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"Truth disguised as prophecy."<br>
"Truth disguised as prophecy."<br>
Players Involved: FBH, Lokar, Ent, Silence<br>
Return to [[Ascension Isle: Legacy]]<br>
Return to [[Ascension Isle: Legacy]]<br>
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::''"Cordinal bid your time"  Alice whispers.  "I don't have enough ammo to shoot all the guards in this hall."''
::''"Cordinal bid your time"  Alice whispers.  "I don't have enough ammo to shoot all the guards in this hall."''
To hear the High Priestess speak, you'd think this was some happy union of star crossed lovers.  Jonas remembers it rather differently:  Armiger's wife left for Auraden after Independence, and he took up with the younger Emeraldine twin in a semi-scandalous affair.  Aster Emeraldine was a renounced her own position as a priestess, and was one of the heroes of the defense of Prion.  She reportedly spat in the face of the Chosen Leliel after Nightfall blasted much of the city.  To save Aster from death, Armiger made her life a condition of his surrender.
To hear the High Priestess speak, you'd think this was some happy union of star crossed lovers.  Jonas remembers it rather differently:  Armiger's wife left for Auraden after Independence, and he took up with the younger Emeraldine twin in a semi-scandalous affair.  Aster Emeraldine then renounced her own position as a priestess, and was one of the heroes of the defense of Prion.  She reportedly spat in the face of the Chosen Leliel after Nightfall blasted much of the city.  To save Aster from death, Armiger made her life a condition of his surrender.
::''"We can be merciful, even to those who offend us."  The Chosen Liah said, with a sly and terrifying smile.  "She will be spared, but she can no longer be trusted.  She has lost her freedom, and you will be her jailor."
::''"We can be merciful, even to those who offend us."  The Chosen Liah said, with a sly and terrifying smile.  "She will be spared, but she can no longer be trusted.  She has lost her freedom, and you will be her jailor."
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::''Alice [http://25.media.tumblr.com/74930f4dece689005fe0f77d48350e97/tumblr_mt8r6epT6r1r12d1bo1_500.gif flushes] at hearing her first name for the first time, then goes to work with enthusiasm.''
::''Alice [http://25.media.tumblr.com/74930f4dece689005fe0f77d48350e97/tumblr_mt8r6epT6r1r12d1bo1_500.gif flushes] at hearing her first name for the first time, then goes to work with enthusiasm.''
As Alice slaps the survivor awake and begins to interrogate him, Jonas carries the Lady Emeraldine back to her room, still oblivious to the world around her.  He lays her down on her bed, brushing back some stray hair as he remember the woman who she was before she decided to slowly destroy herself.  "There was a time when Hazel could have taken on all three of them herself. . ." He says to himeself, then kisses her on the forehead before leaving her with her daughter.<br>
As Alice slaps the survivor awake and begins to interrogate him, Jonas carries the Lady Emeraldine back to her room, still oblivious to the world around her.  He lays her down on her bed, brushing back some stray hair as he remember the woman who she was before she decided to slowly destroy herself.  "There was a time when Hazel could have taken on all three of them herself. . ." He says to himeself, then kisses her on the forehead before quietly closing the door and leaving her with her daughter.<br>
it quickly becomes apparent that the thugs are under orders from the Nexlexi gang to kidnap a noble for some  
From the Alice's interrogation of the thug's leader it quickly becomes apparent that the thugs are under orders from the Nexlexi gang and Artemis Frost to kidnap a noble for some unknown purpose.  Welser knows nothing more, and as Alice prepares to execute him, Aranitha quietly suggests mercy to Jonas, to the annoyance of Alice.
::''"Do you know who I am son?"  Jonas steps up beside Alice, who is holding her Mattock pistol in hand, ready to shoot.  "I am Jonas Flavius."
::''There is a flicker of recognition in the thug's eyes.  "They say I was a hero once.  Fought the good fight. Saved some people, not enough though."  He frowns, "You threatened my family. Tell me, why should I spare you?"
::''"Please sir." The thug sniffles, "I didn't want to be threatening women and girls.  Its just. . . You do what you gotta do on the street.  You wouldn't know.  You're a lord."
::''"I've seen war son,"  Jonas says, "I watched good men and women go to their deaths fighting for what they believed in.  FAR too many."
::''"And they all died!"  The thug says.  "My ma, my pa, they all died!  There aint nothing to believe in anymore, and no one to believe it!"
::''"There is son. A future."  Jonas says,  "You gave us the intel we needed. I will grant you mercy but under one condition."
::''He looks to Alice's gun, then to Jonas, daring to hope.
::''"You will be inducted into the Tenth Legion. I will give you something to believe in. A return of the Republic."  Jonas says.  "It will be harsh and it will be difficult but you will find redemption there.  Consider this your second chance, if you waste it. . .  We operate under the old military code."
::''The thug blinks, and then nods.  "Yes, yes sir.  Thank you for your mercy sir!  I promise, I didn't mean to be bad!"
::''"What's your name son?"
::''"Welser, sir."
::''"Alright Recruit Welser, I'll keep an eye you."  Jonas says.  "Welcome to the Legio X."''
[21:53] <@IXJac> "I heard gunshots!  What's going on!"
With the immediate situation taken care of, Alice, Jonas, Gregorio and Aranitha convene to the kitchen to discuss their next moves. Aranitha, having demonstrated her abilities, admits to being a stranded Zenith Knight, now driven by a desire for revenge on Lord General Marianne who killed her lance-matesSensing common cause, Jonas forges a hasty alliance with her and GregorioAlice is less than thrilled about the group's newest member, although sensing the other woman's concerns, Aranitha bluntly states her lack of interest in human men, deeply [http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-wOaJ3-dPKvY/UmqafYxBsGI/AAAAAAAAAHs/C1AHeJyGGts/s1600/YunoGasai.jpg embarrassing] the young Samelrand.  Alice gets her revenge by suggesting that in future outings, Aranitha pose as her elven maid.<br>
[21:53] <@IXJac> lol
[21:53] * @Aranitha fades back into the shadows
[21:53] <@Alice_Samelrand> "Thieves"
[21:53] <@Jonas> "Everything is fine, just some local ruffians."
[21:53] <@Aranitha> d2 +12 physique + stealth
[21:53] <FBHbot_> Aranitha : ( 4 6 )
[21:54] <@IXJac> Aranitha hides in the shadows of the corner as the servants help the lady of the house back to bed
[21:54] <@IXJac> Leaving Alice, Greg, and Aranitha alone with the bodies
[21:54] <@Alice_Samelrand> "Prisoner is secured"
[21:55] <@Jonas> "There was a time when Hazel could have taken on all three of them herself..."
[21:55] <@IXJac> Jonas is carrying Hazel Emeraldine back to her room, he'll be back in a minute
[21:55] <@Aranitha> Do I know any minor will work to clean the carpet?
[21:55] * @Jonas says more to himself than anyone else
[21:55] <@Aranitha> seems like something a Zenith knight might learn
[21:55] <@Aranitha> I guess I probably have people to do that normally
[21:55] <@IXJac> Transmutation, yes.  You can bend down and transmute the blood to dust and blow it away
[21:56] <@Aranitha> oh cool, let's do that
[21:56] * @Alice_Samelrand wakes up the prisoner by slaping him against the face to start the intergation
[21:56] <@Alice_Samelrand> d2 +8 (phys interrogation)
[21:56] <FBHbot_> Alice_Samelrand : ( 4 6 )
[21:56] <@IXJac> And yes, you pretty obviously revealed you're a ZenithOr a really powerful Rafaelan sorcererTeleportation is very rare in Jibril.  Only Solinarchs or skilled Priestesses can do it
[21:57] <@Alice_Samelrand> "A zenith lurking around Emeraldine House."
[21:57] <@Aranitha> "I'd prefer if he didn't wake up for now."
[21:57] <@Alice_Samelrand> "This place attracts all types, I see."
[21:57] <@Aranitha> "Until I've had chance to explain myself."
[21:57] <@Alice_Samelrand> "Explain yourself the Cordinal."
[21:57] <@Aranitha> "Why yes. It was that handsome Cordinal Jonas... his speech filled me with inspiration."
[21:57] <@IXJac> Well, he'll need some medical attention to regain consciousnessAnyone know first aid (besides Lilly, who's not here right now)
[21:57] * @Aranitha grins at Alice
[21:58] <@Gregorio> uh
[21:58] <@Alice_Samelrand> "The cause is always looking for agents"
[21:58] * @Alice_Samelrand says not willing to be baited
[21:59] <@IXJac> It would be Medical Theory and/or Medical Practice
[21:59] <@Aranitha> "I'm actually already an agent of the cause."
[21:59] <@IXJac> I don't think any of you have it
[21:59] <@Aranitha> can I will work heal him or sorcerously heal him?
[22:00] <@IXJac> At a very basic level, yes.  Spend 1 Ether and roll 1d6
[22:00] <@Alice_Samelrand> "How long have you been active here?"
[22:01] <@IXJac> Jonas returns, after leaving the servants with Lilly and her mother, after promising to be right back
[22:01] <@Aranitha> if I spend 2 can I roll 2?
[22:01] <@Aranitha> s1
[22:01] <@IXJac> Alice and the Zenith are looking warily at each other, while Greg looks between the two of them
[22:01] <SIXbot> Aranitha : ( 6 )
[22:02] * @Aranitha isn't really looking wary, she's looking like the cat that ate the canary
[22:02] * @Jonas returns
Returning to events at the party, Gregorio identifies the Praxis cast on Jonas when he touched Aster as a kind of telepathy, and warns him to pay attention to his dreamsConsidering the words of the last line of Lady Aster's prophecy, Alice suddenly recognizes the name Mag Firin - it is a place about 100km west of CZ Central, in the Endruscare Occupation Zone.  Jonas realizes he has also heard of it before, in barracks room scuttlebut about the Lord General.  The story he knows is as follows:<br>
[22:02] <@IXJac> Aranitha bends down and pours some ether into the man, stopping his bleeding
[22:02] <@Jonas> "Has prisoner woke up?"
[22:02] <@IXJac> He has now.
[22:02] <@Aranitha> "Right now."
[22:03] * @Alice_Samelrand thinks
[22:03] <@Jonas> "Very well, Alice. You may begin."
[22:03] * @Aranitha steps back
[22:03] <@IXJac> Greg has a praxis that transmutes sound.  That might be handy about now
[22:03] * @Alice_Samelrand step forwards and snaps fingers in front him
[22:04] <@Alice_Samelrand> "Time to answer some qeustions."
[22:04] <@IXJac> "whhhuuu?"
[22:04] <@Jonas> "If you two are faint... What am I saying... If you wish to stay stay. If you wish to leave I won't hold it against you."
[22:04] <@IXJac> His head jerks back.
[22:04] <@Alice_Samelrand> d2 +8 to focus his attection
[22:04] <FBHbot_> Alice_Samelrand : ( 8 6 )
[22:04] <@IXJac> "Wha fuck!?"
[22:04] * @Alice_Samelrand pistol whips him
[22:04] * @Gregorio uses said praxis!
[22:05] <@IXJac> The rest of the house remains blissfully unaware as sound leaving the room is muffled
[22:05] <@Jonas> "We have questions. You have answers. If you value your what's left of your life you'll answer them."
[22:05] <@Aranitha> "Let's finish this matter before we discuss my insignificant self."
[22:05] <@IXJac> OK, so what;s that with Alice's Intellect+Interrogation?
[22:05] * @Jonas turns to Elf
[22:05] <@Alice_Samelrand> be the same 8
[22:05] <@Jonas> "Yes."
[22:06] <@IXJac> OK, well, he cracks pretty fast then.
[22:06] <@IXJac> "Look!  I'm just doing as I was told!  The Artemis, she said we'd need a big name noble, and she said no one would miss this one!"
[22:06] <@IXJac> "You weren't supposed to be back so soon!"
[22:07] <@Jonas> "Artemis?"
[22:07] <@IXJac> "We wasn't gonna harm anyone, just take the lady for a little trip!"
[22:07] <@Jonas> "Where?"
[22:07] <@IXJac> He doesn't want to give that one up.
[22:07] <@Aranitha> "A crime lord."
[22:07] <@IXJac> Roll again Alice!
[22:07] <@Jonas> "Alice?"
[22:08] <@IXJac> Artemis is a title used by gang leaders, yes
[22:08] <@Alice_Samelrand> d2 +8
[22:08] <FBHbot_> Alice_Samelrand : ( 7 5 )
[22:08] <@IXJac> Jonas knows the name of a few.  One of those flying around the papers lately is "Artemis Crimsene," sort of a robin hood figure, really.
[22:09] <@IXJac> Probably very romanticized.
[22:09] <@IXJac> OK, a 20, so Alice gets him talking again
[22:10] <@IXJac> "AAHHH!  My finger, you bitch!  It was Frost, Artemis Frost.  She needs nobles for something, don't ask me what, I don't know!  But she wanted to test it before next week, that's what she said!"
[22:10] <@Jonas> "Frost..."
[22:11] <@Jonas> "When next week?"
[22:11] <@IXJac> "Gabrelday, that's all I know, I swear!"
[22:11] <@Alice_Samelrand> "Was your operation on Gabrelday ..."
[22:11] <@Alice_Samelrand> "In the Samelrand wards?"
[22:12] <@IXJac> "I don't know, she never told me, I was just to bag the lady, Truly!"
[22:13] <@IXJac> He starts weeping
[22:14] <@Alice_Samelrand> "It appears his value to us has run out."
[22:14] <@Alice_Samelrand> "Painful or quick Cordinal?"
[22:14] * @Aranitha sighs
[22:15] <@Aranitha> "You could perhaps conscript him into your cause if you don't want him dead, but I don't know how trustworthy he'd be." she whispers to Jonas
[22:16] * @Jonas regards the strange elf lady
[22:16] <@Jonas> "Oh?"
[22:16] * @Aranitha shrugs
[22:16] <@Aranitha> "Isn't that a thing you do here?"
[22:16] <@Aranitha> "In the empire, surrendered enemies sometimes join those who beat them."
[22:16] <@IXJac> Greg could also turn him into a Zedwalker
[22:16] <@Gregorio> "Occasionally."
[22:17] <@IXJac> But then he doesn't need to be alive for that
[22:17] * @Jonas walks over to the ruffian
[22:17] <@Jonas> "Do you know who I am son?"
[22:17] * @Alice_Samelrand is holding her Mattock in her hand ready to shoot
[22:17] <@IXJac> d2
[22:17] <FBHbot_> IXJac : ( 1 1 )
[22:17] <@IXJac> He shakes his head
[22:17] <@Jonas> "I am Jonas Flavius."
[22:17] <@IXJac> d2
[22:17] <FBHbot_> IXJac : ( 6 4 )
[22:18] <@IXJac> OK, he looks up at that.  He knows the name
[22:18] <@Jonas> "They say I was a hero once... Fought the good fight. Saved some people, not enough tho."
[22:18] * @Alice_Samelrand flickers her eyes at the elf, and at Jonas, she's already giving him advice, how presumptuous
[22:19] <@Jonas> "You threatened my family. Tell me, why should I spare you?"
[22:20] * @Aranitha gives Alice a level look in return
[22:20] <@IXJac> "Please sir. . . " He sniffles, "I didn't want to be threatening women and girls.  Its just. . . You do what you gotta do on the street.  You wouldn't know.  You're a lord."
[22:21] <@Alice_Samelrand> "You held a knife up to Miss Lily's throat"
[22:21] <@Jonas> "I've seen war son, I watched good men and women go to their deaths fighting for what they believed in."
[22:21] <@Jonas> "*FAR* too many."
[22:23] <@IXJac> "And they all died!  My ma, my pa, they all died!  There aint nothing to believe in anymore, and no one to beleive it!"
[22:23] <@Jonas> *blinks*
[22:24] <@Jonas> "There is son. A future."
[22:24] <@Jonas> "You gave us the intel we needed. I will grant you mercy but under one condition."
[22:25] <@IXJac> He looks to alice's gun, then to you, daring to hope
[22:26] <@Jonas> "You will be inducted into the Tenth Legion. I will give you something to believe in. A return of the Republic."
[22:26] <@Jonas> "It will be harsh and it will be difficult but you will find redemption there."
[22:27] <@IXJac> Roll Jonas' Intellect+Leadership
[22:27] <@Jonas> d2 +8
[22:27] <FBHbot_> Jonas : ( 10 6 )
[22:27] <@IXJac> I'll give you a +5 bonus for the speech
[22:27] <@Jonas> d1
[22:27] <FBHbot_> Jonas : ( 2 )
[22:27] <@IXJac> 31
[22:27] <@Jonas> 31
[22:28] <@Jonas> "Consider this your second chance, if you waste it... We operate under the old military code."
[22:28] <@IXJac> OK, he blinks, and then nods.  "Yes,  yes sir.  Thank you for your mercy sir!  I promise, I didn't mean to be bad!
[22:29] <@IXJac> You've added "Seek redeption in Legio X" to his peronal goal
[22:29] <@Jonas> "You will be held here until some men from the Tenth come to take you for training. Remember what I told you."
[22:30] <@IXJac> Looks like Greg isn't getting his body to turn into a Cogmek after all!
[22:30] <@Jonas> (for Jonas?)
[22:30] <@Alice_Samelrand> he hs two others!
[22:30] <@Aranitha> (no for the guy)
[22:30] <@Jonas> cool
[22:31] <@Jonas> "What's your name son?"
[22:31] <@Alice_Samelrand> "Perhaps we should discuss the intruders presence her in the sitting room."
[22:31] <@IXJac> "Welser, sir."
[22:31] <@Jonas> "Alright Recruit Welser, I'll keep an eye you."
[22:32] <@Jonas> "Welcome to the Legio X."
[22:32] <@Alice_Samelrand> "If only we could swell the ranks with me shooting them."
[22:32] <@IXJac> lol
[22:33] <@IXJac> OK, so. . Assuming you spend some time getting all this cleaned up, let's take a pause with you guys all around the kitchen table plotting what your next move will be
[22:33] <@IXJac> Assume you all trust each other enough by now to all be in on it
[22:33] <@Gregorio> "Frost...that name keeps on popping up these days."
[22:33] <@Jonas> "And now you Miss, will explain yourself."
[22:33] <@Alice_Samelrand> well Frost is doing an operation
[22:34] * @Gregorio uses while propping his head up with his elbows on the table
[22:34] <@Alice_Samelrand> and needs nobles
[22:34] * @Aranitha changes to a slightly less ratty coat
[22:34] <@Jonas> (that was at Aranitha)
[22:34] <@Aranitha> "Miss? Hah. I suppose so."
[22:34] <@Aranitha> "I am Princess Aranitha Fury Mórrígan, of the line of Mórrígan."
[22:35] <@Aranitha> "Knight of the Zenith empire."
[22:35] <@Alice_Samelrand> "And a shadow in our city no?"
[22:35] * @Jonas leans back in his chair
[22:35] <@Aranitha> "I came to your city more as a missile."
[22:35] <@IXJac> Literally so, in fact
[22:35] <@Alice_Samelrand> "What purpose?"
[22:35] <@Aranitha> "My team was sent to destroy a choosen resurrection archive in this zone."
[22:35] <@Gregorio> "I wouldn't have mentioned the Princess thing right off the bat but that's over and done with now."
[22:35] * @Alice_Samelrand laughs
[22:35] <@Jonas> "So why are we graced with a Zenith Knight?"
[22:36] * @Alice_Samelrand sing song quotes the prophecy: "At the changeling call, the shadow of Eria steals souls that are chosen, and darkens the City with her deeds.  What that is built can stand against the cogs of time?""
[22:36] <@Aranitha> "Sounds good."
[22:37] <@IXJac> << The thunder of launch, silence, the arc of Arth below, a bright terminus, and then over to night.  Then the roar of re-entry, and the capsule's separating, tumbling free, then plunging the three of you down through the clouds as the rest of the missile folded and fell away. . .>>
[22:37] * @Aranitha remembers
[22:37] <@Aranitha> "On the way out from target we were ambushed by a large enemy force, including that lord general of yours."
[22:38] <@Jonas> "Was she looking for you?"
[22:38] <@Aranitha> "My friends died. I threw myself across the veil and lost my equipment."
[22:38] <@Aranitha> "I thought she was, but I presume she thinks I'm dead."
[22:38] <@Gregorio> "Knowing the Lord-General, I wouldn't presume."
[22:38] <@Alice_Samelrand> "Cordinal."
[22:38] <@Alice_Samelrand> "What happened to you at the palace?"
[22:39] <@Aranitha> "Well, if she is she was right in front of me and she didn't detect me so I guess I'm good."
[22:39] <@Aranitha> "For now."
[22:39] <@Jonas> "And you seem to know Mr Arhyna here."
[22:39] <@Jonas> "Hm?"
[22:39] <@Alice_Samelrand> "You touch Lady Aster and fell ill?"
[22:39] <@Alice_Samelrand> "Do you not remember that?"
[22:39] <@Gregorio> "We uh, met recently."
[22:39] <@Jonas> "I... I went to check on Lady Aster and then its... A blank."
[22:40] <@Aranitha> "Well, I met some other resistance fighters after your speech."
[22:40] <@Jonas> (can I roll to see if I remember anything?)
[22:40] <@Aranitha> "I uh...hmm? You people had a prophecy?"
[22:40] <@IXJac> Hmmm, do you have any Thaumatech or othe Magical theory?
[22:40] * @Alice_Samelrand recounts the prophecy
[22:40] <@Jonas> no
[22:41] <@Aranitha> (Greg does though)
[22:41] <@Alice_Samelrand> "So who is Mag Firin? I wonder"
[22:41] <@Gregorio> yeah
[22:41] <@Gregorio> and since it's described...
[22:41] <@IXJac> Greg can take a look, sure.
[22:41] <@Gregorio> hmm, a blank you say?
[22:41] <@Gregorio> " hmm, a blank you say?"
[22:41] <@Aranitha> "Anyway I needed this and they told me that Gregorio might know, so we had some adventurers and then I came here."
[22:41] <@Jonas> "Yes..."
[22:42] <@Gregorio> Int + Theory?
[22:42] * @Alice_Samelrand still hasn't introduced herself to the foreign hussy
[22:42] <@IXJac> Greg rolls 3 dice on this check then.  Intellect+ Thaumatech Theory + 3d10
[22:42] <@Aranitha> "Hmm." Aranitha looks at Alice. "Perhaps we could leave them too it for a moment and find me something to wear? This is very uncomfortable and I feel horribly out of place."
[22:42] <@Jonas> "I see but you were here before... That day."
[22:42] <@Gregorio> e3
[22:42] <@IXJac> Since he's a Savant
[22:42] <@Gregorio> d3
[22:42] <FBHbot_> Gregorio : ( 1 2 7 )
[22:42] <@Gregorio> D:
[22:42] <@Gregorio> 23
[22:42] <@Gregorio> unless I can fate
[22:42] * @Alice_Samelrand eyes gleam
[22:42] <@Alice_Samelrand> "I do have a some spare clothes"
[22:43] <@IXJac> Hmmm, you can spend WP to reroll a tech check, yes
[22:43] * @Alice_Samelrand grabs the elf hand and rushes to her guest room
[22:43] <@IXJac> Although 23 isn't bad
[22:43] * @Aranitha doesn't allow herself to be rushed as soon as they get outside
[22:43] <@Aranitha> "You know."
[22:43] <@Aranitha> "I don't have any interest in human men."
[22:43] <@Aranitha> "So you're safe."
[22:44] * @Alice_Samelrand ignores the elf
[22:44] <@Jonas> (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-wOaJ3-dPKvY/UmqafYxBsGI/AAAAAAAAAHs/C1AHeJyGGts/s1600/YunoGasai.jpg)
[22:44] <@Gregorio> eh, then I'll leave it
[22:44] <@IXJac> lol
[22:44] <@IXJac> OK, so to Greg it sounds like a psychic connection.
[22:45] <@IXJac> A requirement to set up a telepathic link
[22:45] * @Alice_Samelrand comes back a while later, with a Ari dressed in top medio outfit
[22:45] * @Aranitha considers Alice as they walk
[22:45] * Gregorio is now known as Ariana-
[22:45] <@IXJac> If that's the case he'll start having weird memories soon, and maybe dreams
[22:45] <@Ariana-> "Wait, why am I here?"
[22:45] * @Ariana- portals back to her Flagship
[22:45] <@Alice_Samelrand> too many ara
[22:45] <@Ariana-> (:P )
[22:45] * Ariana- is now known as Gregorio
[22:45] <@Aranitha> (Aran)
[22:46] <@Gregorio> (I know ;P )
[22:46] * @Alice_Samelrand takes off her bloodstained glooves as they walk
[22:46] <@IXJac> It's an easier connection if the people knew each other
[22:46] * @Gregorio briefly turns towards the warping figure noone saw, and then back to Greg
[22:46] <@Gregorio> "Hmm, sounds to me like someone tried to open a telepathic link to you."
[22:47] <@Gregorio> "A black out like that? Establishment of a psychic connection is my guess."
[22:47] <@Aranitha> "You're pretty fast."
[22:47] <@IXJac> He can adjust Jonas' aura to wipe out the connection, since it's still forming, if Jonas wants.
[22:47] <@Jonas> "A link?"
[22:47] <@Aranitha> "I've never seen a human move that fast. Are you augmented?"
[22:47] <@IXJac> After he sleeps though it'll become fixed and very hard to remove
[22:48] <@Alice_Samelrand> "I held a gun before I could walk.  My generation was raised to be defenders of the Republic"
[22:48] <@Jonas> "What would this link do?"
[22:48] <@Alice_Samelrand> "Just hard work and pratice"
[22:48] <@Aranitha> "Very impressive."
[22:48] <@Aranitha> "I teased you earlier, and you've got... very effective... revenge."
[22:49] <@Aranitha> *mido outfit*
[22:49] <@Aranitha> "but I think it'd be better if we weren't enemies."
[22:49] <@Alice_Samelrand> "Don't threaten the Cordinal or our cause"
[22:49] <@Alice_Samelrand> "And we will be fine"
[22:49] <@Aranitha> "Hmm."
[22:49] <@Aranitha> "You should find a way to tell him."
[22:50] <@Alice_Samelrand> "Cordinal, I have aquired clothes for your newest servant"
[22:50] * @Alice_Samelrand presents Aran to the men
[22:50] * @Alice_Samelrand ignores the unsolicited advice
[22:50] <@Aranitha> "If either of you laughs I'll break your necks."
[22:51] * @Jonas turns to look
[22:51] * @Aranitha says matter of factly
[22:51] * @Aranitha curtseys
[22:51] <@IXJac> Roll Aranitha's Physique+Graces+2d10
[22:51] <@Alice_Samelrand> its probably tighter and shorter on Aran then who it was for
[22:52] <@Aranitha> d2 +12
[22:52] <FBHbot_> Aranitha : ( 3 5 )
[22:52] <@Aranitha> 20
[22:52] <@IXJac> Yeah, she looks very. . . ahem. . . good.
[22:52] <@Jonas> http://i.4cdn.org/tg/1437157880836.jpg
[22:53] <@Jonas> "Princess Aranitha."
[22:53] * @Aranitha has her hands behind her back but Alice can see her hands slowly clenching into fists
[22:54] <@Aranitha> "Please, just Aranitha."
[22:54] <@Jonas> "Jonas. :)"
[22:54] * @Alice_Samelrand heads to the map of the city
[22:54] <@Alice_Samelrand> conveintly on a table
[22:54] <@IXJac> So, the question is what you guys intend to do next. . .
[22:54] <@Alice_Samelrand> what day is it
[22:55] <@Jonas> (well I'd like to know more about this link)
[22:55] * Protoko is still in ca t form, somewhere
[22:55] <@Gregorio> can I investigate the link?
[22:55] <@IXJac> https://app.roll20.net/join/905425/QyyE_A
[22:55] <@Aranitha> "This is presumptous, but you should look at trying to break out some of the elves from district (6?) before their are no elves in district 6"
[22:55] <@Aranitha> (I'm going to need to sleep soon)
[22:56] <@Jonas> (then link up with with Lady Aeternia and perhaps get some additional help/support)
[22:56] <@IXJac> Sure, I'll tell Greg a bit more about what he finds later though.
[22:56] <@Gregorio> cool
[22:56] <@IXJac> Since we're going to have to wrap up soon, and it's not immediately relevant.
[22:56] <@Jonas> (keeping the link)
[22:56] <@IXJac> (OK)
[22:56] <@Jonas> "I think I know somebody who might help us..."
[22:56] <@Alice_Samelrand> "With the upcoming operation, I propose we investigate Frost"
[22:57] <@Jonas> "Yes."
[22:57] <@Jonas> "We'll need all the intel we can acquire."
[22:57] <@Gregorio> "I agree!"
[22:57] <@IXJac> You guys don't all have to act together if you don't want to, if we're willing to run separate sessions
[22:57] <@Alice_Samelrand> "I had a invite there somewhat.  I am willing to check out her operations."
[22:57] <@IXJac> The Cat is still off solo with the young Ensign after all
[22:58] <@Aranitha> I think Aran might investigate the concentration camps
[22:58] <@Jonas> (well I'm prob going to hit up Aternia for help)
[22:58] <@Aranitha> she's pretty concerned about those
[22:58] <@Alice_Samelrand> well Aran and Alice to the camp district
[22:58] <@Alice_Samelrand> sine Alice is a samelrand
[22:58] <@IXJac> OK, so Jonas is going to go talk to the Lentithe
[22:58] <@Jonas> yeah
[22:58] <@IXJac> Aran and Alice are heading into Zeta Ward?
[22:59] <@IXJac> What about Greg?
[22:59] <@Gregorio> hmmm
[22:59] <@Alice_Samelrand> zeta ward yes
[23:00] <@Gregorio> well I probably shouldn't go alone...
[23:01] <@IXJac> What were you thinking of?
[23:01] <@Gregorio> I wasn't :p
[23:01] <@IXJac> Well, if you don't have any specific ideas yet you can go with Jonas, or with the girls
[23:01] <@Alice_Samelrand> build a giant robot
[23:01] <@Gregorio> Jonas then
[23:01] <@Gregorio> I was leaning towards that anyway
[23:02] <@Gregorio> and the giant robot comes later!
[23:02] <@Gregorio> :p
[23:02] <@IXJac> And yes, Greg actually can do multiple things, because he can send a construct off to act in his stead
[23:02] <@IXJac> So technically you can be in any session.
[23:02] <@Gregorio> :o
[23:02] <@Gregorio> so I can be in all of the sessions? :p
[23:02] <@IXJac> Yo're the Clockmaker!
[23:03] <@Gregorio> worth a try! >:D
[23:03] <@IXJac> Well, yes, although I'll regulate XPIt's more for if you want to hang out in a lab, but still do shit
[23:03] <@IXJac> But you could also Go with Jonas, and send a bird with Alice and the others
[23:03] <@Alice_Samelrand> (how Alice vs Aran ends up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6vn0dKqH8g )
[23:04] <@Gregorio> yeah
[23:04] <@Aranitha> lol
[23:04] <@Gregorio> I do that
[23:04] <@Aranitha> goodnight
[23:04] <@IXJac> Night!
[23:04] <Protoko> he's the ticktockman
[23:04] <Protoko> get it right!
[23:05] <@IXJac> OK, well we'll sort out when the next sessions are later I guess
[23:05] * Aranitha is now known as FBH
[23:05] <@IXJac> I'll prolly be back on D&D next Friday, so that could be out
[23:05] <@IXJac> Anyway, XP wise, take 4 XP each
[23:05] <@FBH> rock
[23:05] <@IXJac> CP rather!
[23:05] <@Jonas> cool
[23:05] <@Gregorio> yay
[23:06] <Protoko> when do you want to do murdernekohime
[23:06] <@IXJac> Anyway, have you guys tried peicing together any of the information yet?
[23:06] <@IXJac> I dunno, when are you free?
[23:06] <@IXJac> And how's Alberat?
[23:06] <@Jonas> Recruit Welser will do something awesome in the future
[23:06] <Protoko> I get back home sunday night
[23:06] <Protoko> weather is pleasant
[23:06] <@FBH> I need to hit you up for Arclave information sometime IX
[23:06] <@FBH> but not now
[23:06] <@FBH> goodnight
[23:07] <@Alice_Samelrand> I got my chalkboard out
[23:07] <@IXJac> Well, Monday afternoon works for me, if you're not busy with something else then, Shrike.
[23:07] <@Alice_Samelrand> but I need to pistol whip the others to get their focus to help me answer some questions oabout the prophecy
[23:07] <Protoko> monday evening
[23:07] * Alice_Samelrand is now known as Silence
[23:07] <Protoko> don't get home till about 8pm your time
[23:08] <@Silence> unless I can get an answer who  Mag Firin is
[23:09] <@IXJac> Hmmm, what Cicles does Alice have?
[23:09] <@Silence> noble
[23:09] <@Silence> but she brought it up to the entire crowd of people at the table :p
[23:10] <@IXJac> Actually, Alice has Tactics.  Roll that + Intellect
[23:10] <@Silence> d2 +6
[23:10] <FBHbot_> Silence : ( 7 9 )
[23:11] <@Silence> 22
[23:12] <@IXJac> As Alice is looking over the map she pulled out, she notices a place name on it, about 100km north of CZ Central (Prion!).  It's a region called. . . Mag Firin.
[23:13] <@IXJac> Not a traditionally Eluetherian name.  Actually, sounds a bit. . . elvish
[23:13] <@Jonas> can roll to see if Jonas remembers anythign about it?
[23:13] <@Silence> wait
[23:13] <@IXJac> Sure.
[23:13] <@Silence> before we hit the zeta ward
[23:13] <@Silence> we go there
[23:13] <@Jonas> ok
[23:13] <@Silence> before the Lord general finds out
[23:13] <@Jonas> int + elf circles?
[23:13] <@Jonas> or soemthign else?
[23:14] <@IXJac> Int+Elf Circles will work, yes
[23:14] <@Jonas> d2 +6
[23:14] <FBHbot_> Jonas : ( 9 10 )
[23:14] <@IXJac> Wow
[23:14] <@Jonas> d1
[23:14] <FBHbot_> Jonas : ( 7 )
[23:14] * @Jonas is a man of many talents and abilities
[23:14] <@IXJac> Yeah, hang on. . .
[23:14] <@Jonas> 26
[23:15] <@Jonas> think I got a good feel for the char this session
[23:15] <@IXJac> OK, Jonas knows TWO versions of this story.  Lemme cut and paste.
[23:15] <@Jonas> tho the biggest mystery so far is...
[23:16] <@Jonas> Why did Alice just happened to have a top meido outfit? :o
[23:16] <@Gregorio> why wouldn't Alice have a top Meido outfit :o
[23:16] <@IXJac> As legend tells it, back when Lord General Marianne was a Crusader Cordinal she was charged with pacifying the elven region of the Correctional Zone known as Mag Firin after the fall of the Republic.
[23:16] <@IXJac> On 0 A.E. 5th Leo, she and her troops encountered a coven of powerful Sorcerors and defeated them in a ferocious battle during which the Chosen Liah descended to aid herMarianne was the only survivor, and became the trusted hand of Pahaliah in the Correctional Zone for her bravery, eventually rising to the rank of General, promoted over her peers.
[23:17] <@IXJac> The Elves tell a different story
[23:17] <@IXJac> As rumour among the elves (and a few disaffected, and now retired officers) tells it, Mag Firin was a defenseless elven ghetto, and the Crusaders entered it to do a routine Purification – kill all the residents with Thaumatech devices. 
[23:18] <@Jonas> hm yeah we go there first after we take care of our ind things
[23:18] <@Gregorio> but they still flopped so this is a 3/10 on the Ariana scale >:(
[23:18] <@IXJac> As the crusaders were preparing to purify the elves and send their souls to the Chosen Liah an elven hero, the Eria appeared and struck the Chosen herself, and wounded her.
[23:19] <@IXJac> Liah fled in terror, and the elves rose up and defeated the Crusaders, and were preparing to march on Prion when Liah returned, full of fury and vengeance.  The Eria duelled the Chosen and inflicted many wounds on her, before the hero was defeated.
[23:20] <@IXJac> Liah then slew every living thing in Mag Firin in her fury, and left it a wasteland.  The leader of the Crusaders, Marianne, survived, and to hide the failure the Chosen span a tail of evil sorcerers and promoted the undeserving Cordinal to General.  Elven street legend says the Eria escaped, and will return some day, and finish what she started.
[23:21] * @Jonas starts thinking of one liner material
[23:23] * Protoko (Mibbit@e0f55b58.wireless.161ad4a0.com.hmsk) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client�)
[23:23] <@Silence> Why did Alice just happened to have a top meido outfit? >> In case we had to a infliration mission disguised as servants of course
[23:23] <@IXJac> Do you guys still want to go to Mag Firin?
[23:24] <@Gregorio> yes
[23:24] <@Silence> its a prophecy listed place
[23:24] <@Jonas> yes
[23:24] <@Silence> so yeah
[23:24] <@IXJac> OK, so we'll do that first then.
[23:24] <@Jonas> ok
[23:25] <@Gregorio> cool
[23:25] <@IXJac> Oh, sorry.  It's actually 100km WEST of the city.  Yeah, that makes more sense
[23:25] <@IXJac> So in the Endruscare zone
[23:25] <@Jonas> rather proud that Jonas got the ruffian to change his ways
[23:26] <@IXJac> Jonas is a true leader of men
[23:26] <@Silence> you know my biggest regret about Shrike killing off if he suceed crazy lady
[23:26] <@IXJac> Should have taken Officer and a Gentleman rather than Robot ace. :)
[23:26] <@IXJac> Although I guess you haven't needed it yet!
[23:26] <@Jonas> next level
[23:26] <@Silence> is that I can't try and recreate one of the cool scenes at the end of hammer slammers
[23:27] <@IXJac> And you might need a giant robot in Mag Firin.
[23:27] <@Jonas> #ifonlyihadknown
[23:27] <@Silence> where Joachim assassinates a dude with a pistol
[23:27] <@Silence> from like 2 klicks away
[23:27] <@IXJac> Anyway, Silence, I wanted some idea of how you were going to play Alice before giving her traits
[23:27] <@Jonas> also figure Jonas calls Alice by her first name as either a reward or when he requires to do something... unpleasent
[23:27] <@IXJac> But I have a sense now, so I'll add some for her
[23:28] <@Silence> cool
[23:28] <@IXJac> Also you guys are all budgeted for 10 traits, so you all have free slots
[23:28] <@IXJac> If there's traits your interested in
[23:28] <@Jonas> *when he requires her to do something... unpleasent
[23:28] <@IXJac> In most cases I gave you all different ones
[23:28] <@IXJac> You know, to spread em around
[23:29] <@Silence> *written by David Drake* should be a negative one :v
[23:29] <@IXJac> Negative traits count as traits too, since they're ways to get extra CP or power or even fate
[23:30] <@IXJac> By doing horrible things the party generally won't find helpful. :)
[23:30] <@Silence> releated: http://i.4cdn.org/c/1437327242884.png
[23:30] <@Silence> good thing we lack Davion
[23:31] <@Jonas> lol
[23:31] <@Silence> or else it be nothing but neg traits
[23:31] <@Jonas> or five
[23:31] <@Jonas> who'd take HOTBLOODED
[23:32] <@IXJac> Just take another party member with the Negative Trait, "Commissar: Gain 10 CP for executing another party member who has failed you for the last time."
[23:32] <@Silence> "I charge the general with my katana"
[23:33] <@Jonas> *writes letters to families of the men he got killed follow him... IN HIS OWN BLOOD!*
[23:33] <@Silence> anyway I think I have maybe a operational understanding of what is going on
[23:33] <@IXJac> Oh?  Let's hear it!
[23:33] <@Gregorio> that was still the funniest thing Lok :D
[23:33] <@Silence> but I am still filling in setting data and sorting thing out
[23:33] <@Silence> after the elve cairn I'll spill it
[23:33] <@Gregorio> I'd take that if I was playing SP, but Greg makes a bad commissar :(
[23:33] <@Gregorio> :p
End of #ascend buffer    Fri Jul 24 23:34:48 2015
Start of #ascend buffer: Sat Jul 25 00:09:04 2015
As legend tells it, back when Lord General Marianne was a Crusader Cordinal she was charged with pacifying the elven region of the Correctional Zone known as Mag FirinShortly after the fall of the Republic, on 0 A.E. 5th Leo, she and her troops encountered a coven of powerful Sorcerers and defeated them in a ferocious battle during which the Chosen Liah descended to aid her.  Marianne was the only survivor, and was appointed the trusted hand of Liah in the Correctional Zone for her braveryShe eventually rose to the rank of General, promoted over her peers, to the annoyance of some.<br>
[17:07] <@IXJac> Right, so, Aranitha has made it back with Greg from his crashed sky battleship, and returned to the "Emerald Castle," to update Chey Hexum on eventsGreg has meanwhile split off to make his way into the Unity District and attend some "party", after which he'll get the stuff you both need and meet you back here
[17:09] <@IXJac> Greg knows several of the outlet vents and drainage pipes in the outer perimeter wall, so you're able to slip back through without going through a checkpoint
The elves and some disaffected officers tell a different storyAccording to them, Mag Firin was a defenseless elven ghetto, and the Crusaders entered it to do a routine Purification – kill all the residents with Thaumatech devices.  As the crusaders were preparing to purify the elves and send their souls to the Chosen Liah, an elven hero, the Eria appeared and struck the Chosen herself, wounding her.  Liah fled in terror, and the elves rose up and defeated the Crusaders.  They were preparing to march on Prion when Liah returned, full of fury and vengeanceThe Eria duelled the Chosen and inflicted many wounds on her, before the hero was defeatedLiah then slew every living thing in Mag Firin in her fury, and left it a wasteland.  The leader of the Crusaders, Marianne, survived, and to hide the failure the Chosen span a tail of evil sorcerers and promoted the undeserving Cordinal to General.  Elven street legend says the Eria escaped, and will return some day, and finish what she started.<br>
[17:10] <@Aranitha> (sorry, was getting Melon)
[17:11] * @Aranitha also took the magic sword cane with her if she could
Realizing there may be more to their enemy than they suspected, the party debates their next move.<br>
[17:11] <@IXJac> Immediately inside the wall in the West Park area, you enter a massive slum of refugees from the Endrus DistrictBuildings stacked almost to the top of the wall in dangerously wobbly-looking towers, connected by rope latters and bridges
[17:12] <@IXJac> Oh, yes, you have itIt's a 2d6 melee weapon with a phyiscal factor of 8, and also an Ether receptacle capable of holding 3 ready Ether.
Return to [[Ascension Isle: Legacy]]<br>
[17:12] <@Aranitha> oh cool
[17:13] <@Aranitha> is the later automatic? I just automatically have 5 ready ether?
[17:13] <@IXJac> So long as you're carrying it, yes
[17:13] <@IXJac> Your aura just infuses and charges it, unless you consciously decide otherwise
[17:15] <@Aranitha> rocking
[17:15] <@Aranitha> who are the refugees?
[17:16] <@IXJac> A mixture of undesirables; mainlanders, Rafaelan transportees, elves, that sort of thing
[17:21] <@IXJac> AcatalepsyDelta : ( 3 4 4 4 4 5 4 2 2 5 4 2 1 4 6 4 3 1 3 5 6 5 2 5 4 6 4 4 4 6 5 3 2 5 3 6 5 6 5 2 4 6 2 5 2 6 3 6 1 6 4 1 2 5 2 4 4 5 3 2 4 3 4 3 1 1 5 5 1 1 2 5 5 4 1 6 4 6 3 5 2 3 6 4 1 2 5 4 1 6 3 3 6 5 4 3 )
[17:22] <@IXJac> Hang on
[17:22] <@IXJac> lol
[17:22] <@Aranitha> sorry
[17:22] <@Aranitha> got called away
[17:23] <@IXJac> OK, so high on one of the slabs of wall you see an interlocking symbol of what looks like four ovoids or eyesIt's painted in red paint.  And below it is written in Adamic (the Jibril language)the words "They Fall."
[17:25] * @Aranitha has absolutely no idea what that means, but if they mean the chosen its cool
[17:25] <@IXJac> You can hear the rattle of steam and gas engines, straining to provide heatHigh on the ring wall you can also see work crews on scaffolds
[17:25] <@IXJac> They seem to be stringing some sort of cable.
[17:26] <@IXJac> Anyway, the sun is setting so Greg has to run or he'll be late for his party
[17:27] <@IXJac> You can take a train, or just walk back to Emeraldine House.
[17:27] <@IXJac> It's. . .
[17:27] * @Aranitha is about to ask "what are they doing?" but stops as Greg rushes off
[17:27] * @IXJac checks the map
[17:27] <@IXJac> About 6km away
[17:32] <@Aranitha> 6km huh?
[17:32] <@Aranitha> that's a nice jog
[17:32] <@IXJac> "Who knows," Says an old dark skinned Rafaelan woman, as you wonder aloud.  "Supposed to be some new fangled system to bring light and heat to all the wards, but who can trust what *they* say."  Another old woman nods and puts a finger to the side of her mouth conspiratorially. "Its some new weapon, just you wait.  All they build is weapons these days."
[17:32] <@IXJac> They go back to arguing over the price of potatoes with a street vendor
[17:33] <@IXJac> OK, Aranitha sets out on foot.
[17:34] <@IXJac> Glowing butterflies float distractingly like afterimages in the sides of her vision, she's been getting that occasionally since picking up the Selkie
[17:34] <@IXJac> Like spots behind her eyes, blink and they're gone
[17:35] <@Aranitha> "So can you speak?"
[17:36] <@IXJac> Communication with those from Peritha is always difficult.  Aranitha knew an old Zahara sorcerer, and he used to laugh and say it was like trying to make out his wive's hints.
[17:37] <@Aranitha> "Well fine then."
[17:37] * @Aranitha continues her run
[17:38] <@IXJac> You move through the alleys.  You run past a building from which you can see a flickering light, spilling out into the darkening streets through its boarded windows
[17:38] * @Aranitha wishes she had some money, she'd stop in a bar or something
[17:41] <@IXJac> So just going to head back without stopping?
[17:41] <@Aranitha> hmm
[17:41] <@Aranitha> actually
[17:41] <@Aranitha> lets have a look at the cabling
[17:41] <@Aranitha> briefly
[17:42] <@Aranitha> and maybe stop in a bar and get a drink. These nights are cold
[17:42] <@IXJac> You head back to the wall.
[17:42] <@Aranitha> I can always glamour a rock
[17:42] <@IXJac> The scaffolding goes up the 30m wall, and the workers are just coming down.
[17:43] <@Aranitha> "Is it true that that's going to deliver light and heat?"
[17:43] <@IXJac> There are Crusader guards standing security, including several Giggangers
[17:44] <@IXJac> Who's she directing that to?
[17:45] <@Aranitha> one of the workers as they come off shift
[17:45] <@Aranitha> who are Giggangers?
[17:46] <@IXJac> They're constructs.  Massive 3 meter tall suits of armour, with parts of a mind-stapled Ogre inside.
[17:46] <@IXJac> The worker looks over at you.  Roll something to communicate with him.
[17:46] <@Aranitha> uh
[17:46] <@Aranitha> hmm
[17:47] <@Aranitha> 2d10 + 3 intelliect
[17:47] <@Aranitha> or is it 1d10 as I have no skill?
[17:48] <@IXJac> Do you have no relevant skills?
[17:48] <@IXJac> If so, 1d10
[17:48] <@Aranitha> nope
[17:48] <@Aranitha> d1
[17:48] <FBHbot_> Aranitha : ( 2 )
[17:48] <@Aranitha> lol 5
[17:48] <@IXJac> Well, that would seem to be a priority to raise then.
[17:48] <@Aranitha> hmm
[17:48] * Kana- (kana@42841fba.cpe.net.cable.f33844f1.com.hmsk) has joined #ascend
[17:49] <@Aranitha> actually can I buy one with my last session XP?
[17:49] <@IXJac> He just completely ignores you, chatting and laughing with his friends.
[17:49] <@Aranitha> how many did we get
[17:49] <@IXJac> 3
[17:49] <@Aranitha> those are just straight convert into character points?
[17:50] <@IXJac> "Move back, pol."  Says one of the guards, not agressively, but firmly.  "Closing down this area now, and the scaffolds are dangerous.  Get indoors before curfew."
[17:50] <@Aranitha> can I scan them with my etheric senses?
[17:50] * @Aranitha moves along
[17:50] <@IXJac> http://swiki.fancruft.com/index.php?title=AI:L_Background
[17:50] <@IXJac> Costs are there
[17:52] <@Aranitha> so buying graces 1 and conversation 1
[17:52] <@Aranitha> is 2 points right?
[17:53] <@IXJac> Yes
[17:53] <@Aranitha> okay, so spent
[17:54] <@Aranitha> okay, check it out with ether sense as I move. This guard force seems kind of odd for a simple work detail
[17:55] <@IXJac> OK, you activate Anja, and take a look.  Roll Senses+Read Auras
[17:56] <@Aranitha> d2 +9
[17:56] <FBHbot_> Aranitha : ( 9 6 )
[17:57] <@Aranitha> that's 24
[17:57] <@IXJac> You're not detecting any Ether Aura from the equipent at the top of the scaffold.
[17:58] <@IXJac> Whists of ether curl green in your vision, flowing through the streets like a living mist
[17:58] <@IXJac> You can also see writing on some of the walls in various languages, like ink under a blacklight.
[17:59] <@Aranitha> interesting
[17:59] * @Aranitha reads it
[17:59] <@IXJac> Prayers to the Chosen "Be virtuous and true", overwritten with Mikealan graffitti, "25th Libra," "Eria lives!"
[18:00] <@IXJac> Others are harder to read, the ether fading over time.
[18:00] <@IXJac> "Move along now, Pol."  Says the guard.  "Holding tanks full tonight, so we'd just have to beat you and send you on your way, and no one wants that."
[18:01] <@Aranitha> how many are there?
[18:01] <@Aranitha> actually no, unprofessional. I'll keep walking
[18:01] <@IXJac> Here?  Two of them.  There's a few more up the wall securing the site and removing the ladders.
[18:02] <@Aranitha> "I hope this is that "electricity" thing because my home is very cold."
[18:02] <@IXJac> Also, did we ever have a name for the Zenith language?  I'm just going to call it Imperial for now
[18:02] <@Aranitha> I don't believe so
[18:03] <@Aranitha> Imperial is fine
[18:03] <@IXJac> Should have take one liners rather than conversation.  Then you could throw out witty combacks!
[18:04] <@Aranitha> hmm
[18:04] <@Aranitha> can I switch as I've rolled neither?
[18:04] <@IXJac> Sure
[18:05] <@Aranitha> I'm honestly tempted to just murder these guys. Does Ariantha think she could kill the whole squad?
[18:05] <@IXJac> Imperial Sinshin.  There.  Named
[18:05] <@IXJac> Well, sure, but to what purpose?
[18:05] <@Aranitha> true enough
[18:05] <@Aranitha> she fantasies about killing crusaders a lot
[18:05] <@Aranitha> anyway keep going
[18:06] <@IXJac> I mean, it wouldn't be a short fight, and probably noisy, since they have machineguns
[18:06] <@IXJac> OK, you head on.  Turning off Anja, or leaving an Ether committed to it
[18:06] <@Aranitha> leave it committed
[18:07] <@IXJac> Ok, your eyes will glow whatever the personal resonance colour of your ether is while you have it up
[18:07] <@Aranitha> red
[18:07] * @Aranitha pulls her hat down
[18:07] <@IXJac> What IS your magical colour btw.  Default is green, but it can be anything.  Chosen stuff generally glows blue
[18:07] <@Aranitha> red
[18:07] <@Aranitha> like
[18:07] <@Aranitha> the colour of burning embers
[18:09] <@IXJac> Although I suppose the color of ether was usually purple in LoE, so I can stay with that
[18:10] <@Aranitha> Aranitha's is definately red
[18:10] <@Aranitha> if that's an option
[18:10] <@IXJac> Sure.  Your personal color can be anything
[18:11] <@IXJac> I think having personalized magic colours is cool!
[18:11] <@Aranitha> when she's using it it looks like her eyes are two burning coals
[18:12] <@Aranitha> those crusaders didn't know how close they came to death
[18:12] <@IXJac> OK, you move back through the streets.
[18:12] <@IXJac> Roll Perception+Alertness
[18:13] <@Aranitha> d2 +10
[18:13] <FBHbot_> Aranitha : ( 4 3 )
[18:13] <@Aranitha> lame
[18:13] <@Aranitha> 17
[18:13] <@IXJac> Note that while Anja is up you suffer a penalty to mundane perception because the ether fogs things up and distracts a littl
[18:13] <@IXJac> Which is a reason not to always run with it on, aside from glowing eyes
[18:13] <@Aranitha> ahah
[18:15] <@IXJac> You can see a sorcerous web drawn over the entrance to an alley to your right
[18:15] * Silence (chatzilla@5f457266.dsl.chcgil.c4b6c291.net.hmsk) has joined #ascend
[18:15] * @Aranitha pauses and examins it
[18:16] <@IXJac> You have any magical theory?
[18:17] <@Aranitha> uh
[18:17] <@Aranitha> is that a specific skill?
[18:17] <@Aranitha> I have will work 5
[18:17] <@IXJac> Guess not.  You don't recognize the spell, but it doesn't have enough power to do any damage
[18:18] <@IXJac> Will Work will let you cast spells, but you just do them as trained.  You don't understand the theory behind them
[18:18] <@Aranitha> I didn't see the magical theory skill in the writeup I had
[18:18] <@IXJac> It's (X)Theory
[18:18] <@Aranitha> ah
[18:19] <@Aranitha> I think I have an old document here
[18:19] <@Aranitha> can I spend my last XP to buy some and look again? It seems unlikely I wouldn't have any
[18:19] <@IXJac> Why would you have any?  You're a soldier, not a scientist.
[18:19] <@Aranitha> hmm okay
[18:19] <@Aranitha> any way to bypass the web?
[18:20] <@IXJac> Walk through it?
[18:20] <@Aranitha> but that'll set it off
[18:20] <@Aranitha> won't it?
[18:20] <@IXJac> Probably.
[18:20] <@Aranitha> I'll shadow step around it through the top of the alley
[18:21] <@IXJac> OK, you blow to a cloud of red ether whirl through the air with the mists, and reform at the end behind a pallet of rotten wood.
[18:22] * @Aranitha looks around the alleyway
[18:22] <@IXJac> You can hear voices coming from a building beside you, and laughter
[18:23] <@IXJac> Its narrow and dirty, overhung with eaves and ragged awnings
[18:23] <@Aranitha> anything that'd be worth putting a sorcerous web over?
[18:23] <@IXJac> In the *alley* itself?  No.
[18:24] <@Aranitha> well uh
[18:24] <@Aranitha> oh sorry, I for some reasoned missed something there
[18:24] * @Aranitha moves to the building door and listens to the voices
[18:24] <@IXJac> Someone is speaking in Zenith in the nearby building
[18:26] <@IXJac> "We are knights of the Empire!  No matter how impossible the task, it is our duty to keep trying!  Always, and everything with the utmost will!"
[18:26] * @Aranitha pushes the door open
[18:26] <@IXJac> "No matter how impossible it seems, if we try with all our spirit, the Tyrant will fall!"
[18:26] <@IXJac> Just walking in, or sneaking?
[18:26] <@Aranitha> just walking in
[18:27] <@Aranitha> After a speech like that how can I not?
[18:29] <@IXJac> It's a dark room, full of people.  to the side a projector is clattering away, throwing a beam of light onto the far wall, on which a Zenith Animated Tinubell is showing, with subtitles in Eladish, a common language in this region of Mikeala.
[18:30] <@IXJac> You can see the hero brandishing her sword and rallying her cabal of trusty followers.  You don't pay much attention to pop culture, so you don't know this one.
[18:31] <@IXJac> People turn to look as you walk in, and one makes a spastic jerk for the projector.
[18:31] * @Aranitha shuts the door
[18:31] <@Aranitha> "Please. Continue."
[18:31] * @Aranitha says in a similar accent to the show."
[18:32] <@Aranitha> can I resume my normal form quickly?
[18:32] <@IXJac> Just drop the glamour, sure
[18:32] <@Aranitha> who are the people around it by the look of them?
[18:32] <@IXJac> Its dark and you can't tell.
[18:33] * @Aranitha switches on her Anja perceptions
[18:33] <@IXJac> They were on
[18:33] <@IXJac> It's like trying to identify people in a dark movie theatre, which this is
[18:33] <@Aranitha> ahah
[18:34] * @Aranitha drops her glamour but still has her hat on
[18:34] * @Aranitha is accutely embaressed having got completely the wrong end of the stick
[18:35] <@IXJac> The projectionist gives you another look, then sits back down and lets the anime continue
[18:35] * @Aranitha sits at the back and watches in rapt attention
[18:36] <@Aranitha> though also a firm watch on anyone trying to leave or call for assistance
[18:36] <@IXJac> OK, hold on, supper.  BBL
[18:38] <@Aranitha> I'll brb too then
[18:39] * Kana- is now known as Mal
[18:42] <@IXJac> back
[18:43] <Silence> the souls of damned that Ix ate was refreshing and a quick meal
[18:45] <@IXJac> Anyway, the show has all the usual tropes.  An evil chosen plot in some poor neutral Rafealan kingdom, and a disgraced knight from the empire and her plucky band of followers regaining their honour by defeating the fictional Chosen Xardiel
[18:45] <@IXJac> Well, at least, eventually, they seem to only have the first few episodes
[18:46] <@IXJac> Pretty dangerous stuff to show in Jibril.
[18:50] <Silence> (what does Jibril show?)
[18:51] <@IXJac> "Cor!  Can Zenith Knights *really* do that stuff?"  Says one young kid, as the projectionist hunts for the next reel.  "It's just stories."  Says someone else.  "Well, sure, but doesn't mean they can't!"
[18:51] <@IXJac> (Morality plays, like the ultimate bible school cartoons)
[18:52] <Silence> (so like Davey and Goliath)
[18:54] <@IXJac> "My cousin said she saw some knights back - then."  Someone else says.  "They were flying through the air, and glowing."
[18:55] <@IXJac> "Your cousin also says she saw Eria."  Someone snorts.  "Well, she did!  She swooped in like a big black bird, and she saved her from a Crux."
[18:56] <@IXJac> "Eria's dead.  If she ever even existed."  "That's not true!  Eria's alive, and still fighting!"  "Hush you two, next episode's starting.  I love the new theme song!"
[18:56] <@Aranitha> (sorry, back)
[18:57] <@IXJac> (just having the audience chatter to itself)
[18:57] * @Aranitha watches till another break
[18:59] <@IXJac> The reel finishes with our heroes facing off with Xardiel's evil high priestess, about to sacrifice one of our heroine's (many) boyfriends.
[18:59] * @Aranitha isn't choked up but does get a little emotional about that one
[19:00] <@IXJac> So, you're past curfew now, so getting back to Emeraldine house will be a bit riskier
[19:01] <@Aranitha> That's just more fun
[19:01] <@Aranitha> and this was worth it
[19:01] * @Aranitha pauses by the projection guy and whispers
[19:02] <@Aranitha> "Next time you need to make sure your web is over the top of the alley too."
[19:02] <@Aranitha> "Do you happen to know an easy way to travel after curfew?"
[19:03] <@IXJac> He starts, and looks at you, "Ahhh - that's all for tonight people.  We're going back to newreels, and then turning off at 11."
[19:03] <@IXJac> "BOOOOOOO!"
[19:04] <@IXJac> "Stick to the stacks."  he says.  "The Crux don't come in there after dark.  But don't move through the main streets or the blocks."
[19:04] * @Aranitha nods
[19:04] <@Aranitha> "thanks."
[19:04] <@IXJac> The stacks are the slum warrens in this end of the city, the massive towers of shanties
[19:05] <@IXJac> You're gonna HAVE to cross the blocks and main streets to get back to Emeraldine house though
[19:05] <@IXJac> Unless you spend the night in the slums
[19:05] <@Aranitha> I'm sure I can make that
[19:06] * @Aranitha heads outside
[19:06] <@IXJac> So, heading back?
[19:06] <@Aranitha> "Hey kid."
[19:06] * @Aranitha says to the two as they also presumably leave now the fun stuff's over
[19:06] <@IXJac> They look over
[19:06] <@Aranitha> "Yes. We can."
[19:06] * @Aranitha winks under her hood then vanishes through the door and smoke steps away as soon as she's broken sightline
[19:07] <@IXJac> Poof
[19:07] <@IXJac> OK, roll Physique+Stealth+2d10 to make your way back without incident
[19:08] <@Aranitha> d2 +13
[19:08] <FBHbot_> Aranitha : ( 10 4 )
[19:08] <@Aranitha> d1
[19:08] <FBHbot_> Aranitha : ( 5 )
[19:09] <@Aranitha> 32
[19:09] <@IXJac> Yeah, you're fine
[19:09] <@IXJac> The Constables don't seem to be terribly dilligent in looking for people anyway.  Mostly hanging out around their checkpoints and playing cards
[19:10] * @Aranitha considers murdering one but decides its too close to base
[19:11] <@IXJac> A couple of armoured cars are drawn up at the bottom of Emerald avenue with their engines humming for heat, but you slip around them easily since one of the Crusaders seems to be trying to chat up the annoyed Cleric in her heavy fur coat and muffler - and failing pretty badly, actually.
[19:12] <@IXJac> "-Not like either of us have taken vows of celibacy."  "No, just good taste."
[19:13] <Silence> (well we know who has one liners as a skill)
[19:13] * @Aranitha shakes her head
[19:14] <@IXJac> OK, you slip back over the wall of Emeraldine House, avoiding the two Autoclaires on sentry, and over to the converted hospice
[19:15] * @Aranitha slips inside
[19:16] * Lokar (Lokar@160e68d8.hsd1.ma.5aa6454b.net.hmsk) has joined #ascend
[19:16] <Lokar> o/
[19:16] <@IXJac> Right, OK, so, who do we have f-
[19:16] <@IXJac> Ahah!
[19:17] <Lokar> just got back
[19:17] <@IXJac> Now we just need Ent!
[19:17] * IXJac sets mode: +oo Lokar Silence
[19:18] <@IXJac> Well, we can proceed without him, and he can catch up later I guess.
[19:19] <@Aranitha> proceeding is good, its getting later
[19:19] * Silence is now known as Alice_Samelrand
[19:19] * Lokar is now known as Jonas
[19:20] <@IXJac> Meanwhile, at a party.
[19:20] <@IXJac> Jonas is still chatting with Aeternia Lentithe while Alice hovers by the drinks table keeping an eye on her commander.
[19:21] <@Jonas> I'm gonna to roll int to see what's making her tick
[19:21] <@Jonas> so sense + Int?
[19:21] <@Jonas> +convo?
[19:21] <@IXJac> No, it's Intellect+Intuition.
[19:21] <@Jonas> ok
[19:21] <@Jonas> d2 +8
[19:21] <FBHbot_> Jonas : ( 10 6 )
[19:21] <@Jonas> d1
[19:21] <FBHbot_> Jonas : ( 4 )
[19:21] <@Jonas> 28
[19:22] * @Alice_Samelrand wonders if she go find somebody later to make sure the wound on her face doesn't scar
[19:22] <@IXJac> Not bad.
[19:22] <@Jonas> Well he already made inroads. Now is the time to advance to the objective! Err gardening methphores >.>
[19:23] <@IXJac> (Oh, Lilly's a doctor-in-training she's probably already looked at it *tsk tsk* - "Well, that was some drink, so at least it was self sterilizing!")
[19:24] <@IXJac> Anyway, gimme a sec to build out Aeternia Lentithe a little
[19:24] <@Jonas> ok
[19:25] * @Alice_Samelrand tries a bit of whatever her cousin ordered to see what it was
[19:28] <@IXJac> Double shots of Helios Liquor Wow, that's got some kick!  Alice already feels a buzz.
[19:29] <@Jonas> (let the awesomeness FLOW)
[19:30] * @Alice_Samelrand decides to go with punch after this drink, no need to wake up without any memory of what happened smelling of ash and gunpoder
[19:31] <@IXJac> OK, so, talking to Aeternia Jonas gets the sense that she's got a little bit of hero worship for him.  Because he's a war hero.  Something she seems, in a momnetary slip, to be a little bitter that her own father never was.  She seems to have a REALLY strong desire to prove herself, as he was unable to.
[19:32] <@IXJac> As a personal goal, she seems to want the battle honours that were denied her family.
[19:32] * @Alice_Samelrand clutches the cup holding her punch a bit tighter in the background as she watches from afar
[19:33] * @Jonas sips his spiked punch
[19:33] <@IXJac> And then the bells begin to ring, announcing the entry of the Governor
[19:34] <@Jonas> "Good heros win battles, great heros win battles and bring everyone home."
[19:34] <@IXJac> "All ye gathered, all ye gathered, here comes his excellency, Governor of the Corrected Zone.  Give honour to the Divine Appointed Armiger Archangeli!"
[19:34] * @Jonas takes another sip with a bit of saddness
[19:35] <@IXJac> The doors swing open as the guards come to attention in their red and white uniforms, banging the silver bound butts of their Arclave Halberds to the marble floor.
[19:36] <@IXJac> Armiger enters, looking older than his years, thin and hollow, his once full beard thinning to wisps of grey, wearing the white coat of a Protectorate ruler.
[19:37] * @Alice_Samelrand makes a note to ask Jonas if he ever gets captured if he wants to be shot or rescued before they do this that to him
[19:37] <@IXJac> On his arm is a subdued Aster Emerald-Archangeli.  She looks like a slightly thinner version of Lilly's mother, not dissipated with drink, but distanced by public captivity.  Of course her twin isn't here tonight.
[19:37] * Protoko (Mibbit@e0f55b58.wireless.161ad4a0.com.hmsk) has joined #ascend
[19:38] <@IXJac> Ah!  A wild kitty cat!
[19:38] <@Alice_Samelrand> nekomurderhime
[19:38] <Protoko> nyaa~
[19:39] <@IXJac> Following them is the Lord General Marianne Saint-Just, in full dress regalia.  In her dress armour, Lord General Chesne Du-Blessed looks daggers at her peer.
[19:39] * @Jonas sighs slightly at the sight remember his friend as the man he was, not the creature he became
[19:39] * @Jonas sighs slightly at the sight, remembering his friend as the man he was, not the creature he became
[19:39] * @Alice_Samelrand lights up at Saint-Just's apperance
[19:39] * @Jonas glares at Saint-Just
[19:40] <@IXJac> Behind her is a small honor guard, led by a young silver haired captain, who looks. . . a little familiar
[19:40] * g_g (Nowhere@b2c952d6.nycap.res.14056255.com.hmsk) has joined #ascend
[19:41] <@IXJac> The high priestess Joanna Alisandre, the Cardinal of Liah here in CZ central, steps out in front of the dias, holding a golden monstrance.
[19:42] <@IXJac> It stays dull, its crystal not shining with the light of the CHosen, but she raises and speaks the traditional benedictions - Chosen's blessing to you, on the fifth year of your union.
[19:42] <@IXJac> Then she invokes the names of the 20 other Chosen, to witness their Heirophant servants on earth, as Armiger and Aster kneel
[19:43] <@IXJac> Arth rather (what is this earth you speak of!)
[19:44] * Ent- (nnscript@6eca3def.nycmny.fios.36f5c1fe.net.hmsk) has joined #ascend
[19:44] <@IXJac> To hear her speak, you'd think this was some happy union of star crossed lovers.  Jonas remembers it rather differently.
[19:44] <Ent-> (literally just got back)
[19:44] <Ent-> (might go out and eat some leftovers in a bit)
[19:44] <@IXJac> Sure
[19:44] * Ent- is now known as Gregorio
[19:44] * @Jonas does not kneel
[19:46] * @Alice_Samelrand is ready to kick Jonas's knees underneath him to make him look like he's kneeling if its sucide not to
[19:47] <@IXJac> Armiger's wife left for Auraden after Independence, and he took up with the younger Emeraldine twin in a semi-scandalous affair.  Her sister a fabled duelist with pistol and blade (it became a thing, briefly, under the republic) she herself abandoned the temple.
[19:47] <@IXJac> (kick)
[19:47] <@Jonas> "Oft."
[19:47] <@Alice_Samelrand> "Cordinal bid your time"
[19:47] <@Alice_Samelrand> "I don't have enough ammo, to shoot all the guards in this hall"
[19:47] * @Alice_Samelrand wispers
[19:47] * @Jonas rubs his knee
[19:48] * @Jonas mummbles
[19:48] <@IXJac> Aster Emeraldine was one of the heroes of the defense of Prion, and reportedly spat in the face of Leliel after the chosen blasted much of the city.  To save her from death, Armiger made her life a condition of his surrender.
[19:49] * @Alice_Samelrand looked up to Aster, she wanted to duel her one day ;(
[19:50] <@IXJac> At which point, Liah, always one with the sickest sense of humour said, and Jonas was there for this, so he remembers it well: "We can be merciful, even to those who offend us.  She will be spared, but she can no longer be trusted.  She has lost her freedom, and you will be her jailor."
[19:50] * @Jonas looks up the pair with a bit of saddness in his eyes as the memories come back
[19:50] <@IXJac> And then she ripped out Armiger's mind, and remade him into her loyal servant
[19:51] <@IXJac> They were married later that month, in a ceremony whose pomp almost matched its tragedy.
[19:51] <@IXJac> Now Aster Emerald-Archangeli, once one of the greatest Thaumaturges of Eluetheria, lives with the husband she once loved replaced by a puppet of vengeful demigods, a captive princess in a fairy-tale castle.
[19:52] <@IXJac> Just another crime in a very long list
[19:53] <@Alice_Samelrand> (and Tristian and Isolde the song just comes playing on my playlist)
[19:53] <@IXJac> The invocation of the Chosen is finished, and the governor and his wife seat themselves on their raised chairs, as everyone rises
[19:54] * @Alice_Samelrand eyes tract over Amiger, Aster and St Just as she gets up
[19:54] * @Jonas slowly rises and takes a couple of deep breaths, this isn't as easy as he thought it would be... never is...
[19:55] <@IXJac> The Cardinal turns to leave, as the reflected light of the dull crystal host falls across the thrones. . . And suddenly Aster's eyes blaze purple, she gasps, and her back arches. . .
[19:55] * @Alice_Samelrand puts a hand on Jonas's shoulder to keep him from doing anything foolish
[19:55] * @Jonas starts and then stops
[19:56] * @Jonas turns to wispher at Alice: "Thank you."
[19:56] <@IXJac> "The light!  The light!" she yells, "Hear the words of heaven!"  He voice is loud, and rings across the chamber with the power of those who spoke prophetic words for the Chosen in years past.
[19:57] <@IXJac> "After the light of Heaven, hear these truths!"  The words are in Enochian, the languange of the Chosen, for those who speak it (it's the language of the priesthood and Thaumaturgy.)
[19:57] <@IXJac> "The drums beat, the trumpets sound!  Heroes!  It calls you!  Children of war, and warriors born - you walk amidst relics of a fallen empire!  Mount your bright steeds and defend what is lost."
[19:58] <@IXJac> She takes a deep breath, her words echoing around the deathly silent chamber:  "At the changeling call, the shadow of Eria steals souls that are chosen, and darkens the City with her deeds.  What that is built can stand against the cogs of time?"
[20:00] <@IXJac> "War comes with the cry of the crow!  Within a ring, purity and transformation, from works divine to profane."
[20:00] <Gregorio> (ok, back for real)
[20:00] <@IXJac> "The patron of mercy emerges from mystery, and the Justice of Mag Firin attains her deepest desire."
[20:01] <@IXJac> A bell rings somewhere.  Her voice falls, and Aster collapses out of her chair, her voice fading "I see the light, and I speak it's truths."
[20:01] * @Jonas is concerned
[20:02] <@IXJac> Armiger sits on his throne, frozen, looking like a puppet without orders.  Lord General Marianne stands still, looking over the Dias at Aster, hand on her sword hilt.
[20:02] <@IXJac> A long hush falls over the crowd.
[20:03] * @Jonas moves towards the dias to make sure Aster is okay
[20:03] <@IXJac> The young captain snaps out a hand to block you.
[20:04] * @Jonas turns to look at the captain
[20:04] <@IXJac> He looks back at you, narrowed violet eyes
[20:05] * @Jonas regards him cooly as benefit a man who had solider for as long as this young man has been alive
[20:05] <@Jonas> "Lady Aster requires attention."
[20:06] <@IXJac> Roll Intellect+Leadership
[20:06] * IXJac sets mode: +o Gregorio
[20:06] <@Jonas> d2 +8
[20:06] <FBHbot_> Jonas : ( 9 9 )
[20:06] <@Jonas> 26
[20:06] <@IXJac> He steps back almost involuntarily and lets you through.
[20:07] <@IXJac> Aster is collapsed on the dias beside her chair, breathing heavily.
[20:07] * @Jonas goes up dias to check on Lady Aster
[20:07] * @Alice_Samelrand stays in the crowd in case there is a diversion that will be needed to made
[20:08] <@Gregorio> (is this still the party that Greg is attending?)
[20:08] * @Jonas kneels before her chair to take her pulse
[20:08] <@IXJac> Well, you don't have any particular medical knowledge but she seems unharmed.  As you check her pulse her hand brushes you, and you feel a spark of Ether.
[20:08] * @Jonas wisphers: "Aster... Can you hear me?"
[20:08] <@IXJac> Alice, you see Jonas seem to freeze
[20:09] <@IXJac> Jonas, you blank out for a second (at least that's what it feel like)
[20:09] * @Jonas blanks out
[20:10] <@IXJac> "Move back, gentle men and ladies."  Says Marianne Sait-Just.  "Carninal?  *Cardinal*."  She snaps her fingers.  "I beleive we may have witnessed a manifestation.  This is now holy ground, and no place for a party.  Don't you agree?"
[20:11] * @Alice_Samelrand keeps steady to make sure Jonas is not blocked out of sight
[20:11] <@IXJac> "Ah.  Yes, of course."  The stunned Cardinal looks over at Saint-Just.  "Please depart this temple, this is now consecrated ground."
[20:12] <@Jonas> "Yes... I guess this would qualify as a miracle..."
[20:12] <@IXJac> The Captain shoves Jonas back as guards surround Aster, and the still lost looking Armiger
[20:12] <@IXJac> Jonas snaps out of it as he stumbles back down the dias
[20:12] * @Jonas stares
[20:12] * @Alice_Samelrand grabs Jonas's arm and guides him out
[20:13] * @Gregorio follows?
[20:13] * @Alice_Samelrand takes him to lily she's a doctor, she can fix him if he's broken
[20:13] <@IXJac> "Allright, Noble folk!"  Shouts the silver haired captain.  "Make your way to the exits.  This event is concluded."
[20:13] <@IXJac> You all flow into the chilly night air of the gardens as the guards usher everyone out.
[20:14] * @Gregorio shuffles along
[20:14] <@Alice_Samelrand> hey
[20:14] <@Alice_Samelrand> IQ    Intuition  to figure out who the silver haired dude is
[20:14] <@Jonas> "Indeed... PRAISE BE THE WORDS OF THE CHOSEN!"
[20:14] <@IXJac> Greg follows behind, as you leave you can see the Cardinal talking animatedly with a thoughtful looking Lord General Marianne.
[20:15] <@IXJac> OK, roll.
[20:15] <@Alice_Samelrand> d2 +6
[20:15] <FBHbot_> Alice_Samelrand : ( 3 3 )
[20:15] <@Jonas> oh
[20:15] <@IXJac> Hmmm, you're not sure
[20:15] * @Alice_Samelrand more concern about Jonas then some martinenet
[20:15] <@Jonas> ok
[20:15] <@IXJac> Too young to be a captain on merit though.
[20:16] <@Jonas> can I roll?
[20:16] <@IXJac> Supposedly he's the Lord General's kin though
[20:16] <@IXJac> Jonas is a little too discombobulated right now
[20:16] <@Jonas> ok
[20:16] <@IXJac> Everything still seems to be swimming a little
[20:16] <@Alice_Samelrand> "Are you ok Cordinal?"
[20:17] <@Jonas> "I..."
[20:17] <@IXJac> The doors to the hall bang closed behind you.
[20:17] <@Jonas> "Please Miss Samelran, I told you already its just Jonas now..."
[20:17] <@IXJac> Jonas, roll Physique+Physical Conditioning (if you have it)
[20:17] * @Jonas shakes head to try and get the cobwebs
[20:17] <@Jonas> d2 +5
[20:17] <FBHbot_> Jonas : ( 5 4 )
[20:18] <@Jonas> 14
[20:18] <@IXJac> OK, you're still a little fuzzy
[20:18] * @Alice_Samelrand takes him to sit down at on the edge of the stone fountain these things alwyas have
[20:18] * @Jonas blinks a couple of times then squints as he pinches the bridge of nose
[20:18] <@IXJac> People are now talking animatedly
[20:19] <@Jonas> "Thank you Miss Samelran."
[20:19] <@IXJac> Those who don't know Enochain, asking those who do what the hell she just said
[20:19] <@Alice_Samelrand> would Alice know, she has willworking 1?
[20:19] * @Gregorio asks!
[20:19] <@IXJac> "A prophecy?  A *Heiros* Prophecy?"  "You heard it, of course it was."  "Are the Chosen not gone then?"  "Of course they're not!"
[20:20] * @Gregorio shrugs at the response. He's heard it all before, from both sides of the Chosen question really...
[20:21] <@IXJac> Greg would know Enochain, since he has Thaumatech Theory
[20:21] <@IXJac> It would come free with that, even if you don't have the Linguistics
[20:21] <@Gregorio> oh!
[20:21] <@Alice_Samelrand> "Wait here, Cordinal, I'll have your niece look after you"
[20:21] <@Gregorio> I think I took a dot in Ling?
[20:21] <@Gregorio> might have taken it out for some reason :P
[20:22] <@IXJac> Lilly also understands Enochian
[20:23] * Alice_Samelrand_ (chatzilla@5f457266.dsl.chcgil.c4b6c291.net.hmsk) has joined #ascend
[20:24] <@IXJac> "What was that third line she said?  Something about horns and. . . drums maybe? Ahhh, my high cant is so rusty!"
[20:24] <@IXJac> Greg overhears!  He can correct her!
[20:24] <Alice_Samelrand_> (and my computer crashes before I could save the prophcey to text)
[20:24] * @Gregorio corrects her!
[20:24] <@IXJac> He's an Epsilon level Thaumatech.  Enochian is like his mother tongue
[20:25] <@IXJac> (I'll send you the log after
[20:25] <@Gregorio> cool beans
[20:25] * IXJac sets mode: +o Alice_Samelrand_
[20:26] * @Alice_Samelrand (chatzilla@5f457266.dsl.chcgil.c4b6c291.net.hmsk) Quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds�)
[20:26] * Alice_Samelrand_ is now known as Alice_Samelrand
[20:26] <@IXJac> Jonas blinks away spots and sees Lilly leaning over him, while arguing the finer points of grammar with some semi-scruffy looking fellow he doesn't know
[20:27] <@Gregorio> (haven't they already met?)
[20:27] <@IXJac> He's met Alice
[20:27] <@Jonas> breifly
[20:27] <@IXJac> Ah, right, she introduced them
[20:27] * @Jonas waves off Lilly
[20:28] <@Gregorio> "As I was saying-Oh, hello there."
[20:28] * @Gregorio turns his attention to the incoming Jonas
[20:28] <@Jonas> "Its okay Lilly... I just blanked out there for a moment... We're in the garden?"
[20:28] <@Gregorio> (I guess the eventperm didn't last :()
[20:28] * @Alice_Samelrand goes to get a drink for the general
[20:29] <@Alice_Samelrand> cordinal
[20:29] <@IXJac> "Yes uncle, and you almost fainted."  She looks at Alice with aspersion.  "It's those drinks, no doubt!"
[20:29] <@Alice_Samelrand> "Drinks, a splendid idea"
[20:29] * @Alice_Samelrand putters off
[20:29] <@Jonas> "Mmmm... Miss Samelran... What happened in ther... Oh... Lilly, what happened in there?"
[20:30] * @Alice_Samelrand gets the feeling for the crowd as she gets the drinks noble circles conseveration
[20:30] <@Alice_Samelrand> d2 +7
[20:30] <FBHbot_> Alice_Samelrand : ( 7 4 )
[20:31] <@Alice_Samelrand> 18
[20:31] <@Jonas> Am I well enough to try that as well?
[20:31] <@IXJac> Stunned, confused, most have no idea what to think
[20:31] <@IXJac> People are starting to disperse to cars and carriages
[20:32] <@IXJac> No doubt there'll be a lot of late night discussions about this
[20:33] <@IXJac> So, what's the plan?
[20:34] <@IXJac> Behind you the palace is now sealed tight, guards standing at the doors, though they're not yet ushering people from the grounds
[20:34] * @Alice_Samelrand feels bad, she didn't get to meet the General :(
[20:35] <@Jonas> "Miss Samelran!"
[20:35] <@IXJac> People are standing in clusters, and as Alice returns with a bottle of bubbly for Jonas, she sees Greg and Lilly have gathered a little crowd of others discussing the meaning of the words
[20:35] * @Alice_Samelrand is suddenly at Jonas's side
[20:35] <@Alice_Samelrand> "Cordinal?"
[20:36] <@IXJac> Loran pushes his way through the crowd from the other side.
[20:36] <@Jonas> "I appoglize... Wasn't quite myself back there. Are you well? I saw you had a run in with your cousin..."
[20:36] <@Gregorio> rabblerabblerabble
[20:36] * @Jonas gentle touches her face to check the wound
[20:36] * @Alice_Samelrand blushes
[20:36] <@IXJac> "Lord Flavius. . . I can't find Chrysand.  The lady de Caritas."
[20:37] <@Alice_Samelrand> "My.... cousin is fine, she just needs pity."
[20:37] <@Alice_Samelrand> "You know *leans in* "she's not right in the head, the family curse"
[20:37] <@IXJac> Loran has no respect for battlefield romance!
[20:37] <@Jonas> "I know... What about her friend... A Miss Frost?"
[20:37] * @Alice_Samelrand turns briefly to give him a deathglare for a brief second
[20:38] <@Alice_Samelrand> "A lady who is involved in operation next Garbleday (sp)"
[20:38] <@Alice_Samelrand> "Something violent, she tried to recruit me for it."
[20:38] <@Jonas> "..."
[20:38] <@Alice_Samelrand> "In the wards"
[20:38] <@Jonas> "Hm."
[20:39] <@IXJac> http://swiki.fancruft.com/index.php?title=AI:L_Background#Timekeeping
[20:39] <@Gregorio> "THere's always something violent happening in the wards."
[20:39] * @Gregorio interjects
[20:39] <@IXJac> Gabrelday
[20:39] <@IXJac> (Sunday equiv)
[20:39] <@Alice_Samelrand> "My cousin lost her temper and then threw a glass at my face"
[20:39] * @Jonas takes out a peice of paper and jots something down
[20:39] <@IXJac> "Excuse me, Sir!"  Loran is agitated.  "The Lady Chrysand, I can't find her."
[20:39] * @Alice_Samelrand looks at the cornet
[20:40] <@Alice_Samelrand> "Perhaps I should offer my services to escort my cousin home."
[20:40] * @Alice_Samelrand says obliquely
[20:40] <@Jonas> "Oh Loran, would you do me a favor and pass this note along to Lady Aeternia?"
[20:41] <@Jonas> "Lady Chrysand? She couldn't have gotten far away."
[20:41] <@Alice_Samelrand> "She might be in the palace:
[20:41] <@Alice_Samelrand> "Which is currently sealed up."
[20:42] <@Jonas> "Hm not good."
[20:42] <@IXJac> Loran takes the note. "Then I have to get back in.  I'm still an officer in the Crusade.  I'll deliver your note, and then I'll be back later."
[20:43] <@IXJac> He takes the note and runs off.
[20:43] * @Alice_Samelrand looks at Jonas
[20:43] <@Alice_Samelrand> "Cordinal do you wish to look for the young miss as well or should we leave it to the Cornet?"
[20:43] <@Jonas> "Knowing Loran, he'll only get himself in trouble."
[20:44] <@Jonas> "Boy's too young to know what he doesn't know."
[20:44] <@IXJac> Yes, well, you lot AREN'T officers, so. . .
[20:45] <@IXJac> Lilly glares at you, "Uncle!  Loran is very brave, and he knows what he's doing!'
[20:45] <@Jonas> "Just like back at the castle?"
[20:45] * @Alice_Samelrand walks up to the guards and asks the head of House Samelrand is still there
[20:46] <@IXJac> OK, OOC, you guys can't go back in to look for Chrysand, because Shrike isn't in play, so if you do then we have to end the session here
[20:46] <@IXJac> Since we have no idea what he's actually doing
[20:46] <@Jonas> (oh okay)
[20:46] <@Alice_Samelrand> ok
[20:46] <@Alice_Samelrand> well back to the batcave to figure out the prophecy
[20:46] * @Jonas sighs and goes collect Alice
[20:46] <@Alice_Samelrand> I got questions and rolls to figure out stuff
[20:47] <@Jonas> "Come along Miss Samelrand, we won't be of much good until Loran gets himself in trouble."
[20:47] <@Alice_Samelrand> "Very well Cordinal"
[20:47] <@IXJac> And Lilly isn't very happy with Jonas over that comment.  "He stood up to the Lord General, you're being mean and unkind!"
[20:48] * @Alice_Samelrand tries to make some small talk with the general, she turns and spots or spotted earlier Georgio's sister leaving
[20:48] <@Alice_Samelrand> "Cordinal next party should I wear a dress like that, it seemed to be popular"
[20:49] <@Aranitha> (hey Gregor, introduce Aranitha)
[20:49] <@Gregorio> "I'm...not sure you're the type for that."
[20:49] <@Gregorio> (Did Aranitha even come with him? I thought he went alone :P )
[20:49] <@IXJac> OK, Greg needs to take a detour to the family home, and could use some extra hands to carry stuff out, particularly if Jonas has a car
[20:49] <@Jonas> "Lilly, you Loran is a very brave man. This is true. But he is young and reckless. I know I was his age once too. We're it not for me he would be very brave and very dead either by the Lord General or that Elfen mob."
[20:50] <@Jonas> *your Loran
[20:50] <@Aranitha> (well she told him where she was going so he could pick her up)
[20:50] <@Gregorio> (ah)
[20:50] <@Jonas> "Well Miss Samelran, you would attach attention."
[20:51] <@Gregorio> "Uh, Jonas correct? I think now that our business is done here, I need to head back out...although I also have some other errands to attend to, one that might need me to borrow your vehicle. May I?"
[20:51] * @Gregorio asks the man he was just introduced to for his car!
[20:52] <@Alice_Samelrand> "But what do you *you* think?"
[20:52] <@IXJac> Or carriage, rather, since its an autocar that's now hooked up to a team of construct horses, if I recall.
[20:52] <@Jonas> carriage
[20:52] <@Alice_Samelrand> undead horsey
[20:52] <@Gregorio> better not show Ravi that kind of semi-mechanical gore
[20:53] <@Jonas> "Different color would work better with your skintone."
[20:53] <@Alice_Samelrand> "I see, I see, I shall make adjustments for next time."|
[20:54] * @Gregorio doesn't say anything since he's still at the car borrowing question stage :V
[20:55] <@IXJac> ?
[20:55] <@Jonas> "Hm. Do you require a ride Mr..."
[20:55] <@Alice_Samelrand> jonas is too busy getting a nosebleed
[20:56] <@Jonas> "I'm sure we can drop you off wherever you need to go."
[20:56] <@IXJac> Cars and carriages are now starting to pull away as people slowly disperse
[20:57] <@Gregorio> "Arhyna, it's a bit of a private matter so I'll have to go at it alone. I promise to bring it back in one piece though!"
[20:57] * @Gregorio just manages to keep his explanation from devolving into a rant-like structure
[20:57] <@Jonas> "Hm. I don't see it being a problem."
[20:58] <@Alice_Samelrand> "Besides, if you steal I'll track you down and kill you"
[20:58] <@Alice_Samelrand> *pause*
[20:58] <@Alice_Samelrand> *smile*
[20:58] <@Gregorio> "Wonderful!"
[20:58] <@Jonas> "As you can see, I have the best anti-theif device in the Centeral Zone."
[20:59] <@Jonas> *theft
[20:59] <@IXJac> Hang on, back in a few minutes
[20:59] <@Gregorio> "Yes, I can tell!"
[20:59] * @Gregorio responds glibly
[21:03] * @Gregorio goes to undead Ravinightmare in question
[21:04] <@Gregorio> (aren't we continuing to intro Aranitha? :P )
[21:06] <@IXJac> Back
[21:06] <@Alice_Samelrand> perhaps gregorio should drop us off at emerladine house and conveintly run into her there
[21:06] <@Gregorio> (ah)
[21:06] <@Alice_Samelrand> then go get his stuff
[21:06] <@Jonas> yeah that would work
[21:06] <@Gregorio> (ah, so you bunch ARE coming along then)
[21:07] <@Gregorio> (I guess Jonas insisted so that he could keep his zombiehorsies :( )
[21:07] <@IXJac> OK, so in the interests of keeping the party tgether and moving things along, Jonas, Alice (and Lilly)go to the Arhyna storehouse, where Greg apologizes and vanishes before coming back with several armloads of *stuff*
[21:08] * @Gregorio has notes attached saying "scientiststuffdonottouch" in single word statements
[21:08] <@IXJac> Which he piles in the back of the carriage.  And then it turns out he's ALSO heading to Emeraldine House to meet up with a "friend"  Which is a bit of a co-incidence
[21:08] <@Jonas> "Do you require help?"
[21:09] <@IXJac> You're stopped a few times by constables, but Lilly flashes her seal of House Emeraldine, and they let you all through.
[21:09] <@Gregorio> "Nope *grunt* this shoul dbe the last of it!"
[21:09] <@IXJac> Looks like Greg will have to stay here tonight though.
[21:09] * @Jonas eyes the pils of stuff
[21:09] * @Alice_Samelrand reaches under the seat in the carriage and pulls out her her plain looking Mattock Trion, 4PS and sticks it in the holser underneath her jacket
[21:10] <@IXJac> When you arrive Lilly heads inside to check on her Mother.
[21:10] <@Alice_Samelrand> "Do you wish me to stand watch, Cordinal?"
[21:10] <@IXJac> Leaving the three of you to unload Gregs stuff.
[21:11] * @Alice_Samelrand eyes the masses
[21:11] * @Gregorio unloads!
[21:11] * @Aranitha glides out of the shadows
[21:11] <@IXJac> Oh, it's like 2 am, so the courtyard is empty.  Except for that elf with glowing red eyes watching you lot.
[21:11] * @Aranitha blinks and her eyes aren't glowing
[21:11] <@Jonas> "I don't we'll need that but keep an eye out all the same. *motions with head towards Greg*"
[21:11] <@Aranitha> "Can I help unload?"
[21:11] * @Jonas blinks
[21:12] * @Alice_Samelrand eyes the newcomer
[21:12] <@Gregorio> "Yes! Do please!"
[21:12] <@Jonas> "Hello. :)"
[21:12] * @Gregorio responds without a beat, which is a little odd even for him to what should be a total stranger...
[21:12] <@Aranitha> "Cordinal."
[21:12] * @Aranitha vaguely remembers that as the form of address
[21:12] <@Jonas> "..."
[21:12] <@IXJac> Aranitha is very beautiful, even under that ragged hood
[21:12] <@Jonas> "Not a Cordinal... Just Jonas now."
[21:13] * @Jonas repeats excatly what he said to the Lord General in the courtyard
[21:13] * @Alice_Samelrand smile flickers a little bit, another one
[21:13] <@Aranitha> "... that was a very good speech."
[21:13] <@Jonas> "Ah you were there?"
[21:14] <@Alice_Samelrand> senses intiutation on this chick, this is weird
[21:14] <@Jonas> same
[21:14] <@Alice_Samelrand> d2 +8
[21:14] <FBHbot_> Alice_Samelrand : ( 4 3 )
[21:14] <@Jonas> d2 +9
[21:14] <FBHbot_> Jonas : ( 7 5 )
[21:14] <@Alice_Samelrand> 15
[21:14] <@Jonas> 21
[21:15] * @Alice_Samelrand hang is moving subtly towards her holster beneath her jacket, in case this is some assassin
[21:15] <@Alice_Samelrand> hand
[21:16] <@IXJac> This Elf is looking for something.  And seething underneath.  A dangerous woman.
[21:16] <@IXJac> Suddenly you hear Lilly scream from inside the manor.
[21:16] * @Aranitha snaps around
[21:16] <@Jonas> (do I remember her from the funeral oration?)
[21:16] * @Jonas runs inside the mannor
[21:16] <@Jonas> "LILLY!"
[21:16] * @Alice_Samelrand follows Jonas but keeps the elf lady cover
[21:18] <@IXJac> The three of them dash inside, leaving Greg holding the a wrapped blanket over the last thing he was unloading.  The Arclave.
[21:18] <@Aranitha> "Bring that."
[21:18] * @Aranitha calls back to Greg
[21:18] * @Gregorio hands it over.
[21:18] <@Gregorio> "Here, as we agreed upon."
[21:18] * @Jonas rushes inside following the scream
[21:19] * @Aranitha catches up with the others
[21:20] <@IXJac> There are men in the drawing room, one of them has just grabbed Lilly, and has a hand over her mouth.  Two others are holding up an unconscious Hazel Emeraldine between them.  "Here, you said they'd be at the party for hours yet!"  "Hush!  Move and I gut the lil one.  Not fucking joking mate.  Like a fish."
[21:20] <@IXJac> That last to you, as you burst in through the doot
[21:20] <@IXJac> r
[21:20] <@Jonas> "Unhand her!"
[21:20] * @Alice_Samelrand eyes their weapons
[21:21] <@Aranitha> are they within 25 meters?
[21:21] <@IXJac> "Now mate, don't be a hero."  He presses the knife against Lilly's throat.
[21:21] <@IXJac> Yes
[21:21] * @Jonas glares at them
[21:21] <@Alice_Samelrand> "May I engage Cordinal?"
[21:21] <@Jonas> "I don't think you know who you are angering right now."
[21:21] * @Gregorio tails the others
[21:21] * @Aranitha watches their eyes till they're not looking at her, she's intending to smoke step into the one holding Lily and kill him the moment he gives her an opening
[21:22] <@IXJac> "We're just seeing to the noble lady, see, don't want nothing to do with you or the little one.  Lets just no one be heroes."
[21:22] <@IXJac> Roll initiative for Aranitha
[21:22] <@Jonas> "As you wish Miss Samelran."
[21:22] * @Alice_Samelrand is going to shoot anybody that Aranitha doesn't gank
[21:22] <@Aranitha> remind me of the initative formula
[21:22] <@Jonas> "Leave one of them tho, we'll need to question him."
[21:23] <@IXJac> Physique+Fast Draw+2d10
[21:23] <@IXJac> Or Senses, if using ranged weapons
[21:23] <@Aranitha> d2 +11
[21:23] <FBHbot_> Aranitha : ( 5 5 )
[21:23] <@Aranitha> 21
[21:23] <@IXJac> d2
[21:23] <FBHbot_> IXJac : ( 9 9 )
[21:24] <@Aranitha> fuck
[21:24] <@Aranitha> can I reassess that
[21:24] <@Alice_Samelrand> d2 +10
[21:24] <FBHbot_> Alice_Samelrand : ( 7 8 )
[21:24] <@IXJac> Yes
[21:24] <@IXJac> Well, actually, do you have the skill?
[21:24] <@Aranitha> umm
[21:24] <@Aranitha> what skill do I need?
[21:24] <@IXJac> You guys should probably unify your character sheets
[21:25] <@Aranitha> I feel like I've missed out on a lot of vital skills due to getting an older document
[21:25] <@IXJac> So DL the newer one!
[21:25] <@IXJac> It's right there on the page
[21:25] <@Aranitha> oh is it?
[21:25] <@IXJac> swiki.fancruft.com/index.php?title=AI:L_Background#Rules
[21:26] <@IXJac> And the only one with combat reassessment is Jonas
[21:26] <@IXJac> So, Jonas can blow 1 WP and force everyone to reroll init
[21:27] <@Jonas> did they fail?
[21:27] <@IXJac> Currently The thug has as total of 24 Init, to Aranitha's 21
[21:27] <@Aranitha> they got a really lucky roll
[21:27] <@Jonas> alice?
[21:28] <@Alice_Samelrand> 25
[21:28] <@Jonas> thug with the 24 is Aranitha's?
[21:28] <@Aranitha> d1
[21:28] <FBHbot_> Aranitha : ( 7 )
[21:28] <@IXJac> No, theirs
[21:28] <@Aranitha> 21
[21:29] <@Aranitha> they have +6
[21:29] <@Aranitha> to our +10 and +11
[21:29] <@Aranitha> but they got a very lucky roll
[21:29] <@Aranitha> so reassessment is probably worth doing
[21:29] <@Jonas> alright 1 WP for the reassessment
[21:29] <@IXJac> Reroll!
[21:29] <@IXJac> d2
[21:29] <@Alice_Samelrand> d2
[21:29] <FBHbot_> Alice_Samelrand : ( 9 2 )
[21:29] <FBHbot_> IXJac : ( 7 7 )
[21:29] <@Aranitha> d2
[21:29] <FBHbot_> Aranitha : ( 2 1 )
[21:29] <@Alice_Samelrand> even worst :p
[21:29] <@Aranitha> unless I roll that
[21:30] <@IXJac> OK, well, what's Aranitha doing?
[21:30] <@Aranitha> hmm
[21:30] <@Aranitha> with that initative, holding
[21:31] <@IXJac> Well, the guy holding Lilly is going to take a Special action, and they're all going to be moving
[21:31] <@IXJac> Alice?
[21:31] * @Alice_Samelrand shoots the guy holding Lily
[21:32] <@Alice_Samelrand> be 3d right for her hero level?
[21:33] <@IXJac> OK, I'm giving Alice the Trait "Gunslinger" as well, which:
[21:33] <@IXJac> Gunslinger (X): If you beat your target AC by 10 or more, inflict one automatic light wound, 15 one serious wound, and 20 one traumatic Wound.  Alternately, you can inflict a status effect instead.
[21:34] <@IXJac> Well, what did Alice take her Hero Level in?  Champion?
[21:34] <@IXJac> I'm assuming Champion, with a focus on firearms, so yes, then 3d10
[21:34] <@Alice_Samelrand> yeah champion then
[21:34] <@Alice_Samelrand> 3d10 +17
[21:35] <@Alice_Samelrand> blah
[21:35] <@Alice_Samelrand> d3
[21:35] <FBHbot_> Alice_Samelrand : ( 4 4 1 )
[21:35] <@Alice_Samelrand> weak dice tonight
[21:35] <@IXJac> So the total is 26
[21:36] <@IXJac> OK, so, 10 to hit a man sized target, +8 for cover, so you hit.
[21:36] <@IXJac> Roll damage, 2d6+2
[21:36] <@Alice_Samelrand> s2 +2
[21:36] <SIXbot> Alice_Samelrand : ( 4 6 )
[21:37] <@IXJac> That's a wound.  So shock, or you can inflict a condition instead with Gunslinger, like disarmed or kocked down
[21:37] <@Alice_Samelrand> knocked down
[21:38] <@IXJac> Well, that's not actually a valid condition for a pistol, I was just listing the two I have
[21:38] <@IXJac> Actually your only option is disarmed atm. ;)
[21:38] <@IXJac> Unless you can think of others
[21:38] <@Alice_Samelrand> shock
[21:39] <@Aranitha> I'd disarm
[21:39] <@Aranitha> so he can't slash Lily's throat
[21:39] <@Aranitha> which is what he's going to do
[21:39] <@IXJac> Shock is a minor wound.  It gives him -1 to all his stats
[21:39] <@IXJac> If he falls to 0 in any he'll be out of action.
[21:39] <@IXJac> But otherwise it just reduces his rolls
[21:40] <@Aranitha> I can pretty much kill these guys on my initative but it's no good if Lily gets her throat cut
[21:40] * @Alice_Samelrand shoots him again with her second action
[21:40] <@IXJac> OK, roll again.
[21:40] <@Alice_Samelrand> d3
[21:40] <FBHbot_> Alice_Samelrand : ( 2 8 3 )
[21:40] <@Alice_Samelrand> 30
[21:41] <@IXJac> OK, difficulty goes up by two for the recoil, but you still hit against a 20
[21:41] <@IXJac> Roll 2d6+2 damage
[21:41] <@Alice_Samelrand> s2 +2
[21:41] <SIXbot> Alice_Samelrand : ( 1 5 )
[21:41] <@Alice_Samelrand> 8
[21:42] <@IXJac> OK, you deal another minor wound or condition through Gunslinger, because you beat the target by 10
[21:42] <@IXJac> So, Shock again?
[21:42] <@Alice_Samelrand> shock
[21:42] <@IXJac> OK, -2.  And he's taken. . . 20 Physical stress in damage
[21:43] <@IXJac> He's a beefy guy, but that's over his max so. . .
[21:43] * @Alice_Samelrand smile is very real and not forced like many times
[21:43] <@IXJac> . . . being over his max physical stress means he takes the Serious Wound, Serious Shock
[21:43] <@IXJac> So another -2
[21:44] <@IXJac> He's a character, not a mook, but he only has an Int of 3, so he's stunned.
[21:44] <@IXJac> OK, the others are stunned, and Aranitha goes
[21:45] <@IXJac> Everyone in the room is deafened by the crash of the Mattock
[21:45] * @Aranitha kills the other two guys
[21:45] <@IXJac> Aranitha can switch her action for the cost of one action
[21:45] <@Aranitha> sure
[21:45] <@IXJac> And then burn an adrenaline to get back the second action.
[21:46] <@Aranitha> yeah
[21:46] <@IXJac> Using the Arclave or the cane?
[21:46] <@Aranitha> Shadow step over behind the guy on the left and test my new sword between the third and forth rib
[21:47] <@Aranitha> the Arclave
[21:47] <@IXJac> OK, even as Alice fires, the elf in rags suddenly explodes into red motes, and then reforms from glowing smoke behind the other two
[21:47] <@IXJac> Roll your Physique+Melee
[21:47] <@Aranitha> d3 +18
[21:47] <FBHbot_> Aranitha : ( 10 7 4 )
[21:47] <@Aranitha> d1
[21:47] <FBHbot_> Aranitha : ( 5 )
[21:47] * @Aranitha smiles too
[21:48] <@IXJac> Yeah, he's dead.
[21:48] <@IXJac> Roll the other attack
[21:48] <@Aranitha> d3 +18
[21:48] <FBHbot_> Aranitha : ( 10 4 4 )
[21:48] <@Aranitha> d1
[21:48] <FBHbot_> Aranitha : ( 6 )
[21:48] <@Jonas> "I want one of them alive!"
[21:48] * @Aranitha takes the second guys head off with a lazy back hand
[21:48] <@IXJac> Yeah, no point rolling damage, him too.
[21:48] <@Aranitha> "The one your friend shot in the head is alive."
[21:48] <@IXJac> The Arclave leaves a burning red trail in the air as it carves through the two goons
[21:49] * @Aranitha sheeths it and steps over to help Lily up
[21:49] <@IXJac> It's now dripping blood that glows like lava
[21:49] * @Aranitha has a very similiar smile to Alice
[21:49] <@Jonas> "Lilly!"
[21:49] <@IXJac> The blade slides back together, reducing in size from a large broadsword to just a dagger
[21:49] <@IXJac> *click clack*
[21:50] <@Jonas> (hopefully no one will loose their way)
[21:50] <@IXJac> The first guy Alice shot is badly wounded, but still alive
[21:50] <@Jonas> "Lilly, are you okay?"
[21:50] <@IXJac> (theme music fades)
[21:50] * @Alice_Samelrand has her Mattock pointed at the elf
[21:50] <@IXJac> "Uncle!"  She runs back into your arms, then bounces off you.  "Mom!"
[21:50] * @Aranitha looks at her
[21:51] <@IXJac> Her mother is slumped on the floor, snoring.
[21:51] <@Aranitha> "Oh please."
[21:51] * @Jonas turns to look at Lilly's mom
[21:51] <@IXJac> "juzzzzt. . . one more. . . drrrrrinkkkk. . ."
[21:51] * @Jonas sighs
[21:51] <@Alice_Samelrand> "Cordinal?"
[21:51] <@IXJac> Jonas remembers summer days on a hill in the past, with the twins, so long ago
[21:51] <@Jonas> "Secure the prisoner... Alice."
[21:52] * @Jonas goes to pick up Lilly's mom
[21:52] <@Jonas> "Lilly help me get your mother back to bed."
[21:52] <@IXJac> There are clattering steps, and in the hall Greg can see a servant in her nightdress running up
[21:52] * @Alice_Samelrand reholsters the gun and moves to tie up the prisoner in a chair after checking him for weapons
[21:53] <@Jonas> (Alice upon hearing her first name: http://25.media.tumblr.com/74930f4dece689005fe0f77d48350e97/tumblr_mt8r6epT6r1r12d1bo1_500.gif)
[21:53] <@IXJac> "I heard gunshots!  What's going on!"
[21:53] <@IXJac> lol
[21:53] * @Aranitha fades back into the shadows
[21:53] <@Alice_Samelrand> "Thieves"
[21:53] <@Jonas> "Everything is fine, just some local ruffians."
[21:53] <@Aranitha> d2 +12 physique + stealth
[21:53] <FBHbot_> Aranitha : ( 4 6 )
[21:54] <@IXJac> Aranitha hides in the shadows of the corner as the servants help the lady of the house back to bed
[21:54] <@IXJac> Leaving Alice, Greg, and Aranitha alone with the bodies
[21:54] <@Alice_Samelrand> "Prisoner is secured"
[21:55] <@Jonas> "There was a time when Hazel could have taken on all three of them herself..."
[21:55] <@IXJac> Jonas is carrying Hazel Emeraldine back to her room, he'll be back in a minute
[21:55] <@Aranitha> Do I know any minor will work to clean the carpet?
[21:55] * @Jonas says more to himself than anyone else
[21:55] <@Aranitha> seems like something a Zenith knight might learn
[21:55] <@Aranitha> I guess I probably have people to do that normally
[21:55] <@IXJac> Transmutation, yes.  You can bend down and transmute the blood to dust and blow it away
[21:56] <@Aranitha> oh cool, let's do that
[21:56] * @Alice_Samelrand wakes up the prisoner by slaping him against the face to start the intergation
[21:56] <@Alice_Samelrand> d2 +8 (phys interrogation)
[21:56] <FBHbot_> Alice_Samelrand : ( 4 6 )
[21:56] <@IXJac> And yes, you pretty obviously revealed you're a Zenith.  Or a really powerful Rafaelan sorcerer.  Teleportation is very rare in Jibril.  Only Solinarchs or skilled Priestesses can do it
[21:57] <@Alice_Samelrand> "A zenith lurking around Emeraldine House."
[21:57] <@Aranitha> "I'd prefer if he didn't wake up for now."
[21:57] <@Alice_Samelrand> "This place attracts all types, I see."
[21:57] <@Aranitha> "Until I've had chance to explain myself."
[21:57] <@Alice_Samelrand> "Explain yourself the Cordinal."
[21:57] <@Aranitha> "Why yes. It was that handsome Cordinal Jonas... his speech filled me with inspiration."
[21:57] <@IXJac> Well, he'll need some medical attention to regain consciousness.  Anyone know first aid (besides Lilly, who's not here right now)
[21:57] * @Aranitha grins at Alice
[21:58] <@Gregorio> uh
[21:58] <@Alice_Samelrand> "The cause is always looking for agents"
[21:58] * @Alice_Samelrand says not willing to be baited
[21:59] <@IXJac> It would be Medical Theory and/or Medical Practice
[21:59] <@Aranitha> "I'm actually already an agent of the cause."
[21:59] <@IXJac> I don't think any of you have it
[21:59] <@Aranitha> can I will work heal him or sorcerously heal him?
[22:00] <@IXJac> At a very basic level, yes.  Spend 1 Ether and roll 1d6
[22:00] <@Alice_Samelrand> "How long have you been active here?"
[22:01] <@IXJac> Jonas returns, after leaving the servants with Lilly and her mother, after promising to be right back
[22:01] <@Aranitha> if I spend 2 can I roll 2?
[22:01] <@Aranitha> s1
[22:01] <@IXJac> Alice and the Zenith are looking warily at each other, while Greg looks between the two of them
[22:01] <SIXbot> Aranitha : ( 6 )
[22:02] * @Aranitha isn't really looking wary, she's looking like the cat that ate the canary
[22:02] * @Jonas takes Hazel Emeraldine back to her room and laying down on her bed, brush back some stray hair as he remember the woman who was before she decided to slowly destroy herself, kissing her on the forehead before leaving
[22:02] * @Jonas returns
[22:02] <@IXJac> Aranitha bends down and pours some ether into the man, stopping his bleeding
[22:02] <@Jonas> "Has prisoner woke up?"
[22:02] <@IXJac> He has now.
[22:02] <@Aranitha> "Right now."
[22:03] * @Alice_Samelrand thinks
[22:03] <@Jonas> "Very well, Alice. You may begin."
[22:03] * @Aranitha steps back
[22:03] <@IXJac> Greg has a praxis that transmutes sound.  That might be handy about now
[22:03] * @Alice_Samelrand step forwards and snaps fingers in front him
[22:04] <@Alice_Samelrand> "Time to answer some qeustions."
[22:04] <@IXJac> "whhhuuu?"
[22:04] <@Jonas> "If you two are faint... What am I saying... If you wish to stay stay. If you wish to leave I won't hold it against you."
[22:04] <@IXJac> His head jerks back.
[22:04] <@Alice_Samelrand> d2 +8 to focus his attection
[22:04] <FBHbot_> Alice_Samelrand : ( 8 6 )
[22:04] <@IXJac> "Wha fuck!?"
[22:04] * @Alice_Samelrand pistol whips him
[22:04] * @Gregorio uses said praxis!
[22:05] <@IXJac> The rest of the house remains blissfully unaware as sound leaving the room is muffled
[22:05] <@Jonas> "We have questions. You have answers. If you value your what's left of your life you'll answer them."
[22:05] <@Aranitha> "Let's finish this matter before we discuss my insignificant self."
[22:05] <@IXJac> OK, so what;s that with Alice's Intellect+Interrogation?
[22:05] * @Jonas turns to Elf
[22:05] <@Alice_Samelrand> be the same 8
[22:05] <@Jonas> "Yes."
[22:06] <@IXJac> OK, well, he cracks pretty fast then.
[22:06] <@IXJac> "Look!  I'm just doing as I was told!  The Artemis, she said we'd need a big name noble, and she said no one would miss this one!"
[22:06] <@IXJac> "You weren't supposed to be back so soon!"
[22:07] <@Jonas> "Artemis?"
[22:07] <@IXJac> "We wasn't gonna harm anyone, just take the lady for a little trip!"
[22:07] <@Jonas> "Where?"
[22:07] <@IXJac> He doesn't want to give that one up.
[22:07] <@Aranitha> "A crime lord."
[22:07] <@IXJac> Roll again Alice!
[22:07] <@Jonas> "Alice?"
[22:08] <@IXJac> Artemis is a title used by gang leaders, yes
[22:08] <@Alice_Samelrand> d2 +8
[22:08] <FBHbot_> Alice_Samelrand : ( 7 5 )
[22:08] <@IXJac> Jonas knows the name of a few.  One of those flying around the papers lately is "Artemis Crimsene," sort of a robin hood figure, really.
[22:09] <@IXJac> Probably very romanticized.
[22:09] <@IXJac> OK, a 20, so Alice gets him talking again
[22:10] <@IXJac> "AAHHH!  My finger, you bitch!  It was Frost, Artemis Frost.  She needs nobles for something, don't ask me what, I don't know!  But she wanted to test it before next week, that's what she said!"
[22:10] <@Jonas> "Frost..."
[22:11] <@Jonas> "When next week?"
[22:11] <@IXJac> "Gabrelday, that's all I know, I swear!"
[22:11] <@Alice_Samelrand> "Was your operation on Gabrelday ..."
[22:11] <@Alice_Samelrand> "In the Samelrand wards?"
[22:12] <@IXJac> "I don't know, she never told me, I was just to bag the lady, Truly!"
[22:13] <@IXJac> He starts weeping
[22:14] <@Alice_Samelrand> "It appears his value to us has run out."
[22:14] <@Alice_Samelrand> "Painful or quick Cordinal?"
[22:14] * @Aranitha sighs
[22:15] <@Aranitha> "You could perhaps conscript him into your cause if you don't want him dead, but I don't know how trustworthy he'd be." she whispers to Jonas
[22:16] * @Jonas regards the strange elf lady
[22:16] <@Jonas> "Oh?"
[22:16] * @Aranitha shrugs
[22:16] <@Aranitha> "Isn't that a thing you do here?"
[22:16] <@Aranitha> "In the empire, surrendered enemies sometimes join those who beat them."
[22:16] <@IXJac> Greg could also turn him into a Zedwalker
[22:16] <@Gregorio> "Occasionally."
[22:17] <@IXJac> But then he doesn't need to be alive for that
[22:17] * @Jonas walks over to the ruffian
[22:17] <@Jonas> "Do you know who I am son?"
[22:17] * @Alice_Samelrand is holding her Mattock in her hand ready to shoot
[22:17] <@IXJac> d2
[22:17] <FBHbot_> IXJac : ( 1 1 )
[22:17] <@IXJac> He shakes his head
[22:17] <@Jonas> "I am Jonas Flavius."
[22:17] <@IXJac> d2
[22:17] <FBHbot_> IXJac : ( 6 4 )
[22:18] <@IXJac> OK, he looks up at that.  He knows the name
[22:18] <@Jonas> "They say I was a hero once... Fought the good fight. Saved some people, not enough tho."
[22:18] * @Alice_Samelrand flickers her eyes at the elf, and at Jonas, she's already giving him advice, how presumptuous
[22:19] <@Jonas> "You threatened my family. Tell me, why should I spare you?"
[22:20] * @Aranitha gives Alice a level look in return
[22:20] <@IXJac> "Please sir. . . " He sniffles, "I didn't want to be threatening women and girls.  Its just. . . You do what you gotta do on the street.  You wouldn't know.  You're a lord."
[22:21] <@Alice_Samelrand> "You held a knife up to Miss Lily's throat"
[22:21] <@Jonas> "I've seen war son, I watched good men and women go to their deaths fighting for what they believed in."
[22:21] <@Jonas> "*FAR* too many."
[22:23] <@IXJac> "And they all died!  My ma, my pa, they all died!  There aint nothing to believe in anymore, and no one to beleive it!"
[22:23] <@Jonas> *blinks*
[22:24] <@Jonas> "There is son. A future."
[22:24] <@Jonas> "You gave us the intel we needed. I will grant you mercy but under one condition."
[22:25] <@IXJac> He looks to alice's gun, then to you, daring to hope
[22:26] <@Jonas> "You will be inducted into the Tenth Legion. I will give you something to believe in. A return of the Republic."
[22:26] <@Jonas> "It will be harsh and it will be difficult but you will find redemption there."
[22:27] <@IXJac> Roll Jonas' Intellect+Leadership
[22:27] <@Jonas> d2 +8
[22:27] <FBHbot_> Jonas : ( 10 6 )
[22:27] <@IXJac> I'll give you a +5 bonus for the speech
[22:27] <@Jonas> d1
[22:27] <FBHbot_> Jonas : ( 2 )
[22:27] <@IXJac> 31
[22:27] <@Jonas> 31
[22:28] <@Jonas> "Consider this your second chance, if you waste it... We operate under the old military code."
[22:28] <@IXJac> OK, he blinks, and then nods.  "Yes,  yes sir.  Thank you for your mercy sir!  I promise, I didn't mean to be bad!
[22:29] <@IXJac> You've added "Seek redeption in Legio X" to his peronal goal
[22:29] <@Jonas> "You will be held here until some men from the Tenth come to take you for training. Remember what I told you."
[22:30] <@IXJac> Looks like Greg isn't getting his body to turn into a Cogmek after all!
[22:30] <@Jonas> (for Jonas?)
[22:30] <@Alice_Samelrand> he hs two others!
[22:30] <@Aranitha> (no for the guy)
[22:30] <@Jonas> cool
[22:31] <@Jonas> "What's your name son?"
[22:31] <@Alice_Samelrand> "Perhaps we should discuss the intruders presence her in the sitting room."
[22:31] <@IXJac> "Welser, sir."
[22:31] <@Jonas> "Alright Recruit Welser, I'll keep an eye you."
[22:32] <@Jonas> "Welcome to the Legio X."
[22:32] <@Alice_Samelrand> "If only we could swell the ranks with me shooting them."
[22:32] <@IXJac> lol
[22:33] <@IXJac> OK, so. . .  Assuming you spend some time getting all this cleaned up, let's take a pause with you guys all around the kitchen table plotting what your next move will be
[22:33] <@IXJac> Assume you all trust each other enough by now to all be in on it
[22:33] <@Gregorio> "Frost...that name keeps on popping up these days."
[22:33] <@Jonas> "And now you Miss, will explain yourself."
[22:33] <@Alice_Samelrand> well Frost is doing an operation
[22:34] * @Gregorio uses while propping his head up with his elbows on the table
[22:34] <@Alice_Samelrand> and needs nobles
[22:34] * @Aranitha changes to a slightly less ratty coat
[22:34] <@Jonas> (that was at Aranitha)
[22:34] <@Aranitha> "Miss? Hah. I suppose so."
[22:34] <@Aranitha> "I am Princess Aranitha Fury Mórrígan, of the line of Mórrígan."
[22:35] <@Aranitha> "Knight of the Zenith empire."
[22:35] <@Alice_Samelrand> "And a shadow in our city no?"
[22:35] * @Jonas leans back in his chair
[22:35] <@Aranitha> "I came to your city more as a missile."
[22:35] <@IXJac> Literally so, in fact
[22:35] <@Alice_Samelrand> "What purpose?"
[22:35] <@Aranitha> "My team was sent to destroy a choosen resurrection archive in this zone."
[22:35] <@Gregorio> "I wouldn't have mentioned the Princess thing right off the bat but that's over and done with now."
[22:35] * @Alice_Samelrand laughs
[22:35] <@Jonas> "So why are we graced with a Zenith Knight?"
[22:36] * @Alice_Samelrand sing song quotes the prophecy: "At the changeling call, the shadow of Eria steals souls that are chosen, and darkens the City with her deeds.  What that is built can stand against the cogs of time?""
[22:36] <@Aranitha> "Sounds good."
[22:37] <@IXJac> << The thunder of launch, silence, the arc of Arth below, a bright terminus, and then over to night.  Then the roar of re-entry, and the capsule's separating, tumbling free, then plunging the three of you down through the clouds as the rest of the missile folded and fell away. . .>>
[22:37] * @Aranitha remembers
[22:37] <@Aranitha> "On the way out from target we were ambushed by a large enemy force, including that lord general of yours."
[22:38] <@Jonas> "Was she looking for you?"
[22:38] <@Aranitha> "My friends died. I threw myself across the veil and lost my equipment."
[22:38] <@Aranitha> "I thought she was, but I presume she thinks I'm dead."
[22:38] <@Gregorio> "Knowing the Lord-General, I wouldn't presume."
[22:38] <@Alice_Samelrand> "Cordinal."
[22:38] <@Alice_Samelrand> "What happened to you at the palace?"
[22:39] <@Aranitha> "Well, if she is she was right in front of me and she didn't detect me so I guess I'm good."
[22:39] <@Aranitha> "For now."
[22:39] <@Jonas> "And you seem to know Mr Arhyna here."
[22:39] <@Jonas> "Hm?"
[22:39] <@Alice_Samelrand> "You touch Lady Aster and fell ill?"
[22:39] <@Alice_Samelrand> "Do you not remember that?"
[22:39] <@Gregorio> "We uh, met recently."
[22:39] <@Jonas> "I... I went to check on Lady Aster and then its... A blank."
[22:40] <@Aranitha> "Well, I met some other resistance fighters after your speech."
[22:40] <@Jonas> (can I roll to see if I remember anything?)
[22:40] <@Aranitha> "I uh...hmm? You people had a prophecy?"
[22:40] <@IXJac> Hmmm, do you have any Thaumatech or othe Magical theory?
[22:40] * @Alice_Samelrand recounts the prophecy
[22:40] <@Jonas> no
[22:41] <@Aranitha> (Greg does though)
[22:41] <@Alice_Samelrand> "So who is Mag Firin? I wonder"
[22:41] <@Gregorio> yeah
[22:41] <@Gregorio> and since it's described...
[22:41] <@IXJac> Greg can take a look, sure.
[22:41] <@Gregorio> hmm, a blank you say?
[22:41] <@Gregorio> " hmm, a blank you say?"
[22:41] <@Aranitha> "Anyway I needed this and they told me that Gregorio might know, so we had some adventurers and then I came here."
[22:41] <@Jonas> "Yes..."
[22:42] <@Gregorio> Int + Theory?
[22:42] * @Alice_Samelrand still hasn't introduced herself to the foreign hussy
[22:42] <@IXJac> Greg rolls 3 dice on this check then.  Intellect+ Thaumatech Theory + 3d10
[22:42] <@Aranitha> "Hmm." Aranitha looks at Alice. "Perhaps we could leave them too it for a moment and find me something to wear? This is very uncomfortable and I feel horribly out of place."
[22:42] <@Jonas> "I see but you were here before... That day."
[22:42] <@Gregorio> e3
[22:42] <@IXJac> Since he's a Savant
[22:42] <@Gregorio> d3
[22:42] <FBHbot_> Gregorio : ( 1 2 7 )
[22:42] <@Gregorio> D:
[22:42] <@Gregorio> 23
[22:42] <@Gregorio> unless I can fate
[22:42] * @Alice_Samelrand eyes gleam
[22:42] <@Alice_Samelrand> "I do have a some spare clothes"
[22:43] <@IXJac> Hmmm, you can spend WP to reroll a tech check, yes
[22:43] * @Alice_Samelrand grabs the elf hand and rushes to her guest room
[22:43] <@IXJac> Although 23 isn't bad
[22:43] * @Aranitha doesn't allow herself to be rushed as soon as they get outside
[22:43] <@Aranitha> "You know."
[22:43] <@Aranitha> "I don't have any interest in human men."
[22:43] <@Aranitha> "So you're safe."
[22:44] * @Alice_Samelrand ignores the elf
[22:44] <@Jonas> (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-wOaJ3-dPKvY/UmqafYxBsGI/AAAAAAAAAHs/C1AHeJyGGts/s1600/YunoGasai.jpg)
[22:44] <@Gregorio> eh, then I'll leave it
[22:44] <@IXJac> lol
[22:44] <@IXJac> OK, so to Greg it sounds like a psychic connection.
[22:45] <@IXJac> A requirement to set up a telepathic link
[22:45] * @Alice_Samelrand comes back a while later, with a Ari dressed in top medio outfit
[22:45] * @Aranitha considers Alice as they walk
[22:45] * Gregorio is now known as Ariana-
[22:45] <@IXJac> If that's the case he'll start having weird memories soon, and maybe dreams
[22:45] <@Ariana-> "Wait, why am I here?"
[22:45] * @Ariana- portals back to her Flagship
[22:45] <@Alice_Samelrand> too many ara
[22:45] <@Ariana-> (:P )
[22:45] * Ariana- is now known as Gregorio
[22:45] <@Aranitha> (Aran)
[22:46] <@Gregorio> (I know ;P )
[22:46] * @Alice_Samelrand takes off her bloodstained glooves as they walk
[22:46] <@IXJac> It's an easier connection if the people knew each other
[22:46] * @Gregorio briefly turns towards the warping figure noone saw, and then back to Greg
[22:46] <@Gregorio> "Hmm, sounds to me like someone tried to open a telepathic link to you."
[22:47] <@Gregorio> "A black out like that? Establishment of a psychic connection is my guess."
[22:47] <@Aranitha> "You're pretty fast."
[22:47] <@IXJac> He can adjust Jonas' aura to wipe out the connection, since it's still forming, if Jonas wants.
[22:47] <@Jonas> "A link?"
[22:47] <@Aranitha> "I've never seen a human move that fast. Are you augmented?"
[22:47] <@IXJac> After he sleeps though it'll become fixed and very hard to remove
[22:48] <@Alice_Samelrand> "I held a gun before I could walk.  My generation was raised to be defenders of the Republic"
[22:48] <@Jonas> "What would this link do?"
[22:48] <@Alice_Samelrand> "Just hard work and pratice"
[22:48] <@Aranitha> "Very impressive."
[22:48] <@Aranitha> "I teased you earlier, and you've got... very effective... revenge."
[22:49] <@Aranitha> *mido outfit*
[22:49] <@Aranitha> "but I think it'd be better if we weren't enemies."
[22:49] <@Alice_Samelrand> "Don't threaten the Cordinal or our cause"
[22:49] <@Alice_Samelrand> "And we will be fine"
[22:49] <@Aranitha> "Hmm."
[22:49] <@Aranitha> "You should find a way to tell him."
[22:50] <@Alice_Samelrand> "Cordinal, I have aquired clothes for your newest servant"
[22:50] * @Alice_Samelrand presents Aran to the men
[22:50] * @Alice_Samelrand ignores the unsolicited advice
[22:50] <@Aranitha> "If either of you laughs I'll break your necks."
[22:51] * @Jonas turns to look
[22:51] * @Aranitha says matter of factly
[22:51] * @Aranitha curtseys
[22:51] <@IXJac> Roll Aranitha's Physique+Graces+2d10
[22:51] <@Alice_Samelrand> its probably tighter and shorter on Aran then who it was for
[22:52] <@Aranitha> d2 +12
[22:52] <FBHbot_> Aranitha : ( 3 5 )
[22:52] <@Aranitha> 20
[22:52] <@IXJac> Yeah, she looks very. . . ahem. . . good.
[22:52] <@Jonas> http://i.4cdn.org/tg/1437157880836.jpg
[22:53] <@Jonas> "Princess Aranitha."
[22:53] * @Aranitha has her hands behind her back but Alice can see her hands slowly clenching into fists
[22:54] <@Aranitha> "Please, just Aranitha."
[22:54] <@Jonas> "Jonas. :)"
[22:54] * @Alice_Samelrand heads to the map of the city
[22:54] <@Alice_Samelrand> conveintly on a table
[22:54] <@IXJac> So, the question is what you guys intend to do next. . .
[22:54] <@Alice_Samelrand> what day is it
[22:55] <@Jonas> (well I'd like to know more about this link)
[22:55] * Protoko is still in ca t form, somewhere
[22:55] <@Gregorio> can I investigate the link?
[22:55] <@IXJac> https://app.roll20.net/join/905425/QyyE_A
[22:55] <@Aranitha> "This is presumptous, but you should look at trying to break out some of the elves from district (6?) before their are no elves in district 6"
[22:55] <@Aranitha> (I'm going to need to sleep soon)
[22:56] <@Jonas> (then link up with with Lady Aeternia and perhaps get some additional help/support)
[22:56] <@IXJac> Sure, I'll tell Greg a bit more about what he finds later though.
[22:56] <@Gregorio> cool
[22:56] <@IXJac> Since we're going to have to wrap up soon, and it's not immediately relevant.
[22:56] <@Jonas> (keeping the link)
[22:56] <@IXJac> (OK)
[22:56] <@Jonas> "I think I know somebody who might help us..."
[22:56] <@Alice_Samelrand> "With the upcoming operation, I propose we investigate Frost"
[22:57] <@Jonas> "Yes."
[22:57] <@Jonas> "We'll need all the intel we can acquire."
[22:57] <@Gregorio> "I agree!"
[22:57] <@IXJac> You guys don't all have to act together if you don't want to, if we're willing to run separate sessions
[22:57] <@Alice_Samelrand> "I had a invite there somewhat.  I am willing to check out her operations."
[22:57] <@IXJac> The Cat is still off solo with the young Ensign after all
[22:58] <@Aranitha> I think Aran might investigate the concentration camps
[22:58] <@Jonas> (well I'm prob going to hit up Aternia for help)
[22:58] <@Aranitha> she's pretty concerned about those
[22:58] <@Alice_Samelrand> well Aran and Alice to the camp district
[22:58] <@Alice_Samelrand> sine Alice is a samelrand
[22:58] <@IXJac> OK, so Jonas is going to go talk to the Lentithe
[22:58] <@Jonas> yeah
[22:58] <@IXJac> Aran and Alice are heading into Zeta Ward?
[22:59] <@IXJac> What about Greg?
[22:59] <@Gregorio> hmmm
[22:59] <@Alice_Samelrand> zeta ward yes
[23:00] <@Gregorio> well I probably shouldn't go alone...
[23:01] <@IXJac> What were you thinking of?
[23:01] <@Gregorio> I wasn't :p
[23:01] <@IXJac> Well, if you don't have any specific ideas yet you can go with Jonas, or with the girls
[23:01] <@Alice_Samelrand> build a giant robot
[23:01] <@Gregorio> Jonas then
[23:01] <@Gregorio> I was leaning towards that anyway
[23:02] <@Gregorio> and the giant robot comes later!
[23:02] <@Gregorio> :p
[23:02] <@IXJac> And yes, Greg actually can do multiple things, because he can send a construct off to act in his stead
[23:02] <@IXJac> So technically you can be in any session.
[23:02] <@Gregorio> :o
[23:02] <@Gregorio> so I can be in all of the sessions? :p
[23:02] <@IXJac> Yo're the Clockmaker!
[23:03] <@Gregorio> worth a try! >:D
[23:03] <@IXJac> Well, yes, although I'll regulate XP.  It's more for if you want to hang out in a lab, but still do shit
[23:03] <@IXJac> But you could also Go with Jonas, and send a bird with Alice and the others
[23:03] <@Alice_Samelrand> (how Alice vs Aran ends up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6vn0dKqH8g )
[23:04] <@Gregorio> yeah
[23:04] <@Aranitha> lol
[23:04] <@Gregorio> I do that
[23:04] <@Aranitha> goodnight
[23:04] <@IXJac> Night!
[23:04] <Protoko> he's the ticktockman
[23:04] <Protoko> get it right!
[23:05] <@IXJac> OK, well we'll sort out when the next sessions are later I guess
[23:05] * Aranitha is now known as FBH
[23:05] <@IXJac> I'll prolly be back on D&D next Friday, so that could be out
[23:05] <@IXJac> Anyway, XP wise, take 4 XP each
[23:05] <@FBH> rock
[23:05] <@IXJac> CP rather!
[23:05] <@Jonas> cool
[23:05] <@Gregorio> yay
[23:06] <Protoko> when do you want to do murdernekohime
[23:06] <@IXJac> Anyway, have you guys tried peicing together any of the information yet?
[23:06] <@IXJac> I dunno, when are you free?
[23:06] <@IXJac> And how's Alberat?
[23:06] <@Jonas> Recruit Welser will do something awesome in the future
[23:06] <Protoko> I get back home sunday night
[23:06] <Protoko> weather is pleasant
[23:06] <@FBH> I need to hit you up for Arclave information sometime IX
[23:06] <@FBH> but not now
[23:06] <@FBH> goodnight
[23:07] <@Alice_Samelrand> I got my chalkboard out
[23:07] <@IXJac> Well, Monday afternoon works for me, if you're not busy with something else then, Shrike.
[23:07] <@Alice_Samelrand> but I need to pistol whip the others to get their focus to help me answer some questions oabout the prophecy
[23:07] <Protoko> monday evening
[23:07] * Alice_Samelrand is now known as Silence
[23:07] <Protoko> don't get home till about 8pm your time
[23:08] <@Silence> unless I can get an answer who  Mag Firin is
[23:09] <@IXJac> Hmmm, what Cicles does Alice have?
[23:09] <@Silence> noble
[23:09] <@Silence> but she brought it up to the entire crowd of people at the table :p
[23:10] <@IXJac> Actually, Alice has Tactics.  Roll that + Intellect
[23:10] <@Silence> d2 +6
[23:10] <FBHbot_> Silence : ( 7 9 )
[23:11] <@Silence> 22
[23:12] <@IXJac> As Alice is looking over the map she pulled out, she notices a place name on it, about 100km north of CZ Central (Prion!).  It's a region called. . . Mag Firin.
[23:13] <@IXJac> Not a traditionally Eluetherian name.  Actually, sounds a bit. . . elvish
[23:13] <@Jonas> can roll to see if Jonas remembers anythign about it?
[23:13] <@Silence> wait
[23:13] <@IXJac> Sure.
[23:13] <@Silence> before we hit the zeta ward
[23:13] <@Silence> we go there
[23:13] <@Jonas> ok
[23:13] <@Silence> before the Lord general finds out
[23:13] <@Jonas> int + elf circles?
[23:13] <@Jonas> or soemthign else?
[23:14] <@IXJac> Int+Elf Circles will work, yes
[23:14] <@Jonas> d2 +6
[23:14] <FBHbot_> Jonas : ( 9 10 )
[23:14] <@IXJac> Wow
[23:14] <@Jonas> d1
[23:14] <FBHbot_> Jonas : ( 7 )
[23:14] * @Jonas is a man of many talents and abilities
[23:14] <@IXJac> Yeah, hang on. . .
[23:14] <@Jonas> 26
[23:15] <@Jonas> think I got a good feel for the char this session
[23:15] <@IXJac> OK, Jonas knows TWO versions of this story.  Lemme cut and paste.
[23:15] <@Jonas> tho the biggest mystery so far is...
[23:16] <@Jonas> Why did Alice just happened to have a top meido outfit? :o
[23:16] <@Gregorio> why wouldn't Alice have a top Meido outfit :o
[23:16] <@IXJac> As legend tells it, back when Lord General Marianne was a Crusader Cordinal she was charged with pacifying the elven region of the Correctional Zone known as Mag Firin after the fall of the Republic.
[23:16] <@IXJac> On 0 A.E. 5th Leo, she and her troops encountered a coven of powerful Sorcerors and defeated them in a ferocious battle during which the Chosen Liah descended to aid her.  Marianne was the only survivor, and became the trusted hand of Pahaliah in the Correctional Zone for her bravery, eventually rising to the rank of General, promoted over her peers.
[23:17] <@IXJac> The Elves tell a different story
[23:17] <@IXJac> As rumour among the elves (and a few disaffected, and now retired officers) tells it, Mag Firin was a defenseless elven ghetto, and the Crusaders entered it to do a routine Purification – kill all the residents with Thaumatech devices. 
[23:18] <@Jonas> hm yeah we go there first after we take care of our ind things
[23:18] <@Gregorio> but they still flopped so this is a 3/10 on the Ariana scale >:(
[23:18] <@IXJac> As the crusaders were preparing to purify the elves and send their souls to the Chosen Liah an elven hero, the Eria appeared and struck the Chosen herself, and wounded her.
[23:19] <@IXJac> Liah fled in terror, and the elves rose up and defeated the Crusaders, and were preparing to march on Prion when Liah returned, full of fury and vengeance.  The Eria duelled the Chosen and inflicted many wounds on her, before the hero was defeated.
[23:20] <@IXJac> Liah then slew every living thing in Mag Firin in her fury, and left it a wasteland.  The leader of the Crusaders, Marianne, survived, and to hide the failure the Chosen span a tail of evil sorcerers and promoted the undeserving Cordinal to General.  Elven street legend says the Eria escaped, and will return some day, and finish what she started.
[23:21] * @Jonas starts thinking of one liner material
[23:23] * Protoko (Mibbit@e0f55b58.wireless.161ad4a0.com.hmsk) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client�)
[23:23] <@Silence> Why did Alice just happened to have a top meido outfit? >> In case we had to a infliration mission disguised as servants of course
[23:23] <@IXJac> Do you guys still want to go to Mag Firin?
[23:24] <@Gregorio> yes
[23:24] <@Silence> its a prophecy listed place
[23:24] <@Jonas> yes
[23:24] <@Silence> so yeah
[23:24] <@IXJac> OK, so we'll do that first then.
[23:24] <@Jonas> ok
[23:25] <@Gregorio> cool
[23:25] <@IXJac> Oh, sorry.  It's actually 100km WEST of the city.  Yeah, that makes more sense
[23:25] <@IXJac> So in the Endruscare zone
[23:25] <@Jonas> rather proud that Jonas got the ruffian to change his ways
[23:26] <@IXJac> Jonas is a true leader of men
[23:26] <@Silence> you know my biggest regret about Shrike killing off if he suceed crazy lady
[23:26] <@IXJac> Should have taken Officer and a Gentleman rather than Robot ace. :)
[23:26] <@IXJac> Although I guess you haven't needed it yet!
[23:26] <@Jonas> next level
[23:26] <@Silence> is that I can't try and recreate one of the cool scenes at the end of hammer slammers
[23:27] <@IXJac> And you might need a giant robot in Mag Firin.
[23:27] <@Jonas> #ifonlyihadknown
[23:27] <@Silence> where Joachim assassinates a dude with a pistol
[23:27] <@Silence> from like 2 klicks away
[23:27] <@IXJac> Anyway, Silence, I wanted some idea of how you were going to play Alice before giving her traits
[23:27] <@Jonas> also figure Jonas calls Alice by her first name as either a reward or when he requires to do something... unpleasent
[23:27] <@IXJac> But I have a sense now, so I'll add some for her
[23:28] <@Silence> cool
[23:28] <@IXJac> Also you guys are all budgeted for 10 traits, so you all have free slots
[23:28] <@IXJac> If there's traits your interested in
[23:28] <@Jonas> *when he requires her to do something... unpleasent
[23:28] <@IXJac> In most cases I gave you all different ones
[23:28] <@IXJac> You know, to spread em around
[23:29] <@Silence> *written by David Drake* should be a negative one :v
[23:29] <@IXJac> Negative traits count as traits too, since they're ways to get extra CP or power or even fate
[23:30] <@IXJac> By doing horrible things the party generally won't find helpful. :)
[23:30] <@Silence> releated: http://i.4cdn.org/c/1437327242884.png
[23:30] <@Silence> good thing we lack Davion
[23:31] <@Jonas> lol
[23:31] <@Silence> or else it be nothing but neg traits
[23:31] <@Jonas> or five
[23:31] <@Jonas> who'd take HOTBLOODED
[23:32] <@IXJac> Just take another party member with the Negative Trait, "Commissar: Gain 10 CP for executing another party member who has failed you for the last time."
[23:32] <@Silence> "I charge the general with my katana"
[23:33] <@Jonas> *writes letters to families of the men he got killed follow him... IN HIS OWN BLOOD!*
[23:33] <@Silence> anyway I think I have maybe a operational understanding of what is going on
[23:33] <@IXJac> Oh?  Let's hear it!
[23:33] <@Gregorio> that was still the funniest thing Lok :D
[23:33] <@Silence> but I am still filling in setting data and sorting thing out
[23:33] <@Silence> after the elve cairn I'll spill it
[23:33] <@Gregorio> I'd take that if I was playing SP, but Greg makes a bad commissar :(
[23:33] <@Gregorio> :p
[23:34] <@Silence> well ok
[23:34] <@Silence> we know some things
[23:35] <@Silence> first there is flying battleship around
[23:35] <@Silence> doing random stuff
[23:35] <@Silence> but nobody still offically has one
[23:35] <@IXJac> Well, I'll put up the log of the whole session on Senspace, since most of you missed FBHs bit, and there was some stuff there
[23:35] <@Silence> know that St Just
[23:35] <@IXJac> (sorry, continue)
[23:35] <@Silence> broke a major taboo in blowing up the chosen cache
[23:35] <@Silence> nah it couldn't be
[23:36] <@Silence> crazy glenn beck chalkboardogram connection
[23:36] <@Silence> Eria or whatever, possed St Just and is doing damage on the inside
[23:37] <@IXJac> https://www.sendspace.com/file/o0k1lk
[23:37] <@Gregorio> shieettt
[23:37] <@Silence> anyway I got tenous items that can fit together in patterns, but no real guidence which leads up, outside of some known facts.  the Chosen souls/ressurection are the key to things
[23:39] <@IXJac> Well, Greg would definitely be the one to figure that out.
[23:40] <@IXJac> Being the Thaumatech genius
[23:40] <@Gregorio> >:D
[23:40] <@IXJac> He just needs to find the right leads.  Ressurrection being a very closely guarded Chosen secret
[23:40] <@IXJac> Of course, you DO know where the Ressurrection Archive was
[23:41] <@Gregorio> would there be clues amidst the rubble, asking Aranitha aside :P
[23:41] <@Jonas> I believe Shrike wants to head there next
[23:41] <@IXJac> There might be!
[23:42] <@IXJac> And yeah, taking Chrysanth along would make sense
[23:42] <@Silence> so
[23:42] <@Silence> say the clone does what she needs to do for the soul to pop into her
[23:43] <@Silence> wuld that vaproize her personality?
[23:44] <@IXJac> It's possible.  The Chosen aren't historically very preserving of mortal minds.  You'd have to look at the specific process though
[23:45] <@IXJac> There have been personality shifts by the Chosen in the past though.
[23:45] <@IXJac> Most particularly with your own Zadkiel, when it suddenly decided that the Republic should be a thing
[23:45] <@Silence> so where did the Chosen come from again
[23:46] <@IXJac> What brings things like that on though is a mystery.  The Chosen being very. . . mysterious.
[23:46] <@Gregorio> I thought they were just high end Thaumatechs that drank the Immortality Kool-Aid
[23:46] <@Jonas> this link thing sounds interesting
[23:46] * Mal (kana@42841fba.cpe.net.cable.f33844f1.com.hmsk) has left #ascend
[23:46] <@Silence> when it first came out
[23:47] <@Silence> I was focused on Zenith and the Shogunate
[23:47] <@Silence> so they were just jerks on the otherside of the planet
[23:48] <@IXJac> Yeah, they're the first Magi to unlock high level Thaumatech, and then used it to make themselves gods.  Or angels serving god, in this case.
[23:49] <@IXJac> They then rewrote history to set themselves up as being imortal rulers for thousands of years
[23:49] <@IXJac> They've actually only been in charge for about 500-600
[23:49] <@IXJac> Something the Zenith and the Library are aware of
[23:50] <@IXJac> And Mikaela has enough heretics floating around who'll say that
[23:50] <@IXJac> The eternal Chosen rule is definitely a thing if you go to Jibril.  Anyway. . .
[23:52] <@IXJac> So yeah, they're just ascended human magi in this version.
[23:52] <@IXJac> They just shut the door - hard - on anyone trying to follow them
[23:53] <@IXJac> Hoarding all the best secrets.
[23:53] <@Gregorio> which in concert with their recent fall means that those secrets are out there...
[23:54] <@Silence> prediction on this is going to end
[23:54] * Silence changes topic to '"Welcome to godhead, Kommissar," North said.  His terrible, thunderous laughter echoed through the hall.�'
[00:00] <@Silence> well good night it was fun
[00:00] <@Jonas> night
[00:06] <@IXJac> See ya.
[00:06] <@IXJac> We'll need to arrange another game after we're done with Shrike
[00:07] <@Jonas> cool
[00:07] * Jonas is now known as Lokar
End of #ascend buffer    Sat Jul 25 00:09:04 2015

Latest revision as of 15:42, 2 August 2015

"Truth disguised as prophecy."

Players Involved: FBH, Lokar, Ent, Silence

Return to Ascension Isle: Legacy

While the humans enjoy their ball at the Governor's Palace, the Fey Princess Aranitha Fury Morrigan makes her way through the slums of Ward 8, on her way to inform Chey Hexum of the success of her mission, and await the return of the Clockmaker. Immediately inside the wall in the West Park area, she enters a massive slum of refugees from the Endrus District. Buildings stacked almost to the top of the wall in dangerously wobbly-looking towers, connected by rope latters and bridges. It's populated by a mixture of undesirables, mainlanders, Rafaelan transportees, elves, and other social detrius. The chill evening air is filled with the rattle of steam and gas engines, straining to provide heat, and lingering crowds enjoying the last hour before curfew. High on one of the slabs of wall Aranitha sees an interlocking symbol of what looks like four ovoids or eyes. It's painted in red paint. And below it is written in Adamic (the Jibril language)the words "They Fall." High on the 30 story ring wall that surrounds the city and separates it from the rest of the Zone, Araitha can also see work crews on scaffolds, stringing some sort of cable. Aranitha wonders aloud at the purpose of the work.

"Who knows," Says an old dark skinned Rafaelan woman. "Supposed to be some new fangled system to bring light and heat to all the wards, but who can trust what They say."
Another old woman nods and puts a finger to the side of her mouth conspiratorially. "Its some new weapon, just you wait. All they build is weapons these days."
Nodding to each other, they go back to arguing over the price of potatoes with a street vendor.

The workers are not forthcoming, and rather than risk a confrontation with the Constables and giant Gigganger constructs guarding the site, Aranitha backs off and heads into the slums. Distracted by a vision of glowing butterflies, generated by her still sulking Selkie rider, Aranitha turns on her Anja eye to view the etheric world, and sees etheric grafitti plastered all over the slums. Prayers to the Chosen ("Be virtuous and true,") overwritten with revolutionary slogans ("25th Libra," "Eria lives!").

"We are knights of the Empire! No matter how impossible the task, it is our duty to keep trying! Always, and everything with the utmost will!"

With her Anja open, Aranitha also sees an etheric web guarding an alleyway. Curious, she slips over the web, and hears the impassioned words in the Zenith Imperial tongue, swearing to defeat the Chosen. Elated, Aranitha pushes her way into the room, hoping to find a fellow Knight. Instead she finds an illicit Tinbell theatre, where a cluster of slum dwellers are watching Eladish subtitled Zenith cartoons. Aranitha's disappointment is profound, but then she hears two boys talking about the legendary hero, Eria, who is either dead, or still fighting the Chosen. Heartened, and restored in her purpose, Aranitha slips away, and travels unseen back to Emeraldine House, to await the return of Gregorio.

Meanwhile, at the party, the arrival of the Governor and his wife has just been announced. The gilded doors to the inner palace swing open as the guards come to attention in their red and white uniforms, banging the silver bound butts of their Arclave Halberds to the marble floor. Armiger enters, looking older than his years, thin and hollow, his once full beard fading to wisps of grey, wearing the white coat of a Protectorate ruler. On his arm is a subdued Aster Emerald-Archangeli. She looks like a slightly thinner version of Lilly's mother, not dissipated with drink, but distanced by public captivity. Of course her twin isn't here tonight. Jonas sighs slightly at the sight remembering his friend as the man he was, not the creature he became. Alice quietly makes a note to ask Jonas whether he'd like to be shot or rescued if captured, before the same can happen to him.

Following the governor and his wife is the Lord General Marianne Saint-Just, in full dress regalia. In her dress armour, Lord General Chesne Du-Blessed looks daggers at her peer. Behind her is a small honor guard, led by a young silver haired captain, who looks. . . a little familiar. Then the High Priestess Joanna Alisandre, the Cardinal of Liah here in CZ central, steps out in front of the dias, holding a golden monstrance. It stays dull, its crystal not shining with the light of the Chosen, but she raises and speaks the traditional benedictions - The Chosen's blessing to you, on the fifth year of your union. After Liah, she invokes the names of the 20 other Chosen, to witness their Heirophant servants on Arth, as Armiger and Aster kneel before her. Caught in angry memories, Jonas neglects to kneel with the gathered assembly, until Alice discreetly kicks him in the back of the leg.

"Cordinal bid your time" Alice whispers. "I don't have enough ammo to shoot all the guards in this hall."

To hear the High Priestess speak, you'd think this was some happy union of star crossed lovers. Jonas remembers it rather differently: Armiger's wife left for Auraden after Independence, and he took up with the younger Emeraldine twin in a semi-scandalous affair. Aster Emeraldine then renounced her own position as a priestess, and was one of the heroes of the defense of Prion. She reportedly spat in the face of the Chosen Leliel after Nightfall blasted much of the city. To save Aster from death, Armiger made her life a condition of his surrender.

"We can be merciful, even to those who offend us." The Chosen Liah said, with a sly and terrifying smile. "She will be spared, but she can no longer be trusted. She has lost her freedom, and you will be her jailor."
And then she ripped out Armiger's mind, and remade him into her loyal servant. They were married later that month, in a ceremony whose pomp almost matched its tragedy. Now Aster Emerald-Archangeli lives with the husband she once loved replaced by a puppet of vengeful demigods, a captive princess in a fairy-tale castle.

The invocation of the Chosen is finished, and the governor and his wife seat themselves on their raised chairs, as everyone rises. Jonas slowly rises and takes a couple of deep breaths; this isn't as easy as he thought it would be. . . never is. As the Cardinal turns to leave, as the reflected light of the dull crystal host falls across the thrones, suddenly Aster's eyes blaze purple, she gasps, and her back arches.

"The light! The light!" Aster yells, "Hear the words of heaven!" Her rings across the chamber with the power of those who spoke prophetic words for the Chosen in years past.
"After the light of Heaven, hear these truths!" The words are in Enochian, the languange of the Chosen. "The drums beat, the trumpets sound! Heroes! It calls you! Children of war, and warriors born - you walk amidst relics of a fallen empire! Mount your bright steeds and defend what is lost."
She takes a deep breath, it echoes through the deathly silent chamber. "At the changeling call, the shadow of Eria steals souls that are chosen, and darkens the City with her deeds. What that is built can stand against the cogs of time? War comes with the cry of the crow! Within a ring, purity and transformation, from works divine to profane."
Aster raises her hands. "The patron of mercy emerges from mystery, and the Justice of Mag Firin attains her deepest desire."
A bell rings somewhere. Her voice falls, and Aster collapses out of her chair, her voice fading "I see the light, and I speak it's truths."

Armiger sits on his throne, frozen, looking like a puppet without orders. Lord General Marianne stands still, looking over the Dias at Aster, hand on her sword hilt. A long hush falls over the crowd. No one moves. Except Jonas. "PRAISE BE THE WORDS OF THE CHOSEN!" He shouts, as he steps onto the dias to check on Aster. The young captain moves to block him, but Jonas stares him down. Jonas reaches Aster and finds her collapsed beside her chair, breathing heavily. "Aster. . . Can you hear me?" He whispers as he checks her pulse. And then he feels a shock go through him, and he blacks out.

"Move back, gentle men and ladies." Says Marianne Sait-Just. "Cardinal? *Cardinal*." She snaps her fingers. "I believe we may have witnessed a divine manifestation. This is now holy ground, and no place for a party. Don't you agree?"
"Ah. Yes, of course." The stunned Cardinal looks over at Saint-Just. "Please depart this temple, this is now consecrated ground."

The still dazed Jonas is pushed back by more guards and the ever protective Alice grabs his arm and escorts him from the ballroom. In the garden outside the exiting guests are abuzz with the meaning of Aster's words, as Crusaders seal the palace. Lilly and Gregorio, both well fluent in Enochian debate the meaning of various passages. Taking a moment, Jonas thanks Alice for keeping an eye on him.

"I apologize," Jonas says. "Wasn't quite myself back there. Are you well? I saw you had a run in with your cousin." He touches her face to check the cut left by Ingria's wine glass.
Alice blushes. "M-My. . . cousin is fine, she just needs pity." She leans in closer and whispers, "You know, she's not right in the head, the family curse."
An agitated Loran chooses that moment to interrupt. "Lord Flavius! Lord Flavius! I can't find Chrysanth! The lady de Caritas!"

Clearly less concerned about the welfare of their Chosen annointed, Jonas lets Loran head back into the palace alone (as an appointed Crusade officer, he has authorization to re-enter). The others decide to leave the young cornet to his self appointed task, although Lilly isn't happy about it!

"Knowing Loran, he'll only get himself in trouble." Jonas says. "Boy's too young to know what he doesn't know."
Lilly glares at him, "Uncle! Loran is very brave, and he knows what he's doing!"
"Just like back at the castle?" Jonas says.

As the guests begin to depart, Gregorio takes advantage of Jonas' presence to request his help in moving a few. . . items. . . from the Arhyna storehouse in the Unity district. Jonas agrees, and after a short detour his carriage is loaded up with a large number of suspicious crates. The party returns to Ward 8 and the Emerald Castle, where Aranitha is waiting for them. She helps Gregorio unload his loot, and greets Jonas, having heard his speech at the death of Pravel Hexum in the courtyard earlier that day.

"Cordinal." The beautiful elf in rags says.
"Not Cordinal. Just Jonas now."
Alice's smile flickers a little bit; another one!'

The meeting is cut short by a scream from inside the house. The party rushes inside to find three men in the drawing room. Two are holding the semi-conscious Hazel Emeraldine, and a third is holding a knife to young Lilly. The men clearly expected everyone to be away at the party for some time, and have been interrupted in their kidnapping of the Countess Emeraldine by the early return. The leader of the men threatens to kill Lilly if anyone tries anything, and Alice and Aranitha spring into action.

"May I engage Cordinal?" Alice asked.
"As you wish Miss Samelrand."

Catching an old Arclave tossed by Greg, Aranitha smokesteps behind the two thugs and quickly dispatches them, while Alice whips out her pistol and shoots their leader before he has a chance to move. On Jonas' orders she leaves him alive, for questioning.

"Secure the prisoner, Alice." Jonas says, shouldering the still insensate Hazel Emeraldine. "Lilly help me get your mother back to bed."
Alice flushes at hearing her first name for the first time, then goes to work with enthusiasm.

As Alice slaps the survivor awake and begins to interrogate him, Jonas carries the Lady Emeraldine back to her room, still oblivious to the world around her. He lays her down on her bed, brushing back some stray hair as he remember the woman who she was before she decided to slowly destroy herself. "There was a time when Hazel could have taken on all three of them herself. . ." He says to himeself, then kisses her on the forehead before quietly closing the door and leaving her with her daughter.

From the Alice's interrogation of the thug's leader it quickly becomes apparent that the thugs are under orders from the Nexlexi gang and Artemis Frost to kidnap a noble for some unknown purpose. Welser knows nothing more, and as Alice prepares to execute him, Aranitha quietly suggests mercy to Jonas, to the annoyance of Alice.

"Do you know who I am son?" Jonas steps up beside Alice, who is holding her Mattock pistol in hand, ready to shoot. "I am Jonas Flavius."
There is a flicker of recognition in the thug's eyes. "They say I was a hero once. Fought the good fight. Saved some people, not enough though." He frowns, "You threatened my family. Tell me, why should I spare you?"
"Please sir." The thug sniffles, "I didn't want to be threatening women and girls. Its just. . . You do what you gotta do on the street. You wouldn't know. You're a lord."
"I've seen war son," Jonas says, "I watched good men and women go to their deaths fighting for what they believed in. FAR too many."
"And they all died!" The thug says. "My ma, my pa, they all died! There aint nothing to believe in anymore, and no one to believe it!"
"There is son. A future." Jonas says, "You gave us the intel we needed. I will grant you mercy but under one condition."
He looks to Alice's gun, then to Jonas, daring to hope.
"You will be inducted into the Tenth Legion. I will give you something to believe in. A return of the Republic." Jonas says. "It will be harsh and it will be difficult but you will find redemption there. Consider this your second chance, if you waste it. . . We operate under the old military code."
The thug blinks, and then nods. "Yes, yes sir. Thank you for your mercy sir! I promise, I didn't mean to be bad!"
"What's your name son?"
"Welser, sir."
"Alright Recruit Welser, I'll keep an eye you." Jonas says. "Welcome to the Legio X."

With the immediate situation taken care of, Alice, Jonas, Gregorio and Aranitha convene to the kitchen to discuss their next moves. Aranitha, having demonstrated her abilities, admits to being a stranded Zenith Knight, now driven by a desire for revenge on Lord General Marianne who killed her lance-mates. Sensing common cause, Jonas forges a hasty alliance with her and Gregorio. Alice is less than thrilled about the group's newest member, although sensing the other woman's concerns, Aranitha bluntly states her lack of interest in human men, deeply embarrassing the young Samelrand. Alice gets her revenge by suggesting that in future outings, Aranitha pose as her elven maid.

Returning to events at the party, Gregorio identifies the Praxis cast on Jonas when he touched Aster as a kind of telepathy, and warns him to pay attention to his dreams. Considering the words of the last line of Lady Aster's prophecy, Alice suddenly recognizes the name Mag Firin - it is a place about 100km west of CZ Central, in the Endruscare Occupation Zone. Jonas realizes he has also heard of it before, in barracks room scuttlebut about the Lord General. The story he knows is as follows:

As legend tells it, back when Lord General Marianne was a Crusader Cordinal she was charged with pacifying the elven region of the Correctional Zone known as Mag Firin. Shortly after the fall of the Republic, on 0 A.E. 5th Leo, she and her troops encountered a coven of powerful Sorcerers and defeated them in a ferocious battle during which the Chosen Liah descended to aid her. Marianne was the only survivor, and was appointed the trusted hand of Liah in the Correctional Zone for her bravery. She eventually rose to the rank of General, promoted over her peers, to the annoyance of some.

The elves and some disaffected officers tell a different story. According to them, Mag Firin was a defenseless elven ghetto, and the Crusaders entered it to do a routine Purification – kill all the residents with Thaumatech devices. As the crusaders were preparing to purify the elves and send their souls to the Chosen Liah, an elven hero, the Eria appeared and struck the Chosen herself, wounding her. Liah fled in terror, and the elves rose up and defeated the Crusaders. They were preparing to march on Prion when Liah returned, full of fury and vengeance. The Eria duelled the Chosen and inflicted many wounds on her, before the hero was defeated. Liah then slew every living thing in Mag Firin in her fury, and left it a wasteland. The leader of the Crusaders, Marianne, survived, and to hide the failure the Chosen span a tail of evil sorcerers and promoted the undeserving Cordinal to General. Elven street legend says the Eria escaped, and will return some day, and finish what she started.

Realizing there may be more to their enemy than they suspected, the party debates their next move.

Return to Ascension Isle: Legacy