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Unlike many Magnate systems Escargot is not (currently) an attempt to create an ideal society, instead remaining primarily dedicated to advanced cognitive and transhuman research. However despite their general disinterest in transhuman evangelism, the scientists of Escargot were a critical part of the Magnate war machine. They were the first to develop and deploy the superlatively capable 'Aleph' superhumans, and key in the reverse engineering of the potent weapons deployed on the ZOCU front.
Unlike many Magnate systems Escargot is not (currently) an attempt to create an ideal society, instead remaining primarily dedicated to advanced cognitive and transhuman research. However despite their general disinterest in transhuman evangelism, the scientists of Escargot were a critical part of the Magnate war machine. They were the first to develop and deploy the superlatively capable 'Aleph' superhumans, and key in the reverse engineering of the potent weapons deployed on the ZOCU front.
The society of Escargot is distinctively unhappy among the Magnates. The founder Dr. Laura Lopez, feeling overshadowed by her peers, made some attempts to adapt her research into making an 'ideal society', but disinterest and distraction led to repeated reenactments of the Brazilian Debacle. The 'citizens' of Escargot huddle in simplistic cities, ranging from the almost-normalised to the completely anarchic, tended and controlled by robotic overseers from the gleaming, sealed Facilities. There have been many calls for the whole sorry situation to be wiped in favour of a more organised and prepared social model, but Dr. Lopez has resisted so far in the hopes that interesting science will emerge from the anarchies.
The society of Escargot is distinctively unhappy among the Magnates. The founder Dr. Laura Lopez, feeling overshadowed by her peers, made some attempts to adapt her research into making an 'ideal society', but disinterest and distraction led to repeated reenactments of the Brazilian Debacle. The 'citizens' of Escargot huddle in simplistic cities, ranging from the almost-normalised to the completely anarchic, tended and controlled by robotic overseers from the gleaming Facilities. There have been many calls for the whole sorry situation to be wiped in favour of a more organised and prepared social model, but Dr. Lopez has resisted so far in the hopes that interesting science will emerge from the anarchies.
'''More''' (Peel)
'''More''' (Peel)

Revision as of 17:58, 18 January 2010


Jameson's World

Longshot Mission (+ Faber)
Mixed (+ transgene, + SP)
Terraformable World (go to A7)
Terraforming Failure (Defensible)
Military Action (+ Military, Go to B3)
Narco-Warfare (+ military, + doctrines, - pop)
Military Action (+ Military, Go to B3)
Regime Changed (+ military, + logistics, - morale)
Broken-down (+ PIP, Go to D3)
Get UN Aid/Refugee Center (+ logistics, + pop)
Sign the PACT (+ Wealth, - theta, Go to H1)
American Japanese-Led Peacekeeping (++ dust, + SP, + logistics, - morale, - pop)
Postwar Depression (+ Logistics, + military, + CIP, ++ PIP, -- Wealth)
Send in the Marines (+ ground tech, + military, ++ ground doctrines)
Single Party Governance (+ PIP, + Wealth, + Military/Population/Stockpiles)
Revanche! (+ morale, - military)

Launched as a hopeful longshot mission sponsored by wealthy New Zealand climatologist Edward Jameson, Jameson's World may be the most unfortunate planet in the Sphere. A short summary of its' less-than-illustrious history follows.

2063: Jameson's longshot expedition launches from Earth toward a largely temperate, habitable planet some thirty light-years away. The planet is settled by five thousand New Zealanders of largely Caucasian and Maori descent.

2093: On its' thirtieth anniversary, the isolated colony suffers a terraforming failure, causing a climatic shift toward indescribably wetter weather. Heavy rains destroy nearly the entire year's harvest crop.

2094: The world's 21,000 colonists, half-starved and bitterly angry at Jameson's momumental failure, split into camps along lines of loyalty to their leader. The seven-thousand-strong Determinationist antigovernment movement captures a number of the planet's posthuman fabricators and turns them to weapons manufacturing. The Jameson Faction naturally does the same with their remaining cornucopiae. Internecine warfare ensues.
2095: TBD?


Axial (Peel)

Planning for the Long Term (+stockpiles, +PIP, +CIP, +mothball fleet)
"We come in sixpacks." (+++pop, +PIP, +CIP)
Evangelical Transhumanism (++military, +doctrines, ++logistics)

Axial is a planned society. The gradual expansion of the population, disposition of genetic tendencies and evolution of the culture is laid out in the annual Blueprints from the Chief Directorate Council, who consult the latest research and run endless simulations before preparing their next Blueprint. As part of their long outlook, they are disinterested in the desire to expand inwards into the crowded Expanse, instead preferring to maintain peaceful relations with the central powers while expanding into the Rim. Once the Core's influence reaches those far reaches, they will be presented with the control of the Rim by many established, prosperous Magnate-derived societies as a fait accompli, and will have nothing else to do but watch the superior models of the Magnates advance away from them until they adopt similarly sensible government.

Escargot (Peel)

Voice for Peace (+tech, +pop, +wealth, +dust)
THINK HARDER! (++TL, +doctrines, +common tech, +CIP)
Reverse Engineering (+mecha tech, +tech, +ground doctrines, +air doctrines, +CIP)
My Toaster hit Singularity (+dust, -CIP)

Unlike many Magnate systems Escargot is not (currently) an attempt to create an ideal society, instead remaining primarily dedicated to advanced cognitive and transhuman research. However despite their general disinterest in transhuman evangelism, the scientists of Escargot were a critical part of the Magnate war machine. They were the first to develop and deploy the superlatively capable 'Aleph' superhumans, and key in the reverse engineering of the potent weapons deployed on the ZOCU front.

The society of Escargot is distinctively unhappy among the Magnates. The founder Dr. Laura Lopez, feeling overshadowed by her peers, made some attempts to adapt her research into making an 'ideal society', but disinterest and distraction led to repeated reenactments of the Brazilian Debacle. The 'citizens' of Escargot huddle in simplistic cities, ranging from the almost-normalised to the completely anarchic, tended and controlled by robotic overseers from the gleaming Facilities. There have been many calls for the whole sorry situation to be wiped in favour of a more organised and prepared social model, but Dr. Lopez has resisted so far in the hopes that interesting science will emerge from the anarchies.

More (Peel)

Perfected Society (+pop, +CIP, +doctrines, +transgene)
A Truly Managed Society (+transgene, +population, +wealth, +PIP, +morale, Managed Society)
The Science of War (+transgene, +logistics, ++doctrines, +morale)
Future Government (++morale, +transgene)

More is perfect. There is a place for every citizen, and every citizen is in that place, with optimised genes and precise socialisation to ensure they live a happy and productive life. The application of science has solved the problems of society. While not the most powerful world, More is something of a spiritual leader and exemplar of the Magnates.

Sige (Peel)

Diplomatic Cunning (+stolen tech, +secret stuff, +logistics, +SP)
Exhumanize! (++transhuman, +++supersoldiers)
Face Dancers (++sneaky stuff, +stealth tech, +CIP, +military)

Where More pursues the One Perfect Society, Sige seeks to explore the full extent of sociological space. Dozens of organisational principles are modeled on its surface in the various arcologies, then eliminated when the time comes to make way for a new experiment. The analysts of Sige can understand any culture, and produce optimised agents to infiltrate, subvert and if necessary unravel it.

Unity (MJ12)

Resource Base (+100 PIP)
Dominantly Transgene (++Transgene)
Resource Rich World
Simple Ores (+100 PIP)
Prosperous (+2500 Stockpiles, +Morale)
Transgene Migration (+60 Pop, +Transgene)
Magnate (+Morale)
Perfected Society (+60 Pop, +100 CIP, +doctrines, +Transgene)
We Come in Sixpacks (+180 Pop, +100 PIP, +100 CIP)
The Science of War (+Transgene, +Logistics, ++Doctrines, +Morale)
Future Government (++Morale, +Transgene)

Unity is a nation with purity of purpose-you are born in a caste, never questioning what you might do. Whether you're one of the diminutive and agile warriors, the thinkers with atrophied bodies which exist solely to support their bulging minds, a heavily muscled laborer, or one of the nonsentient drone breeders, you are born with a purpose, instinctual knowledge telling you what you must do, and understand that you will be doing this until you die. The society is everything, and you solely exist to serve it, the subspecies living in symbiosis, optimized for their task and nothing more. Efficiency is everything-why does a thinker need to move, when there are laborers who can move him and feed him? Why must a breeder consume art, or work, when it would be far more efficient if his or her sole purpose was to reproduce? Why do warriors need the ability to have sex, to enjoy entertainment, to sympathize with the enemy, when that only distracts them from fighting?

Sable (Kerrus)

Voice for Peace (+Tech, +Pop, +Wealth, +Dust)
We're People Too (+Relations, +Logistics, +2GTL, +Dust)
War Winner (++Theta, +Common Tech, +Doctrines, +Logistics)
Relena's Rules (+Wealth, +Pop, +Morale, -Military, -Logistics, -Pacifist)

Sable exists as an attempt at creating a society without the drive for agression based warfare- and stands as a testament to the success of those ideals. While it participated in a limited standpoint during the Magnate War, it primarily served as a diplomatic party- negotiating ceasefires and withdrawals, as well as providing medical support to the line troops. Despite their distaste for warfare, they are still able to defend themselves- and maintain a small military for just that purpose. While most Magnate polities either won their part of the Magnate War through aggressive attacks or were fought off by the defending League, Sable managed to negotiate a successful truce between several of the involved polities, as well as procuring a quantity of the highly valuable Theta Dust in exchange for these and other services.


Extend (Peel)

Posthuman Structures (+dust)

Home of the Dust Engineers, who live in a series of diamondoid kilostructures and constantly war with defence drones over access to crucial fabricators and delta fountains. Explorers who brave the space perimeter find eager traders whose technology is dust-laden but generations out of date and whose bodies have been altered by persistent exposure to posthuman nanotechnology.