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<b>Spells Running</b><br>
<b>Spells Running</b><br>
* 3 Sux Chain (Correspondence 3)
* 2 Sux Block (Correspondence 2 / Time 2)
* 2 Sux Block (Correspondence 2 / Time 2)

Revision as of 17:42, 19 March 2013

Name: George Anthony Pemberton (Dr GA Pemberton)
Player: Norseman
Concept: Mathemagician
Nature: Avant-Garde (Foresight / Pride)
Essence: Primordeal
Demeanour: Conformist (Cooperation / Low Self-esteem)
Tradition: Sons of Ether
Mentor: Dr Dado

Arete: 3
Willpower: 7 (5)
Quintessence: 5 (3)
Paradox: 0
Experience: 0

[ ]: Bruised, -0
[ ]: Hurt, -1
[ ]: Injured, -1
[ ]: Wounded, -2
[ ]: Maimed, -2
[ ]: Crippled, -5
[ ]: Incapacitated

Spells Running

  • 2 Sux Block (Correspondence 2 / Time 2)


Physical (3)
Strength: 2
Dexterity: 3
Stamina: 2
Social (5)
Charisma: 2
Manipulation: 4 (Gambits)
Appearance: 2
Mental (7)
Perception: 2
Intelligence: 5 (Genius)
Wits: 3


Alertness: 1
Awareness: 2
Computer: 3
Dodge: 1
Drive: 1
Enigmas: 3
Etiquette: 1
Firearms: 1
Intuition: 1
Linguistics (English; Latin, Greek, German, French): 3
Meditation: 1
Research: 3
Science (Physics): 5 (Quantum Physics)
Stealth: 1
Subterfuge: 1
Technology: 3


Life: 0
Correspondence: 3
Forces: 0
Entropy*: 3
Spirits: 0
Matter: 0
Mind: 0
Time: 2
Prime: 0

Background, Merits and Flaws

Arcane: 5
Avatar: 5
Library: 3
Resources: 2
Sanctuary: 2
Lightning Calculator
Confused (2)
Echoes (1)
Alas the world appears a little different around Dr Pemberton. Webpages look a little different; TV broadcasts aren't quite the same; newspapers have subtly different headlines; and the ending of Mass Effect 3 made sense.
Insane Mentor (1)
Dr Dado has gone full on marauder, and given that Pemberton is also a bit... detached from the world that has rubbed off on him.


Magic System


All quantum collapses and quantum probabilities are based on observation. However it doesn't matter in theory how you observe them. That is to say if your observation is by way of theoretical mathematics or actually physically measuring something is completely beside the point. In other words if you perfectly simulate something mathematically then that simulation is the original and subject to the rules of that original.

Furthermore the past and the future are only knowable as statistical aggregates, and not really known or firm until observed, and that in theory the past could be changed by observing it in the right way. By properly observing the time-stream you "lock it" down to one set of possibilities, namely the one that you like the most.

In this manner as long as a thing is, was, or will be possible with a little nudge, you can shape reality to your whim. Though of course this is not magic, but carefully thought out science.


Dr Pemberton generally uses a repurposed gaming tablet (currently a Razer Edge with a customized Linux OS) for quick on the spot calculations. In his apartment he maintains a more powerful computer (currently a series of interconnected PS3s running the same customized Linux as his tablet) which gives him greater accuracy and speed. Of course he can also connect to his home computer over the internet and have it run a simulation, only to send the results to his tablet, but this relies on a secure and fast internet connection.

These computers handle the sort of heavy duty calculation and simulation that is necessary in modern quantum physics. Without them his magic would be greatly curtailed, as he'd be stuck using pen and paper. That said he uses pen and paper as well, for jotting down little notes as he works. But for the most part he quickly enters these notes into his new tablet.


Redefine Location
Correspondence 3
By clearly defining the subject's momentum the calculations must inevitably cast in doubt information regarding the subject's location. Therefore, once quantum physics (in the form of GPS satellites) are used to rediscover the subject's location, it is logical that this location will be different from the previously reported location. By manipulating the quantum collapse of probability the scientist may define the subject's location.

Teleport as per Correspondence 3 in the main book.

Redefine Momentum
Correspondence 3
As per Redefine Location if the subject's Location is known to a great degree of precision there is nothing that prevents the scientist from using the resulting doubt to redefine the subject's Momentum.

Greatly increase or decrease the subject's speed. This rote can have a subject land like a feather, or run faster than a speeding train (if you're not worried about paradox).

Precalculated Quantum Collapse
Entropy 1 / Correspondence 1 (Guns only), OR Entropy 2
Quantum calculations and statistics can predict that there will be chance events affecting the subject in the future. Precalculating Quantum Collapse allows the scientist to greatly improve the subject's probabilities of success, so long as the action itself has not been observed.

For each sux difficulty is reduced by -1 for a single future action that involves a great degree of probability (Firearms, Dodge, Alertness, etc), up to -3 difficulty. For each sux over the first three, one additional action receives the same difficulty reduction.

Quantum Wave Entanglement
Correspondence 2, OR Time 2, OR Correspondence 2 / Time 2, possibly with Entropy 2
Neither the past nor the future is set in stone; it all depends on how you observe them. As you begin to calculate a set time and location, simulating aspects of it closer and closer, your simulation starts to become entangled with the time and place you are simulating. Such entanglement is natural and inevitable, but usually transitory and of no help. However if you've enhanced your computers their chips can connect to these entanglements, so that seemingly random fluctuations can rapidly expand into a sensible pattern. In short recreating the sounds and sights of a different location.

Even future events can be observed in this fashion, although they are more unpredictable than past or present events. For there are a series of prior observers that have locked down most of the past and present, though much of it is still indeterminate. The future however is not locked down, and as different observers arrive the quantum collapse may occur differently from your simulations.

Basic scrying, past, present and future.

Physical Description

Dr GA Pemberton looks very much like the distracted gentleman scholar. Most of the time he walks around in a rumbled old grey suit, with a tablet under his arm, and note paper sticking out of pockets. Though only in his thirties his habit of keeping a large pipe in his mouth, and vigorously cleaning his round glasses, does help to make him look older.

GA Pemberton has sandy blond hair, usually kept quite short, and a bit of stubble on his cheeks. Other than that he looks very, very ordinary.

Lessons Learned

  • Try to know the people you are working with, that way you can avoid unpleasant surprises if something goes wrong.


He came from such a nice family! The Pembertons of Loxley had always been known as scholars and gentlemen. George was very much in that mould, a bit of a bookworm, but very clever and oh so polite as his family described him. There really was very little about him that'd raise any technocracy alarm bells.

Nor was there anything odd about him heading off to Oxford at a rather early age in order to study mathematics and physics. Nor were anyone surprised that he got a Double First in Physics and Mathematics. This however is where things started to go wrong...

Dr Dedalo Balsamo was something of a Bad Boy of Physics, with his quite peculiar belief that neither the past, nor the present, nor the future was really set in stone. Rather all three could be different, or altered, depending on how you observed them. Even Dr Pemberton wasn't quite certain how he became involved with what he at first thought was an astonishingly clever crackpot.

However as Dr Pemberton began his doctorate research he found himself drawn increasingly into the weird world of numbers that Balsamo presented him with. At first it was to debunk them, to find the flaw in the argument. Little by little he was drawn into them, he found himself getting more distant from family and friends too.

After gaining his doctorate he accepted a position at Exeter, where he soon became famous for his brilliant research papers and incomprehensible lectures. Since he was also an excellent politician and never embarrassed anyone at dinner parties he was a shoe in for tenure.

But the real reason he went out to Exeter was to maintain his communications to Dedalo Balsamo, who apparently was somewhat unwelcome at Oxford. IT was during his years at Exeter that Dr Pemberton was awakened, though he didn't fully understand the magnitude of this event at first. What he did notice was that little by little the mundane world seemed to slip him by, and to stop noticing him.

Now perhaps, as he learned to know the other Etherites, he should have listened more to their worries about Dr Balsamo, or Dr Dado (Dr Dice) as he was called by them. Seeing how Dr Dado's only apprentice was starting to vanish down the same rabbit hole as the good doctor, some of the Etherites decided to launch an intervention. Probably a good thing that, as it soon became clear that Dr Dado was not just on his way to marauderdom; he had crossed the line not too long ago!

Following these events Dr Pemberton realised that he was now all but unknown to the mortal world, indeed even Paradigmata only exceptionally accepted his articles. It was as if he had slipped between the cracks, for better or for worse.

This would not stand! Even if the mortal world ignored him (all the worse for them!) Dr Pemberton is determined to make some waves on the pages of Paradigmata! If only he can get them to notice him!

Starting Build

Willpower: 7 – 11 XP

Needed from freebies: 11 XP

Strength: 2 – 4 XP
Dexterity: 3 – 12 XP
Stamina: 2 – 4 XP
Charisma: 2 – 4 XP
Manipulation: 4 – 24 XP
Appearance: 2 – 4 XP
Perception: 2 – 4 XP
Intelligence: 5 – 40 XP
Wits: 3 – 12 XP

Spare from attributes: 4 XP

Alertness: 1 – 3 XP
Awareness: 2 – 5 XP
Computer: 3 – 9 XP
Dodge: 1 – 3 XP
Drive: 1 – 3 XP
Enigmas: 3 – 9 XP
Etiquette: 1 – 3 XP
Firearms: 1 – 3 XP
Intuition: 1 – 3 XP
Linguistics: 3 – 9 XP
Meditation: 1 – 3 XP
Research: 3 – 9 XP
Science (Physics): 5 – 12 XP
Stealth: 1 – 3 XP
Subterfuge: 1 – 3 XP
Technology: 3 – 9 XP

Needed from freebies: 6 XP

Entropy: 3 – 31 XP
Time: 2 – 18 XP
Correspondence: 3 – 34 XP

Needed from freebies: 18 XP

Arcane: 5 – 15 XP
Avatar: 5 – 15 XP
Library: 3 – 9 XP
Resources: 2 – 6 XP
Sanctuary: 2 – 6 XP

Needed from freebies: 30 XP

Lightning Calculator: 3 XP
Confused: -6 XP
Echoes (1): -3 XP
Insane Mentor: -3 XP

Spare from merits and Flaws: 9 XP
Total Freebies Left: 1 XP


Session 1: Most exciting night in Devon and Cornwall police's history – 4 XP

XP Expenditure