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Not wanting to get into a fight with the whole Constabulary detachment. Aran shrugs and vanishes to smoke again. They’ll be after her now.  
Not wanting to get into a fight with the whole Constabulary detachment. Aran shrugs and vanishes to smoke again. They’ll be after her now.  

Meanwhile, in Ward 6, Jonas awakes, clad in the burned rags of his undercover clothes, a layer of bandages and his silver mask. His wounds have been treated and he’s been dosed with painkiller. Looking around, Jonas realizes the abandoned cathedral of Leliel. A stern faced woman with a midnight halo and six wings looks down at you from her marble stand. Someone has drawn a red scar on the right side of her face, from forehead across eye, to chin, in red lipstick.  
Meanwhile, in Ward 6, Jonas awakes, clad in the burned rags of his undercover clothes, a layer of bandages and his silver mask. His wounds have been treated and he’s been dosed with painkiller. Looking around, Jonas realizes the abandoned cathedral of Leliel. A stern faced woman with a midnight halo and six wings looks down at him from her marble stand. Someone has drawn a red scar on the right side of her face, from forehead across eye, to chin, in red lipstick.  

Downstairs, boots sound.  
Downstairs, boots sound.  

Revision as of 18:30, 17 July 2017

In the aftermath of the raid on the Constabulary, Aranitha has been detained by the sweep operation moving through Ward 6, due to her lack of ID and suspicious movements. Two constables and a junior inspector are searching her.

The Fighting has moved on, and more Constables from the Inspectorate are arriving, processing detainees. Worried that a search of her clothing will reveal the files, Aran has eschewed shape shifting for a glamour, so to hide the files. She waits patiently as the constable goes through a list of names on a pad of paper, only for one of the others to frown at the detector in his hands

"Sir, a glamour, shes an elf!”

A blood red aura begins to pour out of the air around Aran as the Constables level their weapons.

"That was a terrible mistake."

The Zenith Knight turns to red motes mote and shadow, reappearing next to the constable at the back and taking his head off with a flicker of her sword. The other Constable whirls, gun trying to bear, but Aran is faster, her blade dives through his chest, and he collapses, dying.

The last man dives behind a table, managing to put it between himself and the rampaging Zenith, then run as Aran splits the table in two, screaming for help. Not wanting to get into a fight with the whole Constabulary detachment. Aran shrugs and vanishes to smoke again. They’ll be after her now.

Meanwhile, in Ward 6, Jonas awakes, clad in the burned rags of his undercover clothes, a layer of bandages and his silver mask. His wounds have been treated and he’s been dosed with painkiller. Looking around, Jonas realizes the abandoned cathedral of Leliel. A stern faced woman with a midnight halo and six wings looks down at him from her marble stand. Someone has drawn a red scar on the right side of her face, from forehead across eye, to chin, in red lipstick.

Downstairs, boots sound.

"More troops?" Jonas asks.
"Yes sir, the other groups are arriving." The medic who's bandaging you up nods. "I'd say bed rest, but you're not going to accept that, are you sir?”
"Not now. We'll need everyone we can get." Jonas shakes his head.
"Alright then," the medic says "Let's get you presentable then."

A few minutes later Jonas walks - a bit stiffly - into the vestibule, where his Group Lieutenants, and 1st Company Captain are gathered, along with Stevan Var Vistus, a trio of out of place looking Reds and Lieutenant Allie Lind, who is flipping through a satchel of letters. 1st Company is present and establishing a one block perimeter around the cathedral. Scouts and Sentonius report that the 522nd appears to be forming up in preparation to advance.

"Prisoner had this on him, Cordinal."
"You'll want to read them, sir," Stays Captain Octavian.

Jonas Looks over the stake of letters

"Legate Cordinal Catarian"
I don't like you, you don't like me, but there's no need for this to get personal. Sorry about your fancy laser, was that your last one? How ever will you pretend to be war heroes now. Or bungle another attempt to claim my bounty? But this isn't about me. If you or your "legion" ever try a massacre like that again, then you won't just have a problem with me. You will also have a problem with the Constabulary, who I'm sure would love to know what Carik Malkaritus does in his free time. Consider this warning a professional courtesy – if you can manage to act professionally in future.
-Artemis Crimsene
Carik, you got yourself into this mess, I'm under no obligation, and this falls well outside the house/cadet relationship. Nevertheless, you've been useful in the past, so I'll see if one of my associates can assist you. Be prepared for a hefty price though, and I'm not talking money.
Cordinal Catarian
The General Staff welcomes the return of Legio XIII to the Republic Combined Command. Our representative will deliver the required energy cells to your warehouse at 1040 Scarlet, and then we will discuss further plans for your re-integration into the current scheme of manoeuvre.
-Rei Publicae Invictus Est
Jonas raises an eyebrow on the last one, then turns to the next. Octavian glares at this one, and mutters darkly.
’’The new terms are as follows. Deliver the body of the General Staff’s representative to the drop point at Old Bloodford Station, and your records will be erased and you will no longer be targeted by the Constabulary. The previously agreed upon balance of 250,000 talents will NOT be delivered. This payment was contingent upon the command codes being recovered, or the representative being delivered alive.

It's dated three months ago. Jonas turns to the next letter.

Deliver another 500 kilos of TETX explosive to the drop point at Old Bloodford Station by no later than 24 Pisces. Once delivery is confirmed 50,000 talents will be deposited to your account
Kill Constable Captain Veronus, of the Tonberry Drive patrol. Upon confirmation of his death 100,000 talents will be deposited to your account.
"'Justice' eh..." Jonas says this with some disgust’’

The next letter makes Var Vistus' fists clench at this one.

Kill House Defender Albers Sentonius. He walks the Central Market every Gabrelday with his son. Upon confirmation of his death 100,000 talents will be deposited to your account.
Kill the Librist agitator Rey Pentum. He frequents the bookstore at 510 West Palm. Upon confirmation of his death 100,000 talents will be deposited to your account.
Now it's personal. Don't look for me. I'll find you.
-Artemis Crimsene
Legate, These Zen weapons have my attention. If you can deliver the amount you promised, I'm willing to take you and your crew with the Boys when we leave. We could always use a few more professionals, and the Boys have some losses to replace after Tremscare. If all goes according to plan, the Crow should be in the Central area by the end of Aries.

-Capt. Lander

Carik, that elf I was working with might be headed your way. If you find him, don't let him go. Let me know immediately and I'll be down to pick him up. Poor creature's gone completely batty, so don't believe a word he says.
Kill the elf Pravel Hexum, location currently unknown, but unlikely to have left the city. Upon confirmation of his death 100,000 talents will be deposited to your account.’’
’’Expect a riot in the slums today. The Red Brigades will form the mob and advance on the inner district. Ensure the situation turns violent by any means, which are left to your discretion, and balance owing of the 500,000 talents will be delivered to you. You are not required to engage any Endrus forces, however doing so will net you a further bonus of 250,000 talents.’’
’’Also note the contract on Pravel Hexum is withdrawn.’’
‘’The Reds shift uncomfortably.’’
’’"You lads don't worry about that." Jonas Says.’’
’’"Memnos cursed traitor." One of the Lieutenant's mutters.’’
’’"Yes, well, he won't be causing anymore mischief... However, damn shame about the man from the General Staff."’’
"Explains where the 13th got their weapons." Lind nods, satisfied at something. "They must have hijacked the General Staff's shipment."

After looking over Catarian’s gear (a Laser pistol, personal shield, tactical advisor, IRIS radio, a chain of unmarked keys, his ID, wallet, and a small arclave knife.) talk turns to the tactical situation in the Ward. Jonas’s forces are drawn up around the Cathedral of Night’s Mercy, while the 13th have pulled back to a Warehouse complex around Scarlet Street. Jonas’s scouts don’t have a clear idea on what their disposition around is, but you know they had at least a couple of hundred people going into that warehouse and drawing weapons before they ran your scouts off. Meantime, across Veritas Park, Sentonius forces hold Adaman Lookout, their main house, and Old Bloodfort Station, the magrail. Crusader Forces are advancing from the north, out of the central markets: the lead elements of the 522nd Brigade, "Leliel Ascends" under Cordinal Maiden DuThaire.

"We have some access to their communications, through Constabulary Logotex. It looks like they've recieved new orders." Var Vistus frowns.
"Something about 'Republican Rebels' in Epsilon Ward." He raises a bushy eyebrow. "Their orders are to clean them out. A full sweep.”
“Actually, it looks like they’re aiming towards Scarlet Street First. So the 13th is going to take it on the Chin.” Says Octavian. "Gives us cover to withdraw."
Jonas rubs chin "How soon til they make contact?"
"Assuming DuThaire doesn't have Arthrodynes and does it by the book?" Says Octavian "At least 30 minutes."
"Just might be enough time...” Jonas makes a decision. “Lt Lind... Do we still have that Cordinal uniform?"
"A bit showy, for a withdrawal, sir." Lind responds.
"They may have lost their way but they were Legio... Plus their bad influence has been removed."’’ Jonas looks at the map.
"Well, it sounds like you're going to be doing something both dangerous and heretical." Says Stevan Var Vistus. "I'm going to return to the Lookout, but take this Teleptex." He passes you a small ear clip with a gleaming green gem. "I'll be in touch if we hear anything. Like, about the weather."

Jonas and his command group discuss how best to contact the 13th, and reassure their new Red Auxiliaries that there will be a battle, when Sergeant Satlac leads in two new arrivals, Aranitha, wearing a dirty and blood stained maid uniform, followed by a Rafaelan woman in dark Sunglasses who Aran introduces as Fate’s Hand. After a little more discussion, and Aran’s explanation of what happened in ward Six, Aran hands off the folder of files on 25th Libra to one of Jonas’s subordinates, and then gets changed, to the bemusement (or delight) of Jonas’s command group. Jonas makes the decision to contact the 13th by Radio.

he radio crackles<< Legate, Standard, what's your status? >>
<<The Legate is indisposed this is Cordnal Fox.>>’’ Jonas answers
<<Fox. >> There is a rustling, thumping sound, of a mic being passed perhaps, and then a new voice a moment later.
<<Whom am I addressing?>>’’ Jonas asks.
The voice on the other and doesn’t answer: << Allright Fox, no, you listen to me. Allright, here's how it's going to go. You release our Legate whole and unharmed, and maybe we let you leave with your skins intact. Capische?>>
<<Son, we don't have time for this. Your Legate is alive but you have a bigger issue. The Crusaders are coming and you are in the way. I propose this: We work together to defeate the Crusaders, a truce if they will. Then we can parlay for the Legate if you wish.>> Jonas responds.
"Sir!" Octavius bursts out. "We can't let him go! Not if those letters are true!"
Jonas holds up his hand
There is a long pause, then: << A pathetic ruse, Fox. You know we outgun you. You and your little "legion." And we're going to get you. And then what happens depends on how you treat the boss. Out.>>’’
Jonas sighs, he almost had him
"What's the plan, Cordinal?"
Jonas meets the eyes of everyone in the command group: "We fight the Crusaders.”
"What's our actual objective here? We can't hope to hold an entire brigade two companies." Aran asks as the command group spreads out.
"Its not an entire Brigade. Plus they lack air support." Jonas counters
"So we hold until your friends out there decide to see reason?"
"Something like that."
Aran shrugs "Gimme one of your radios."
"I'm going to get into position where I can pounce on any weak spots on those crusader companies." She looks at the map. "Given they’ve left a nice big gap between them."
Jonas has a radio issued to Aran "You know how to work one of these?"
"I'll show her, sir." Says Satlac
"You push here to speak. And don't use ether while attempting to operate it."
Satlac frowns. He wanted a chance to get close to the elf!

The Republican forces spread out into battle positions. Aran and Fate’s Hand infiltrate forward, while the Legio move into ambush positions to await them. Fate’s Hand has a more reliable thaumatech communicator. Aran’s radio won’t work if she flares her aura, but it’s still better than nothing.
With intelligence provided by Red Brigade agents along the Crusader’s line of march, the resistance forces lay their trap.

The Zenith Knight sets out through a series of residential buildings and narrow streets, moving up concealed towards the Crusader Heavy Weapons teams setting up in a set of apartments ahead. Meantime, the rest of the Republican force form a second line behind.

Legio-X remains well equipped, mostly wearing ballistic cloths, and equipped with low light equipment. They are armed with Prion-Matchless M15s, an upgrade of the rifles used by the Crusaders while one support squad per platoon is armed with missile launchers and rail rifles, which can sometimes work as microwave emitters.

The 13th seem to be even better equipped, with Markom Pulse rifles and lasers.

The Crusader Autoclares push forward first, separating from their infantry, they move through the narrow streets, passing Aran, and fall right into the Jonas’s ambush. There’s puffs of white smoke an SPIKE anti-clare missiles streak out from hidden positions. All three strike their targets.

A puff of smoke bursts from the chest of the first, and it staggers sideways, to crash into one of the piles holding up the elevated magrail. A second is hit and the reactor which does not go critical. Nevertheless, the core explodes in a sparking flash of blue light, and the Autoclaire collapses. The third is luckier, its circulation system ruptures in a huge cloud of smoke and a spray of blue fluid. The railguns engage a moment later and the head explodes under multiple railgun impacts, the fearsome mask of the Aleph torn apart by the high velocity rounds. The pilot hatch opens as the pilot looks out, sweeping his 50mm cannon around to spray the nearby buildings. Shells explode through the facade of the station, shattering glass everywhere but not harming the Republicans inside. There’s the crack of a sniper rifle and the Pilot tumbles back into his cockpit as a round strikes his silver helmet, and the Autoclaire slumps forward, then slowly sinks to its knees.

Meantime, the first of the heavy weapons team sees Aran charging in.

"Ambush Right! Ambush Right! ZENITH!"
Aran laugh’s laughter is louder than the sound of battle: "I'm glad you know! People shouldn't die without knowing."

Aran chops through the heavy weapons team, killing six outright and wounding five, for all their heavy armour. The rest fight on the stairs and through the rooms of the apartment building Screaming and burning civilians run everywhere as shells rip through thin interior walls. Aranitha tosses the headless body of one of the crusaders out a window into the road in front of the rest of their company. Meantime, in the distance, Jonas’s OP in the parking structure reports other autoclares are being engaged by the 13th’s energy weapons, one suffering a catastrophic kill that leaves only legs remaining. The continuing smoke and sound of energy weapons shows the heaviness of the engagement. Another platoon of crusaders storms into the building with Aran and the heavy weapons platoon, but become tangled up in the vicious room by room fight, unable to properly track the laughing thing of blood and shadow among them. Aran slaughters eight of them, and wounds another three.

"Get in there!" Shouts the officer. "She's just one woman!"
"Leliel's shadow with us! RARRRRR!"
Aran flips a grenade down the stairs at the approaching attackers then retreats, but the munition fails against the crusaders heavy armour.

Meantime, Jonas receives new information.

"Your dance partner is calling for more dancers."
"Oh? How many?" Jonas asks
"Expect company for another two. Hope you have enough refreshments."
"We should have enough punch. Hopefully enough cookies. Thanks for the heads up."’’

Jonas relays the news to the 13th as Aran sneaks up on the officers. She finds them in the market area, under an awning, setting up a laser comm with a pair of priestesses. Aran sneaks forward, just avoiding being scene, then lunges, slaying the company commander with a blow

The two Priestesses scramble backwards, "Demon, Leliel's blessings!" they raise their hands, firing chaos bolts at Aran.
“Yes. A demon I am. Come from beyond the world to take your souls." Aran’s forcefield deflects the beams harmlessly. She smoke steps in and slashes down the priestesses, but then finds herself engaged by the security squad, who’s bullets prove more effective. The Elf Knight is grazed by a round and withdraws, cursing, into the cover of the market place.

Jonas’s men engage more autoclares blowing one up spectacularly with a fuel tank hit, then engaging several more with ATGMs. His infantry engage the company now spilling out of the building that Aran hastily vacated, trading fire back and forth with the heavy weapons platoon and remaining autoclares.

Then, on the right flank, there’s a very bright flash and a huge mushroom cloud rises over the apartment where the other crusader company was deployed. An armoured car races across the frozen reservoir and slams into the building, then detonates. Debris rains down. The Crusaders begin to pull back, heavily wounded. Jonas would be surprised if DuThaire didn’t bring up most of the rest of her brigade after this.

Aran slips into his command post, nursing the bullet graze. “I see why you want to recruit these guys my Foxy Cordinal.”