattering Beam Point Defence
(-4 spaces, -8 power)
1x Cluster Missile Launcher
(-5 spaces)
  • Noncombat Fittings (119 spaces)
1x Flash Field
(-4 spaces, -32 power)
4x Fusion Thruster
(-32 spaces, -64 power)
2x Jump Drive
(-2 spaces, -8 power)
1x Structural Reinforcement
(-8 spaces)
4x Double-Bonded Lunar Titanium Armor
(-16 spaces)
9x Forced Fusion Reactor
(-9 spaces)
20CP cargo bay
(-20 spaces)
24DP hangar
(-24 spaces)
2x Docking Ring
(-4 spaces)
Engineering Coefficient: 4
Hull Coefficient: 4


<Shrike> 100% of everything MJ says is a lie or said to confuse.

<Ralson> MJ, when you try to make stuff sound cool you make absolutely everyone with a brain think it's the dumbest shit ever invented.
<Ralson> You should go to SB talking about how great Freehold is.
<Ralson> Nobody would ever read it again.

<Shrike> Why do you hate freedom?
<Nasdaq> I'm a conservative

<Koffee> FBH is of the FBH school of IR
<Koffee> which is be smug and not give helpful advice ever
<Koffee> and be smug

<Koffee> Birds gotta fly, dogs gotta bark, and I have to destroy the world for a psuedo-religious reason

<g_g> It's a preemptive defense measure. After getting somehow involved in a world war in every SD since god knows what you stop taking the Stahlhelm off.
<Shrike> you can't spell world war without Germans, and G is an important part of this ethno-militaristic group

<Hizqeel> so...Ophen is exactly the same as Hampshire?
<Koffee> No one is run by Ted Kennedy
<Koffee> The other is run by Boss Hogg

<Rask> Is it time for the newest episode of "FBH Wants More" already? ;)

<Hizqeel> As the Jewish state collapsed, many Jews of various nationalities pooled their resources to GTFO
<Screwball> clearly, when the going gets tough, the Jews get going. D:

<Duke> Adhara is really Corrigedor's puppet
<Duke> plausable denability
<Duke> Adhara started as a CIA project in 66

  • Ezekiel does not approve of Silence's plan >:(

<Duke> You see my dear padawan
<Duke> fear of the Adharans will drive the outer systems to look for a strong patron
<Duke> But not any
<Duke> one who will embody virtures such as "justice" and "honor"
<Duke> and then the rim will belong to the rightful rulers of the galaxy
<Duke> all thanks to tin men who foolishy thought they were people.

[00:18:05] * MW cleanses Zeke in the Keeper fashion
[00:18:11] <MW> welcome brother >:(
[00:18:45] * Zekebed bows to MW, master of the Host
[00:19:14] <dacis2uni> Cleansed = cleaved by fission blade?
[00:19:24] <MW> more like decapitated
[00:19:27] <MW> whilst on your knees
[00:19:29] <MW> so...executed
[00:19:38] <MW> but it's a really lovely ceremony
[00:19:46] <MW> I get a tear every time I see it
[00:20:10] <MW> I totally just earned dark side points there, didn't I

<IXJac> Maybe it's time to find Uncle before your various misdeeds here catch up with you. Mari is totally unimpressed with Chinese Heaven. Next stop, Valhalla!

[00:41:46] <IXJac> You realize you're never going to go anywhere near the Egyptian afterlife, right Norse? I mean, what a nightmare to run. I'd just sit back and say, "OK, write as much as you want for the next four hours. Then I'll come back and give you some XP."

<Beta-chan> This is the day half the chantry couldn't figure out any of the puzzles and therefore decided to crash through the door with a Soviet armoured train

Mage Shit

Jimmy Bellici (Eze)

He's on a mission. From God.