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Line 39: Line 39:
Perception: ****<br>
Perception: ****<br>

Favored (6):
Favored (6):<br>
Strength: **** (including 1 for Charm+)<br>
Strength: **** (including 1 for Charm+)<br>
Dexterity: ***** (including 1 for Charm+)<br>
Dexterity: ***** (including 1 for Charm+)<br>
Appearance: ****<br>
Appearance: ****<br>

Other (4):
Other (4):<br>
Charisma: ** <br>
Charisma: ** <br>
Intelligence: ** <br>
Intelligence: ** <br>

Revision as of 18:28, 29 July 2009

Note: This sheet has an informal format, based on the Fist Edition structure. This is because I don't have access to the Second Edition, Alchemicals don't really have a 2nd Ed book, and because I don't really concern myself with stats all that much. There are no listed Motivations or Intimacies, though these are part of Daphne's character.

Also, I am aware of the spelling and grammar mistakes in the bio. I wrote it up in a rush, and have not bothered to edit it. It was originally just to give the GM an idea of what I would be playing.


Alchemical Exalted, paragons of Authcthonia as they are, are known for being nearly unstoppable, and fearlessly dedication. Dedicated Powerhouse Negotiator is one Exalt who takes this particular dedication to her mechanical heart with strong preference.

Built of heavily-reinforced soulsteel, Dedicated Powerhouse Negotiator – known as ‘Daphne’ by her compatriots – has gained a reputation for bravado. Often sent in order to locate and destroy Exile cult leaders, she makes use of her ability to conceal her nature to draw out her foes, while engaging them in combat from ambush. Her uncanny resistance to damage frightens her opponents nearly as much as her anima’s odious energy. Her personality, however, was something of an anomaly among her peers; the stereotypical coldness of the Soulsteel Caste translated in her as roughness. Crass and slightly belligerent towards those she considers foolish or annoying, her demeanor is often grim and slightly flippant (although not to the Sodality or her superiors, whom she shows full respect). Her quirky fondness for cigars – a delicacy made from plants in Creation – has also raised eyebrows. She seems to enjoy getting into scrapes, relying on her reinforced physique to weather any onslaught. It is also noted that the Sodalites who constructed her took loving care in sculpting her appearance – ‘a little too much loving care’ as she tends to remark irritably.

Recently, Daphne has been called upon for a particularly long-ranged mission, taking her far away from the Realm of Brass and Shadow. A member of The Glorious Luminors of the Brilliant Rapture – the Sodality faction tasked with the implantation of souls into soul-gems – has committed the unthinkable sin. The low-ranking member was sent to recover the Soul Gem of Thousand Dancing Thoughts, a Starmetal-Caste Alchemical who fell during a Fair Folk attack. While it is not clear entirely what happened, most of the retrieval party was found slain, apparently due to traitors in the midst, and the survivors noted that the Luminor fled, carrying with him the precious soul-gem. Outraged by the loss of a great hero, but unable to send an attack force deep into creation, two Exalted were sent to track down the criminal – Dedicated Powerhouse Negotiator, and Hungering Eyes of Silversteel, or Hess, a Moonsilver-Caste who former partnered with the fallen Thousand Dancing Thoughts. Hess has refitted himself for a role as observer and scanner, while Daphne has received the assistance of a machine spirit, a hornet-like machine specialized in detection and location.

The two have tracked the fleeing Luminor across creation, and have found his trail to end in one of Creation’s cities. Discovering quickly that the Luminor has gone underground amid the city’s underbelly, the two exalted have split up in order to cover more ground, and have sought to establish themselves in the long-term in order to find their target. Hess has vanished into the darkness of the city, isolating himself with scanning equipment in order to monitor if the Luminor will try to leave the city. Daphne, seeking to find a niche for herself, hires herself out as a maid, cleaning houses with the secret help of her Charms. While irritated at the prospect of menial work, Hess suggests that it will be an inconspicuous hideaway while searching for their target – although the playful Moonsilver smirks as he says this, annoying his partner. Saving her money and moving from job to job – some of them very short due to her periods of crassness – she continues to seek out her enemies, often following her own leads or those Hess provides. Recently, she’s found herself working for a certain young man – a situation that will bring her a wealth of complications.

Daphne is a lithe, attractive woman with short, straight red hair and sharp blue eyes, her skin almost alabaster and her limbs and hands streamlined and slender. She uses her Charms in order to suppress her Alchemical nature, appearing fully human. In her true form, her cheekbones and eyes are lines with soulsteel strips, which run across the entirety of her body and across her hands. An extra pair of long, mechanical arms extend from her back like wings, with skeletal claw-like hands. She is currently dressed in a traditional, frilled maid’s uniform – actually a fiber-weave jumpsuit capable of taking the form of any textile. When she’s not on duty (although she has been known to forget this), she tends to have a lit cigar in her mouth. Her favorite cigars are from the city of Gem, which she got through traders, although she keeps a diverse variety, noting and commenting on their flavours. Monitor rides in her pockets when not surveying.

Familiar: “Monitor”

Monitor, the machine spirit attached to Daphne, resembles a sparrow-sized wasp with metallic, segmented wings like feathers. These wings are fixed, and two round pods give the construct flight. It uses its keen sensory abilities and ability to locate and scan a wide area to scout, relaying its information back to Daphne. The insect is completely intelligent, though completely dedicated to its master.


Name: Dedicated Powerhouse Negotiator (Daphne)
Concept: Robotic Maid/Observer

Nature: Bravo
Exalt: Alchemical
Caste: Soulsteel


Class (9):
Stamina: ***** (including 1 for Charm+)
Manipulation: ****
Perception: ****

Favored (6):
Strength: **** (including 1 for Charm+)
Dexterity: ***** (including 1 for Charm+)
Appearance: ****

Other (4):
Charisma: **
Intelligence: **
Wits: **** (including 1 for Charm+)


Athletics: ****
Awareness: ***
Dodge: **
Martial Arts: **
Melee: **** (Multi-weapon Fighting)
Resistance: **

Integrity: ***
Larceny: **
Linguistics: ** (Autochthonian, Standard Realm, Old Realm)
Presence: **
Performance: **
Socialize: ***
Stealth: *** (Ambush)
Survival: *

Bureaucracy: *
Craft (Body): **
Investigation: **
Lore: **
Medicine: **


Compassion: *
Temperance: **
Conviction: ***
Valor: ****

Defensive Value: 6
Social Attack: 6
Mental Defense: 7


(Artifact gives 3 dots per point)

Artifact: Fiber-weave Bodysuit (Soulsteel - +2 soak), Omnimodal wardrobe unit-capable - **
Artifact: Beam Klaive (Soulsteel - +1 accuracy and drains 3 motes from target) ****
Artifact: Essence Capacitator: ****
Resources: ** (city dwelling and maid income)
Allies: ** (Partner: Hess, Moonsilver - Alchemical Exalted spy)
Familiar: ** (Monitor, insectile observer)
Class: *** (3 automatic for Alchemical – applies in Autocthonian circles)

Misc Equipment

Soulsteel Goremaul
Fivefold Harmonic Adapter (Soulsteel)

Aura of terror – 5 motes (gives 2 dot penalty to all attacks against me)
Raise Stamina, Manipulation, Perception, Dexterity, or Appearance by up to double unmodified rating, 3 motes per die, lasts 4 turns
Raise Strength by up to double unmodified rating, 2 motes per die, lasts 4 turns.


Dedicated slots

Aura-Dampening Component (none/1 mote)
- add 1 mote to any Transitory Augmentation, anima power, or disguise/concealment charm to make all Peripherial Essence spent function as Personal

Strain Resistant Chassis Modification (none/1 mote install)
-three -2 health levels

Sustained Augmentation of Stamina (none/1 mote install)
- +1 Stamina

Alloyed Reinforcement of Flesh (none/1 mote install)
-Double bonus Strength dice from charms/anima on feats of strength
-+1/+1 Soak

Auxiliary Essence Storage Unit (none/1 mote install)
- +10 mote capacity Peripherial

Pain Suppression Nodes (1 mote (commit)/1 mote install)
- reduces all wound penalties by 3

Sustained Augmentation of Strength (none/1 mote install)
- +1 Strength

Sustained Augmentation of Wits (none/1 mote install)
-+1 Wits

Hyperdexterous Tentacle Apparatus (8 motes, 1 Willpower/1 mote install)
- Four tentacles (two installations of the charm) as extra limbs
- Tentacle Stats:
- Functions as normal limbs without activation cost
- Length: 4 yards each
- Speed + 8
- Accuracy + 4
- Damage + 5L
- Defense + 4
- Sweep maneuver
- Clinch maneuver (Defense and Accuracy + number of tentacles used)
- reduces multi-action penalty by 2 (1 each)
- Activation Cost: All tentacles become independently active for one scene
- Each Tentacle gets its first action a turn at full dice pool
- Can make multiple clinches a turn.

Hyperdexterous Tentacle Apparatus (see above/1 mote install)
-factored in above

Other Slots

Sustained Augmentation of Dexterity (none/ 1 mote install)
- +1 Dexterity

Transitory Augmentation of Strength (1 mote per die/1 mote install)
-spend motes to add to strength for an action, up to double base Strength (4 motes max)

Personal Gravity Manipulation Apparatus (2 motes/1 mote install)
-Can control down orientation, allowing wall or ceiling walking (extends 4 feet from soles of her feet)
- can lighten self (down to 15% normal weight
- movement up by half when 50-75% of weight, double when 50% or less

Multi-limb Frame (none/1 mote)
- reduces multi-action penalty by 1
- replaces normal arms with metallic (+1 to Martial Arts and Melee damage)


Protean Engagement Chassis (4 mote install):

Integrated Artifact Transmogrifier (1 mote per charm or 5 motes/Arrayed)
- conceal charms from sight, as well as Soul Gem
- appear completely human

Voice Distortion Field (1 mote/Arrayed)
- Mimic any voice heard, or any sound (Manipulation/Performance)
- Underlay emotional power to voice to enhance action (specialty regarding emotion to invoke)
-Increase vocal volume 400 yards

Husk-Sculpting Apparatus (10 motes, 1 Willpower/Arrayed)
- can alter physical composition at cosmetic level
- can change gender, even to hermaphroditic or genderless body
- Appearance + Craft (Body) roll to use

Optical Shroud (2 motes/Arrayed)
- turn and stay invisible indefinitely, as long as standing still
- Slow and minor movements (drawing weapons, looking about) do not break effect, but quick movements do
- two successes subtracted from anyone attacking or defending invisible character, even in the turn that the concealment is broken.
- Does not protect against Essence Sight, but does block magic that pinpoints location

Other Stats

Essence: 4

Willpower: 6

Clarity: 3 (1 permanent, 2 temporary)

Soak: B 6, L 3
Armor Soak: B 7, L 5, halve piercing effects.

Total Soak: B 13, L 8

Health: -0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -1, Incap

Essence Pool:

Personal: 18 (18 install commit)
Peripheral: 55 (commit costs missing – give me a bit)

XP Chart

XP Received: 185
Xp Spent: 183
XP left: 2

Melee to 4 (6)
Socialize to 2 (2)
Dexterity to 4 unmodified (11)
Sustained Augmentation of Strength (10)
Sustained Augmentation of Wits (10)
Hyperdexterous Tentacle Apparatus X 2 (20)
(change Multilimb Frame to replaced limbs) (0)
Integrity to 1 (3)
Athletics to 4 (6)
Integrity to 2 (2)
Essence to 4 (27)
Linguistics to 2 (2)
Awareness to 2 (2)
Lore to 2 (2)
Socialize to 3 (4)
Melee Specialty: Multi-weapon Fighting (3)
Integrity to 3 (4)
Awareness to 3 (4)
Husk-Sculpting Apparatus (10)
Optical Shroud (10)
Aura-Dampening Component (10)
Array - Protean Engagement Chassis (Integrated Artifact Transmogrifier, Voice Distortion Field, Husk-Sculpting Apparatus, Optical Shroud) (9)
Performance to 1 (3)
Craft (Body) to 1 (3)
Performance to 2 (2)
Craft (Body) to 2 (2)
Stealth to 3 (4)
Valour to 4 (12)