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OOC: I feel highly obligated to spam just like everyone else but I really don't want to. I would like to roll some tanks around however.
=Possible Projects Index=
[[Apocalypse Garden]]<br>
[[Mage: Sometime]]<br>
[[Space Carrier Amahara]]<br>
Starting early this new year, Amanatan VTOL patrols over the central continent have increased significantly. Elements of the seventh and ninth armoured battlegroups and the eleventh combined battlegroup have been conducting exercises respectively in the Salem Wastes, the Tottori Desert and the dry tangle covered Emerald Brink. They've been spotted with quite a few military engineers and civilian surveyors as well and many speculate these actions could be prelude to Amanatan extension into these largely unoccupied and unclaimed areas. While this is provocative, it is questionable whether anyone on Prospect could do anything about it.
[[Star and Spice]]<br>
[u]Republic of Parawan[/u]
Amanata is looking to seal a trade treaty as well as to conduct more cultural exchanges between the two nations starting with $20 for museum exchanges and maybe a concert or two. Councillor Avonlea Aleida and one of the foremost directors in the Amanatan OCMT will be speaking/guest lecturing about collective orbital defense at the Parawan Military College and promoting military exchanges. The ultimate goal is for Parawan Senate to endorse an Amanatan joint base at Laguna which is of course Not Directed At Any Particular Country.
[u]Julian Republic[/u]
Amanata is also interested in a trade treaty with Julian as well as military exchanges seeing as we both have destroyer navies and Amanata will be investing in static defenses in space much like Julian. The two countries have some good overlap in naval military doctrine. Avonlea Aleida is also interested in speaking at their military academy perhaps next month about collective orbital defense and balance of power if they are amenable and the arrangements could be made.
[SIZE=4][b][COLOR=#ff4d4d]Budget FY2316[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
Tax Bracket: 55%-65%
Espionage Risk: Low
-7.5% Infrastructure Costs
-10% Military Upkeep
-10% Trade Revenue
22.5% Social Spending
[i]Disorderly Citizens[/i]: +1.5% Social Costs
[i]Engineering Buffoons[/i]: +1.5% Infrastructure Costs
[i]Expensive Ships[/i]: +7.5% Naval Procurement Costs
[i]Skilled Bankers[/i]: +1.5% GDP Growth
[i]NEKONET[/i] (Telecommunications): +1% GDP Growth (1/5)
Opening GDP: $11000
GDP Growth: 2.5%
Net GDP: $11275
Trade Base (10% x 0.9): $1014.75
Taxes (65%): $7328.75
[i]Dai Yamato Teikoku donation to the Shinfuji Omoikane Taisha[/i]: $500 (!)
Total: $8843.5
[u]Social[/u] (24%): 2640
-Provident Service: 610
-Education and Boarding: 570
-Arts and Culture: 360
-Faith: 150
-Office of State Logistics and Natural Management: 300
-Office of Public Safety: 300
-Office of Information and State Affairs: 150
-Office of Means and Equity: 120
-Ainoid Services: 80
[u]Military Upkeep[/u] (10% x 0.9): 958.05
-Holy Amanatan Army: 2015
-Dominion of Amanata Aerial Knights: 1400
-Dominion of Amanata Cosmonavy: 5160
-Dominion of Amanata Stratos Knights: 640
-Dominion of Amanata Cosmic Armoured Infantry: 1430
[u]Cosmonavy Procurement[/u] (+7.5%): 1064.25
-2 x [i]Zen[/i] class cruiser
-6 x [i]Hibiki[/i] class destroyer
[u]Other Procurement[/u]: 895
PDA/PAC Expansion: 155
-11 x Light Infantry regiment (July 2316)
-3 x Armoured Infantry regiment (July 2316)
-5 x Battle Armour regiment (Jan 2317)
-5 x Artillery Armour regiment (Jan 2317)
-4 x Aerial Knights combat wing (Jan 2317)
Prospect Space Defenses: 740
-4 x Fighter wings (Core Region) (July 2316)
-4 x Bomber wings (Core Region) (July 2316)
-4 x Ground-Orbit batteries (Core Region) (Oct 2316)
-4 x Orbital platform sets (Core Region) (Jan 2317)
Houraijima Space Defenses:
-4 x Fighter wings (July 2316)
-4 x Bomber wings (July 2316)
-4 x System Control platforms (Jan 2317)
[u]Shipyard Construction[/u]: 1500
2 x Cruiser slipways (Houraijima) (Jan 2317)
6 x Escort slipways (Core Region, Prospect) (Jan 2317)
[u]Infrastructure[/u] (-6%):
[u]Diplomatic Expenses[/u]:
-$12 Relief Fund
-$20 Cultural Exchange
[u]Surplus[/u]: 2374.2
[b]Under Construction[/b]
-D01: DACS [i]Hibiki[/i] (Hibiki class destroyer) (April 2317)
-D02: DACS [i]Oboro[/i] (Hibiki class destroyer) (April 2317)
-D03: DACS [i]Kagero[/i] (Hibiki class destroyer) (April 2317)
-D04: DACS [i]Shiranui[/i] (Hibiki class destroyer) (April 2317)
-D05: DACS [i]Yugure[/i] (Hibiki class destroyer) (April 2317)
-D06: DACS [i]Asanagi[/i] (Hibiki class destroyer) (April 2317)
-C01: DACS [i]Curse of Dreams and Reality[/i] (Zen class cruiser) (Jan 2318)
-C02: DACS [i]Balance of Motion and Stillness[/i] (Zen class cruiser) (Jan 2318)
[i]Nekomi Academy[/i] (University)
Nekomi Academy was founded in the high colonial era as simply the University of Amanata and was even more boringly renamed the State Cultural and Religious Studies Institute for a period after the Collapse. In a period of nearly two centuries it has gone from a third rate political checkbox tick to one of the most renowned centers of learning in human space. Unlike all of its peers in that short list however, Nekomi Academy focuses entirely on the arts and humanities.

Latest revision as of 05:30, 12 August 2018