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New page: The following Pac-Am Arm units have been made available for export == Ground Vehicles and Infantry == == Aerospace Craft and Mecha == == Warships and Support Vessels == {{Jane's}}
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The following Pac-Am Arm units have been made available for export
== Ground Vehicles and Infantry ==
=== J-Spec Nexus System ===
Type: Elite Infantry<br>
Tech: 4<br>
Cost: 25 IP<br>
Upkeep: 4 Supply<br>
+1 Infantry Protection System <br>
+1 Advanced Individual Munitions System <br>
+1 Tactical Awareness System<br>
+1 Adaptive Camouflage System<br>
-1 High Upkeep<br>
Base Purchase price:  30 Wealth<br>
Availability:  Limited<br>
Special: Requires 4 months to train<br>
The Pac-Am Joint Special Warfare Development Group was formed to coordinate special warfare research and training under one command.  Development of a training program for special missions infantry began during the war, and only came into its own near the end of the war.  A Pac-Am special unit successfully defended an airbase against advanced ZOCU transhuman commandos, even managing to take several prisoners.  This operation proved the worth of the program to the government, and the Nexus system has been offered to a number of colony worlds.<br>
The Nexus system views every soldier as a node in a combat network.  In addition to providing for concealment and protection, the Nexus system gives the soldier unparalleled situational awareness, and provides the soldier with a variety of weapon options in a compact package.  All of this capability does increase the supply needs of the unit<br>
=== UH-23 Cherokee II ===
Type: Helicopter Mobilization<br>
Tech: 3<br>
Cost: 80 IP<br>
Upkeep: 10 Supply<br>
DP: 40<br>
+1 Active Countermeasures<br>
+1 Upgrated Engines<br>
Base Purchase price:  80 Wealth<br>
Availability:  Open<br>
Special: Pac-Am states pay 1/2 supply for unmodified Cherokee IIs<br>
The Cherokee helicopter series is one of the most common sights in the Pac-Am arm.  Not only is it the main utility helicopter of the Pac-Am military, it has led to a number of successful civilian variants.  The latest military variant, the Cherokee II, features active anti-missile systems and EW equipment as opposed to heavy armament, and a improved drivetrain.<br>

== Ground Vehicles and Infantry ==
=== M-7B Stuart ===
Type: IFV<br>
Tech: 3<br>
Cost: 32 IP<br>
Upkeep: 4 Supply<br>
+1 All-surface protection<br>
+1 Networked Systems<br>
Base Purchase price:  30 Wealth<br>
Availability:  Limited<br>
The Stuart is designed to handle troop transport and fire support in areas of considerable enemy presence.  This vehicle was specifically built to defeat attacks from all angles, including mines and ambushes.  The latest retrofit added networking capability to link up with soldiers and improve command effectiveness.<br>
=== Athena ===
Type: Artillery Battery<br>
Tech: 4<br>
Cost: 25 IP<br>
Upkeep: 3 Supply<br>
+1 Tactical Laser System <br>
+1 Target Acquisition Sensors<br>
+1 Missile Defense Capable<br>
Base Purchase price:  25 Wealth<br>
Availability:  Exclusive<br>
The Athena System was based on an adjustable frequency free electron laser linked to a set of reflection shields.  This gives superior targeting performance, especially in conjunction with the advanced sensors the Athena mounts.  In the First Space War, Athena systems burned through armored mobile suits in vital areas, and even showed proficiency at destroying hostile cruise missiles.<br>
===Type 61 Omnitanks===
Type: Tank Battalion<br>
Tech: 3<br>
Cost: 100 IP<br>
Upkeep: <br>
+1 Dual 150mm Railcannons<br>
+1 Extended Range<br>
+1 Composite Armor<br>
Base Purchase price:  85 Wealth<br>
Availability:  Open<br>
In the 2160s, military spacelift was at a premium due to the lingering effects of the Breakdown.  With many colony worlds ill-equipped with anything heavier than armored cars and light towed artillery, the CPTO submitted a tender for new armored vehicles.  The most unorthodox of these was the Y61, a fairly conventional tank chassis fitted with a most unconventional twin turret.  The soft-recoil railcannons were designed to double as artillery; an unusual decision in context of standard military design but with the primary limitation being spacelift, the Y61 was (controversially) accepted into colonial service under the name Type 61.  The twin-cannoned vehicle proved unexpectedly popular on colonial stations, though detractors claimed this was primarily because ''any'' AFV was better than nothing.

== Aerospace Craft and Mecha ==
== Aerospace Craft and Mecha ==
=== F-87 ''Hellcat'' Fighter Family ===
=====Block 11 F-87 ''Hellcat''=====
Type: Fighter Flight<br>
Tech: 4<br>
Cost: 32 IP<br>
Upkeep: 4 Supply, 8 He3<br>
DP: 4<br>
+1 Agility<br>
+1 Fusion Microthrusters<br>
Base Purchase price:  34 Wealth<br>
Availability:  Open<br>
A long-awaited replacement for the aged F-76 Mustang III, the F-87 Hellcat was introduced in the years immediately preceeding the ZOCU war after a particularly protracted development cycle. The rapid slide into war saw a massive increase in Hellcat production as the USASF fell back and then held against ZOCU Hoplites, pitting speed and agility against firepower and armor. Its frame progressively updated both during and after the war, the Hellcat remains an effective, modern design that has only now hit its stride.<br>
=====Block 14 F-87 ''Hellcat'' =====
Type: Fighter Flight<br>
Tech: 4<br>
Cost: 48 IP<br>
Upkeep: 4 Supply, 8 He3<br>
DP: 4<br>
+1 Shields<br>
+1 Agility<br>
+1 Fusion Microthrusters<br>
+1 Subsentient AI<br>
Base Purchase price:  51 Wealth<br>
Availability:  Exclusive<br>
=====Block 19 F-87 ''Hellcat''=====
Type: Strike Fighter Flight<br>
Tech: 4<br>
Cost: 48 IP<br>
Upkeep: 4 Supply, 8 He3<br>
DP: 4<br>
+1 Shields<br>
+1 ECM<br>
+1 Agility<br>
+1 Fusion Microthrusters<br>
Base Purchase price:  51 Wealth<br>
Availability:  Exclusive<br>
=== A-41 ''Vigilante-II'' Strike Fighter ===
Type: Strike Fighter<br>
Tech: 3<br>
Cost: 40 IP<br>
Upkeep: 4 Supply, 8 He3<br>
DP: 4<br>
+1 Smart Missiles<br>
+1 Composite Armor<br>
+1 Agility<br>
Base Purchase price:  34 Wealth<br>
Availability:  Open<br>
Most of the USASF fields extremely advanced, sleek designs-but the A-41 could have come from the Rim. Robust, heavily armored, agile, and incredibly heavily armed, the A-41 is slow, ugly, and much-derided by friend and foe alike. On the other hand, it proved its worth against Khemetian armor, Asakuran warships, and pretty much any target you can name. They even have a handful of mobile suit kills to their name, as although slow and plodding, their heavy weaponry and agility can allow a skilled or lucky pilot to pull a win in a dogfight. At the end of the First Space War, the motions to shelve or retire the A-41 all died on the vine, due to its performance under fire.<br>
=== R/AV-25 ''Hopi'' Gunship ===
Type: Gunship<br>
Tech: 4<br>
Cost: 30 IP, 5 Metamaterials, 5 Condensates<br>
Upkeep: 4 Supply, 2 He3<br>
DP: 4<br>
+1 Metamaterial Electronic Conceal System<br>
+1 Smart Missiles<br>
+1 Sensors<br>
+1 Low-Observability Condensate Drive<br>
Base Purchase price:  50 Wealth<br>
Availability:  Exclusive<br>
The R/AV-25 is one of the most dangerous gunships in the Sphere, cloaked in ECS, armed with no less than 10 anti-armor smart missiles and a 20mm railgun, and powered by a condensate-enhanced drive system. Unlike the AV-89E or the Mi-99, the R/AV is not designed for engaging where ground fire is the thickest. Rather, it is intended to hit and fade, and it did this very well.<br>
Although only publicly acknowledged in 2189, and denied to ever have seen service in the First Space War, there is circumstantial evidence that the 'Hopi' may have been used in strikes against Khemetian military bases in the closing days of the war.<br>
=== F-84 ''Phantom'' Superiority Fighter ===
[[Image:Phantom.jpg|thumb|F-84 in demonstration colors]]
Type: Super Fighter<br>
Tech: 4<br>
Cost: 84 IP, 12 Condensates<br>
Upkeep: 4 Supply, 10 He3<br>
DP: 2<br>
+1 High Agility Missiles<br>
+1 Reactionless Control System<br>
+1 Fusion Microthrusters<br>
+1 Stealth<br>
+1 Subsentient AI<br>
Base Purchase price:  120 Wealth<br>
Availability:  Exclusive<br>
In the early 80s, rumors of 'super-fighters' began to emerge from several ZOCU worlds. By the time these had been confirmed to actually be prototype combat-use mobile suits a number of Pacific states had already instituted a program to construct a true superfighter. Shrouded in secrecy and financed by a massive black budget, what eventually emerged as the F-84 Phantom blew all competition away - at a phenomenal price point. All the massive resources invested in developing and building the first Phantoms paid off however when ZOCU sent its Orbital Frames into battle, as only these craft could hope to engage them at rough parity.<br>
It was only in 2190 that the United States officially unveiled these fighters and even today their full performance specifications remain highly classified.<br>
=== B-8 ''Revenant'' Stealth Bomber ===
Type: Bomber<br>
Tech: 4<br>
Cost: 32 IP<br>
Upkeep: 8 Supply, 16 He3<br>
DP: 8<br>
+2 Electronic Conceal System<br>
+1 Extended-Range Cruise Missiles<br>
+1 Heavy Payload<br>
-1 High Upkeep<br>
-1 Defensive Armament<br>
Base Purchase price:  40 Wealth<br>
Availability:  Exclusive<br>
The B-8 was the first test of the ECS system found in the R/AV-25 and several other Pac-Am designs. Armed with standoff cruise missiles and nearly invisible over most of the visual spectrum, the B-8 was instrumental in many naval engagements in the Pac-Am arm during the first space war. Crew of 'Revenants' found that although easily destroyed when discovered due to their lack of defensive armament (necessitated by the low-observability design), their ECS and long range weaponry meant that they could minimize risk. <br>
Unfortunately, crew chiefs found that the ECS system was extremely finicky and was prone to catastrophic failure if pushed too long, necessitating replacement of critical components after every sortie.<br>

== Warships and Support Vessels ==
== Warships and Support Vessels ==

=== ''Hanoi'' Fast Attack Ship ===
Type: Frigate<br>
Tech: 3<br>
Cost: 40 IP, 8 Delta Dust<br>
Upkeep:  4 Supply, 8 He3<br>
+1 Missiles<br>
+1 Armor<br>
+1 Rocket Drive<br>
+0 Delta-Dust Jumpdrive<br>
Base Purchase price:  42 Wealth<br>
Availability:  Open<br>
Refit Difficulty:  1 (Pac-Am)<br>
While the big American and Japanese shipyards of Newport Luna, General Dynamics and Mitsubishi build many of the large warships seen across the Pac-Am arm, dozens of national yards construct the vast majority of the warships that do the real work - the frigates and destroyers that patrol the spacelanes.  One of these success stories is the ''Hanoi'' attack ship, a Vietnamese-designed craft originally designed for local patrols.  Relatively cheap and effective, they had unexpected success and by the ZOCU war were a common sight in the Expanse.  While not specifically designed for atmospheric combat, they were often based out of surface ports, clawing for space when attackers were detected.
=== ''Melbourne'' Light Carrier ===
Type: Light Carrier<br>
Tech: 3<br>
Cost: 160 IP, 40 Delta Dust<br>
Upkeep:  4 Supply, 8 He3<br>
+1 Fast Launch<br>
+1 Armor<br>
+1 Forcefield Drive<br>
+0 Delta-Dust Jumpdrive<br>
Base Purchase price:  200 Wealth<br>
Availability:  Limited<br>
Refit Difficulty:  2 (Pac-Am)<br>
=== ''Truxton'' Destroyer ===
Type: Destroyer<br>
Tech: 4<br>
Cost: 96 IP, 16 Delta Dust<br>
Upkeep:  4 Supply, 8 He3<br>
+1 Particle Beam Cannons<br>
+1 AA Tracking<br>
+1 Pin-Point Barriers<br>
+1 Armor<br>
+0 Rocket Drive<br>
+0 Delta-Dust Jumpdrive<br>
Base Purchase price:  140 Wealth<br>
Availability:  Limited<br>
Refit Difficulty:  1 (Pac-Am)<br>
=== ''Antietam'' Heavy Cruiser ===
Type: Cruiser<br>
Tech: 4<br>
Cost: 240 IP, 40 Delta Dust<br>
Upkeep:  10 Supply, 20 He3<br>
DP: 2<br>
+1 Particle Beam Cannons<br>
+1 Pin-Point Barriers<br>
+2 Armor<br>
+0 Rocket Drive<br>
+0 Delta-Dust Jumpdrive<br>
Base Purchase price:  350 Wealth<br>
Availability:  Limited<br>
Refit Difficulty:  1 (Pac-Am)<br>
=== ''Inchon'' Landing Platform Dock ===
Type: Light Carrier<br>
Tech: 4<br>
Cost: 240 IP, 40 Delta Dust<br>
Upkeep: 10 Supply, 30 He3<br>
DP: 40<br>
Cargo: 20,000<br>
+1 Armor<br>
+1 Pin-Point Barriers<br>
+1 Cargo Capacity<br>
+1 Aerospace Capable<br>
+0 Fusion Drive<br>
+0 Delta Dust Jumpdrive<br>
Base Purchase price:  350 Wealth<br>
Availability:  Limited<br>
Refit Difficulty:  1 (Pac-Am)<br>
The Inchon-class LPD is the slated replacement for the aging Normandy-class LPD that was used in the First Space War by the USMC to great effect. Very similar in many ways, the Inchon combines the ability to a combination of up to 40 fighters, strike fighters, and gunships with the ability to deploy an entire marine battalion along with armor and artillery support. Comparable to the Sofia in many ways, the Inchon-class is fast and heavily armored, albeit poorly armed.<br>
=== Modernized ''MacArthur'' Class Battleship ===
Type: Battleship<br>
Tech Level: 3<br>
Cost: 300 IP, 100 Delta Dust<br>
Upkeep: 50 Supply, 80 He3<br>
DP: 5<br>
+1 Armor<br>
+1 Microparticle Cannons<br>
-1 High Maint<br>
+0 Gravity-Resist Drive<br>
+0 Delta Dust Jumpdrive<br>
Base Purchase price:  400 Wealth<br>
Availability:  Limited<br>
Refit Difficulty:  1<br>
Entire fleets of MacArthur Class Battleships were built by Earth and Terranova's shipyards over the course of several decades, and many of these old ships and even foreign built copies persists in the service of distant and scarcely known Rim Worlds. While the original configuration MacArthur remains a serviceable warship in those distant places, they were considered to be throughly obsolete by the standards of the Core Colonies and the Expanse even before outbreak of the First Space War. However, the Big-Gun Lobby in the US Congress demanded that the USASF maintain orbital bombardment and assault capability, ie, keep a number of battleships operational.  Unfortuantely, the MacArthurs were aging at a rapid pace.<br>
The final answer to the question of extending the service life of the MacArthur class came from General Dynamics, which through several of its shipyards began to offer a complete modernization package for the old warships. The rebuilt warships feature a much more stable grav drive system that replaces their older plasma drive, as well as a main battery of modern microparticle cannons in the place of their original dated railguns and a whole host of other minor improvements. While the rebuilt ships go through an increased amount of parts to remain functional, they are once again the frontline warships they were when they were originally built.<br>
=== ''Kaga'' Battlecarrier ===
Type: Battleship<br>
Tech: 3 Hangarized<br>
Cost: 400 IP, 100 Delta Dust<br>
Upkeep:  25 Supply, 80 He3<br>
DP: 40<br>
+1 Armor<br>
+1 Super Hangar<br>
+0 Rocket Drive<br>
+0 Delta-Dust Jumpdrive<br>
Base Purchase price:  500 Wealth<br>
Availability:  Limited<br>
Refit Difficulty:  2 (Pac-Am)<br>
==='''Vespuchi''' Logistics Ship===
Type: Freighter<br>
Tech Level: 3<br>
Cost: 20 IP, 4 Delta Dust<br>
Upkeep: 1 Supply, 5 He3<br>
Transit Speed: 2 TW<br>
Cargo Space: 30,000 CP<br>
Latch Points: 2<br>
+2 Latch Points<br>
+1 Armor<br>
+0 Civilian Delta-Dust Jumpdrive<br>
+0 Gravity Drive<br>
Base Purchase price: 21 Wealth<br>
Availability: Open<br>
A common sight across the Core, the Vespuchi was originally developed to be the EU's new transport ship for the 2170s. Equipped with a robust double hull it was significantly more resilient than the Eta-series transports that the EU has used up to them. Its most notable design feature though was the fixture of a pair of latch points on the outer hull, allowing it to carry a significant internal cargo as well as HLVs or deeps-space containers. Having filled an unglamorous but necessary role in the EU fleet, the first space war saw them mass produced in seemingly endless streams by Chinese shipyards and distributed to replace the heavy wartime losses suffered by all the Core powers. As a result, the Vespuchi has all but totally replaced other logistics vessels in the Core militaries and become quite common in the Expanse.<br>

Latest revision as of 13:49, 20 November 2008

Ground Vehicles and Infantry

J-Spec Nexus System

Type: Elite Infantry
Tech: 4
Cost: 25 IP
Upkeep: 4 Supply
+1 Infantry Protection System
+1 Advanced Individual Munitions System
+1 Tactical Awareness System
+1 Adaptive Camouflage System
-1 High Upkeep
Base Purchase price: 30 Wealth
Availability: Limited
Special: Requires 4 months to train
The Pac-Am Joint Special Warfare Development Group was formed to coordinate special warfare research and training under one command. Development of a training program for special missions infantry began during the war, and only came into its own near the end of the war. A Pac-Am special unit successfully defended an airbase against advanced ZOCU transhuman commandos, even managing to take several prisoners. This operation proved the worth of the program to the government, and the Nexus system has been offered to a number of colony worlds.
The Nexus system views every soldier as a node in a combat network. In addition to providing for concealment and protection, the Nexus system gives the soldier unparalleled situational awareness, and provides the soldier with a variety of weapon options in a compact package. All of this capability does increase the supply needs of the unit

UH-23 Cherokee II

Type: Helicopter Mobilization
Tech: 3
Cost: 80 IP
Upkeep: 10 Supply
DP: 40
+1 Active Countermeasures
+1 Upgrated Engines
Base Purchase price: 80 Wealth
Availability: Open
Special: Pac-Am states pay 1/2 supply for unmodified Cherokee IIs
The Cherokee helicopter series is one of the most common sights in the Pac-Am arm. Not only is it the main utility helicopter of the Pac-Am military, it has led to a number of successful civilian variants. The latest military variant, the Cherokee II, features active anti-missile systems and EW equipment as opposed to heavy armament, and a improved drivetrain.

M-7B Stuart

Type: IFV
Tech: 3
Cost: 32 IP
Upkeep: 4 Supply
+1 All-surface protection
+1 Networked Systems
Base Purchase price: 30 Wealth
Availability: Limited
The Stuart is designed to handle troop transport and fire support in areas of considerable enemy presence. This vehicle was specifically built to defeat attacks from all angles, including mines and ambushes. The latest retrofit added networking capability to link up with soldiers and improve command effectiveness.


Type: Artillery Battery
Tech: 4
Cost: 25 IP
Upkeep: 3 Supply
+1 Tactical Laser System
+1 Target Acquisition Sensors
+1 Missile Defense Capable
Base Purchase price: 25 Wealth
Availability: Exclusive
The Athena System was based on an adjustable frequency free electron laser linked to a set of reflection shields. This gives superior targeting performance, especially in conjunction with the advanced sensors the Athena mounts. In the First Space War, Athena systems burned through armored mobile suits in vital areas, and even showed proficiency at destroying hostile cruise missiles.

Type 61 Omnitanks

Type: Tank Battalion
Tech: 3
Cost: 100 IP
+1 Dual 150mm Railcannons
+1 Extended Range
+1 Composite Armor
Base Purchase price: 85 Wealth
Availability: Open
In the 2160s, military spacelift was at a premium due to the lingering effects of the Breakdown. With many colony worlds ill-equipped with anything heavier than armored cars and light towed artillery, the CPTO submitted a tender for new armored vehicles. The most unorthodox of these was the Y61, a fairly conventional tank chassis fitted with a most unconventional twin turret. The soft-recoil railcannons were designed to double as artillery; an unusual decision in context of standard military design but with the primary limitation being spacelift, the Y61 was (controversially) accepted into colonial service under the name Type 61. The twin-cannoned vehicle proved unexpectedly popular on colonial stations, though detractors claimed this was primarily because any AFV was better than nothing.

Aerospace Craft and Mecha

F-87 Hellcat Fighter Family

Block 11 F-87 Hellcat

Type: Fighter Flight
Tech: 4
Cost: 32 IP
Upkeep: 4 Supply, 8 He3
DP: 4
+1 Agility
+1 Fusion Microthrusters
Base Purchase price: 34 Wealth
Availability: Open
A long-awaited replacement for the aged F-76 Mustang III, the F-87 Hellcat was introduced in the years immediately preceeding the ZOCU war after a particularly protracted development cycle. The rapid slide into war saw a massive increase in Hellcat production as the USASF fell back and then held against ZOCU Hoplites, pitting speed and agility against firepower and armor. Its frame progressively updated both during and after the war, the Hellcat remains an effective, modern design that has only now hit its stride.

Block 14 F-87 Hellcat

Type: Fighter Flight
Tech: 4
Cost: 48 IP
Upkeep: 4 Supply, 8 He3
DP: 4
+1 Shields
+1 Agility
+1 Fusion Microthrusters
+1 Subsentient AI
Base Purchase price: 51 Wealth
Availability: Exclusive

Block 19 F-87 Hellcat

Type: Strike Fighter Flight
Tech: 4
Cost: 48 IP
Upkeep: 4 Supply, 8 He3
DP: 4
+1 Shields
+1 ECM
+1 Agility
+1 Fusion Microthrusters
Base Purchase price: 51 Wealth
Availability: Exclusive

A-41 Vigilante-II Strike Fighter

Type: Strike Fighter
Tech: 3
Cost: 40 IP
Upkeep: 4 Supply, 8 He3
DP: 4
+1 Smart Missiles
+1 Composite Armor
+1 Agility
Base Purchase price: 34 Wealth
Availability: Open
Most of the USASF fields extremely advanced, sleek designs-but the A-41 could have come from the Rim. Robust, heavily armored, agile, and incredibly heavily armed, the A-41 is slow, ugly, and much-derided by friend and foe alike. On the other hand, it proved its worth against Khemetian armor, Asakuran warships, and pretty much any target you can name. They even have a handful of mobile suit kills to their name, as although slow and plodding, their heavy weaponry and agility can allow a skilled or lucky pilot to pull a win in a dogfight. At the end of the First Space War, the motions to shelve or retire the A-41 all died on the vine, due to its performance under fire.

R/AV-25 Hopi Gunship

Type: Gunship
Tech: 4
Cost: 30 IP, 5 Metamaterials, 5 Condensates
Upkeep: 4 Supply, 2 He3
DP: 4
+1 Metamaterial Electronic Conceal System
+1 Smart Missiles
+1 Sensors
+1 Low-Observability Condensate Drive
Base Purchase price: 50 Wealth
Availability: Exclusive
The R/AV-25 is one of the most dangerous gunships in the Sphere, cloaked in ECS, armed with no less than 10 anti-armor smart missiles and a 20mm railgun, and powered by a condensate-enhanced drive system. Unlike the AV-89E or the Mi-99, the R/AV is not designed for engaging where ground fire is the thickest. Rather, it is intended to hit and fade, and it did this very well.
Although only publicly acknowledged in 2189, and denied to ever have seen service in the First Space War, there is circumstantial evidence that the 'Hopi' may have been used in strikes against Khemetian military bases in the closing days of the war.

F-84 Phantom Superiority Fighter

Error creating thumbnail: File missing
F-84 in demonstration colors

Type: Super Fighter
Tech: 4
Cost: 84 IP, 12 Condensates
Upkeep: 4 Supply, 10 He3
DP: 2
+1 High Agility Missiles
+1 Reactionless Control System
+1 Fusion Microthrusters
+1 Stealth
+1 Subsentient AI
Base Purchase price: 120 Wealth
Availability: Exclusive
In the early 80s, rumors of 'super-fighters' began to emerge from several ZOCU worlds. By the time these had been confirmed to actually be prototype combat-use mobile suits a number of Pacific states had already instituted a program to construct a true superfighter. Shrouded in secrecy and financed by a massive black budget, what eventually emerged as the F-84 Phantom blew all competition away - at a phenomenal price point. All the massive resources invested in developing and building the first Phantoms paid off however when ZOCU sent its Orbital Frames into battle, as only these craft could hope to engage them at rough parity.

It was only in 2190 that the United States officially unveiled these fighters and even today their full performance specifications remain highly classified.

B-8 Revenant Stealth Bomber

Type: Bomber
Tech: 4
Cost: 32 IP
Upkeep: 8 Supply, 16 He3
DP: 8
+2 Electronic Conceal System
+1 Extended-Range Cruise Missiles
+1 Heavy Payload
-1 High Upkeep
-1 Defensive Armament
Base Purchase price: 40 Wealth
Availability: Exclusive
The B-8 was the first test of the ECS system found in the R/AV-25 and several other Pac-Am designs. Armed with standoff cruise missiles and nearly invisible over most of the visual spectrum, the B-8 was instrumental in many naval engagements in the Pac-Am arm during the first space war. Crew of 'Revenants' found that although easily destroyed when discovered due to their lack of defensive armament (necessitated by the low-observability design), their ECS and long range weaponry meant that they could minimize risk.

Unfortunately, crew chiefs found that the ECS system was extremely finicky and was prone to catastrophic failure if pushed too long, necessitating replacement of critical components after every sortie.

Warships and Support Vessels

Hanoi Fast Attack Ship

Type: Frigate
Tech: 3
Cost: 40 IP, 8 Delta Dust
Upkeep: 4 Supply, 8 He3
+1 Missiles
+1 Armor
+1 Rocket Drive
+0 Delta-Dust Jumpdrive
Base Purchase price: 42 Wealth
Availability: Open
Refit Difficulty: 1 (Pac-Am)
While the big American and Japanese shipyards of Newport Luna, General Dynamics and Mitsubishi build many of the large warships seen across the Pac-Am arm, dozens of national yards construct the vast majority of the warships that do the real work - the frigates and destroyers that patrol the spacelanes. One of these success stories is the Hanoi attack ship, a Vietnamese-designed craft originally designed for local patrols. Relatively cheap and effective, they had unexpected success and by the ZOCU war were a common sight in the Expanse. While not specifically designed for atmospheric combat, they were often based out of surface ports, clawing for space when attackers were detected.

Melbourne Light Carrier

Type: Light Carrier
Tech: 3
Cost: 160 IP, 40 Delta Dust
Upkeep: 4 Supply, 8 He3
+1 Fast Launch
+1 Armor
+1 Forcefield Drive
+0 Delta-Dust Jumpdrive
Base Purchase price: 200 Wealth
Availability: Limited
Refit Difficulty: 2 (Pac-Am)

Truxton Destroyer

Type: Destroyer
Tech: 4
Cost: 96 IP, 16 Delta Dust
Upkeep: 4 Supply, 8 He3
+1 Particle Beam Cannons
+1 AA Tracking
+1 Pin-Point Barriers
+1 Armor
+0 Rocket Drive
+0 Delta-Dust Jumpdrive
Base Purchase price: 140 Wealth
Availability: Limited
Refit Difficulty: 1 (Pac-Am)

Antietam Heavy Cruiser

Type: Cruiser
Tech: 4
Cost: 240 IP, 40 Delta Dust
Upkeep: 10 Supply, 20 He3
DP: 2
+1 Particle Beam Cannons
+1 Pin-Point Barriers
+2 Armor
+0 Rocket Drive
+0 Delta-Dust Jumpdrive
Base Purchase price: 350 Wealth
Availability: Limited
Refit Difficulty: 1 (Pac-Am)

Inchon Landing Platform Dock

Type: Light Carrier
Tech: 4
Cost: 240 IP, 40 Delta Dust
Upkeep: 10 Supply, 30 He3
DP: 40
Cargo: 20,000
+1 Armor
+1 Pin-Point Barriers
+1 Cargo Capacity
+1 Aerospace Capable
+0 Fusion Drive
+0 Delta Dust Jumpdrive
Base Purchase price: 350 Wealth
Availability: Limited
Refit Difficulty: 1 (Pac-Am)
The Inchon-class LPD is the slated replacement for the aging Normandy-class LPD that was used in the First Space War by the USMC to great effect. Very similar in many ways, the Inchon combines the ability to a combination of up to 40 fighters, strike fighters, and gunships with the ability to deploy an entire marine battalion along with armor and artillery support. Comparable to the Sofia in many ways, the Inchon-class is fast and heavily armored, albeit poorly armed.

Modernized MacArthur Class Battleship

Type: Battleship
Tech Level: 3
Cost: 300 IP, 100 Delta Dust
Upkeep: 50 Supply, 80 He3
DP: 5
+1 Armor
+1 Microparticle Cannons
-1 High Maint
+0 Gravity-Resist Drive
+0 Delta Dust Jumpdrive
Base Purchase price: 400 Wealth
Availability: Limited
Refit Difficulty: 1
Entire fleets of MacArthur Class Battleships were built by Earth and Terranova's shipyards over the course of several decades, and many of these old ships and even foreign built copies persists in the service of distant and scarcely known Rim Worlds. While the original configuration MacArthur remains a serviceable warship in those distant places, they were considered to be throughly obsolete by the standards of the Core Colonies and the Expanse even before outbreak of the First Space War. However, the Big-Gun Lobby in the US Congress demanded that the USASF maintain orbital bombardment and assault capability, ie, keep a number of battleships operational. Unfortuantely, the MacArthurs were aging at a rapid pace.

The final answer to the question of extending the service life of the MacArthur class came from General Dynamics, which through several of its shipyards began to offer a complete modernization package for the old warships. The rebuilt warships feature a much more stable grav drive system that replaces their older plasma drive, as well as a main battery of modern microparticle cannons in the place of their original dated railguns and a whole host of other minor improvements. While the rebuilt ships go through an increased amount of parts to remain functional, they are once again the frontline warships they were when they were originally built.

Kaga Battlecarrier

Type: Battleship
Tech: 3 Hangarized
Cost: 400 IP, 100 Delta Dust
Upkeep: 25 Supply, 80 He3
DP: 40
+1 Armor
+1 Super Hangar
+0 Rocket Drive
+0 Delta-Dust Jumpdrive
Base Purchase price: 500 Wealth
Availability: Limited
Refit Difficulty: 2 (Pac-Am)

Vespuchi Logistics Ship

Type: Freighter
Tech Level: 3
Cost: 20 IP, 4 Delta Dust
Upkeep: 1 Supply, 5 He3
Transit Speed: 2 TW
Cargo Space: 30,000 CP
Latch Points: 2
+2 Latch Points
+1 Armor
+0 Civilian Delta-Dust Jumpdrive
+0 Gravity Drive
Base Purchase price: 21 Wealth
Availability: Open
A common sight across the Core, the Vespuchi was originally developed to be the EU's new transport ship for the 2170s. Equipped with a robust double hull it was significantly more resilient than the Eta-series transports that the EU has used up to them. Its most notable design feature though was the fixture of a pair of latch points on the outer hull, allowing it to carry a significant internal cargo as well as HLVs or deeps-space containers. Having filled an unglamorous but necessary role in the EU fleet, the first space war saw them mass produced in seemingly endless streams by Chinese shipyards and distributed to replace the heavy wartime losses suffered by all the Core powers. As a result, the Vespuchi has all but totally replaced other logistics vessels in the Core militaries and become quite common in the Expanse.

Jane's Weapons of the CPTO (Cooperative Pacific Treaty Organization)
Jane's Weapons of the EU
Jane's Weapons of the Sino-Russian Arm
Jane's Weapons of ZOCU
Jane's Weapons of the Expanse
Jane's Weapons of the Rim
Jane's Civilian Equipment