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==Quintessence & Paradox==
==Quintessence & Paradox==
Avatar 3
Avatar 3
: Quintessence 3/3
: Quintessence 2/3

Paradox 4
Paradox 4

Revision as of 17:11, 1 March 2014

Name: Rose Brooks
Concept: The Aesthete, Mina Harker
Convention: Progenitors
Metholodogy: Damage Control
Nature: Caretaker, regain WP when creating significant benefit to the Masses or averting a major disaster
Demeanor: Entertainer, regain WP when your work creates a lasting impression
Eidolon: Primordial



10 freebie


64/64 XP

Strength 3 + 3 (12) [Powerful]
Dexterity 5 + 2 (40) [Agile]
Stamina 3 + 3 (12) [Durable]


48/54 XP

Perception 4 [Subtle Detail] (12+12)
Intelligence 3 (12)
Wits 4 [Snap Judgments] (24)


32/24 XP + 6r + 10f

Charisma 3 (12)
Manipulation 3 (12)
Appearance 4 [Ravishing] (24)





40/39 XP + 10f

Firearms 5 (13) [Snap Shots]
Hypertech 3 (9)
Melee 3 (5 + 4 XP)
Technology 3 (9)
Perform (Music) 3 (9)
Stealth 3 (9)
All other not-obscure Skills 1 (Jack of All Trades)


46/27 XP + 20f

Alertness 4 [Threat Detection] (9 + 6 XP)
Awareness 3 (6 + 3 XP)
Athletics 3 (9)
Brawl 3 (5 + 4 XP)
Dodge 3 (9)
Expression 3 (9)
Style 2 (0 + 5 XP)
Subterfuge 3 (9)


30/15 XP + 15f

Investigation 4 (9) [Nephandi-Hunting]
Linguistics 3 (6) [English, French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic]
Medicine 4 (9) [Biotech]
RD Data: Infernalists 4 (9) [Technocratic Barrabi]
RD Data: Hemophages 4 (9) [Vampire Culture]
All other not-obscure Knowledges 1 (Jack of All Trades)

Willpower, Paradox, Quintessence, and Health



Willpower 8 (18f)

Temp WP 8/8

Quintessence & Paradox

Avatar 3

Quintessence 2/3

Paradox 4

4 Permanent Paradox



Regenerate 1 HL/turn
Soak 6d against all damage

Current Damage: None

Standing Effects

Enlightenment & Enlightened Science

Arete 4


69/65 XP + 4f

Bioengineering (Life) 3 (17+14XP)
Dimensional Science 3 (0+34XP)
Forces 3 (34)
Neuroscience (Mind) 2 (18)


21/21 XP + 24f

-9 for Avatar 3
-24 for Enhancements 8
-12 for Devices (Xenotransplants) 4

Allies 2

Justin Cross

Avatar 3

Enhancements 8

8 genetic flaws

Physical Structure Enhancement (+3 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2 -0 HLs, soak lethal damage with Stamina)
Bionanotech Integration (+3 Stamina, regenerate 1 bashing/lethal HL every turn, immune to aging and mundane diseases/drugs)

Xenotransplants (Devices) 6

As a dedicated testbed for hemophage grafts, Rose has a few tricks up her sleeve.

Predator's Pheromones (6 Quintessence, spend 1 Quint to add +3 diff to resist social rolls for the scene.)
Quintessence 6/6
Undead Strength (8 Quintessence, spend 1 Quint + 1 lethal HL to add 1 automatic success on Strength rolls for the scene up to 3.)
Quintessence 8/8
Deviant's Heart (10 Quintessence, spend 1 Quint [up to Avatar/Dexterity] to use one of the below effects, using the Heart requires a WP roll, diff 8, or else goes into frenzy: No wound penalties, +1 to all physical attributes, tries to kill anything in sight, must spend 1 WP to take a lucid action, until energy is drained or she falls unconscious)
1 extra action (must be used to cause harm)
Regenerate 1 lethal or 2 bashing HLs
1 automatic success on Strength rolls
Quintessence 10/10

Merits and Flaws


Code of Honor (-3XP): Never betray the Technocracy's ideals.
Jack of All Trades (-15): Being a high-end 'cost is no expense' Damage Control construct, Rose is also programmed with a very broad overview of all human knowledge.


Construct (-6): An artificial combat construct like her brothers and sisters, Rose is one of the later designs, splitting off into more interesting areas of design, such as xenotransplant compatibility tests. The results are promising.
Echoes (Vampire) 2 (-6): Rose was a R-grade combat construct built from xenograft-compatible DNA. The results of this are rather interesting.
Notoriety (-9): "Oh it's that half-vampire freakshow." People try not to mention it to her face, but everyone in the Progenitors knows.

Genetic Flaws/Characteristics

Constant movement
Dietary requirements
Hyperactive metabolism
Low body temperature
Vestigial fangs
Pale skin (doesn't tan)
Strong floral smell
Total feature symmetry

Freebie Points

127/105+21 flaws

10 for Attributes
50 for Abilities
4 for Spheres
24 for Backgrounds
18 for Willpower
18 for Merits



1 for Ability overflow
9 for RD Data [Werebeasts] 4
6 for Merits
14 for Life 3
9 for Subterfuge 3
8 for Manipulation 3
3 for Biology 4

Game Experience

6/64 XP
Perception 4 (-12)
Alertness 4 (-6)
Dimensional Science 2 (-18)
Melee 3 (-4)
Awareness 3 (-3 + 1 from fb pts)
Aggressive Negotiations (+6 XP, 9/49)
Allies 2 (Justin Cross) (-6, 3/49)
Style 1 (-3, 0/49)
Midseason Upgrades (+6 XP, 6/55)
Devices 2 (-6, 0/55)
Vampire: The Seduction (+4 XP, 4/59)
Style 2 (-2, 2/59)
The Spiritual Successor To SEC (+5 XP, 7/64)
Taken Captive! (+4 XP, 11/68)
IC Viewpoints (+2 XP, 13/70)
Escape Part 1 (+4 XP, 17/74)
Dimensional Science 3 (-16, 1/74)