Corrigedor: Difference between revisions

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Line 58: Line 58:
10. New American Millenium (+ Military, + Technology, + Morale, - Rim relations) <br>
10. New American Millenium (+ Military, + Technology, + Morale, - Rim relations) <br>
11. Ignore the War (++ wealth, ++ pop, - logistics) <br>
11. Ignore the War (++ wealth, ++ pop, - logistics) <br>
12. Zoom and Boom (+ military, + air doctrines, ++ aircraft tech) <br>
12. The Fleet does the Flying (+ 2,500 military, + 100 PIP, + fleet doctrines, + ship tech) <br>
X. Multiparty Democracy (+ Morale, + Tech, + Wealth)
X. Multiparty Democracy (+ Morale, + Tech, + Wealth)

Total Modifiers: <br>
Total Modifiers: <br>  
++++++++ pop<br>
++++++++ pop 78 Million Total<br>  
+++++++ Wealth<br>
+++++++ Wealth 1200 Wealth <br>  
++ Military<br>
++ Military35K military points <br>  
+ Pip <br>
++ Pip 700 PIP, 500 CIP, 250 Dust. <br>
+ Air Doctrines <br>
+ Ship Doctrines <br>
++++ Aircraft Tech <br>
+ ship tech<br>
++ Morale <br>
++ Morale <br>
- Rim relations<br>
- Rim relations<br>

Revision as of 19:47, 19 January 2010


Planet Information
Corregidor is the name of the planet in the Luzon system, as the planet was resembled in terms of geography and climate the Philippines write large. An world full of tropical and subtropical islands, with large islands as the largest landmasses. Evidence of post-human terraforming can be gleaned from the fact that there was Earth descended lifeforms already living and thriving on the planet, as well as biologically modified native life too.

Politics And History
The Commonwealth of Corregidor is an American descended second stage colony that is famous (or in some cases infamous) for its perseverance towards the ideals of now defunct New American Century ideals. The first humans habitation occurred in the 21st century with the establishment of an US Navy outpost and refueling hub, causing a first wave of settlement, from the civilian wives and husbands as well as some hardy pioneer folk. Legally it established itself as a Planetary State of the United States of America. As a planetary state, it sends representatives back to the homeland (Corrigedor is infamous for never electing new blood in those cases, and the Senior Senator from Corrigedor is the oldest member of the Senate.

The next wave occurred during 2115 to the collapse of independent FTL drives, this wave was fill of settlers who believed that America was ceasing to live up to its dream and failing in its leadership goal. Others came of a vision of a new Manifest Destiny among the stars. Corregidor's first main settlement wave brought with it several corporations and research institutions who took the less restrictive business environments as a godsend and helped secured Corregidor as one of the planets that was on top of the tech curve.

During the Breakdown and its rise of as a trade hub, the colony's government took on its modern forms as a much more self-governing entity, and had also take on a much more right wing drift then contemporary American politics. With FTL drives coming back in line a sizable amount of conservatives and neo-conservatives looked at Corregidor politics and its natural tendency towards the right of the American spectrum and its distance away from Americas as a opportunity, sparking a wave of more immigration. While small compared to the overall population of the United States, this was a mass movement of a political spectrum that had money and pull to influence elections. Thus needless to say their political opponents were not sad to see them go to someplace like Corregidor where they would be out of the election cycles of the other states.

While the citizens of Corregidor have very fine and close relations with their motherland, the majority of them are happy to keep the status quo in their leeway and independence, and the US for the moment has seen no need to try and increase Federal control beyond what now exists. Thus, the Commonwealth has its own independent foreign policy that US has theoretical veto power, but seeing as Corregidor views the interest of the United States as being in its interests this hasn't occurred yet. But with the rise of the New America party into the Governor's Mansion this might change.

Political Stuff
There are the main parties in Corregidor.

The Federalist Party which is generally the lefty part as it is, which seeks tighter relations with the United States and eventual statehood. Generally the minority party.

The New America party, which holds a center right position, in that Corregidor should remain a commonwealth in the US axis, but also maintains the belief that Corregidor should have freedom to conclude its own diplomatic affairs to expand American interests.

The Sons of Liberty party, which holds that the Corregidor should become an independent power, and cast off the decadent and decaying United States, as the fire to spread Freedom and Democracy (tm) now is in their hands.

Governmental Structure

The first chief executive of Corregidor was Hiram Maxwell, Governor-General of the Corregidor Territorial Government appointed in 2089, when it was nothing more then a military base and couple thousand people. After settlement and the invariable demand for increase local self-governance, the first general Constitution Convention was held in Dewey City was held and with another in 2170 to work out the kinds, and the general form of the new commonwealth's government took hold.

Following the American model, the chief executive is the Planetary-Governor which is elected planet and system wide. Under him, several departmental chiefs are appointed, such as State, Interior, Labor, Civil Protection and Defense. Legislation would be done by the Planetary Assembly which was divided up into the two houses, again on American lines, of a House of Assemblymen and a Planetary Senate.

Judges however at all levels except Supreme Court are elected, and have somewhat more restrictive ability to strike down laws, except at the highest level.

The planet is divided by counties, which for practical purposes is basically a single island, though clusters of small islands are often times brought together into a single county. Exceptions to this are the artificial ships which have the legal and somewhat nonsensical designation of free cities.

A major feature of the is the high percent of the population being highly mobile population. There exists within Corrigedor the so call "Sailor Families" which occupies a space in the social spectrum of many of the political elites that yeoman farmers had for Tom Jefferson. These families are highly educated and reasonably wealthy that live on decent size houseboats and yachts that generally migrate from port to port each year, on the basis that mobility fosters competition for their services and goods. Further down on the social ladder though no poor (really is anybody poor in Corrigedor) are the "Bushwackers" who lived on the fringes of society and generally just want to be left alone. A surprising number of them are highly educated with regards to land base science such biology and chemistry, though there is a portion of them are cranks, nuts and hermits.

Smalls towns (always ports of one sort or another) tend to only have merchant and educator classes along with the few people required to run the industry that might be there as the fixed citizens. The rest are generally of the Sailor Families staying in for the year or so. Larger cities, tend to have a disconnect, but have the highest income and education. Some of them are "Utopian" colonies, based around a philosophy, such as the Golden Rule, which is the city where many of the Randians went to live in. The Golden Rules survival as a viable city has been due to the its proximity towards Camp Olympia which is the largest military base on the planet, and relies on taking care of the needs of service personal. Its also a site of regular protests between local priests, ministers, and immans and the Red Light District Guild. Other larger cities include the Capital of Dewey City which is the second largest city, with the largest being Reagan City, which is is ironically the home towards the most political left of Corrigedor's electorate. The other major cities are entirely sea going and continually moving and changing their motifs.

Culturally a person in 20th century contemporary America wouldn't be too out of place here, as while technology has advance, the mentalities hadn't that much, though with high tech automation and the tropical and nice weather, people are more laid back and have more freetime then their forebears in the 20th. There is no 20th century style discrimination, though there is a bit of a tinge of distrust towards radical trans humanists elements as it seen as being in conflict with traditional morals. Though while they like to think of themselves as right wing, they would be annoyed to hear know that if the ideological forebears they so idolized, would not be that happy with the fact even Corregidor has a UHS system. While competition is highly vauled, so is teamwork and good old fashion neighborliness. Between good social efficacy in the neighborhoods, plus a rather libertine approach to private lives, along with the location of cheap medical aid everywhere, and inconspicuous "smart term" public safety measures (brought to Corrigedor by the best memestics that Dewey City can afford), crime is below average, and sense of familiarity and friendship is high. Making new friends is required skill in Corrigedor as the population moves so much that one is constantly meeting new people. That said, politics and sports do bring out tribalism, and though the worst that happens is a couple of drunken brawls, or legally sanctioned non-lethal shockstick or shocksword duel to settle accounts of honor.

With foreign policy wise, Corrigedor believes in the right of states to determine their own course, as long as the people under those states agree with the course their leaders take. Being blessed with so much freedom and prosperity, has brought with it a sense of feeling that they should use their strength to right the wrongs. However, that doesn't mean that they are militaristic, during the ZOCU War, Corrigedor public opinion was muted on fight, with some seeing the fight of independence on the part of the Zodiac to be worthy, but more wildly it was viewed in the context of being a "European" problem, and with feral drones being a more pressing security matter. The Corrigedor Aerospace Navy spent most of the war in the Corrigedor system defending its borders, while sending a cruiser to bolster an anti-drone position to help the US Navy shift some forces around. Only one case did a CAN ship ever engage the ZOCU enemy and that was CANS Maxwell when it defended a cargo convoy from deep strike Hampshire commerce raider.

With regards to Corregidor's military, its under the Department of Defense, and is officially called the Corregidor Commonwealth Armed Forces, with the branches being the Aerospace Navy and the Army. Military forces are voluntary, and the Planetary-Governor is the commander of chief.

History path of Corregidor

1. Late National (+ pop)
2. Dominantly Baseline (+ pop +logistics)
3. Garden World
4. Population Boom (++ pop, - wealth)
5. Quiet (+ Wealth, + population)
6. Quiet (+ Wealth, + population)
7. Catapulted (+ wealth,)
8. Trade Hub (+ wealth, + PIP)
9. Sign the PACT + wealth -theta
10. New American Millenium (+ Military, + Technology, + Morale, - Rim relations)
11. Ignore the War (++ wealth, ++ pop, - logistics)
12. The Fleet does the Flying (+ 2,500 military, + 100 PIP, + fleet doctrines, + ship tech)
X. Multiparty Democracy (+ Morale, + Tech, + Wealth)

Total Modifiers:
++++++++ pop 78 Million Total
+++++++ Wealth 1200 Wealth
++ Military35K military points
++ Pip 700 PIP, 500 CIP, 250 Dust.
+ Ship Doctrines
+ ship tech
++ Morale
- Rim relations
+ ECM Technology,
+ Pulse Tech,
+ Carrier Technology