Neo-SP Spaceships: Difference between revisions

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Line 30: Line 30:
:HP 20, Shields 12, Speed 2, +1 to AC, MD 2, Init +1
:HP 20, Shields 12, Speed 2, +1 to AC, MD 2, Init +1
:Primary: Capital Vector Beam, 2 x Capital Plasma Cannons,  
:Primary: Spinal Cannon, Capital Vector Beam, 2 x Capital Plasma Cannons,  
:Secondary: 2 Destroyer Coil Guns
:Secondary: 2 Destroyer Coil Guns

Line 104: Line 104:
:Antimater Torpedo: 1 Shot Range 4, Damage is equal to 3 times base HP of firing ship, turns AC of target vs 8 due to antimatter drive system
:Antimater Torpedo: 1 Shot Range 4, Damage is equal to 3 times base HP of firing ship, turns AC of target vs 8 due to antimatter drive system
:Spinal Cannon: Range 16, Reload 3 turns, Damage is equal to HP of ship firing. Can spend a turn locked on without firing when in weapons range to deal half damage if shot fails AC roll.
:Spinal Cannon: Range 16, Reload 3 turns, Damage is equal to HP of ship firing. Can spend a turn locked on without firing when in weapons range to deal half damage if shot fails AC roll.
:Naval Missile Salvo: 6 DMG, Range 25

Latest revision as of 10:45, 17 June 2024


Ships have the following stats

Armored Class (the general value needed to hit on a roll 20, combines both dodging and armor
Speed: How many hexes it can move a turn
Init+: The base number it adds to init rules
MD; Missile Defense, each unit has a missile defense value (normally 1) which rolls a 10 to score 3 or higher to absolute take one missile salvo off the board against fellow Imperials, most NPCS need to pass a check of 5.
Primary Weapons: Weapons that are their size
Secondary Weapons: Weapons that are a class smaller than the ship size
Forcefield: Temporary HP

Armored Class Charts

Notes Weapons +- 2 per step changes in difference of ship firing and target to absolute reductions of 1 ping damage.


AC 15 vs Capital Weapons
AC 17 vs Cruiser Weapons
AC 19 vs Escort Weapons


AC 13 vs Everybody


AC 17 vs Capital Weapons
AC 13 vs Cruisers
AC 8 vs Escorts

Generic Ship Types

Imperial Ships

  • Battleship
HP 20, Shields 12, Speed 2, +1 to AC, MD 2, Init +1
Primary: Spinal Cannon, Capital Vector Beam, 2 x Capital Plasma Cannons,
Secondary: 2 Destroyer Coil Guns
  • Imperial Flagship
HP 30, Shields 15, Speed 1, +2 to AC, MD 2, Init +1
Primary: Spinal Canon, 2 Capital Vector Beams
Secondary: 2 Destroyer Coil Guns
  • Imperial Strike Cruiser
HP 12, Shields 8, Speed 5, MD 2, Init +3
Primary: Spinal Canon, 1 Vector Beam (Cruiser), 3 NSM
  • Imperial Cruiser
HP 20, Shields 10, Speed 4, MD 2, Init +2
Primary: 2 Vector Beams (Cruiser),
Secondary: 1 Coilgun
  • Imperial Destroyer
HP 6, Shields 4, MD 1, Init 3, Speed 6
Primary: 1 Vector Beam, 1 FS Torp

Neo Siran Expanse

  • Kzaon Mothership (AC 12)
HP 30 Combat Module, HP 25 Hanger Module [Holds 10 Strikers], HP 50 City Module
Shields 15 per module, MD 2 (combat module) Init 1
Primary: 3 Spinal Guns,
Secondary: 3 Vector Beams per module (destroyer)
  • Striker [Dragoon} AC15
HP 10, Shields 2, Init +4, MD 1
Primary Pulse Batteries, DMG 3, RNG 5, 5 shots before needing to reload at mothership
  • Longstar (Cruiser)
15 HP, Speed 3, Init 2, Forcefield 5
3 Cruiser Plasma Cannons
1 Destroyer Vector Beam


Notes: Need 7 to pass MD checks as Imperial missiles are optimized to deal with them.

  • Federation Heavy Battlecruiser
HP 16, Shields 8, Init 3, Speed 5, MD 2
Primary Weapon: Spinal Cannon +2, 2 Particle Riffles
Secondary: 3 Coilguns (DD)
  • Federation Patcom
HP: 7, shields 12, Init 5, Speed 6, MD1
Primary: 1 Kinetic Driver, 1 Antimatter Torp (note each hit, ship needs to roll a 6 not to have the AM combust if loaded with AM


Scow (cruiser)

Hp 6, shields 2, Init 1, MD0, Speed 3
Primary: Vector Beam
Secondary; Vector Beam


HP: 3, Shields 5, MD 1, Init 3, Speed 7
Primary: Plasma Cannon


Energy Weapons

Plasma Cannon: Damage 3, Range 5, Reload 1
Particle Beam: Damage 2, Range 7
Vector Beam: Damage 1, Range 14

Kinetic Weapons

Heavy Kinetic Drive: Damage 6, Range 3, Reload 1
Coilguns: Damage 2, Range 8 (Note Destroyer CGs add +3/2/1 to hit roll due to rapid firing versus, capitals/cruisers/escorts)

Special Weapons

Fusion Torpedoes: 1 Shot Range 3, Damage is equal to base HP of ship firing, turns AC of target vs 10
Antimater Torpedo: 1 Shot Range 4, Damage is equal to 3 times base HP of firing ship, turns AC of target vs 8 due to antimatter drive system
Spinal Cannon: Range 16, Reload 3 turns, Damage is equal to HP of ship firing. Can spend a turn locked on without firing when in weapons range to deal half damage if shot fails AC roll.
Naval Missile Salvo: 6 DMG, Range 25