Chrysanth, Candidate for Zadkiel: Difference between revisions

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[[File:Latooni01.jpg| thumb| Having not a ''talent'' to our name, we must rely on the clothing provided by Lily.]]
[[File:Latooni01.jpg| thumb| Having not a ''talent'' to our name, we must rely on the clothing provided by Lily.]]
[[File:Latooni02.png| thumb| Let us begin.]]
[[File:Latooni02.png| thumb| Let us begin.]]
Convictions: The Chosen have betrayed us
:Character Points: 258
:GrandThe High Priests of the three Betrayers must be destroyed
:Total Available CP272
:Personal: Don't trust the servants of the Crusaders
Fears: That the Correctors and their minions will have been proven correct.
Goals:  To overthrow the Crusaders
:Person: Assume Zadkiel's Legacy - Strongly Support - "I will immanentize my eschaton."
:Organization: Restore the Republic - Support - "The Republic is part of Zadkiel's legacy - but the lesser part."
:Event: Free Thaumatechnology from the shackles of the Church - Consideration being applied

Pseudonyms:  Chrysanth de Caritas
Pseudonyms:  Chrysanth de Caritas

:'''Physique''' 5
:'''Physique''' 5 + 1
:'''Senses''' 10
:'''Senses''' 5 + 1
:'''Intellect''' 10
:'''Intellect''' 7 + 1
:'''Aether''' 5
:'''Spirit''' 8 + 2
::Adrenaline: 6
'''Hero Level''' Local Hero
::Focus: 6
::Willpower: 8
::Core Aether: 14
:'''Stress''' 16
:Adrenaline  5
:'''Health Levels''' 3
:Focus 10
:Willpower 10
:Core Ether 10
:'''Physical Stress''' 10
:'''Mental Stress''' 15

:Alertness:  3
:Alertness:  4
:Intuition:  3
:Athletics:  3
:Problem Solving: 3
:Read Aura3
:Aether Channel [Heroic]: 5
:Deception: 3
:Unarmed: 4
:Graces: 3
:Stealth: 4
:Quick Uptake: 3
:Deception: 5
:Unarmed: 3
:Graces: 4
:Drive: 2
:Languages: 1
:Conversation: 1
:Social Circle: 2
:Aether Channel: 3
:Conversation: 5
:Thaumatech [Heroic]5 + 1
:Session 1: 2 CP
:1 CP spent:  +1 Conversation
:1 CP spent+1 Aether Channel
:*Secret History
:0 CP spent: +1 Aether Channel (Boost Roll)
:Session 2 (The Party, Opening Act)3 CP (5 total)
:Read Auras4

Jibrilite Construct (3 trait points) – Jibrilite Constructs are beings created through the technomagical artifice of the Chosen. Constructs serve a variety of purposes, from vessels for the Chosen, thamatechnically modified inquisitors, to massive military constructs. Constructs gain either: +1 to all four stats; +2 to one stat and +1 to one stat; or +3 to one stat and -1 to one stat. As Jibrilites they get access to the Thaumatech Alpha trait for free. Constructs must also select at least -1 in negative traits, for which they do not receive an additional trait point.
:Combat Timer [Aether] (-2 trait points w/ automatic penalty): The character has only a limited amount of time in which they can engage in combat. Each time the character rolls for initiative they must expend one exploit. Which exploit this is (Adrenaline, Focus, Willpower or Core Aether) is chosen when this trait is picked and cannot be changed. If the character cannot spend an exploit of this type they immediately drop out of combat.

Physique Traits
Jibrilite Codex (3 trait points +1 surcharge) – Codex heritage Jibrilites are members of the trusted Hiero Houses of the Chosen, and have access to the greatest secrets of the Chosen. Codex Jibrilites gain +1 Aether and +4 Core Aether. They also gain +1 to the Thaumatech skill due to a natural affinity for the magic of the Chosen. Codex is a prerequisite for the highest level Thaumatech traits and abilities. As Jibrilites they get access to the Thaumatech Alpha trait for free.

Guard Stance (X): This character is trained to defend themselves in close combat, and can always spend a point of adrenaline to take a defensive close combat action.
Solinarch (2 trait points): A Solinarch is a fusion of thaumatech and flesh into an ultimate etheric warrior. Mainly used by the Empyrean Church, Solinarchs are the feared enforcers of the Codex, and the deadly rivals of the Zenith Knights. This trait allows the use of integrated Solo Praxis. Because they are integrated into the Solonarch's body, Solinarch Solo Praxis are used with Aether + Aether Channel rather than Intellect + Thaumatech.
:'''Megabeam''' -
:'''Phase''' -
:'''Harmonize''' -
:'''Graviton''' -
:'''Shapeshift (cat)''' -

Senses Traits
Mantle of the Chosen (1 trait point): Gain +5 edge in social conflict with Jibrilites who hold a positive or neutral view of the Chosen.  Suffer a -5 edge penalty in social conflict with Jibrilites who hold a negative view of the Chosen.

Combat Senses (X): This character can automatically dodge an attack by spending Focus. 1 Focus for a difficulty up to 20 dodge, 2 focus for difficulty up to 30, 3 focus for difficulty up to 40Can be spent even if a dodge would not be allowed, so long as the attack is still physically dodgeableUnlike a normal dodge, Combat Senses does not consume your action.
Thaumatech Alpha Access (free): Thaumatech Alpha Access is the basic ability to use and program Thaumatech praxi. It is not required to operate most Thaumatech machines, but can be required to maintain them and can be used to override or control them. This ability is mostly based on genetic encoding and some basic training.
:'''Aspex''' - Etheric sight
:'''Dyntron''' - Stat boost
:'''Ether Bolt''' -
:'''Mind Bolt''' -
:'''Personal Transmutation''' - Personal Transmutation allows you to make cosmetic changes in skin, hair, eye color, length, etc.  Basically like putting on makeup.  In game terms it allows a boost to gracesIt can also be used to conduct quick healing, converting Ether to reduce Physical StressIt's not very efficient at this though, and it can't restore lost health levels or deal with wounds.

Intellect Traits
Thaumatech Gamma Access (2 trait points): Thaumatech Gamma Access allows advanced praxis programming, including the construction and modification of new spells. It has historically been the province only of the privileged elite of the Jibrilite Dominions. This trait can only be taken by Jibrilites due to the safeties involved in the praxi, however these safeties can be overcome with certain quirks.

Nerves of Steel (X): This character does not suffer from the “Distracted” Bad Vibe effect.
Graviton Master (2 trait point): Graviton-based brawl technique

Go with the Flow (X): This character can spend an extra action preparing an etheric effect to disguise it with the natural ether flows and add +10 to the DC to detect it. This action can be stacked, however due to diminishing returns each additional action spent halves the DC increase (+5, +2, and finally +1).
Physical Conditioning (1 trait point):  +5 HP

Convincing (X): On a successful Conversation or Interrogation social combat the character can immediately spend 1 willpower to inflict a major Vibe rather than a minor one.
Psyche (1 trait point): Natural telepathic ability, including the ability to switch teletex routers and establish mind to mind connections. This ability still requires the target possess a teletex or logotex, but allows the Psyche to overcome the usual routing restrictions.  

Aether Traits
:Style Quirk.  DJ Ether: While all etheric magic evokes certain visual colours, your character's magic also has an aural component that humms through the ley lines and rings off archenium.  Bonusses to be determined!
:Architectural Wonder:  +5 edge to recognizing the works of the Architecht Nina Megus.
:Eye of God:  +5 edge to using Stratometric Aspex
:Ampullae of Lorenzini:  +2 edge to detect electrotech emissions

Ether Receptive (X): This character is particularly receptive to Ether and gains +5 Core Ather.
:Character Generation:  215
General Traits
:(Session) Wall of Sound: 6 XP (221 total)
:Athletics 3: 4 XP
Natural Armour (X): The character has 5 DR at 90% coverage (my one weakspot!).
:(Session) Cannibaloids: 3 XP (224 total)
:(Session) Lunchtime with a Bishop: 3 XP (227 total)
Solinarch (X): The character is implanted with Archenium circuitry, making them a living Thaumatech device. This trait allows the purchase of Solo Praxis. Solinarchs gain all their Core Aether as ready Ether.
:(Session) Deep Dive: 3 XP (230 total)
:(Session) Back To Emeraldine:  4 XP (234 total)
::Solo Praxis:
:(Session) The Funeral:  4 XP (238 total)
:Thaumatech 2: 1 XP
::Aspex: As a Free Action, commit one Ether to see ether effects.  Ether flows through the world, pooling and eddying around people.  Ether can be seen through solid objects, allowing a measure of "X-Ray" vision against strong Ether sources. This interferes with normal sight, giving a -5 to normal perception checks.  While active the character's eyes will glow with ether light. This effect lasts until cancelled upon which the committed Ether is regained.  This is an Aura effect<br>
:Thaumatech 3: 2 XP
:Thaumatech 4: 3 XP
::Mind Bolt: As a Shoot Action, spend one Ether to target a visible Aura within 50m.  This attack deals 1d3 Mental Stress (Ether damage) and one mental Vibe. The Vibe will last for one long round (15 seconds). Mind Bolt can only be used on any one target once a day.  This is an Aura effect.
:Thaumatech 5: 4 XP
:(Session) Meeting the Cordinals: 4 XP (242 total)
::Mimesis: As a Special Action, spend one Ether to change physical appearance one "step".  This is a minor personal transmutation effect rather than an illusion.  Colour changes are one step.  Complex patterns like tatoos or designs are a second step, while vivid and completely unnatural colours such as glowing runes and rainbow hair are a third.  The transmutation can also be used to grow or shrink body parts, such as hair or fingernails (one step), and increase or decrease mass in parts of the body (two steps) or even lengthen and shorten bones to change height (three steps). It has no effect on the character's physical stats. Any minor changes (one step) made are permanent, however particularly extreme changes will revert after a week (two steps) or a day (three steps).<br>
:Theory 1: 1 XP
:Theory 2: 1 XP
::Chaos Field: As a Free Action, spend one Ether to increase close combat damage for one round, adding the character's Ether Channel skill rating to the damage dealt. This is an Aura effect.
:Theory 3: 2 XP
:Theory 4: 3 XP
::Cynosure: As a Special Action, commit Ether to increase social bonuses.  Every point of Ether committed grants a +1 bonus to social checks, and an additional +1 bonus to Grace checks, up to a maximum of 5 points of Ether or the characters Ether Channel level, whichever is lower. This effect lasts until the comitted Ether is regained.  This is an Aura effect.<br>
:(Session) Loran and Jarid: 3 XP (245 total)
:(Session) Bayou Witch: 6 XP (251 total)
::Dyntron: As a Special Action, spend Ether to increase Natural Stats.  Every point of Ether spent grants a +1 bonus to Physique, Senses or Intellect.  The character can spend as many points at once as their Ether Channel rating. Dyntron can be cast multiple times and the effects stacked.  No stat can be raised over 50% (round down) of its natural value.  This effect lasts for 1 minute after casting.
:(Session) The Downed Ship: 4 XP (255 total)
:(Session) The Tear and the Perithan:  5 XP (260 total)
::Megabolt: As two Shoot Actions, spend five Ether to fire a 1m wide Megabolt beam out to a range of 100m. This attack deals 3d10 Atomic damage to all targets in a line, ignores armour, and reduces the DR of armour it strikes by 1 for every 5 damage inflicted.  Because the attack takes time to coalesce it is obvious to anyone able to see ether, reducing its dodge DC to 20+the shooters Ether Channel Skill.
:Reroll: -1 XP
:(Session) Artemis Blaize: 4 XP (263 total)
::Darkshell: As a Special Action, the character can spend 1 Ether have their Aura deflect either light or Ether around themselves, becoming invisible either to normal sight, or ether sight. If Darkshell is used against Light it also provides 5DR against Laser weapons, and if used against Ether it also provides 5DR against ether attacks.  This effect last for one round, so the character must spend an action each turn to sustain it.  This is an Aura effect.
:Aether 8: 14 XP
:(Session) Recruiting Nina:  3 XP (267 total)
::Gravitron: As a Special Action, the character can merge and replace the gravitational effects of this universe with that of the universe from across the Veil. For every Ether spent the Character can change the gravity on a 10m radius plane by 1g, lasting for 15 seconds.  Additional Ether can be spent to increase the area or effect strength up to the character's Ether Channel skill level, or 5, whichever is lower.  Multiple castings of this effect do not stack directly (so strength cannot be increased over 5gs), however multiple gravity fields can interact with each other.  This is a Veil effect.
:Reroll: -1 XP
:(Session) Observations from the Observatory: 2 XP (267 total)
::Metamorph (Cat): As two Special Actions, the character can commit 5 Ether to turn into another form.  While in this form most of the character's mass is translated to or from the Veil, being obvious to anyone able to view across dimensions. The effect lasts until the committed Ether is regained. This is a Veil effect.  While in this form the character cannot access Solo Praxis that are not Aura or Veil effects.
:Conversation 4: 3 XP
:Conversation 5: 4 XP
:(Session) Is it ok to pick up girls in a zombie-infested airship: 1 XP (268 total)
Negative Traits
:(Session) The Party: 4 XP (272 total)
:(Session) Arrival at Port Halcyon: 3 XP (275 total)
Spacey (X): The character is prone to occasionally freezing and spacing out, perhaps seeing flashbacks or just admiring the scenery. Gain 1 CP per session for spacing out for a round during an important event (such as combat!). Gain one Power point if a space out directly prevents the defeat of a major enemy (it’s traditional to do this in response to the boss’ surprising revelation!).
:(Session) Stringbean Shootout:  5 XP (280 total)
:(Session) Rescue at Castel Dagma4 XP (284 total)
:(Session) Bombs Away:  5 XP (289 total)
:(Session) The Opera House: 3 XP (292 total)
:(Session) Phantom of the Opera: 4 XP (298 total)
:(Session) Hymnos Nike: 5 XP (303 total)
:(Session) The Mansion Pt 13 XP (306 total)
:(Session) The Mansion Pt 2: 2 XP (308 total)

Latest revision as of 20:45, 22 September 2020

Having not a talent to our name, we must rely on the clothing provided by Lily.
Let us begin.
Character Points: 258
Total Available CP: 272


Person: Assume Zadkiel's Legacy - Strongly Support - "I will immanentize my eschaton."
Organization: Restore the Republic - Support - "The Republic is part of Zadkiel's legacy - but the lesser part."
Event: Free Thaumatechnology from the shackles of the Church - Consideration being applied

Pseudonyms: Chrysanth de Caritas

Physique 5 + 1
Senses 5 + 1
Intellect 7 + 1
Spirit 8 + 2
Adrenaline: 6
Focus: 6
Willpower: 8
Core Aether: 14
Stress 16
Health Levels 3


Alertness: 4
Athletics: 3
Concentration: 4
Intuition: 5
Aether Channel [Heroic]: 5
Unarmed: 4
Stealth: 4
Deception: 5
Graces: 4
Languages: 1
Social Circle: 2
Conversation: 5
Thaumatech [Heroic]: 5 + 1
Theory: 4
  • Thaumatech
  • Chosen
  • Secret History
  • Veil
Read Auras: 4


Jibrilite Construct (3 trait points) – Jibrilite Constructs are beings created through the technomagical artifice of the Chosen. Constructs serve a variety of purposes, from vessels for the Chosen, thamatechnically modified inquisitors, to massive military constructs. Constructs gain either: +1 to all four stats; +2 to one stat and +1 to one stat; or +3 to one stat and -1 to one stat. As Jibrilites they get access to the Thaumatech Alpha trait for free. Constructs must also select at least -1 in negative traits, for which they do not receive an additional trait point.

Combat Timer [Aether] (-2 trait points w/ automatic penalty): The character has only a limited amount of time in which they can engage in combat. Each time the character rolls for initiative they must expend one exploit. Which exploit this is (Adrenaline, Focus, Willpower or Core Aether) is chosen when this trait is picked and cannot be changed. If the character cannot spend an exploit of this type they immediately drop out of combat.

Jibrilite Codex (3 trait points +1 surcharge) – Codex heritage Jibrilites are members of the trusted Hiero Houses of the Chosen, and have access to the greatest secrets of the Chosen. Codex Jibrilites gain +1 Aether and +4 Core Aether. They also gain +1 to the Thaumatech skill due to a natural affinity for the magic of the Chosen. Codex is a prerequisite for the highest level Thaumatech traits and abilities. As Jibrilites they get access to the Thaumatech Alpha trait for free.

Solinarch (2 trait points): A Solinarch is a fusion of thaumatech and flesh into an ultimate etheric warrior. Mainly used by the Empyrean Church, Solinarchs are the feared enforcers of the Codex, and the deadly rivals of the Zenith Knights. This trait allows the use of integrated Solo Praxis. Because they are integrated into the Solonarch's body, Solinarch Solo Praxis are used with Aether + Aether Channel rather than Intellect + Thaumatech.

Megabeam -
Phase -
Harmonize -
Graviton -
Shapeshift (cat) -

Mantle of the Chosen (1 trait point): Gain +5 edge in social conflict with Jibrilites who hold a positive or neutral view of the Chosen. Suffer a -5 edge penalty in social conflict with Jibrilites who hold a negative view of the Chosen.

Thaumatech Alpha Access (free): Thaumatech Alpha Access is the basic ability to use and program Thaumatech praxi. It is not required to operate most Thaumatech machines, but can be required to maintain them and can be used to override or control them. This ability is mostly based on genetic encoding and some basic training.

Aspex - Etheric sight
Dyntron - Stat boost
Ether Bolt -
Mind Bolt -
Personal Transmutation - Personal Transmutation allows you to make cosmetic changes in skin, hair, eye color, length, etc. Basically like putting on makeup. In game terms it allows a boost to graces. It can also be used to conduct quick healing, converting Ether to reduce Physical Stress. It's not very efficient at this though, and it can't restore lost health levels or deal with wounds.

Thaumatech Gamma Access (2 trait points): Thaumatech Gamma Access allows advanced praxis programming, including the construction and modification of new spells. It has historically been the province only of the privileged elite of the Jibrilite Dominions. This trait can only be taken by Jibrilites due to the safeties involved in the praxi, however these safeties can be overcome with certain quirks.

Graviton Master (2 trait point): Graviton-based brawl technique

Physical Conditioning (1 trait point): +5 HP

Psyche (1 trait point): Natural telepathic ability, including the ability to switch teletex routers and establish mind to mind connections. This ability still requires the target possess a teletex or logotex, but allows the Psyche to overcome the usual routing restrictions.


Style Quirk. DJ Ether: While all etheric magic evokes certain visual colours, your character's magic also has an aural component that humms through the ley lines and rings off archenium. Bonusses to be determined!
Architectural Wonder: +5 edge to recognizing the works of the Architecht Nina Megus.
Eye of God: +5 edge to using Stratometric Aspex
Ampullae of Lorenzini: +2 edge to detect electrotech emissions


Character Generation: 215
(Session) Wall of Sound: 6 XP (221 total)
Athletics 3: 4 XP
(Session) Cannibaloids: 3 XP (224 total)
(Session) Lunchtime with a Bishop: 3 XP (227 total)
(Session) Deep Dive: 3 XP (230 total)
(Session) Back To Emeraldine: 4 XP (234 total)
(Session) The Funeral: 4 XP (238 total)
Thaumatech 2: 1 XP
Thaumatech 3: 2 XP
Thaumatech 4: 3 XP
Thaumatech 5: 4 XP
(Session) Meeting the Cordinals: 4 XP (242 total)
Theory 1: 1 XP
Theory 2: 1 XP
Theory 3: 2 XP
Theory 4: 3 XP
(Session) Loran and Jarid: 3 XP (245 total)
(Session) Bayou Witch: 6 XP (251 total)
(Session) The Downed Ship: 4 XP (255 total)
(Session) The Tear and the Perithan: 5 XP (260 total)
Reroll: -1 XP
(Session) Artemis Blaize: 4 XP (263 total)
Aether 8: 14 XP
(Session) Recruiting Nina: 3 XP (267 total)
Reroll: -1 XP
(Session) Observations from the Observatory: 2 XP (267 total)
Conversation 4: 3 XP
Conversation 5: 4 XP
(Session) Is it ok to pick up girls in a zombie-infested airship: 1 XP (268 total)
(Session) The Party: 4 XP (272 total)
(Session) Arrival at Port Halcyon: 3 XP (275 total)
(Session) Stringbean Shootout: 5 XP (280 total)
(Session) Rescue at Castel Dagma: 4 XP (284 total)
(Session) Bombs Away: 5 XP (289 total)
(Session) The Opera House: 3 XP (292 total)
(Session) Phantom of the Opera: 4 XP (298 total)
(Session) Hymnos Nike: 5 XP (303 total)
(Session) The Mansion Pt 1: 3 XP (306 total)
(Session) The Mansion Pt 2: 2 XP (308 total)