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Mage/Magic Limits <br>
Mage/Magic Limits <br>
A Mage can only memorize, prepare for, and carry around so many books which limits the number of spells they can have on-hand. For example a Adept might have a max of ten effect levels onhand, a master twenty-five, and a Archmage a whopping fifty. Additionaly spells have a cost in books and mana to prepare.
A Mage can only memorize, prepare for, and carry around so many books which limits the number of spells they can have on-hand. For example a Adept might have a max of ten effect levels onhand, a master twenty-five, and a Archmage a whopping fifty. Additionaly spells have a cost in books and mana to prepare.
[[Zoycite Kaolin]]<br>

Revision as of 12:56, 11 April 2010


Monarchy (Hereditary succession / by the sword / only the Monarch gets a vote)

Vassal Electors. Requires points in "Vassalage".
"Vassalage" unlocked for free.
+1 Noble draft
(Potential for trouble when the King dies [long live the King]).

Republic (Somebody elects this dude)

Elected Governments (or Kings) have different traits that represent who does the electing. Pick 1.

Merchant Estate. For the traders, by the traders! (and the rich). +X Gold.
Common Estate. while the average peasant might not vote, the burghers can. +X Common draft.
Noble Estate. Vassalage unlocked.
(Electoral cycle CAN be tampered with by foreign interests with gold to spend. Electoral cycle, or rule, must be noted.)

Governments have different forms and traits attached to them. Pick two.

Despotism. Rule by force or fear of force. +X Free unit gold upkeep.
Administrative. Rule by the King's (or Senates) laws and the supporting officials. +100 Gold.
Feudalism. +X Noble draft modifier (Keeps only).
Mercantilism. +100 of Gold or Mana or Adamantium.
Tribal. +X Common draft.
Wizardly. +20 Books.

Some states have the fealty from lesser states and lords as Overlord or their Emperor; in any case the game effect is that for every point spent in "Vassalge" you gain 2 points in a vassal realm. The vassal is a friendly NPC that is normally aligned with your nation.


Mages (Training) (Upkeep)

  • Archmage (Badass; these'll be expensive) (#Books, #Gold) (#Books, #Gold, #Mana)
  • Master (# Books, # Gold)(#Books, #Gold, #Mana)
  • Adept (# Books, # Gold)(#Books, #Gold, #Mana)

Magic Ideas
Each magic effect has a level of power and a level of scale which determines cost. The levels scale from easy, simple, or weak to complex, powerful and large-scale. Take a simple fireball. Base power its a level two spell. But it has a scale of "small group" thus increasing it to a total level of three. A fireball with the scale of "large" would be a level four, "huge" level five.

Possible Levels

  • Level 4 - Missile Swarm
  • Level 3 - Fireball.
  • Level 2 - Burning hands.
  • Level 1 - Ray of frost.

Mage/Magic Limits
A Mage can only memorize, prepare for, and carry around so many books which limits the number of spells they can have on-hand. For example a Adept might have a max of ten effect levels onhand, a master twenty-five, and a Archmage a whopping fifty. Additionaly spells have a cost in books and mana to prepare.

Zoycite Kaolin