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===Military costs===
===Military costs===
'''Ground Forces'''
:Army: 2 for 1
:Marines: 1
:Robots: 3 for 2
'''In-system ships'''
'''In-system ships'''
:Corvette/Frigate squadron:  2
:Corvette/Frigate squadron:  2

Revision as of 16:32, 27 August 2014

Making a Post-Nemesis nation

Assign your points to each of the categories until you run out. That'll give you the basis around which to write up the details of your nation.

Modifiers listed apply bonus points towards a particular rank, rather than directly modifying the Rank itself. For example, (Infrastructure +3) means that three bonus points are automatically added to the Infrastructure category, and (Growth -2) means that two points are subtracted from Growth. The player must make up the remainder to gain a new rank; if only part of the point cost is fulfilled; excess points are wasted.

Negative modifiers do not need to be bought up to zero, though values below 0 can be assumed to be particularly exaggerated.


Minor Habitat (24 points to spend): A backwater nowhere bunker-habitat.
Major Habitat (24 points to spend): A small alliance of bunkers, habitats and scavengers. Adds +1 Growth Potential.
Minor Polis (26 points to spend): A lesser Polis, though one that cannot be ignored. Adds +1 to National Advantages.
Midsized Polis (24 points to spend): A fairly typical midsized Polis. Adds an additional 125 Military Points and 150 Military Support.
Major Polis (22 points to spend): A large Polis with a substantial, diverse population and possibly satellite habitats outside of the Polis proper. Adds an additional 250 Military Points, 300 Military Support and 25 Construction Rate but suffers -1 to Growth Potential.
Consortium (22 points to spend): A top-tier state with a massive population. At this level your Polis is more like a capital city than a nation unto itself. At this level you're also playing by the Consortium's rules at penalty of interdicted like what happened to the poor chaps in Cydonia. Adds an additional 500 Military Points, 600 Military Support and 50 Construction Rate, but suffers -2 to Growth Potential.

National Advantages

Rank 0 (0 points): Your nation has no advantages. Everyone should have something to feel special about :(
Rank 1 (1 point): Your nation has a single National Advantage.
Rank 2 (2 points): Your nation has two National Advantages.
Rank 3 (4 points): Your nation has three National Advantages.
Rank 4 (6 points): Your nation has four National Advantages.
Rank 5 (9 points): Your nation has five National Advantages.

National Disadvantages
This field returns points, instead of costing points.

Rank 0 (0 points): Your nation has no unusual flaws, just the usual minor problems.
Rank 1 (+1 point): Your nation has a single National Disadvantage.
Rank 2 (+2 points): Your nation has two National Disadvantages.
Rank 3 (+3 points): Your nation has three National Disadvantages, plus one chosen by the GM (!)
Rank 4 (+4 points): Your nation is a hellhole; expect to get hammered by whatever the GM feels to throw at you. It is entirely out of your control at this point.


Rank 0 (0 points): Well, you could probably rearm a warship . . . Construction Rating 20
Rank 1 (1 point): Construction Rating 45
Rank 2 (2 points): Construction Rating 70
Rank 3 (3 points): Construction Rating 90
Rank 4 (4 points): Construction Rating 110
Rank 5 (5 points): Massive, well developed planetary and spaceborn industry. Construction Rating 125
Every additional Rank of Infrastructure adds 15 to the Construction Rating.

Growth Potential

Rank 0 (0 points): Overcrowding and resource shortages are chronic; you need relief and now! x6 Infrastructure cost.
Rank 1 (1 point): Either planning or natural growth has put you at a comfortable maximum, but you have nowhere to grow. x5 Infrastructure cost.
Rank 2 (2 points): You have room to grow, but not much. x4 Infrastructure cost.
Rank 3 (3 points): Most of your resources have been set up to be exploited but you haven't even begun to do so yet. x3 Infrastructure cost.
Rank 4 (4 points): So many natural resources you're probably selling them to people. x2 Infrastructure cost.
Rank 5 (5 points): The Frontier. Resources are plentiful, with plenty you probably haven’t even begun to tap yet. x1 Infrastructure cost.

Military Size

Rank 0 (0 points): 50 military points
Rank 1 (1 point): 200 military points
Rank 2 (2 points): 350 military points
Rank 3 (3 points): 490 military points
Rank 4 (4 points): 620 military points
Rank 5 (5 points): 740 military points
Every Rank past 5 adds +100 military points.

Military Support

Rank 0 (0 points): Your nation simply sees little need for a large military; 100 military support
Rank 1 (1 point): 300 military support
Rank 2 (2 points): 500 military support
Rank 3 (3 points): 675 military support
Rank 4 (4 points): 825 military support
Rank 5 (5 points): 950 military support
Every Rank past 5 adds +100 additional military support.

Military Quality

Rank 0 (0 points): No real military, more like a glorified police force if not an armed rabble.
Rank 1 (1 point): Below average, your soldiers are probably decent enough on the personal level but your high-level doctrines and organization is undoutedly weak.
Rank 2 (3 points): Average armed forces, nothing special but no glaring weaknesses.
Rank 3 (5 points): A respectable military force, definately something to be reckoned with.
Rank 4 (8 points): Best of the best, your military is well trained.

Superweapons For full Superweapon rules, see the relevant section below.

Rank 0 (0 points): Your nation sees no real value in superweapons and may never have more than a single superweapon, period.
Rank 1 (1 point): While your nation sees superweapons as something to acquire, your engineers are just insufficiently crazy to build them well (or the projects are plagued by mismanagement). Superweapons cost 200% of normal cost.
Rank 2 (2 points): While a bit laggard, your nation has a decent stock of superweaponry. You have a second Tactical Superweapon slot but superweapons still cost 150% of base cost.
Rank 3 (3 points): Your superweaponry is an important part of your military arsenal. You have three Tactical Superweapon slots and no cost modifiers to superweapons.
Rank 4 (5 points): You have as many superweapons as a typical evil overlord. In addition to three Tactical Superweapon slots, you have two Strategic Superweapon slots and a cost multiplier of 75%.
Rank 5 (8 points): Really? Fine. You have unlimited superweapon slots - Tactical, Strategic and National and a cost multiplier of 50%. Go crazy.


Rank 0 (0 points): Sensitive information regularly gets lost on laptops.
Rank 1 (1 point): Typical hypercorp security measures.
Rank 2 (2 points): Run of the mill intelligence apparatus.
Rank 3 (4 points): Many Bothans died to bring us this information.
Rank 4 (6 points): Sure, I can get the information you want chummer. Got the nuyen?

General Advancement

Rank 0 (0 points): Your nation’s overall advancement level in fundamental fields such as energy generation, metallurgy, etc has undoutedly slid in the dark ages, perhaps due to improperly recovered data. The norm for groups without access to the vast data-repositories of the Polis.
Rank 1 (4 points): Average advancement, no glaring weaknesses or strong points. Most Polis are on this level.
Rank 2 (8 points): An impressive display of technological aptitude that puts you above most of your peers. Basically, you’re The Star Kingdom of Manticore.

National Advantages

Excellent Diplomats
Your diplomats are tireless and your leaders routinely expect to get Nobel Peace Prizes every year they're in power.

Lacus Cylne is my idol
Pop in space, your Polis has significant soft power and general good will to it from your consumer culture or post future version of it.

While various body-modification technologies have been used since the Exodus - to the point that cyberware, cloning, biomods and the like is as taken for as granted as ubiquitous computation, communications and space travel, many of the more out-there modifications were strictly subcultural and rare until the arrival of Nemesis where some places got a bit weird.

Nazi Superscience
Your nation's research and development complex may not be efficient but it is sure creative. Prototypes and weird one-offs for all manner of situations abound in your military. Some of them may even work properly. Note that this does not mean your overall technology level is superior, just that you combine what you have in more weird ways. It also gives you an additional Tactical Superweapon slot, or you may instead 'upgrade' one of your existing slots one level (Tactical to Strategic or Strategic to National)

Tombworld Raider
The rediscovery of ancient treasures is a national pastime - sometimes these are culturally significant, sometimes valuable.

Burden of the Polis

Your people have a intense desire to spread civilization of your type across the solar system, as such you have memetics to tend deal with conquer people better and co-opt into your system 

Second Amendment
While the practice of personal firearm possession did not normally take hold in early off-Earth colonies - nobody wants holes punched in the life support - many later colonies became increasingly robust and more than capable of withstanding any plausible damage from small arms. In some of these, an armed populace reestablished itself, making them much harder to occupy by invaders.

A Game of Enders
Ethics has never stopped your nation when it comes to making the better warfighter. Your battle schools churn out universal soldiers to lead your fleets and strike your enemies.

Superior [Keyword]
Your country has a particular strength in one general field, improving their effective advancement level by one in it. Broad fields such as 'weapons', 'armor', etc are acceptable. This trait is incompatible with Rank 2 General Advancement - you're superior everywhere.

Barbarian allies
You have access to non Polis ally that will generally support you with some troops for a variety of reasons.

National Disadvantages

Pariah State
Thanks to some past (or current) actions, your state is quite unpopular among the greater community of nations. Most others will treat you with suspicion and bad assumptions are paramount.

Social Contract Dispute
Your state doesn't work as it should. Cultural and social norms are often violated, radical voices drown out those of moderates and there is a lack of trust across all levels of society. While the government has managed to keep a lid on this - so far - the situation is volatile and gives foreign actors plenty of room to make problems.

All Children Left Behind
Unfortunately, your nation's educational and R&D infrastructure is not what it should be. Acquiring or development new technologies is slow and difficult. This Disadvantage is incompatible with any top-rank technology-related category.

Very Super Weapons
Your military (or civilian) leaders are enamoured with the idea of achieving military dominance via superweaponry. While this means you have one additional of each Superweapon slot, the cost to build all conventional military weapons is doubled.

The Scourge of Space
The Inhuman, the Unnatural, the Perverse - all of these were the casualties of the Scourge. But even as that era has faded, your nation has kept that mindset alive, internalizing it. Your citizens have little time for those that deviant substantially from the basic human body- and mindplan.

Inferior [Keyword]
Your country has a particular weakness in a broad field, such as weapons, electronics, etc, making them operate at one rank lower in that field. This trait is incompatible with Rank 0 General Advancement - you're inferior everywhere.


Military costs

Ground Forces

Army: 2 for 1
Marines: 1
Robots: 3 for 2

In-system ships

Corvette/Frigate squadron: 2
Destroyer squadron: 6
Light Cruiser: 4
Heavy Cruiser: 10
Battlecruiser: 25
Battleship: 30
Superbattleship: 50
Light Carrier: 10
Fleet Carrier: 30
Supercarrier: 50


Tactical Superweapon: 25
Strategic Superweapon: 100
National Superweapon: 400

Military upkeep

All nations have a certain ability to support fleets of warships and armies of ground troops. This is their Military Support, and military units fill it at a 1:1 ratio. Due to the cost of large militaries, when a nation's military exceeds its support, all prices are increased by 100%. If a nation's military exceeds more than twice its support, all prices by increased by 200%. For every additional multiple of a nation's base support, cost increases by another 100%.

If the nation is at war and has suffered sufficient losses that its military is less than half of its support level, all military items cost half as much.


Superweapons are weapons of uprecedented and often unusual power, beyond the usual guns-and-armor fare that dominates conventional militaries. Rarely are any two identical. Because of this Superweapons have their own specific rules. They are as follows:

  • All superweapons are paid for and consume upkeep like conventional military units.
  • There are three tiers of superweapons; Tactical, Strategic and National. Each is progressively larger and more powerful, but also more expensive.
  • Each tier of superweapon is most effective against superweapons of the next lower tier - A small squad of Valkyrie fighters will exploit the Death Star's two-meter weakness, while the Death Star will vaporise the Argama with its superlaser and the Argama and its mobile suit team will delay, drive off or shoot down the outnumbered Valkyries.
  • All superweapons have a number of abilities; each starts with two and every additional increases cost by 50% of base cost. Deficiencies can be taken to gain an additional ability at no cost, though deficiencies should be meaningful and potentially crippling if something can take advantage of them.
  • Every nation has three superweapon 'slots' - one each of Tactical, Strategic and National. Lower tier types may fill higher tier slots; ie it is acceptable to have three Tactical superweapons without penalty (see below), but having three Strategic superweapons will always invoke a penalty.
  • For every superweapon that a nation possesses in excess of their slots, the cost and upkeep of ALL superweapons they possess is increased by 10%, cumulative. Thus a nation with three Strategic superweapons (two in excess of the slot limit) increases the cost/upkeep of all of its superweapons by 20%. Building a fourth would increase this to 30%. Note that the cost increase comes in to effect as of construction, not after - Death Star #4 would cost +30%, not +20%.

Tactical Superweapons
Tactical superweapons are the most diverse and versatile of the lot. They can range from the usual Gundam or experimental Valkyrie fare to supersoldiers (Master Chief or Raptor Team in nanosuits) or even superspies (James Bond or Jason Bourne). The specific abilities they have should reflect what they are - supersoldiers should have Infiltration, etc. Overall Tactical superweapons are not especially powerful but they have strong character shields and should be considered major plot elements.

Strategic Superweapons
Strategic superweapons are more powerful and more critical - high mobility battleships with (or without) onboard mecha complement, Bolos, ballistic missile submarines, overpowered mobile armors, etc. At the most archetypical, they are the 'cool hero ship'. While it is entirely acceptable for a strategic superweapon to include a set of high-end aerospace craft or the like as part of its concept, a large force of superior aircraft or tanks with no obvious 'core' goes against the fundamental concept of superweapons and is not acceptable. Strategic superweapons still have a certain degree of character shielding but as powerful military assets they are not as free to shrug off minor irritations - they have firepower and defenses for that. 'Planetbound' is an acceptable deficiency for Strategic superweapons

National Superweapons
The largest and most powerful of superweapons, and the one that best deserves the title SUPERweapon, National superweapons can range from mile-long transforming city-ships armed with fleet-busting beam cannons to (semi-)mobile fortresses to vast and ridiculously powerful defensive complexes. National superweapons have no character shields, they are instead obscenely powerful.