User talk:Peel: Difference between revisions

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Peel (talk | contribs)
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===Merits & Flaws===
===Merits & Flaws===
Bad Vibe I
:Bad Vibe I
Compulsion (feed on kill)
:Compulsion (feed on kill)
High Pain Tolerance
:High Pain Tolerance
Phobia (fire)
:Phobia (fire)


Revision as of 12:33, 28 February 2011

Elaine Corvid

Vital Statistics

Name: Elaine Griffin
Concept: Predator
Virtue: Expert
Vice: Survivor

Attributes and Abilities


Strength 11 (savage) + M1 (crush)

Brawl 5
Melee 5
Might 0

Dexterity 10 (agile) + M1 (catfooted)

Athletics 5
Drive 1
Firearms 3
Heavy Weapons 0
Legerdemain 2
Martial Arts 5
Pilot 0
Stealth 5

Stamina 10 (relentless) + M1 (regeneration)

Endurance 5
Resistance 5


Perception 10 (hunter) + M1 (ultraperipheral vision)

Awareness 5
Investigation 3
Gunnery 0

Intelligence 3

Academics (law) 1 +1 violent crime
Bureaucracy 0
Computer 2
Engineering 0
Linguistics 0 (english)
Medicine 2
Science (biology) 2
Science (zoology) 3
Strategy 0
Survival 5

Wits 10 (instinct) + M1 (multitasking)

Art 0
Biz 0
Intrusion 3
Rapport 0
Tactics 5


Charisma 3

Command 0
Etiquette 0
Performance (sing) 1
Instruction 0

Manipulation 3

Interrogation 0
Streetwise 0
Subterfuge 0

Appearance 5 (predatory) + Mega 1 (face of terror)

Intimidation 5
Style 0


Attunement 0
Cipher 2
Dormancy 0
Eufiber 5
Node 0
Resources 1

Quantum and Taint

Quantum 1
Quantum Pool 15/15
Permanent Taint 0
Temporary Taint 0

Body Modifications

Acid Blood
Acute Hearing
Acute Sight
Acute Smell
Adhesive Grip
Alternate Sensory Mode (thermal vision)
Alternate Sensory Mode (scent)
Dense Musculature
Dermal Plating
Enhanced Reflexes
Hyperdense Skeleton II
Increased Ground Speed
Inhuman Dexterity
Inhuman Perception
Inhuman Strength
Inhuman Stamina
Inhuman Wits
Nematocysts x2
Redundant Organs x5
Retractable Blades
Ultralight Body II


Acute Hearing
Acute Sight
Acute Smell
Alternate Sensory Mode (thermal)
Inhuman Dexterity
Inhuman Perception
Phobia (fire)


Intuition 5


Willpower 6

Merits & Flaws

Bad Vibe I
Compulsion (feed on kill)
High Pain Tolerance
Phobia (fire)


Initiative: +22
Movement: 7m, 29m, 71m
Soak: 25B, 19L, 0A
Health Levels:
-0: [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
-0: [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
-1: [ ][ ][ ]
-3: [ ][ ]
Incapacitated: [ ]


Strike: Accuracy +0, Damage 15L+[5], Difficulty +0 Kick: Accuracy +0, Damage 19L+[5], Difficulty +1 Blade: Accuracy +0, Damage 16L+[5], Difficulty +0

+martial arts

BP spending

+2 from flaws
+3 willpower: -6
+5 abilities: -10
+1 background: -1

NP spending

Intuition 5 (tainted): +10 NP +14 attributes: 7 NP 128 xp bodymods: 16 NP +26 attributes: 13 NP +6 Matts: 12 NP +42 abilities: 7 NP

To Do

  • spend BP
  • specialities
  • martial arts
  • bounty hunter?

Esmail Ardeshīran

  • Concept: Taftani. A King of the Earth in the Magickal Truth, condemned to hunted destitution by the Lies of the Technocracy.
  • Essence: Primordial
  • Nature: Bravo
  • Demeanour: Bravo
  • Paradigm: The world is a struggle between creative Truth (magical reality) and destructive Falsehood (druj, paradox). The Mage has been chosen by Ahura Mazda as a King of the Earth, with the right to command mortals, spirits and the world itself. In the modern day, the Technocracy's Falsehood has poisoned the land, and when you are swallowed by lies you must swim in them. But while you may compromise the truth, you must never compromise the Truth. To do so is to betray the sacred right and duty of the Mage, and is rank cowardice.


  • Str
  • Dex
  • Sta 5 (hard as nails)
  • Cha 4 (rex imperator)
  • Man
  • App
  • Per
  • Int
  • Wit


Talents ()

Skills ()

Knowledges ()


  • Arete 5 (8 fp, 56 xp)
Forces 4 (24 xp)
Prime 3


  • Willpower 10 (5 fp)


  • Arcane?
  • Avatar
  • Destiny
  • Familiar 5

Merits and Flaws

  • Intolerance (Technocrats)
  • Unique Focus (Forces): something royal
  • Hunted or Enemy or something

Magickal Martial Arts

Magickal martial arts are structured sets of rotes for ease of use in combat. Almost all rotes use Do as a focus.

Dreaming Pearl Courtesan Style

  • Demure Carp Feint: Mind 2
  • Pearlescent Filigree Defense: Forces 2
  • Lethal Paper Fan Attack: Matter 2
  • Dreaming Pearl Courtesan Form: Forces 2, Mind 2
  • Flurry of August Leaves Concentration: Forces 2
  • Resplendent Sash Grapple Technique: Forces 2, Time 1
  • Vindictive Concubine's Pillow Book Understanding: Correspondence 1, Entropy 1, Forces 2
  • Fragrant Petal Fascination Kata: Mind 4
  • Seven Storms Escape Prana: Correspondence 3
  • Invoking the Chimaera's Coils: Entropy 1, Life 5, Mind 2, Time 3

Laughing Wounds Style

  • Sensuous Torment: Life 2, Prime 1 (heal HLs and immediately burn for quint)
  • Kiss of the Whip: Mind 2
  • Laughing Wounds Form:
  • Instructive Punishment Method: Mind 4 (2?)
  • Brand of Obedience: Life 3, Mind 4
  • Insatiable Slave Stamina: Life 4?
  • Ecstatic Tenacity: Life 4
  • Rapture in Chains: Mind 4?
  • Grovelling Penitence Prana: Mind 4
  • Ravishing the Unworthy Heart: Correspondence 2, Life 4, Mind 4?