Fanta Hisami: Difference between revisions

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'''Age''': 18 <br>
'''Age''': 18 <br>
'''Avatar''': Dynamic <br>
'''Avatar''': Dynamic <br>
'''Nature''': Kid (Regain Willpower whenever you bring out the nurturing side in someone who doesn't normally care.)<br>
'''Demeanor''': Kid (Regain Willpower whenever you bring out the nurturing side in someone who doesn't normally care.)<br>
'''Demeanor''': Rogue (Regain Willpower whenever you manage to score a victory against the forces of oppressive authority.)<br>
'''Nature''': Rogue (Regain Willpower whenever you manage to score a victory against the forces of oppressive authority.)<br>
'''Arete''': 4<br>
'''Arete''': 4<br>
'''Quint''': 3/3<br>
'''Quint''': 3/3<br>

Revision as of 06:44, 20 September 2016


A twin tailed princess from a land where glass skyscrapers and floating palaces tower within spitting distance of chaos, war, chemical attacks and genocide. A land where people randomly fire AKs into the air at celebrations whilst tactical armours fight lower horrors in a shadow war over independent Kurdistan.

Groomed by an aunt from an early age to become a Weaver, the fear was that too much familial shelter might result in softness. As there is no room for softness when one presumes to weave divine fire, a prolonged stay overseas in England was to serve as a trial, away from the direct oversight of her aunt that she enjoys in Dubai. This final training period would preceed her formal introduction to the higher Djinni and her aunt's magely allies among the Disparates and the Trads.

A child prodigy seemingly good at anything she cared (or was made) to pick up, Fanta sat and easily passed the St. Aleister's College entrance examinations despite holding back and posing as a sleeper. She then promptly delayed attendance for a year to go on a taboo breaking sabbatical in London.

Lore (Fanta)

1: Fanta is an actual princess in every sense.

Vital Statistics

Name: Fanta al Hisami
Age: 18
Avatar: Dynamic
Demeanor: Kid (Regain Willpower whenever you bring out the nurturing side in someone who doesn't normally care.)
Nature: Rogue (Regain Willpower whenever you manage to score a victory against the forces of oppressive authority.)
Arete: 4
Quint: 3/3
Tass: 0
Dox: 0
Damage: -
Willpower: 6/7 [11]
Exp: 8/7
Init: +6


Physical [24+8]

Strength: 2
Dexterity: 4 (Precise)
Stamina: 2

Social [64-4]

Charisma: 4 (Bold)
Manipulation: 4 (Eloquent)
Appearance: 3

Mental [44+12]

Perception: 3
Intelligence: 5 (Creative)
Wits: 2


Talents [39+22]

Alertness: 0
Art: 4 (Props and Makeovers)
Athletics: 2
Awareness: 1
Blatancy: 4 (Rule of Cool)
Carousing: 0
Expression: 3
Seduction: 0
Streetwise: 0
Subterfuge: 3

Skill [27+17]

Drive: 1
Etiquette: 2
Firearms: 3
Hypertech: 3
Martial Arts: 1 (Soft)
Performance: 1
Pilot: 1
Technology: 3

Knowledge [15+28]

Academics: 3
Computers: 3
Cosmology: 1
Esoterica: 3
Linguistics: 3 (Arabic, English, Kurdish, Persian, Turkish)
Law: 1 (3xp)
Occult: 3
Politics: 1
Science: 3

Spheres [65+75]

Correspondence: 2
Entropy: 0
Forces: 2
Life: 0
Matter: 4
Mind: 0
Prime: 3
Spirit: 0
Time: 2


Backgrounds [21+6]

Avatar: 3
Resources: 6
(Ally: 1)

Merits/Flaws [-18]

True Love

Inept Ability: Drive
Inept Ability: Pilot
Obsession: Love/Romance
Vengeful: Current/Former Romances

Magic and Gear



Martial Arts

Snake Step - Difficulty 5. Acts as as a Dodge+3. Makes sense with m20's extra actions. Probably takes less room and leaves you closer than an Acrobatics dodge.