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[[Expanse Game skeleton]]
[[Expanse Game skeleton]]
=War for Utopia: The War on Haraway’s World=
Haraway’s World was settled by one of the first long shot missions to leave earth and one of the first attempts to set up a completely new form of society in the colonies. Its founding principles were utopian and pacifistic, seeking a peaceful world, far from the struggles and conflicts still plaguing earth in the mid twenty first century.
Less than one hundred and fifty years after the colonies founding, Haraway was the site, and major participant in, the twenty second centuries largest conflict, and the biggest space battle in human history.
In this article I will examine how Haraway both the events of the War on Haraway and the events of the war it’s self, paying particular attention to how to the transformations it caused to Harawayian Society, and then look to the future.
Haraway was one of the first longshot missions to leave earth. Its colonists were members of the Fifth Wave feminist movement, the last hurrah of the great feminist social movement on earth before true gender equality was finally achieved. Haraway’s founders were fundamentally utopian in their beliefs, seeking to build the perfect society on a distant planet without the conflict and uncertainty that plagued mid twenty-first century earth.
Landing on Haraway they found a beautiful, lush and thoroughly poisonous world and set gamely to the task of making it theirs and them its. The Initial colonisation was entirely transhumant and they quickly adapted genetic engineering techniques to allow themselves and their children to survive in Haraway’s heavy metal rich environment. Efforts were made to reduce the colonies affect on the alien ecosystem, both for ethical and scientific reasons, and this gave birth to the system of augmented reality that still marks Haraway today, Harawayians were able to carry their civilisation with them in their implanted computers rather than plough over the wonderous alien environment that the colonists had found.
Cities were built however, and the population rapidly expanded, great works of art and culture were created, as was Haraway’s colour system of communitarian transhumanism and direct democratic government.  The caste systems origins came from both a technical and social problem. It was observed that in Haraway's relatively mild conditions and with manufacturing systems like fabers, it would become possible for a truly transhuman beings to live essentially alone, without needing contact with anyone else. Further, while it was possible to create a transhuman who would be good at a large range of areas, a specialist transhuman would be far superior in her speciality than a generalist. These two observations combined to lead to the creation of the Colours, both allowing better transhumans and making better community.
Many Harawayians still remember their time of isolation as Haraway’s golden age, without military expenditure or the need for protection from a hostile universe to suck government spending away from the public good, indeed, government its self was limited, with few matters coming before the citizenry for voting, the government’s primary business was to provide necessary resources to all Harawayians and ensure a smooth transition from one job to another.
No era can be entirely without politics however, and Haraway's age of isolation was no exception. While during the early stages the needs of creating a colony overrode any disagreements, as cities developed so did a split between Harawayians who inhabited the outer areas over various issues, including the right of each community to set its own rules and laws and the extent to which these local political structures should be subordinate to central government. Generally, the more travelled and solitary violets supported central government while the more city based Yellows and Blues supported local politics, with the Reds and Greens evenly split. However, political dispute at this time was not really caste based. Instead disagreement was more around local vs. rural divide, with caste based political activism only appearing during the breakdown.  In general, Haraway's first sixty years were peaceful but relatively static, a good time to live but without the dramatic economic or technological developments that have marked resent times.
The UN’s Stargazer program and recontact shattered Haraway’s dreams of a splendid, isolated existence forever, and amazed Harawayian public opinion, who were mostly of the opinion that the Post Human's hyperdrive technology was unlikely to be ever viably replicated, let alone improved upon by mere humans.  Recontact bought Haraway's first period of rapid political change, strengthening the central government and transport infrastructure and leading to the creation of a space program and Harawayian defence force initially around ten thousand strong.
More and more regular contact with the EU and other colonial actors followed over the next twenty years, and Haraway increasingly traded the drugs and other products of the Harawayian ecosystem for high technology and designs, many of which they rapidly retroengineered with what was seen in many quarters as a complete disregard for intellectual property.
It was great matters of trade and politics, rather than something as tawdry as intellectual property that was to bring war to Haraway however, it was great matters of trade, territory and international law. Specifically the idea that seas off earth could have international waters, and the precise definition of what was owned by the colonists under a UN chartered Colony.
While the Harawayians were willing to synthesise and trade drugs  for various EU products they proved notable reluctant to open themselves up to investment, buy up and management by EU corporate interests, and stubbornly committed to doing things their own way. Despite the propaganda spread by various EU sources, the prices they set were not excessive, nor supplies kept artificially low. Supplies were however kept under local control.
After lobbying by several major EU marine development and pharmaceutical companies, the European Council proved willing to lobby the UN to apply the UN Convention on Laws of the Sea to off world situations, effectively internationalising Haraway's oceans, and further pressed the claim that those areas of Haraway's World not settled with permanent settlements could not be regarded as sovereign territory. This allowed EU companies to operate freely at sea, deploying massive factory ships which Harawayian regulations had previously prohibited, and set up a number of ports, compounds and outposts to support them and support the land based ecology on various islands and on Beta Continent.
Harawayians were shocked by this invasion, but not initially violent. Peaceful protests, trade embargos and diplomatic negotiation were all tried and eventually failed, in several cases with demonstrators being beaten by corporate security forces. Tension gradually escalated until a Corporate factory fishing vessel, the [i]Pride of Valencia[/i]rammed and sunk a Harawayian protest boat, killing all hands.
There was wide spread revolution at this incident among Harawayians, and it was demanded that all off worlders immediately cease operating and withdraw or face action by the self defence force. Unfortunately for Haraway it quickly became obvious that not only were the corporations unwilling to give into its government's demands but they had the tools to make their rejection stick.
===War of 2149-51===
The three year war on Haraway was a extremely bloody and hard fought. In order to defend their claims against potentially violent transhuman natives, the Corporations bought together a mishmash of formed PMCs and individuals willing to kill for profit. They came from numerous sources, some were soldiers or ex-soldiers, offered higher pay by the corporations than they could earn in an armed force. Others were professional mercenaries of one kind or another, drawn from the more unstable parts of earth and the inner colonies.  Finally there were the frontiersmen, those who had been at the head of earth's exploration of space in the 2120s but found the universe thirty years later an all together too safe and boring place.
They are a colourful cast, with figures such as Tim Othendo, Colonel Gerald ‘Jared’  Mcintyre, Artemis Tactical Solutions Group, Shiva Security and a host of others.  With corporate propaganda suggesting they were denying necessary medicine to the populations of the core, and general paranoia about transgenics that pervaded EU discourses, not to mention the harsh conditions on Haraway prevented much core media attention being devoted to the conflict and allowed the PMCs a relatively free hand.
Among prominent early incidents was the assassination of Kara Joi, a prominent anti corporate activist by UAV launched missiles, and several other killings of Harawayian leaders, together with the occupation of several Harawayian settlements. The Self Defence Force was able to hold corporate troops from taking over the major cities, though more experienced and better equipped mercenaries took a horrible toll of the previously unblooded Harawayians.
The first year of the war saw battles mostly waged in the forms of small ambushes and bomb attacks against corporate units, ships and bases by often small bands of Harawayian militia, including hostage takings and piracy. The Corporations in turn waged violent reprisals against the local population in an effort to root out guerrilla bands and destroy local morale. While this coercion was successful in some areas, it only escalated attacks in others, and was ineffective in preventing the SDF and the larger guerrilla bands from steadily increasing in skill and equipment.
The turning point in the war is usually regarded as June the Ninetieth 2150, when a lift vehicle carrying ammunition to Shiva Security troops operating on Bazumba Island was struck by a submarine launched ground to space missile, crashing on the landing zone and killing both the crew and over two hundred ground staff. 
From then on the war entered a different tone, with corporate security elements increasing suffering defeat against now experienced, well equiped and often heavily augmented Harawayian forces, as  what had once been a relatively low intensity insurgency rapidly turned into a full scale industrial war.
On March Tenth 2151 Harawayian Self Defence Force regulars and citizens militia looked down from their fighting positions on the forested hills of Javindra as the final heavy lift vehicles carrying Martins Pharmaceutical personnel  departing for their jump ship beyond Haraway’s orbit. The encampment was the last major off world corporate facility on Haraway. Slowly, word spread that the last invaders had retreated. The Harawayian self defence force had come a long way from the small, inexperienced and often poorly led force it had been in 2149.
It was a two weeks since the airstrike that had obliterated Xenologic Resource’s primary compound on Kirsa Atoll, almost two months since Colonel Gerald ‘Jared’  Mcintyre and his famous Expanse Tactical Solutions, more commonly known as the Ravens had been slaughtered to a man in an ambush by an SDF armoured battalion on Beta Continent, now all that was left was to hunt down the last pockets of corporate dead enders, those unable or unwilling to evacuate with their parent companies.
Haraway’s political elite was less cheerful. Despite military success, the brutal nature of the fighting, which featured targeting of civilians on both sides, and shortages of Harawayian produced pharmaceuticals had drawn the attention of the EU, and with it the UN security council. Intervention by the great powers was commonly expected to be only a matter of time, and the business of steeling the population for another round of fighting after victory, not to mention military preparations for engagement against one of Earth’s super powers was a daunting prospect.
The war between Haraway’s government and the various corporate interests that sought to claim the planets natural bounty had been fierce, claiming over a million civilian lives over a three year period, and seen far more than its fair share of atrocities committed against Harawayian civilians. Now, facing the prospect of their hard one gains being overturned by great power intervention the Harawayians prepared for another, much longer and bloodier struggle against the might of the EU.
Security Council resolution 9855 passed in mid December, despite Harawayian diplomacy, and provided for the creation of an international force to stabilize Haraway, enforce the UN convention on the Laws of the Sea and ‘protect legitimate business interests’. A force led by the UK and Turkey was being assembled and had made its first jump away from earth when the breakdown hit, leaving them stranded and plunging Haraway back into isolation.
=== ZOCU and the Magnate War===
While the Breakdown saved Haraway from invasion it caused a serious political squabble. Haraway became split between those factions who believed that they could return to the way they’d lived before recontact and sought to put the war behind them of forces and those more farsighted individuals who believed that they could no longer hide from the rest of the universe, and that one way or another the Breakdown was a temporary phenomena. The former group coalesced around the name Restorationists while their opposition called themselves the Progressives.
As well as long term policy problems there were more short term worries, first the continued existence of several of the largest and most heavily armed guerrilla bands as private individuals, but still with their weapons, and secondly the growing demands of Harawayian's of the red (physical) caste who had shouldered the brunt of the brutal fighting and taken most of the causalities (with corporate units often simply killing people they believed to be Reds on sight) demanding a greater say in the political and economic life of Haraway which up to now they had been somewhat excluded from due to their lesser mental and social attributes, and their lack of the levels of inherited cash and prestige possessed by the violets.
Weary of warfare, the public initially supported the Restorationists, who's program included heavy cuts in the self defence force and forcible disarmament of the remaining guerrillas. While there were no outright clashes between guerrillas and SDF units, the situation became increasingly tense, with some guerrilla units taking to the hills.
Despite this, the Restorationists were increasingly able to institute their agenda, cutting the space program and the SDF to levels that would only be able to deal with the remaining guerrillas, and pushing for a return to the old style of Harawayian living. There was a general belief at the start of the break down that it would last forever, or at least a very long time, indeed, perhaps it was even directly caused by the posthumans, annoyed at how badly humans had used their gifts. Guerrilla bands were eventually disarmed and careful diplomacy and negotiation defused the potential for military conflict. Out of contact for the next several years the Progressive's agenda seemed increasingly irrelevant to a population sick of war.
This situation changed dramatically when LNS ''Hydra'' in system bringing a diplomatic party from Londenium in November of 2159. The very fact that FTL travel still existed caused a brief panic on Haraway, but skilful diplomacy by the Londenium embassy was able to calm most of the immediate fears and strike a deal with the Progressives. The Progressives in turn had been in negotiations with red rights groups for some time, and had gradually begun gaining ground using equal treatment and non-discrimination (two founding principles of the colony) to drive their agenda forward. The Arrival of the ''Hydra'' proved them right about several other issues and the presence of the Londenium Delegation and Red Rights allowed the Progressives to begin developing their program in earnest, with the SDF expanded again, equal rights provisions for all castes and various educational and welfare provisions.
Without theta dust deposits of its own, Haraway was reliant on Londenium for Theta dust, but never the less it’s general technology grew by leaps and bounds, with great advancements in transhumanism, bioroids and AI, and a vast improvement in space industry.  The first slipways was contructed in orbit above Home Island in 2161, with its products, the destroyers [i]Athena[/i]and the ''Isis'' The ''Athena'' would historically make the trip to Londenium in 2162 bringing Haraway’s representatives to the Council of Londenium for the formation of ZOCU. While somewhat inferior to Londenium designs, they proved quite capable in combat.
The ''Isis'' had its own historic moment of a darker kind in 2165 when it became the first Harawayian Space Warship to fire in anger as part of the Harawayian contingent sent to  Vrijheid, successfully engaging several Magnate naval vessels. The Harawayian Two Hundred and Fifth Brigade also proved their metal on the ground, its members being one of the few groups capable of coming close to matching magnate super soldiers in physical ability. The Two Hundred and Fifth was engaged in many actions, culminating in the battle of New Frederiksberg, in which it held against two Magnate infantry divisions for three days with heavy allied aerospace support before being relieved by the Londenium Forty Sixth Combat Frame Division. 
Harawayian officers at Vrijheid were extremely impressed by the performance of the OMF-4 ''Peltast'' which they witness first hand at the battle of New-Frederiksberg, and with the liberation of Vrijheid diplomatic efforts were rapidly begun to secure both a number of frames and a licence to produce them domestically. Despite some wrangling with Londenium Metals a licence for domestic production was eventually secured, along with an initial delivery of thirty six frames from Londenium, within four years, the production line was fully established and Harawayian SDF units were deploying large numbers of [i]Peltast[/i] including their own specialist variants such as the underwater adapted ''Peltast-Marine'', with design studies being conducted on the first all domestic Harawayian mecha.
Haraway’s military build up continued into the 2170s, with more star ships being produced, including the iconic ''Concord'' class, and a series of military reorganisations culminating in the Harawayian Self Defence Force being split into three branches, the Army, responsible for operations on land and lower atmosphere, Aerospace Force responsible for space craft, and the Navy, responsible for sea based defence of Haraway’s vast oceans, and including a substantial marine component.
Indeed, despite their reorganisation, each of Haraway’s branches continued to include elements of the other three, with the Navy and Aerospace Force deploying Marines and Espaiter infantry and mobile suits while the army included not just gunships but interceptors and flying mobile suits.
This period also saw the second stage of the red rights movement, with increased political attacks on what was seen as non-overt forms of discrimination such as lack of encouragement for Reds in maths and science classes in their education, and affirmative action in the professions. This equalisation in many ways went hand in hand with the increasing nationalism and militarism of Harawayian society, culminating in the creation of the triservice system.
Despite this rather hazy institutional divide, by the end of the 2170s Haraway had built up a very strong military force. It was just as well, as the end of the breakdown bought a renewal of their decades old conflict with Europe.
==Before the Thunder:  2181-2184==
Thirty years after its creation, Resolution 9555 was widely regarded as a dead letter, however as conflict on New Mercia worsening, and PACT and the EU becoming increasingly concerned over the level of military force controlled by ZOCU, it was resurrected as a way to deploy forces to Haraway. The initial force was a composite UN group, UNSFH, or UN Stabilisation Force Haraway,  including a mix of contingents from various European and third country forces with what became a fairly limited mandate.
Haraway reluctantly allowed this force to deploy to the various uninhabited islands, but the government issued a warning, sanction by popular vote that any attempt to restart resource exploitation operations under the guise of UNSFH would be met with all necessary means to prevent it, a threshold the EU was not willing to push, and which EU public opinion would not initially bare.
The next four years saw several small boarder incidents in space and on the ground, ranging in size from a confrontation between a flight of ''Peltasts'' and a flight of ''Maelstroms'' too a company level fire fight between a unit of Harawayian Army troops who got lost on exercise and strayed too close a UN position and an equal sized force of Ugandan troops.
The confrontations increased in severity and frequency up to 2185, but allowed the Harawayian armed forces to  gain valuable information on EU equipment and tactical doctrine, not to mention the strengths and deficiencies of their own equipment. With the possibility of Kannon coming under siege, Haraway created several varients of the ''Peltast'' in anticipation of the need to fill gaps in their forces, most notably the improved ''Peltast-H'' model which would see much of the war's initial fighting before the ''Hoplite'' could enter the field in numbers.
The new mobile suit's came none too soon, the first wings of ''Peltast-H'' were just undergoing work up when resolution 11079 passed the UN security council and the ZOCU war began all across the Expanse. 
== 2185: War in Earnest==
===The Island War===
===The Space War===
==2187: Victory on the ground==
==2189: Rage against the heavens==
==Aftermath: Untrusting Peace==
-Dr. Joanna Hastings is Chair of Military History at Westbrook University, Londenium

EU Colony specimen  
EU Colony specimen  

Revision as of 17:39, 15 January 2010

Expanse Game skeleton

War for Utopia: The War on Haraway’s World


Haraway’s World was settled by one of the first long shot missions to leave earth and one of the first attempts to set up a completely new form of society in the colonies. Its founding principles were utopian and pacifistic, seeking a peaceful world, far from the struggles and conflicts still plaguing earth in the mid twenty first century.

Less than one hundred and fifty years after the colonies founding, Haraway was the site, and major participant in, the twenty second centuries largest conflict, and the biggest space battle in human history.

In this article I will examine how Haraway both the events of the War on Haraway and the events of the war it’s self, paying particular attention to how to the transformations it caused to Harawayian Society, and then look to the future.



Haraway was one of the first longshot missions to leave earth. Its colonists were members of the Fifth Wave feminist movement, the last hurrah of the great feminist social movement on earth before true gender equality was finally achieved. Haraway’s founders were fundamentally utopian in their beliefs, seeking to build the perfect society on a distant planet without the conflict and uncertainty that plagued mid twenty-first century earth.

Landing on Haraway they found a beautiful, lush and thoroughly poisonous world and set gamely to the task of making it theirs and them its. The Initial colonisation was entirely transhumant and they quickly adapted genetic engineering techniques to allow themselves and their children to survive in Haraway’s heavy metal rich environment. Efforts were made to reduce the colonies affect on the alien ecosystem, both for ethical and scientific reasons, and this gave birth to the system of augmented reality that still marks Haraway today, Harawayians were able to carry their civilisation with them in their implanted computers rather than plough over the wonderous alien environment that the colonists had found.

Cities were built however, and the population rapidly expanded, great works of art and culture were created, as was Haraway’s colour system of communitarian transhumanism and direct democratic government. The caste systems origins came from both a technical and social problem. It was observed that in Haraway's relatively mild conditions and with manufacturing systems like fabers, it would become possible for a truly transhuman beings to live essentially alone, without needing contact with anyone else. Further, while it was possible to create a transhuman who would be good at a large range of areas, a specialist transhuman would be far superior in her speciality than a generalist. These two observations combined to lead to the creation of the Colours, both allowing better transhumans and making better community.

Many Harawayians still remember their time of isolation as Haraway’s golden age, without military expenditure or the need for protection from a hostile universe to suck government spending away from the public good, indeed, government its self was limited, with few matters coming before the citizenry for voting, the government’s primary business was to provide necessary resources to all Harawayians and ensure a smooth transition from one job to another. 

No era can be entirely without politics however, and Haraway's age of isolation was no exception. While during the early stages the needs of creating a colony overrode any disagreements, as cities developed so did a split between Harawayians who inhabited the outer areas over various issues, including the right of each community to set its own rules and laws and the extent to which these local political structures should be subordinate to central government. Generally, the more travelled and solitary violets supported central government while the more city based Yellows and Blues supported local politics, with the Reds and Greens evenly split. However, political dispute at this time was not really caste based. Instead disagreement was more around local vs. rural divide, with caste based political activism only appearing during the breakdown. In general, Haraway's first sixty years were peaceful but relatively static, a good time to live but without the dramatic economic or technological developments that have marked resent times.

The UN’s Stargazer program and recontact shattered Haraway’s dreams of a splendid, isolated existence forever, and amazed Harawayian public opinion, who were mostly of the opinion that the Post Human's hyperdrive technology was unlikely to be ever viably replicated, let alone improved upon by mere humans. Recontact bought Haraway's first period of rapid political change, strengthening the central government and transport infrastructure and leading to the creation of a space program and Harawayian defence force initially around ten thousand strong.

More and more regular contact with the EU and other colonial actors followed over the next twenty years, and Haraway increasingly traded the drugs and other products of the Harawayian ecosystem for high technology and designs, many of which they rapidly retroengineered with what was seen in many quarters as a complete disregard for intellectual property.

It was great matters of trade and politics, rather than something as tawdry as intellectual property that was to bring war to Haraway however, it was great matters of trade, territory and international law. Specifically the idea that seas off earth could have international waters, and the precise definition of what was owned by the colonists under a UN chartered Colony.

While the Harawayians were willing to synthesise and trade drugs for various EU products they proved notable reluctant to open themselves up to investment, buy up and management by EU corporate interests, and stubbornly committed to doing things their own way. Despite the propaganda spread by various EU sources, the prices they set were not excessive, nor supplies kept artificially low. Supplies were however kept under local control.

After lobbying by several major EU marine development and pharmaceutical companies, the European Council proved willing to lobby the UN to apply the UN Convention on Laws of the Sea to off world situations, effectively internationalising Haraway's oceans, and further pressed the claim that those areas of Haraway's World not settled with permanent settlements could not be regarded as sovereign territory. This allowed EU companies to operate freely at sea, deploying massive factory ships which Harawayian regulations had previously prohibited, and set up a number of ports, compounds and outposts to support them and support the land based ecology on various islands and on Beta Continent.

Harawayians were shocked by this invasion, but not initially violent. Peaceful protests, trade embargos and diplomatic negotiation were all tried and eventually failed, in several cases with demonstrators being beaten by corporate security forces. Tension gradually escalated until a Corporate factory fishing vessel, the [i]Pride of Valencia[/i]rammed and sunk a Harawayian protest boat, killing all hands.

There was wide spread revolution at this incident among Harawayians, and it was demanded that all off worlders immediately cease operating and withdraw or face action by the self defence force. Unfortunately for Haraway it quickly became obvious that not only were the corporations unwilling to give into its government's demands but they had the tools to make their rejection stick.

War of 2149-51

The three year war on Haraway was a extremely bloody and hard fought. In order to defend their claims against potentially violent transhuman natives, the Corporations bought together a mishmash of formed PMCs and individuals willing to kill for profit. They came from numerous sources, some were soldiers or ex-soldiers, offered higher pay by the corporations than they could earn in an armed force. Others were professional mercenaries of one kind or another, drawn from the more unstable parts of earth and the inner colonies. Finally there were the frontiersmen, those who had been at the head of earth's exploration of space in the 2120s but found the universe thirty years later an all together too safe and boring place.

They are a colourful cast, with figures such as Tim Othendo, Colonel Gerald ‘Jared’ Mcintyre, Artemis Tactical Solutions Group, Shiva Security and a host of others. With corporate propaganda suggesting they were denying necessary medicine to the populations of the core, and general paranoia about transgenics that pervaded EU discourses, not to mention the harsh conditions on Haraway prevented much core media attention being devoted to the conflict and allowed the PMCs a relatively free hand.

Among prominent early incidents was the assassination of Kara Joi, a prominent anti corporate activist by UAV launched missiles, and several other killings of Harawayian leaders, together with the occupation of several Harawayian settlements. The Self Defence Force was able to hold corporate troops from taking over the major cities, though more experienced and better equipped mercenaries took a horrible toll of the previously unblooded Harawayians.

The first year of the war saw battles mostly waged in the forms of small ambushes and bomb attacks against corporate units, ships and bases by often small bands of Harawayian militia, including hostage takings and piracy. The Corporations in turn waged violent reprisals against the local population in an effort to root out guerrilla bands and destroy local morale. While this coercion was successful in some areas, it only escalated attacks in others, and was ineffective in preventing the SDF and the larger guerrilla bands from steadily increasing in skill and equipment.

The turning point in the war is usually regarded as June the Ninetieth 2150, when a lift vehicle carrying ammunition to Shiva Security troops operating on Bazumba Island was struck by a submarine launched ground to space missile, crashing on the landing zone and killing both the crew and over two hundred ground staff.

From then on the war entered a different tone, with corporate security elements increasing suffering defeat against now experienced, well equiped and often heavily augmented Harawayian forces, as what had once been a relatively low intensity insurgency rapidly turned into a full scale industrial war.

On March Tenth 2151 Harawayian Self Defence Force regulars and citizens militia looked down from their fighting positions on the forested hills of Javindra as the final heavy lift vehicles carrying Martins Pharmaceutical personnel departing for their jump ship beyond Haraway’s orbit. The encampment was the last major off world corporate facility on Haraway. Slowly, word spread that the last invaders had retreated. The Harawayian self defence force had come a long way from the small, inexperienced and often poorly led force it had been in 2149.

It was a two weeks since the airstrike that had obliterated Xenologic Resource’s primary compound on Kirsa Atoll, almost two months since Colonel Gerald ‘Jared’ Mcintyre and his famous Expanse Tactical Solutions, more commonly known as the Ravens had been slaughtered to a man in an ambush by an SDF armoured battalion on Beta Continent, now all that was left was to hunt down the last pockets of corporate dead enders, those unable or unwilling to evacuate with their parent companies.

Haraway’s political elite was less cheerful. Despite military success, the brutal nature of the fighting, which featured targeting of civilians on both sides, and shortages of Harawayian produced pharmaceuticals had drawn the attention of the EU, and with it the UN security council. Intervention by the great powers was commonly expected to be only a matter of time, and the business of steeling the population for another round of fighting after victory, not to mention military preparations for engagement against one of Earth’s super powers was a daunting prospect.

The war between Haraway’s government and the various corporate interests that sought to claim the planets natural bounty had been fierce, claiming over a million civilian lives over a three year period, and seen far more than its fair share of atrocities committed against Harawayian civilians. Now, facing the prospect of their hard one gains being overturned by great power intervention the Harawayians prepared for another, much longer and bloodier struggle against the might of the EU.

Security Council resolution 9855 passed in mid December, despite Harawayian diplomacy, and provided for the creation of an international force to stabilize Haraway, enforce the UN convention on the Laws of the Sea and ‘protect legitimate business interests’. A force led by the UK and Turkey was being assembled and had made its first jump away from earth when the breakdown hit, leaving them stranded and plunging Haraway back into isolation.

ZOCU and the Magnate War

While the Breakdown saved Haraway from invasion it caused a serious political squabble. Haraway became split between those factions who believed that they could return to the way they’d lived before recontact and sought to put the war behind them of forces and those more farsighted individuals who believed that they could no longer hide from the rest of the universe, and that one way or another the Breakdown was a temporary phenomena. The former group coalesced around the name Restorationists while their opposition called themselves the Progressives.

As well as long term policy problems there were more short term worries, first the continued existence of several of the largest and most heavily armed guerrilla bands as private individuals, but still with their weapons, and secondly the growing demands of Harawayian's of the red (physical) caste who had shouldered the brunt of the brutal fighting and taken most of the causalities (with corporate units often simply killing people they believed to be Reds on sight) demanding a greater say in the political and economic life of Haraway which up to now they had been somewhat excluded from due to their lesser mental and social attributes, and their lack of the levels of inherited cash and prestige possessed by the violets.

Weary of warfare, the public initially supported the Restorationists, who's program included heavy cuts in the self defence force and forcible disarmament of the remaining guerrillas. While there were no outright clashes between guerrillas and SDF units, the situation became increasingly tense, with some guerrilla units taking to the hills.

Despite this, the Restorationists were increasingly able to institute their agenda, cutting the space program and the SDF to levels that would only be able to deal with the remaining guerrillas, and pushing for a return to the old style of Harawayian living. There was a general belief at the start of the break down that it would last forever, or at least a very long time, indeed, perhaps it was even directly caused by the posthumans, annoyed at how badly humans had used their gifts. Guerrilla bands were eventually disarmed and careful diplomacy and negotiation defused the potential for military conflict. Out of contact for the next several years the Progressive's agenda seemed increasingly irrelevant to a population sick of war.

This situation changed dramatically when LNS Hydra in system bringing a diplomatic party from Londenium in November of 2159. The very fact that FTL travel still existed caused a brief panic on Haraway, but skilful diplomacy by the Londenium embassy was able to calm most of the immediate fears and strike a deal with the Progressives. The Progressives in turn had been in negotiations with red rights groups for some time, and had gradually begun gaining ground using equal treatment and non-discrimination (two founding principles of the colony) to drive their agenda forward. The Arrival of the Hydra proved them right about several other issues and the presence of the Londenium Delegation and Red Rights allowed the Progressives to begin developing their program in earnest, with the SDF expanded again, equal rights provisions for all castes and various educational and welfare provisions.

Without theta dust deposits of its own, Haraway was reliant on Londenium for Theta dust, but never the less it’s general technology grew by leaps and bounds, with great advancements in transhumanism, bioroids and AI, and a vast improvement in space industry. The first slipways was contructed in orbit above Home Island in 2161, with its products, the destroyers [i]Athena[/i]and the Isis The Athena would historically make the trip to Londenium in 2162 bringing Haraway’s representatives to the Council of Londenium for the formation of ZOCU. While somewhat inferior to Londenium designs, they proved quite capable in combat.

The Isis had its own historic moment of a darker kind in 2165 when it became the first Harawayian Space Warship to fire in anger as part of the Harawayian contingent sent to Vrijheid, successfully engaging several Magnate naval vessels. The Harawayian Two Hundred and Fifth Brigade also proved their metal on the ground, its members being one of the few groups capable of coming close to matching magnate super soldiers in physical ability. The Two Hundred and Fifth was engaged in many actions, culminating in the battle of New Frederiksberg, in which it held against two Magnate infantry divisions for three days with heavy allied aerospace support before being relieved by the Londenium Forty Sixth Combat Frame Division.

Harawayian officers at Vrijheid were extremely impressed by the performance of the OMF-4 Peltast which they witness first hand at the battle of New-Frederiksberg, and with the liberation of Vrijheid diplomatic efforts were rapidly begun to secure both a number of frames and a licence to produce them domestically. Despite some wrangling with Londenium Metals a licence for domestic production was eventually secured, along with an initial delivery of thirty six frames from Londenium, within four years, the production line was fully established and Harawayian SDF units were deploying large numbers of [i]Peltast[/i] including their own specialist variants such as the underwater adapted Peltast-Marine, with design studies being conducted on the first all domestic Harawayian mecha.

Haraway’s military build up continued into the 2170s, with more star ships being produced, including the iconic Concord class, and a series of military reorganisations culminating in the Harawayian Self Defence Force being split into three branches, the Army, responsible for operations on land and lower atmosphere, Aerospace Force responsible for space craft, and the Navy, responsible for sea based defence of Haraway’s vast oceans, and including a substantial marine component.

Indeed, despite their reorganisation, each of Haraway’s branches continued to include elements of the other three, with the Navy and Aerospace Force deploying Marines and Espaiter infantry and mobile suits while the army included not just gunships but interceptors and flying mobile suits.

This period also saw the second stage of the red rights movement, with increased political attacks on what was seen as non-overt forms of discrimination such as lack of encouragement for Reds in maths and science classes in their education, and affirmative action in the professions. This equalisation in many ways went hand in hand with the increasing nationalism and militarism of Harawayian society, culminating in the creation of the triservice system.

Despite this rather hazy institutional divide, by the end of the 2170s Haraway had built up a very strong military force. It was just as well, as the end of the breakdown bought a renewal of their decades old conflict with Europe.

Before the Thunder: 2181-2184

Thirty years after its creation, Resolution 9555 was widely regarded as a dead letter, however as conflict on New Mercia worsening, and PACT and the EU becoming increasingly concerned over the level of military force controlled by ZOCU, it was resurrected as a way to deploy forces to Haraway. The initial force was a composite UN group, UNSFH, or UN Stabilisation Force Haraway, including a mix of contingents from various European and third country forces with what became a fairly limited mandate.

Haraway reluctantly allowed this force to deploy to the various uninhabited islands, but the government issued a warning, sanction by popular vote that any attempt to restart resource exploitation operations under the guise of UNSFH would be met with all necessary means to prevent it, a threshold the EU was not willing to push, and which EU public opinion would not initially bare.

The next four years saw several small boarder incidents in space and on the ground, ranging in size from a confrontation between a flight of Peltasts and a flight of Maelstroms too a company level fire fight between a unit of Harawayian Army troops who got lost on exercise and strayed too close a UN position and an equal sized force of Ugandan troops.

The confrontations increased in severity and frequency up to 2185, but allowed the Harawayian armed forces to gain valuable information on EU equipment and tactical doctrine, not to mention the strengths and deficiencies of their own equipment. With the possibility of Kannon coming under siege, Haraway created several varients of the Peltast in anticipation of the need to fill gaps in their forces, most notably the improved Peltast-H model which would see much of the war's initial fighting before the Hoplite could enter the field in numbers.

The new mobile suit's came none too soon, the first wings of Peltast-H were just undergoing work up when resolution 11079 passed the UN security council and the ZOCU war began all across the Expanse.

2185: War in Earnest

The Island War

The Space War

2187: Victory on the ground

2189: Rage against the heavens

Aftermath: Untrusting Peace

-Dr. Joanna Hastings is Chair of Military History at Westbrook University, Londenium

EU Colony specimen


Genre: Progressive colonial experiment made good

History Paths

A1) Late National (+ Population)
A2) Dominant Baseline (+ Population)
A3) Garden World
A8) Xenomorphs (+ Military)
B1) Crisis Situation! (Raptors and Cavemen!) (+ Stockpiles)
B2) Get Help from Earth (+ logistics)
C1) Crisis Situation! (Raptors and Climate Change!)
C2) Innovate Madly (+ CIP)
D1) Catapulted (+Wealth)
D4) Trade Hub (+ wealth, + PIP)
E1) The EU Includes Us (- theta,)
I1) To Go Boldly (+ tech + military, + CIP, - wealth)
I2) Regulated Economic Market (+ CIP, ++ PIP, + Morale, - Wealth (Regulation))
I3)The Silent Service (+ stealth technology, + CIP, + dust, + ship technology)

++++ CIP
++ Population
+++ PIP
+ Stockpiles
+ Logistics
++ Wealth
+ Military
+stealth tech
+ship technology
+Naval Doctrine
++ Naval Technology
++ Warships

PL's suggestions: Garden World makes better propaganda. Gundam Counterattack and Centre for Research better evoke its position as the 'New Europe' that dynamically creates new ideas and developments for the great European project.