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=== ''Rival'' Class Escort Cruiser===
=== ''Rival'' Class Escort Cruiser===
Type: Destroyer<br>
Type: Destroyer<br>
Tech Level: 4<br>
Tech Level: 4<br>
Cost: 96, 16 Delta Dust<br>
Cost: 96, 16 Delta Dust<br>
Upkeep: 4 Supply, 12 He3<br>
Upkeep: 4 Supply, 12 He3<br>
+1 Railgun Turrets<br>
+1 Missile Pods<br>
+1 Armor<br>
+1 Armor<br>
+1 AA Guns<br>
+1 AA Guns<br>
Line 160: Line 160:
Base Purchase price:  140 Wealth<br>
Base Purchase price:  140 Wealth<br>
Availability:  Limited<br>
Availability:  Limited<br>
The fast and heavily armed Rival Class Escort Cruiser is a product of the EU's fleet modernization programs. For several decades the larger Lepanto Class had provided the bulk of the Union's escort fleet, but its poor performance in the war proved that the need existed for a smaller escort warship, and the Rival is the answer to that requirement. Well armed with both anti-ship and anti-aircraft railgun and missile emplacements, the Rival is surprisingly powerful for its size and much more effective than the old ships it has replaced.<br>
The fast and heavily armed Rival Class Escort Cruiser is a product of the EU's fleet modernization programs. For several decades the larger Lepanto Class had provided the bulk of the Union's escort fleet, but its poor performance in the war proved that the need existed for a smaller escort warship, and the Rival is the answer to that requirement. Well armed with both anti-aircraft railgun and anti-ship missile emplacements, the Rival is surprisingly powerful for its size and much more effective than the old ships it has replaced.<br>

=== ''Lepanto'' Class Cruiser (Rack Variant) ===
=== ''Lepanto'' Class Cruiser (Rack Variant) ===

Revision as of 09:01, 3 September 2008

The following EU Arm units have been made available for export

Ground Vehicles and Infantry

Marauder Infantry

Type: Shock Infantry
Tech: 3
Cost: 50 IP
Upkeep: 5 Supply
DP: 4
+1 Laminate Power Armor
+1 Plasma HMG
+1 Jump System
Base Purchase price: 50 Wealth
Availability: Open
Special: Requires 4 months to train
The Marauder suit was a reaction to the battles to take major ZOCU strongholds. The average soldier simply could not survive in such a firepower-rich environment. By using captured powersuits and cargo handling gear, the EU engineers created a heavily armed and armored, yet very mobile soldier. The marauder suit was key to number of victories on the EU front, and remains a crucial part of EU military doctrine.

Lynx LAV

Type: Armored Cavalry
Availability: General
Cost: 24 IP
Tech: 3
Upkeep: 4 Supply
+1 8 cm railgun
+1 Mobility
-1 Armor
Availability: Open
The 'Lynx' is a heavily armed light scout unit that was intended to pack a punch capable of threatening main battle tanks and moving fast enough to be able to engage and disengage at will. To do this, its light armor only provided protection proof against only small arms fire and shell fragments. Having fought on both Novaya Zemlya and Albion, the Lynx proved to be a poor unit in heated engagements, but proper combat tactics mitigated against this by using them as scouts and skirmishers. An unpopular vehicle, it was quickly retired, replaced by more advanced designs, and sold to almost anyone who would buy them. The six-wheeled Lynx has been retired from most militaries, but can still be seen in reserve units and some client state militaries.

Ge-03G Leonid Ground Type

Type: Strider
Cost: 150 IP
Tech: 3
+1 Jumpjets
+1 Automatic Railgun
+1 Composite Armor
Availability: Limited
Although the Leonid project was primarily to build combat-use mobile suits, there were spinoff research and development efforts that lead to various other designs, including the Gundam, the New Orenburg Independent Corps Geraint, and the ground-type Leonid. Unlike the basic Leonid, the -03G design was intended to as a dedicated ground combatant, without the need for space combat capacity. Without the same need for the high-thrust engines and light weight that all aerospace-use mobile suits required, many high-expense components were replaced by cheaper alternatives-and without a need for space maneuvering, the power core could be replaced by a cheaper, lower output, deuterium core. Although less capable in many ways compared to the Ge-03, the ability to produce more than 2 Ge-03Gs for every standard Ge-03 kept it in production until the end of the war-and it still sees active service in the armies of the EU today, whereas the Ge-03 Leonid has been retired.

Crusader Series

Type: Tank
Tech: 4
Cost: 100 IP, 40 Rhenium, 20 β-Titanium Upkeep: 10 Supply, 4 He3
+1 "Sutherland" Rhenium Lift System
+1 16cm Rhenium MBK
+1 β-Titanium sloped armor
+1 Quality over Quantity
-1 Fusion Reactor Required
Base Purchase price: 200 Wealth
Availability: Exclusive

Crusader M-Type
Type: Tank
Tech: 3
Cost: 100 IP Upkeep: 10 Supply, 4 He3
+1 Mobility
+1 16cm standard MBK
+1 Sloped armor
Base Purchase price: 100 Wealth
Availability: Limited
The EU combined some of the finest armament manufacturers in the world, but they were unprepared for the mecha deployed by ZOCU. The Crusader is a product of multiple arms manufacturers, who produced a surprisingly coordinated effort. The Crusader contains a 16cm Rhenium MBK, one of the finest tank cannons in the human Sphere; the Sutherland lift system, which requires the use of a fusion reactor; and the tough armor associated with mobile gun forts. The result was a tank of legendary reputation. Generally, a unit of Crusaders were a threat to anything that ZOCU could put on the battlefield. They were so expensive that they were reserved for most elite units. The Crusader M model was developed to relieve the problem of of supporting such an elite unit. It dispensed with many of the most revolutionary features of the Crusader, and used less advanced technology. The result was a vehicle half the cost of the original.


Type: Mobile Gun Fort
Tech: 4
Cost: 40 IP, 8 Rhenium, 8 β-Titanium
Upkeep: 4 Supply, 4 He3
+1 25 cm Rhenium MBKs
+1 Long-Range Targeting
+1 β-Titanium sloped armor
+1 AA Missiles
- 1 Increased Helium Usage
Base Purchase price: 75 Wealth
Availability: Exclusive
The EU built the first of these mammoth vehicles to fight against ZOCU Land battleships and atmosphere-capable vessels. They were successful beyond their wildest expectations - All known ZOCU land battleships were destroyed, and the design was given up. Even Carthage-class cruisers learned to respect the Sabertooth, with it's capitol-ship grade artillery and excellent defenses. The increase in He3 consumption is a small price to pay for such power

Aerospace Craft and Mecha

AEF-7000B “Maelstrom” Interceptor Flight

Type: Intercept Fighter Flight
Tech: 3
Cost: 24 IP
+1 Boosters
+1 Missiles
Base Purchase price: 20 Wealth
Availability: Open
The original Maelstrom Interceptor was the result of a long and somewhat lethargic development process to produce the next common fighter aircraft for the forces of the European Union, and the first production models were far from well received. Unfortunately for both the Maelstrom and its first pilots, the improved B variant had not yet entered service upon the outbreak of the ZOCU War. It’s poor performance during the conflict made the Maelstrom extremely unpopular amongst the EU’s pilots, and with the increasing use of advanced aerial and space mobile suits many of these disliked fighters are being placed up for sale rather than upgraded to modern standards.

Ge-03C Leonid Commander Mobile Suit

Type: Mobile Suit
Tech: 3
Cost: 20 IP
Upkeep: 2 Supply, 4 He3
+1 Boosters
+1 Maneuvering Thrusters
+1 Beam Rifle
Base Purchase price: 17 Wealth
Availability: Limited
While the standard issue Leonid provided for the greater portion of the mobile suits that would be employed by New Orenburg and later much of the core, with the threat of ZOCU’s advanced machines the need for a more capable suit with which to equip the UN’s elite pilots remained. The first answer to this question came in the form of the Ge-03C Commander variant of the Leonid, a fast and more maneuverable version of the original model.

A limited number of Leonid Commanders were produced and equipped a number of elite units like New Orenburg’s Independent Corps, seeing action in such infamous late war incidents as the antimatter attack against Haraway’s World. Further Commander suits were built in the post-war years, but as of late have largely been phased out in favor of newer models. As such a large number have become available to buyers outside the core, if they have the right connections.

===Ge-179-DV Gundam Mk II Mobile Suit===
Type: Orbital Frame
Tech: 4
Cost: 105 IP, 15 Rhenium, 15 Condensates, 15 B-Titanium
Upkeep: 5 Supply, 10 He3
+1 Rhenium-condensed Beam Rifle
+1 Gundanium Double-Beta Armor
+1 Combat Shield
+1 Condensate Flight System
+1 System Integration
Base Purchase price: 225 Wealth
Availability: Exclusive
The original Ge-79 Gundam was the European Union's first Orbital Frame. Designed with combat data from SIYAN's Satis OFs it was vastly more powerful than the Leonid Commanders it was designed to replace. Basic economics and interservice rivalry soon caught up however, and after the first two prototypes were hastily completed at immense cost and sent into combat the entire program was cut short in favor of additional heavy combat warships for the Union Fleet. Iconic of the turning tide against ZOCU, the Gundams were ultimately seen as little more than publicity stunts by the big-gun dominated Union Fleet.

Plans for a new, improved version floated as a paper project for most of a decade until disturbing rumors began to emerge from the Sirius states. Rumors of powerful Newtype-use orbital frames from ZOCU and machines built with posthuman technology from SIYAN. Quietly, the more progressive sections of the Union Fleet put resources towards the Gundam Mk II, acquiring the first prototype from ThyssenKrupp in late 2194.

AEB-300 “Super Lancaster” Heavy Bomber

Type: Bomber
Tech: 3
Cost: 40 IP
Upkeep: 4 Supply, 8 He3
+1 Bomb Bays
+1 Armor
+1 Boosters
Base Purchase price: 40 Wealth
Availability: Limited
For decades the Super Lancaster has been one of the symbols of the European Union’s military might. It is a superb war machine that has resisted all efforts to properly replace it, and served with distinction even on the battlefield against ZOCU’s high powered aerospace forces. It was a squadron of Super Lancasters that dropped the bombs that ended the war, and the status of these aircraft as a symbol has only increased because of it.

While the EU itself has continued to modernize its fleet of Super Lancasters, a number of the oldest airframes deemed unsuitable for further refit have been offered up to the militaries of the EU’s client worlds.

Warships and Support Vessels

Rival Class Escort Cruiser

Type: Destroyer
Tech Level: 4
Cost: 96, 16 Delta Dust
Upkeep: 4 Supply, 12 He3
+1 Missile Pods
+1 Armor
+1 AA Guns
+1 Aerospace
+0 Rocket Drive
+0 Delta-Dust Jumpdrive
Base Purchase price: 140 Wealth
Availability: Limited
The fast and heavily armed Rival Class Escort Cruiser is a product of the EU's fleet modernization programs. For several decades the larger Lepanto Class had provided the bulk of the Union's escort fleet, but its poor performance in the war proved that the need existed for a smaller escort warship, and the Rival is the answer to that requirement. Well armed with both anti-aircraft railgun and anti-ship missile emplacements, the Rival is surprisingly powerful for its size and much more effective than the old ships it has replaced.

Lepanto Class Cruiser (Rack Variant)

Type: Cruiser
Tech Level: 3
Cost: 120 + 40 IP, 40 Delta Dust
Upkeep: 10 Supply, 20 He3
DP: 8
+1 Railgun Turrets
x1 Aircraft Racks
+0 Rocket Drive
+0 Delta-Dust Jumpdrive
Base Purchase price: 180 Wealth
Availability: Open
Special: Core states pay 1/2 supply for unmodified Lepanto cruisers.
While for many years the mainstay of the European Navies was the Drake Class Battleship, as the EU's colonial holdings expanded the need for a smaller warship became apparent, and the Lepanto Class Cruiser was designed to fill this role. Inexpensive but well armed, the Lepanto rapidly became the most common warship in EU space. While effective in a large number of peacetime and low intensity roles, the Lepanto proved to be even more out of its depth in the First Space War than the Drake.

The sinking of the Orleans, flagship of Rear-Admiral Thier's 17th Cruiser Division, by Zodiac Mobile Suits on the opening day of the war highlighted the weaknesses of the Lepanto in a dramatic fashion and further disasters would follow. Over the course of the war the remaining Lepantos were equipped to carry their own mobile suits and fighters on their hulls, at least party improving their battlefield performance. In the years after the war all active Lepantos in service with the main EU fleets were decommissioned and replaced by more modern warships like the Rival and Danube.

Leonid Mothership

Type: Light Carrier
Tech Level: 3
Cost: 80, 40 Delta Dust
Upkeep: 10 Supply, 20 He3
DP: 40
+0 Rocket Drive
+0 Delta-Dust Jumpdrive
Base Purchase price: 120 Wealth
Availability: Open
Special: Core states pay 1/2 supply for unmodified Leonid Motherships.
Several of the EU's fleet carriers were lost in the early phases of the First Space War. While work began on replacements and stopgap measures like equipping the Lepanto force with aircraft racks were put into place, the need existed for a better substitute was finally answered by the production of a large number of simple box-like carrier craft well suited to ferrying the Union's growing force of mobile weapons to the front lines.

When the war ended most of these craft were either scrapped or put into graveyard orbits, with the role of dedicated mobile suit carrier falling to the new and Sofia Class. A small number escaped this fate to be found in smaller local navies across the European Arm.

Tours Class Scout Cruiser

Type: Cruiser
Tech Level: 3
Cost: 200, 40 Delta Dust
Upkeep: 10 Supply, 20 He3
DP: 2
+1 Armor
+1 Sensors
+1 Rocket Drive
-2 Cramped EU Design
+0 Delta-Dust Jumpdrive
Base Purchase price: 240 Wealth
Availability: Limited
A battlefleet that cannot find the enemy cannot engage the enemy. To that end scout craft are deployed, typically remotely-controlled UAVs. However this does not solve the problem of long-range scouting. For much of the 22nd century, this remained the purview of FTL warships. The Tours is one of the larger designs of such craft. Breaking from conventional EU design ethos and befitting its role as a high-endurance scout ship, the Tours includes a spacious spingrav section. Its armored primary hull efficiently integrates powerful engines and a wide-spectrum sensor array. While the state-of-the-art has marched on and proliferated strike craft sized jump boosters, the Tours' sensitive detection equipment, survivability and endurance ensures that it remains in EU service

Cambria Class Heavy Cruiser

Type: Cruiser
Tech Level: 3
Cost: 160, 40 Delta Dust
Upkeep: 10 Supply, 20 He3
DP: 2
+1 Scattering Field
+2 Armor
-1 AA
-2 Old EU Design
+0 Repulsor Drive
+0 Delta-Dust Jumpdrive
Base Purchase price: 200 Wealth
Availability: Limited
One of the less well-known European warship classes, Cambrias were originally developed as lower-cost alternatives to Drakes for defense and patrol roles. The design emphasised survivability over firepower and their rugged hulls remain as strong as the day they were built. A Russia-style scattering field provided additional defenses, making them, ton-for-ton, the toughest ships in the galaxy when they were build. Despite this they never rose to any prominence; they were always deprioritized relative to battleships and their nearly nonexistent anti-air weapons was a crippling liability during the first space war. Suffering from aging systems and cramped hulls, they have quietly slipped out of service, with only a handful remaining outside of graveyard orbits.

Danube Class Heavy Cruiser

Type: Cruiser
Tech Level: 4
Cost: 240, 40 Rhenium, 40 Delta Dust
Upkeep: 10 Supply, 20 He3
DP: 8
+1 Rhenium Railgun Turrets
+1 AA Guns
+1 Armor
+1 Hanger
+0 Rocket Drive
+0 Delta-Dust Jumpdrive
Base Purchase price: 400 Wealth
Availability: Limited
One of the European Arm’s newest models of warship, the Danube Class has along with the Rival Class largely replaced the older Lepanto Class Cruisers that made up the bulk of the European Union's fleets during the First Space War. The Danube Class features a large number of improvements over its aging predecessor, including a purpose built internal hanger as opposed to makeshift aircraft racks and a greatly expanded armament of anti-aircraft weapons.

While largely designed toward the goal of improving over the Lepanto’s deficiencies on a battlefield where advanced aircraft and mobile suits are a real danger to larger warships, the Danube Class also features a more powerful battery of advanced railguns for ship to ship combat against potential opponents such as ZOCU's advanced cruisers.

Sofia Class Aerospace Carrier

Type: Light Carrier
Tech Level: 4
Cost: 200, 40 Delta Dust
Upkeep: 10 Supply, 30 He3
DP: 40
+1 Armor
+1 AA Guns
+1 Aerospace Capable
+0 Rocket Drive
+0 Delta-Dust Jumpdrive
Base Purchase price: 300 Wealth
Availability: Limited
While the stopgap Leonid Motherships of the First Space War were able to deliver the large numbers of newly built Leonid Mobile Suits to the front lines, they were not by any standard an effective warship, lacking mobility and protection. The Sofia Class Aerospace Carriers were built as a more permanent replacement to these craft, in an attempt to answer their shortcomings. Although the original plans called for a heavily armored and largely conventional light carrier, the final design for the Sofia was much more unconventional.

The Sofia Class is not greatly more armored than the Motherships it replaces, but it is far more mobile and its ability to make planetary landings give both the ship and its complement of mobile weapons a great deal more versatility. Relying on its high speed to avoid contact with enemy fleet units, the Sofia is also equipped with a fair number of defensive anti-aircraft guns that give it another layer of protection from pursing aerospace craft.

Drake Class Battleship

Type: Battleship
Tech Level: 3
Cost: 400 IP, 100 Delta Dust
Upkeep: 25 Supply, 80 He3
DP: 20
+1 Railgun Turrets
+1 Hanger
+0 Rocket Drive
+0 Delta-Dust Jumpdrive
Base Purchase price: 475 Wealth
Availability: Limited
The Drake Class Battleship was originally the European Union's answer to the need for a long range warship to operate on the ever expanding frontier. Although originally built alongside the American MacArthur Class and the Russian Gangut Class, the original Drakes were exceptionally innovative and advanced warships for their day. While not as durable as either of its contemporaries, the Drake was more mobile and better armed, and with its internal hangers it was also much more versatile. A spacious gravity block was included for the crew, making the Drake a much more habitable craft for long term missions away from planetary bases.

For decades the Drakes were the pride of the European Union's fleets, easily refitted with new technologies and more than a match for any possible threat to the EU's security. Unfortunately they met their match in the new modern warships and mobile weapons fielded by ZOCU during the First Space War. While unequaled in their prime, the Drakes proved to be no match for the the deadly and modern Pallada, much as their outmodeled fighter craft proved to be of only limited use against Zodiac Mobile Suits. Many of the EU's proud battleships were lost in the early weeks of the war.

While they suffered greatly in the early days of the war, after the EU's forces regrouped the remaining Drakes and their new complements of Leonid Mobile Suits were instrumental in the Union's final victorious advance on Haraway's World as well as the largely unsung fleet action in Kapteyn's Star. Upon the end of the war most of the remaining Drakes were phased out of service, but it is clear that the Drake's legacy continues on in its successors. Both the Europa Class and the Mackensen Class are clearly in their own ways influenced by their long-serving predecessor.

Mackensen Class Battleship

Type: Battleship
Tech Level: 4
Cost: 500 IP, 100Rhenium, 100 Delta Dust
Upkeep: 25 Supply, 80 He3
DP: 5
+1 Rhenium Railgun Turrets
+1 Armor
+1 AA Guns
+0 Rocket Drive
+0 Delta-Dust Jumpdrive
Base Purchase price: 875 Wealth
Availability: Exclusive
The inferiority of the European Union’s Drake Class Battleships when engaged against larger ZOCU warships, especially the deadly Pallada Class, came as a shock to Europe’s admirals. It was this, more than the undeniable performance of the advanced mobile suits and armors employed by the rebel colonists, that concerned the post-war thoughts of the Union’s battleship school. The limitations put into place in the Treaty of Sirius hardly eased their minds, especially given that several Pallada ships vanished outright in the aftermath of the war.

Eventually wining their conflict against the supporters of improved mobile weapon development and their Europa Class Assault Ship, Europe’s battleship admirals were able to put the new Mackensen Class Battleship into production. Armed with powerful Rhenium railguns and dozens of anti-aircraft, the Mackensen is a massive improvement over the Drake in nearly every regard, although unlike it’s predecessor it makes no accommodation for either aircraft or mobile suits.

Marshal Foch Class Fleet Carrier

Type: Fleet Carrier
Tech Level: 4
Cost: 600 IP, 100 Delta Dust
Upkeep: 25 Supply, 80 He3
DP: 150
+1 Fast Launch
+1 Hanger
+1 Armor
+1 Energy-Dispersive Cladding
+0 Rocket Drive
+0 Delta-Dust Jumpdrive
Base Purchase price: 875 Wealth
Availability: Exclusive
Built as the last word in the replacement of the extremely outdated Glorious Class Carriers, many of which were sunk during the war with the Zodiac Union, the Foch Class Carriers are some of Europe’s newest and most advanced warships. Heavily protected against beam fire and capable of launching their entire wing of first rate fighters and bombers at nearly a moment’s notice, the Foch Class ships are an irreplaceable part of any of Europe’s major fleets. While the equal of any large carrier in known space, the Foch Class tends to occupy a secondary role and serves to support big gun capital ships like the Mackensen in the EU's Battleship Divisions.

Jane's Weapons of the CPTO (Cooperative Pacific Treaty Organization)
Jane's Weapons of the EU
Jane's Weapons of the Sino-Russian Arm
Jane's Weapons of ZOCU
Jane's Weapons of the Expanse
Jane's Weapons of the Rim
Jane's Civilian Equipment