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Revision as of 17:58, 10 March 2011
永乐科学研究中心 (lit. Scientific Research Centre of Eternal Happiness)
Colloquially known as "Yong Ke"
Exp-1) Terraformable World
Exp-2) Artifact Rush + 100 CIP, +50 Wealth, + 100 dust, + 30 Pop
Exp-6) None +100PIP, +10SP, SP limit +5, no SP on dust
Exp-7) None +60 Pop, +100W
Exp-8) Data Core +150 App, +1 GTL
Exp-9) Backwater +100PIP
Col-1) Chinese Arm +7,500 Mil, +60 Pop, +100 PIP
Col-4) Outer Expanse +180Pop, +100PIP, +50CIP, +50W, +10SP, +10TG
Col-4B) New Freedoms +20TG
Col-4C) Emerging Exhuman Help +200 Fabers, +100 App, +100W +200Dust
Col-4D) Cut a Deal +100 Supersoldier, +100CIP, +2,500mil
Col-7A) Political Crisis +100W
Col-7D) Posthuman Involvement +200Dust, +100CIP
Break-1) Stability
Break-4) Celestial Kingdom, Shattered
Break-4C) +100 PIP, +100 CIP, +5 Logistics, +10,000 Military, -1 Morale
War-1) Independence! +10,000 Mil
War-9A) Transhuman Supremacy +200 CIP, +40 Transgene, +Morale, -relations
War-9B) Centre for Research + 4 Global Techlevel, + 200 applications, + 200 CIP, - 100 PIP
War-9C) Hypertech Bullshit +500 Theta, +500 Adtheo Apps, -500 Dust
Cur-1) Future Government ++Morale, +AI App
Chaos) Found Religion +morale -100W
SP: 20
SP Limit: 25
Population: 330
Trangene: 70
Morale: 8
Wealth: 400
PIP: 400
CIP: 850
Fabbers: 200
Delta Dust: 0
Theta Dust: 500
Military: 30000
Doctrines: 0
Logistics: 50
Global Tech Level: 23
Applications: 1150
Stockpiles: 0
Debt: 0
Transgenic Templates:
For decades, Yong Ke has been at the forefront of scientific research in the Expanse. Founded around a ruined Posthuman Spire, Yong Ke took full advantage of its easy access to an intact Posthuman Data Core and scientists from both the PPS as well as transhuman expatriates flocked to its first-rate facilities and infrastructure. Research of all kinds and scientific experiments from all fields were carried out, aided in no small part by generous grants by the Chinese government, as well as loose ethics codes. While the Breakdown dampened this somewhat, the economic and social policies enacted by the newly instituted AI government saved the colony from the fate that befell many others. When contact was restored, the shattered People's Prosperity Sphere was in no positon to continue its lavish funding of potentially dead-end research projects. At the same time, the inhabitants have effectively rejected the rule of "inferiors" in the PPS, and are determined to protect their home and newfound freedom. Today, Yong Ke not only continues to be the foremost research centre in the Expanse, but also boasts a strong economy based on precision manufacturing.
Astrography & Geography
The Yong Le star system is located on the outskirts of territory colonized by the PPS. Due to its early colonization (compared to other colonies), no other colony was founded beyond it.
People & Culture
Neo-Neo-Confucianism, now with Transhumans.
Government & Economy
Perfect Machine, Perfect Justice
Early History
On April 24th, 2097, the PPS deep space survey vessel Jade Compass discovered the Yong Le star system on a routine exploration of the jump lines leading off from the PPS's main axis of expansion. Initial survey results were promising, an orange main-sequence star burned brightly at the system's centre, and an Earth-sized terrestrial planet lay within the star's liquid water zone. The Jade Compass' report was received by the Survey Command and dutifully transmitted to the Colonization Administration, where the newly named "Yong Le" star system was slated for in depth survey in preparation for colonization a few decades down the road. Or so events would have progressed had it not piqued the interest of the senior Survey Command scientist who handlelled the report. Curious about the presence of a strong magnetic field, as well as a thick, nitrogen rich atmosphere, he requested that the Jade Compass make a single detailed scan of the planet before continuing on its mission. The Jade Compass dutifully complied, and found that the planet was far more interesting than they had originally thought.
The crystalline spires that marked Posthuman structures were being discovered with increasing frequency as the PPS' relentless expansion followed the footsteps of the Posthuman exodus, though they were certainly far from a common sight. Images of them, however, were common enough, though none of them had the massive, jagged hole torn into the structure found on Yong Le-II. A planetary survey team was swiftly dispatched, and while they could not deduce the cause of the hole, it made an excellent entry point for their exploration efforts. Within, they found an active Posthuman Data Core, a treasure amongst other treasures. That finding kicked Yong Le-II to the top of the Colonization Authority's list, and a fleet carrying some of the PPS's best and brightest was dispatched within a year.