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==Personality Quirks==
==Personality Quirks==
Appellomancer: You avoid calling people by their real names, using nick-names for them instead.  Gain a +1 to one liner rolls regarding people you have so nick-named.  You can only use this bonus if you have not used anyone's real name this session.


Revision as of 17:21, 25 March 2017

Return to Ascension Isle: Legacy


Ancestry Traits

All characters must take one Ancestry Trait to show where they come from. In the hierarchical world the Chosen and Zenith have created this is the most important Trait for many characters and defines who they are and what they may become.

A character can pick a second Ancestry Trait at a cost of +1 trait point in addition to the cost of the additional Ancestry Trait.

Jibrilite Pol (1 trait point) – Commoners gain two bonus CP whenever they are awarded CP due to striving to overcome their humble origins.

Jibrilite Noble (2 trait points) - Nobles are the leaders of the Jibril Dominions and are trained from birth to be paragons of their Chosen. They gain 5 bonus Skill Points and +2 Core Aether. Requirement: Hero Level 2

Jibrilite Codex (3 trait points) – Codex heritage Jibrilites are members of the trusted Hiero Houses of the Chosen, and have access to the greatest secrets of the Chosen. Codex Jibrilites gain +1 Aether and +4 Core Aether. Requirement: Hero Level 2

Jibrilite Construct (1 trait point) – Jibrilite Constructs are beings created through the technomagical artifice of the Chosen. Constructs gain +1 to one stat, +5 to PS and 3 Armour DR with coverage 10 due to their robust construction. They also suffer a -5 penalty to social conflict with all Gamma Thaumatechs, or -10 to Zeta Thaumatechs of their affiliated Chosen, and are vulnerable to “Override” vibes.

Unbound Construct (3 trait points) – Unbound Constructs are created beings that have freed themselves from their masters, or have particularly benevolent (or unwise) progenitors. They do not suffer social conflict penalties nor are they vulnerable to “Override” vibes. Unbound Constructs function as constructs in all other respects.

Zenith Commoner – Commoners gain two bonus CP whenever they are awarded CP due to striving to overcome their humble origins.

Zenith Noble

Zenith Magus

Elven Commoner (1 trait point) Commoners take the “Weirdling” trait for free. Commoners suffer a -5 edge in social conflict against Nobles and a -10 edge in social conflict against Royals. Commoners gain two bonus CP whenever they are awarded CP due to striving to overcome their humble origins. Elven Commoners Gain +1 Core Aether. No Elf can take the Sorcery trait or any Thaumatech trait.

Elven Noble (2 trait points) Nobles may take the “Ethereal Beauty” trait for free. Nobles suffer a -5 edge in social conflict against Royals. Elven Nobles are the doers of the Alfar and some have gained great skill over the centuries, and gain 5 bonus Skill Points. Elven Nobles gain +1 Aether and +3 Core Aether. No Elf can take the Sorcery trait or any Thaumatech trait.

Elven Royal (3 trait points) Royals may take the “Ethereal Beauty” and “Faceshifter” traits for free. Elven Royals gain +2 Aether and +5 Core Aether. No Elf can take the Sorcery trait or any Thaumatech trait.

Eleutherian Plebian

Eleutherian Patrician

Citizen of Arth (0 trait points) – Human rebels against the established order who consider themselves freed from the old shackles. Increasingly common among Jibrilite and Mikaelan revolutionaries, but also in some Zenith communities. Citizen of Arth cannot be taken with any other Ancestry Trait. New Citizens may still optionally identify with any other human Ancestry Trait to show their heritage, or if they are descended from a long line of Citizens they may identify with none at all. Either way they take none of the bonusses or penalties. Instead they gain one additional Trait points due to their broader understanding of the possibilities of an unbound humanity.

Thaumatech Traits

Thaumatech Alpha Access (1 trait points): Thaumatech Alpha Access is the basic ability to use and program Thaumatech praxi. It is not required to operate most Thaumatech machines, but can be required to maintain them and can be used to override or control them. This ability is mostly based on genetic encoding and some basic training. Because the Alpha level Thaumatech safeties can be breached with little effort, it can also be purchased by any character, however it is free for Jibrilites. Prerequisites: Skill: Thaumatech 1

Thaumatech Gamma Access (2 trait points): Thaumatech Gamma Access allows advanced praxis programming, including the construction and modification of new spells. It has historically been the province only of the privileged elite of the Jibrilite Dominions. This trait can only be taken by Jibrilites due to the safeties involved in the praxi, however these safeties can be overcome with certain quirks. Prerequisites: Hero Level: 1, Skill: Thaumatech 5, Trait: Alpha Access, Quirk: Jibrilite Nobles, Codex, Library, Tinker, or Abomination

Thaumatech Zeta Access (3 trait points): Thaumatech Zeta Access allows Chosen level administrator access to various praxi, and its use is highly restricted to the most senior levels of the church hierarchy. This trait can only be taken by Jibrilites due to the safeties involved in the praxis. There are continual rumours that a handful of non Jibrilites have managed to crack these safeties, however since the most recent of these involves a mad Kobold thaumatek these are not considered credible. Prerequisites: Hero Level: 3, Skill: Thaumatech 10, Trait: Alpha Access, Quirk: Jibrilite Codex, or Abomination

Solinarch (2 trait points): A Solinarch is a fusion of thaumatech and flesh into an ultimate etheric warrior. Mainly used by the Empyrean Church, Solinarchs are the feared enforcers of the Codex, and the deadly rivals of the Zenith Knights. This trait allows the use of Solo Praxis. Prerequisites: Hero Level: 2, Quirk: Jibrilite Construct, Codex


Personality Quirks

Appellomancer: You avoid calling people by their real names, using nick-names for them instead. Gain a +1 to one liner rolls regarding people you have so nick-named. You can only use this bonus if you have not used anyone's real name this session.













Style Quirks


