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[[Category:Second Sphere NPC Powers]] [[Category:EU Arm]]

Revision as of 19:26, 14 January 2010

Republic of Magellan
System Info
World Name: Magellan
Map ID:
Surface Gravity: 9.3 m/s2
Climate: Temperate
Atmosphere: Oxy-Nitro; 99.7 KPA
Population Breakdown: 99% Baseline Human
Government: Republican Democracy
Alignment: European Union
He3 Deliveries:
Domestic He3:
Strategic Resources:

With its temperate earth-like climate and relative proximity to the Sol System, Magellan was unquestionably the most ideal of the worlds selected for first stage colonization by the European Union. Far removed from any dangers and built on a world ideally suited for human habitation, the Magellan Colony has thrived and over the years developed into one of the more idyllic worlds in known space. Eschewing the establishment of heavy industry, the inhabitants of Magellan have instead devoted their resources to the development of high-tech infrastructure and maintaining their lush peaceful world.

Although few citizens of Magellan fought directly in the colonial wars, the new drone technology they provided to the EU's forces saw use in nearly every major and minor engagement of the conflict.


A1) Early National (+CIP)
A2) Dominantly Baseline (+ Pop, + Logistics)
A3) Garden World
A8) Cash Crop (+ Wealth)
B1) Quiet (+ Wealth, + Population)
C1) Artifact Find (+ Dust)
C4) Reverse-Engineerable (+Tech)
D1) Catapulted (+ Wealth)
D4) Hyperdrive Repair Research (+ CIP, + Tech)
E1) EU (+ CIP)
I1) Credits to Society (+ Pop, + Wealth, + Morale, - Military)
I2) Center for Research (++ RP, + Tech, + CIP, - PIP)
I3) Tin Soldiers (++ AI Tech, + Ground Doctrines, + Air Doctrines)
EU Tech (++++)

Pop: +++
Morale: +
CIP: ++++
Wealth: ++++
Dust: +
Doctrines: ++
Logistics: +
RP: ++
Technologies: +++++++++
- Miliary



