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PC Player: FluidKarma
Some governments allow people to be born into power. Others allow the any rube with a loud voice a say. Even more place all power in the hands of some raging lunatic because he (or she) managed to subjugate a few dominions. The Technocracy of Highfall places power in the hands of those who deserve it; those who can best use it. Highfall is run by a council of some of the most brilliant Ruk-Tai minds the world over. They are experts in the creation of masterfully-crafted golems, all types of sorcerous arms, and hundreds of other technologic innovations. It's a trivial matter for them to use their considerable talent to shape the rest of Highfall's society into a smoothly running paradise for the common man as well as a superior economic juggernaut. With the intelligent in charge, nothing can possibly go wrong!
The Protectorate of Hobstaat's war against the necromancers was a short one. Their armies and citizens had braced themselves for a noble defense against the necromancer-lords. They expected running battles, apocalyptic clashes, epic last stands, and a heroic end. Instead horrors burst from the ground. When the massacre was over, Hobstaat was no more. Hobstaat's conquerors placed a government like their own in its place: the Technocracy. They were the best and brightest amongst the surviving Ruk-Tai and they set out to make a paradise in their own image. The lengths to which they are willing to go, however, has even the necromancer-lords questioning whether they would be better off with one less Ruk-Tai puppet state around...

The above sentiment gave birth to a corrupt council of void-obsessed Ruk-Tai. They are more bent on churning out products and inventions than solving any of the myriad of problems that Highfall faces. As such everything is focused on appeasing their appetites. The economy is solely meant to make more and more. The workers and other people are just cogs in the machine that are given random holidays when quotas are met and sold into slavery when they are not. Diplomacy is a desperate practice with no sense of morals. They are more than willing to trade away anything (and anyone) if it means they can make more of their toys. The military doubles as a brutal police force that keeps their fellows in line. They follow who ever rewards them the most, and its highly probable that if they weren't constantly surrounded by golems that they would have launched a coup d'état long ago.

It's a wonder that the Necromancers haven't finished off Highfall long ago...

[[Domains of Highfall]]
[[Domains of Highfall]]

Hills, hills, and more windswept hills. It once stretched all the way to the sea but the wilds have long ago fallen into rebel hands. The Council promises that they will be removed eventually, and they are more than willing to claim all of the wilds as their territory, but no real military action has occurred yet.

[[Military of Highfall]]
[[Military of Highfall]]

Golems. Brilliant feats of technological superiority. They live amongst the Ruk-Tai of Highfall in staggering numbers. Ever watching, ever ready, and always snatching dissenters to be sold into slavery. The Council churns them out at such a staggering pace that it's rumored that there is a golem assigned to every Ruk-Tai living within Highfall's borders. This is preposterous but with each passing day the nightmare becomes more of a reality.

Revision as of 22:24, 6 October 2009

The Technocracy of Highfall
Politics and Religion
Capital: Highfall
Religion: Soreism
Government: Technocracy
Rulers: The Technomancer Council
Population and Economy
Population: Ruk-Tai
Languages: Goblin, Goblin Creole
Food Production: 12/12
Tax Revenue: 2620 Gold
Mana Output: 2250 Mana
Books Output: 90 Books
Adamantium Output: 1000 Adamantium
Levistone: 20 Levistones
Goblinpower: 30 Common Draft
6 Noble Draft

PC Player: FluidKarma

The Protectorate of Hobstaat's war against the necromancers was a short one. Their armies and citizens had braced themselves for a noble defense against the necromancer-lords. They expected running battles, apocalyptic clashes, epic last stands, and a heroic end. Instead horrors burst from the ground. When the massacre was over, Hobstaat was no more. Hobstaat's conquerors placed a government like their own in its place: the Technocracy. They were the best and brightest amongst the surviving Ruk-Tai and they set out to make a paradise in their own image. The lengths to which they are willing to go, however, has even the necromancer-lords questioning whether they would be better off with one less Ruk-Tai puppet state around...






Domains of Highfall



Military of Highfall
